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Show Results For
- All HBS Web
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- December 2006 (Revised December 2007)
- Case
The Vanderbilt University Endowment (2006)
By: Andre F. Perold and William T. Spitz
As with many modern-day large pools of capital, the Vanderbilt University endowment is significantly invested in alternative assets such as hedge funds, private equity, real estate, and natural resources. The endowment's investment committee chair is attempting to... View Details
Keywords: Higher Education; Asset Management; Financial Management; Financial Strategy; Investment Portfolio; Risk Management
Perold, Andre F., and William T. Spitz. "The Vanderbilt University Endowment (2006)." Harvard Business School Case 207-062, December 2006. (Revised December 2007.)
- June 2024
- Case
SnapTravel: Betting on ''
By: Reza Satchu and Tom Quinn
This case explores SnapTravel, a travel startup offering discounted hotel rooms, and its founders’ desire to pivot to a “super app” that saved customers money across many different purchase types. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Hussein Fazal and Henry Shi saw SnapTravel... View Details
Keywords: Business Growth and Maturation; Business Plan; Business Startups; Change Management; Disruption; Transformation; Volatility; Customer Focus and Relationships; Customer Value and Value Chain; Decisions; Income; Entrepreneurship; Geographic Scope; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Health Pandemics; Surveys; Knowledge Acquisition; Knowledge Use and Leverage; Leading Change; Crisis Management; Goals and Objectives; Risk Management; Consumer Behavior; Game Theory; Risk and Uncertainty; Adaptation; Diversification; Expansion; System Shocks; Accommodations Industry; Technology Industry; Canada; United States; Las Vegas
- December 8, 2022
- Article
What Companies Still Get Wrong about Layoffs
By: Sandra J. Sucher and Marilyn Morgan Westner
Research has long shown that layoffs have a detrimental effect on individuals and on corporate performance. The short-term cost savings provided by a layoff are often overshadowed by bad publicity, loss of knowledge, weakened engagement, higher voluntary turnover, and... View Details
Sucher, Sandra J., and Marilyn Morgan Westner. "What Companies Still Get Wrong about Layoffs." Harvard Business Review (website) (December 8, 2022).
- 10 Sep 2015
- News
How Israeli Startups Can Scale
- October 2023 (Revised January 2024)
- Case
Ball: EVA Driving the World's Leading Can Manufacturer (A)
By: Jonas Heese and Susan Pinckney
The case describes Ball’s multi decade history of using Economic Value Added to drive decision making and workforce compensation. In 2016, the company acquired Rexam PLC and became the world’s leading metal beverage container company. Consumer demand for varied... View Details
Keywords: Budgets and Budgeting; Cost Accounting; Financial Reporting; Financial Statements; Buildings and Facilities; Green Building; Mergers and Acquisitions; Customer Satisfaction; Decisions; Forecasting and Prediction; Machinery and Machining; Asset Pricing; Corporate Finance; Capital; Cost; Financial Management; Goods and Commodities; Compensation and Benefits; Executive Compensation; Employee Relationship Management; Goals and Objectives; Resource Allocation; Business Strategy; Corporate Strategy; Food and Beverage Industry; United States; Arizona; California; Texas
Heese, Jonas, and Susan Pinckney. "Ball: EVA Driving the World's Leading Can Manufacturer (A)." Harvard Business School Case 124-002, October 2023. (Revised January 2024.)
- Web
Bearing engineer and his three dimensional graph - The Human Factor – Baker Library | Bloomberg Center, Historical Collections
science can point with precision to the specific lubricant which will give best possible service. Hitherto considered dry and abstract to the layman, such work saves years of hit View Details
- 06 Nov 2012
- News
Election 2012: Corporate America gets feisty
- November 2016 (Revised November 2016)
- Case
Radial Analytics Probes Post-Acute Care
By: Richard G. Hamermesh and Olivia Hull
Thaddeus Fulford-Jones and Eric Weiss, founders of healthcare technology startup Radial Analytics, have been busy developing a software program designed to save hospitals money and improve patient outcomes by producing customized care plans for patients leaving the... View Details
Keywords: Electronic Medical Records; Electronic Health Records; Data Science; Entrepreneurship; Health Care and Treatment; Business Model; Business Startups; Innovation and Invention; Growth Management; Marketing Strategy; Product Launch; Product Positioning; Science-Based Business; Business Strategy; Health Industry; Technology Industry; Cambridge; Massachusetts
Hamermesh, Richard G., and Olivia Hull. "Radial Analytics Probes Post-Acute Care." Harvard Business School Case 817-029, November 2016. (Revised November 2016.)
