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- Faculty Publications (3,952)
- August 1998
- Supplement
Cleveland Tomorrow, Video
By: James E. Austin and Rosabeth M. Kanter
As part of Cleveland's turnaround, Cleveland Tomorrow creates new investment funds to stimulate new business development. This development is designed to earn a profit and bring new benefits to the community. Part of the HBS Social Enterprise Video Series on Business... View Details
Keywords: Investment Funds; Leadership; Growth and Development Strategy; Business and Community Relations; Social Enterprise
Austin, James E., and Rosabeth M. Kanter. "Cleveland Tomorrow, Video." Harvard Business School Video Supplement 399-507, August 1998.
- 1998
- Chapter
Sticky Ties and Bad Attitudes: Relational and Individual Bases of Resistance to Changes in Organizational Structure
By: K. L. Valley and T. A. Thompson
Keywords: Organizational Change and Adaptation; Organizational Structure; Attitudes; Prejudice and Bias; Motivation and Incentives; Relationships
Valley, K. L., and T. A. Thompson. "Sticky Ties and Bad Attitudes: Relational and Individual Bases of Resistance to Changes in Organizational Structure." In Power and Influence in Organizations, edited by R. M. Kramer and M. A. Neale, 39–66. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, 1998.
- 1 Aug 1998
- Conference Presentation
The Relationship between Work Environment and Creativity
By: T. M. Amabile, J. Weinstock and S. Archambault
Keywords: Creativity
- July 1998 (Revised April 2002)
- Case
Tobacco Negotiations
By: Michael A. Wheeler and Georgia Levenson
Chronicles the negotiation of the proposed national settlement between the states and the five major U.S. tobacco companies. View Details
Keywords: Negotiation Types; Negotiation Process; Business and Government Relations; Consumer Products Industry; United States
Wheeler, Michael A., and Georgia Levenson. "Tobacco Negotiations." Harvard Business School Case 899-049, July 1998. (Revised April 2002.)
- July 1998 (Revised August 1998)
- Case
Community Wealth Ventures, Inc.
By: James E. Austin and Meredith D. Pearson
Share Our Strength, a successful anti-hunger nonprofit organization, created a for-profit subsidiary--Community Wealth Ventures (CWV)--to provide advisory services to companies and nonprofits on collaboration. Management is reviewing CWV's start-up experience. View Details
Keywords: Business Subsidiaries; For-Profit Firms; Governing and Advisory Boards; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Partners and Partnerships; Nonprofit Organizations; Consulting Industry
Austin, James E., and Meredith D. Pearson. "Community Wealth Ventures, Inc." Harvard Business School Case 399-023, July 1998. (Revised August 1998.)
- July 1998
- Supplement
Bell Atlantic in Union City
In this pioneering project to wire a school for the Internet and put computers in students' homes, Bell Atlantic combined its need for a beta site for a technology trial with the school reform efforts of the Union City, New Jersey public schools, under the leadership... View Details
Keywords: Business Model; Social Enterprise; Internet and the Web; Education; Business and Community Relations; Education Industry; New Jersey
Kanter, Rosabeth M. "Bell Atlantic in Union City." Harvard Business School Video Supplement 399-501, July 1998.
- Article
The Scope of Alliances
By: T. Khanna
Keywords: Alliances
Khanna, T. "The Scope of Alliances." Organization Science 9, no. 3 (May–June 1998): 340–355.
- June 1998
- Case
MSE, Inc. Privatization: August 1997
By: Paul A. Gompers and Alexander Tsai
Gompers, Paul A., and Alexander Tsai. "MSE, Inc. Privatization: August 1997." Harvard Business School Case 298-135, June 1998.
- June 1998
- Article
Boundary Control: The Social Ordering of Work and Family Time in a High-Tech Corporation
By: Leslie Perlow
Perlow, Leslie. "Boundary Control: The Social Ordering of Work and Family Time in a High-Tech Corporation." Administrative Science Quarterly 43, no. 2 (June 1998): 328–357.
- June 1998
- Article
The Coevolution of Community Networks and Technology: Lessons From the Flight Simulation Industry
By: L. Rosenkopf and Michael Tushman
Rosenkopf, L., and Michael Tushman. "The Coevolution of Community Networks and Technology: Lessons From the Flight Simulation Industry." Industrial and Corporate Change 7, no. 2 (June 1998): 311–346.
