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- All HBS Web
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- Article
Seeker Beware: The Interpersonal Costs of Ignoring Advice
Prior advice research has focused on why people rely on (or ignore) advice and its impact on judgment accuracy. We expand the consideration of advice-seeking outcomes by investigating the interpersonal consequences of advice seekers’ decisions. Across nine studies, we... View Details
Keywords: Advice; Advice Seeking; Expertise; Impression Management; Wisdom Of Crowds; Interpersonal Communication; Relationships; Behavior; Experience and Expertise; Perception; Judgments; Outcome or Result
Blunden, Hayley, Jennifer M. Logg, Alison Wood Brooks, Leslie John, and Francesca Gino. "Seeker Beware: The Interpersonal Costs of Ignoring Advice." Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 150 (January 2019): 83–100.
- 01 Jun 2017
- News
research fellow at Professor Clay Christensen’s Forum for Growth and Innovation, thinks that the smaller, scrappier Chinese automakers may turn out to be the true disruptive innovators of the global EV market. View Details
- 08 Mar 2017
- Blog Post
Education Sector Opportunities at HBS
there). However, there’s a lively and robust education sector community within Harvard Business School and you can learn a valuable set of skills and perspectives to take into the education field. For example, what do Boston Public... View Details
- 2020
- Chapter
Emotions and Emotion Regulation
By: Svenja A. Wolf, Amit Goldenberg and Mickaël Campo
This is the first textbook to explore and explain the contribution of social groups and social identity to all aspects of sports and exercise—from leadership, motivation and communication to mental health, teamwork, and fan behaviour.
In the context of increasing... View Details
Wolf, Svenja A., Amit Goldenberg, and Mickaël Campo. "Emotions and Emotion Regulation." In The New Psychology of Sport & Exercise: The Social Identity Approach, edited by S. Alexander Haslam, Katrien Fransen, and Filip Boen, 147–164. London: SAGE Publications, 2020.
- 29 May 2018
- First Look
New Research and Ideas, May 29, 2018
policies, non-CEO executives’ behavior, and tail risk vary with CEO materialism. We document that the proportion of banks run by materialistic CEOs increased significantly from 1994 to 2004, that the strength of risk management functions... View Details
Keywords: Dina Gerdeman
- Article
The Pitfalls of Pricing Algorithms: Be Mindful of How They Can Hurt Your Brand
By: Marco Bertini and Oded Koenigsberg
More and more companies are relying on pricing algorithms to maximize profits. The use of artificial intelligence and machine learning enables real-time price adjustments based on supply and demand, competitors’ activities, delivery schedules, and so forth. But... View Details
Keywords: Algorithmic Pricing; Dynamic Pricing; Price; Change; Information Technology; Brands and Branding; Perception; Consumer Behavior
Bertini, Marco, and Oded Koenigsberg. "The Pitfalls of Pricing Algorithms: Be Mindful of How They Can Hurt Your Brand." Harvard Business Review 99, no. 5 (September–October 2021): 74–83.
- 2017
- Working Paper
Self-Employment Dynamics and the Returns to Entrepreneurship
By: Eleanor W. Dillon and Christopher T. Stanton
Small business owners and others in self-employment have the option to transition to paid work. If there is initial uncertainty about entrepreneurial earnings, this option increases the expected lifetime value of self-employment relative to pay in a single year. This... View Details
Keywords: Self-employed; Small Business; Business Earnings; Entrepreneurship; Ownership; Compensation and Benefits
Dillon, Eleanor W., and Christopher T. Stanton. "Self-Employment Dynamics and the Returns to Entrepreneurship." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 17-022, September 2016. (Revised March 2018.)
- 2019
- Article
Creativity from Paradoxical Experience: A Theory of How Individuals Achieve Creativity while Adopting Paradoxical Frames
By: Goran Calic, Sébastien Hélie, Nick Bontis and Elaine Mosakowski
Extant paradox theory suggests that adopting paradoxical frames, which are mental templates adopted by individuals in order to embrace contradictions, will result in superior firm performance. Superior performance is achieved through learning and creativity,... View Details
Calic, Goran, Sébastien Hélie, Nick Bontis, and Elaine Mosakowski. "Creativity from Paradoxical Experience: A Theory of How Individuals Achieve Creativity while Adopting Paradoxical Frames." Journal of Knowledge Management 23, no. 3 (2019): 397–418.
- Article
The Best of Both Worlds: Integrating Conscious and Unconscious Thought Best Solves Complex Decisions
Two studies address the debate over whether conscious or unconscious mental processes best handle complex decisions. According to Unconscious Thought Theory (Dijksterhuis & Nordgren, 2006), both modes of thinking have particular advantages: conscious thought can follow... View Details
Keywords: Forecasting and Prediction; Values and Beliefs; Information; Knowledge Management; Management Skills; Management Style; Measurement and Metrics; Success; Research; Cognition and Thinking; Personal Characteristics; Perception
Nordgren, Loran F., Maarten W. Bos, and Ap Dijksterhuis. "The Best of Both Worlds: Integrating Conscious and Unconscious Thought Best Solves Complex Decisions." Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 47, no. 2 (March 2011): 509–511.
- September 2007 (Revised October 2007)
- Supplement
Children's Hospital and Clinics (B)
By: Amy C. Edmondson, Ingrid M. Nembhard and Kate Roloff
Explores the numerous initiatives Children's Hospital and Clinics has undertaken to improve patient safety since the late 1990s--from the perspective of 2007. The case thus updates the A case by revisiting the hospital to find out what happened as a result of the... View Details
Keywords: Safety; Change Management; Organizational Culture; Organizational Structure; Legal Liability; Leadership; Management Teams; Health Industry
Edmondson, Amy C., Ingrid M. Nembhard, and Kate Roloff. "Children's Hospital and Clinics (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 608-073, September 2007. (Revised October 2007.)
- 04 Sep 2019
- News
Deep Dive
The Pressure Drop anchored above the Mariana Trench in May. (photo by Tamara Stubbs) A potentially new species of sea squirt discovered in the Indian Ocean’s Java Trench in April (courtesy Five Deeps Expedition) Victor Vescovo has always... View Details
- 2017
- Chapter
Upgrading Regional Competitiveness: What Role for Regional Governments?
By: Christian H.M. Ketels
The literature on the competitiveness of locations has traditionally focused on countries. Over the last decade, however, subnational regions have gained increasing attention both as a level of analysis and as a level for policy making. This chapter aims to explore... View Details
Keywords: Competitiveness; Regions; Economic Policy; Competition; Geographic Scope; Governance; Economy; Policy
Ketels, Christian H.M. "Upgrading Regional Competitiveness: What Role for Regional Governments?" Chap. 22 in Handbook of Regions and Competitiveness: Contemporary Theories and Perspectives on Economic Development, edited by Robert Huggins and Piers Thompson, 501–517. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2017.
- 01 Sep 2018
- News
After the Fall
beliefs,” Greenwood says, chalking it up to an abundance of optimism. Before the crisis, for instance, the “Armageddon scenario” for housing price growth in 2006 was a 5 percent drop. During the lowest point of the crisis, housing prices fell View Details
- October 2017 (Revised April 2019)
- Case
Eastern Bank: Innovating Through Eastern Labs
By: Karen Mills, Dennis Campbell and Aaron Mukerjee
Eastern Bank is a 200-year-old New England mutual bank with a community focus. Eastern specializes in small business lending, having made strategic investments to become the top SBA lender in New England in the midst of the Great Recession, when other banks were... View Details
Mills, Karen, Dennis Campbell, and Aaron Mukerjee. "Eastern Bank: Innovating Through Eastern Labs." Harvard Business School Case 318-068, October 2017. (Revised April 2019.)
- 2023
- Working Paper
The Optimal Stock Valuation Ratio
By: Sebastian Hillenbrand and Odhrain McCarthy
Trailing price ratios, such as the price-dividend and the price-earnings ratio, scale prices by trailing cash flow measures. They theoretically contain expected returns, yet, their performance in predicting stock market returns is poor. This is because of an omitted... View Details
Keywords: Price; Investment Return; AI and Machine Learning; Valuation; Cash Flow; Forecasting and Prediction
Hillenbrand, Sebastian, and Odhrain McCarthy. "The Optimal Stock Valuation Ratio." Working Paper, November 2023.
- 11 Oct 2011
- News
The rise of online education
- 03 Feb 2017
- Blog Post
The Making of an Internship
For the first time, our office followed three students from the classroom to their summer internship workplaces. Learn how to create a successful internship environment by watching as these students tell... View Details
Keywords: All Industries
- March 2013 (Revised April 2014)
- Case
Barnes & Noble: Managing the E-Book Revolution
By: Alan MacCormack, Brian Kimball Dunn and Chris F. Kemerer
The case describes competition in the market for E-Books, and Barnes & Noble's Strategy in this industry. As a traditional retailer, B&N was challenged by the introduction of digital technologies that allow books to be published, distributed and sold to consumers... View Details
Keywords: Innovation; Technology Strategy; Platform Competition; Innovation Strategy; Information Technology; Product Development; Digital Platforms; Standards; Disruptive Innovation; Retail Industry; Publishing Industry; North America
MacCormack, Alan, Brian Kimball Dunn, and Chris F. Kemerer. "Barnes & Noble: Managing the E-Book Revolution." Harvard Business School Case 613-073, March 2013. (Revised April 2014.)