- Article
The Control of Technology Alliances: An Empirical Analysis of the Biotechnology Industry
By: Josh Lerner and Robert P. Merges
Lerner, Josh, and Robert P. Merges. "The Control of Technology Alliances: An Empirical Analysis of the Biotechnology Industry." Journal of Industrial Economics 46, no. 2 (June 1998): 125–156. (Special Symposium "Inside the Pin Factory": Empirical Studies Augmented by Manager Interviews.)
- May 1998
- Teaching Note
RCI Master Distributor: Evolution of Supplier Relationships TN
Teaching Note for (9-595-001). View Details
Keywords: Distribution Industry
- May 1998
- Background Note
Note on the Retailing Industry
By: David E. Bell and Ann Leamon
Presents a survey discussion of retailing and current issues. Examines the impact of changing consumer attitudes on the industry and outlines the industry's response: consolidation, adoption of technology, use of brands and private labels, and changing relationships... View Details
Keywords: Transformation; Debates; Customers; Surveys; Partners and Partnerships; Attitudes; Adoption; Consolidation; Retail Industry
Bell, David E., and Ann Leamon. "Note on the Retailing Industry." Harvard Business School Background Note 598-148, May 1998.
- May 1998
- Teaching Note
Development Relationships TN
By: David A. Thomas and Emily Heaphy
The final class of the Career Development module of the Self-Assessment and Career Development course (SACD) uses the topic of mentoring and developmental relationships to encourage students to think beyond the point of finding and accepting a suitable job offer. The... View Details
- April 1998
- Case
Jim Sharpe: Extrusion Technology, Inc. (C)
By: H. Kent Bowen and Barbara Feinberg
Jim Sharpe, president of Extrusion Technology, describes the first five years at the aluminum extrusion company he purchased. He begins with day one as he introduced himself to the employees in 1987 and assured them of the company's continuity. Over the next two years,... View Details
Keywords: Acquisition; Forecasting and Prediction; Cost Management; Profit; Innovation Strategy; Marketing Strategy; Problems and Challenges; Business and Stakeholder Relations; Mining Industry
Bowen, H. Kent, and Barbara Feinberg. "Jim Sharpe: Extrusion Technology, Inc. (C)." Harvard Business School Case 698-096, April 1998.
- April 1998 (Revised June 1999)
- Case
Bausch & Lomb, Inc.: Pressure to Perform
By: Robert L. Simons, Alex C. Sapir '97 and Indra Reinbergs
Bausch & Lomb is the subject of press attacks and experiences a sharp fall in stock price when management practices are exposed. Aggressive goal setting, supported by financial market expectations, is discussed as a precursor to a series of events that results in... View Details
Keywords: Performance Expectations; Management Practices and Processes; Ethics; Financial Markets; Financial Statements; Business and Shareholder Relations
Simons, Robert L., Alex C. Sapir '97, and Indra Reinbergs. "Bausch & Lomb, Inc.: Pressure to Perform." Harvard Business School Case 198-009, April 1998. (Revised June 1999.)
- April 1998
- Teaching Note
Managing Customers for Profits (TN)
By: Das Narayandas
Teaching Note for (8249) and (8257). View Details
- April 1998
- Case
Compaq, 1998
By: Steven C. Wheelwright and Matt Verlinden
In 1997, Compaq Computer Corp. had become a $25 billion powerhouse. It had accomplished its revenue growth projections, successfully made a number of strategic acquisitions, and increased its gross margins, principally by moving up market into servers, workstations,... View Details
- April 1998 (Revised February 2001)
- Case
CBS Evening News
The CBS Evening News looks for options for growth of the franchise. This case discusses CBS's main competitors and their positioning in the evening news market, as well as the history and operations of the CBS Evening News. View Details
Keywords: Customer Relationship Management; Competition; Business Growth and Maturation; Media; Media and Broadcasting Industry; United States
Rayport, Jeffrey F., Dickson Louie, Michelle Toth, and Carrie Ardito. "CBS Evening News." Harvard Business School Case 898-086, April 1998. (Revised February 2001.)
- April 1998
- Article
Alliances and Networks
By: Ranjay Gulati
Gulati, Ranjay. "Alliances and Networks." Strategic Management Journal 19, no. 4 (April 1998): 293–317.