- January 2019 (Revised February 2020)
- Case
Should a Pension Fund Try to Change the World? Inside GPIF's Embrace of ESG
In the fall of 2018, Hiro Mizuno, the Chief Investment Officer (CIO) of GPIF, the Japanese Government Pension Fund, was reflecting on his efforts to integrate Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues into every aspect of GPIF’s portfolio. His efforts ranged... View Details
Keywords: Pension Funds; ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) Performance; Investment Funds; Environmental Sustainability; Social Issues; Governance; Leading Change; Economy; Performance Improvement; Japan
Henderson, Rebecca, George Serafeim, Josh Lerner, and Naoko Jinjo. "Should a Pension Fund Try to Change the World? Inside GPIF's Embrace of ESG." Harvard Business School Case 319-067, January 2019. (Revised February 2020.)
- 04 Jan 2016
- News
What Podcasts Do Professors Listen To?
- January 2005 (Revised August 2014)
- Exercise
Hamilton Real Estate: Confidential Role Information for the CEO of Estate One (BUYER)
By: Deepak Malhotra
Presents a two-party negotiation between the executive VP of Pearl Investments and the CEO of Estate One for the sale of real estate in the town of Hamilton. View Details
Keywords: Ethics; Price; Information; Contracts; Managerial Roles; Agreements and Arrangements; Sales; Strategy; Value; Real Estate Industry
Malhotra, Deepak. "Hamilton Real Estate: Confidential Role Information for the CEO of Estate One (BUYER)." Harvard Business School Exercise 905-052, January 2005. (Revised August 2014.)
- July 2020
- Supplement
CSL Capital Management: Patriot Proppants (B)
By: Victoria Ivashina and Yury Kapko
This two-part case series follows CSL Capital’s 2009 investment in the greenfield manufacturing company, Patriot Proppants. CSL, a recently established investment firm, employs a unique investment model, funding new ("greenfield") energy service businesses that serve... View Details
Ivashina, Victoria, and Yury Kapko. "CSL Capital Management: Patriot Proppants (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 221-007, July 2020.
Dante Roscini
Dante Roscini holds the Professor of Management Practice Chair endowed by the MBA Class of 1952 at Harvard Business School. He joined the faculty in 2008 after a two-decades-long career in finance. He currently teaches the course Business, Government, and the... View Details
- December 2020
- Case
Urban Company
Urban Company is an India-based market platform that helps customers book home services and at home beauty services. The company differentiated itself by investing heavily in building customer trust. Rather than merely positioning itself as a lead generating... View Details
Keywords: COVID-19 Pandemic; Entrepreneurship; Digital Platforms; Emerging Markets; Strategy; Service Delivery; Trust; Technology Industry; Service Industry; India
Palepu, Krishna G. "Urban Company." Harvard Business School Case 121-041, December 2020.
- June 2023 (Revised September 2023)
- Simulation
Managing the Customer Journey Marketing Simulation: Adobe's Data-Driven Operating Model (DDOM)
By: Sunil Gupta, Rajiv Lal and Celine Chammas
Adobe started monitoring Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR), one of its primary metrics, when it shifted from selling its software in a box to selling the software as a subscription-based cloud service. They wanted to know when, where, and how much to invest in marketing.... View Details
- Career Coach
Jonathan Shepherd
Jonathan is CPD's Corporate Relations Director overseeing principal investing: VC/PE, investment management and real estate. Since 2007, he has coached thousands of students & alumni View Details
Keywords: Angel Investing; Angel Investing; Angel Investing; Angel Investing; Angel Investing; Angel Investing; Angel Investing; Angel Investing; Angel Investing; Angel Investing; Angel Investing; Angel Investing; Angel Investing; Angel Investing; Angel Investing; Angel Investing; Angel Investing; Angel Investing; Angel Investing; Angel Investing; Angel Investing; Angel Investing; Angel Investing; Angel Investing; Angel Investing; Angel Investing; Angel Investing
- Career Coach
Annette Rodriguez-Ferrer
Annette Rodriguez brings over 20 years of seasoned expertise in private equity, across business services, consumer services, and healthcare. She has dedicated her career to building teams and View Details
- 22 Nov 2012
- News
Can entrepreneurship rescue the U.S.?
- October 2020 (Revised February 2024)
- Case
Divesting Harvard's Endowment
By: Daniel Green, Luis M. Viceira and Holly Fetter
By early 2020 Harvard University was facing growing pressure from students, faculty, and alumni to divest its $40 billion endowment of financial stakes in fossil fuel producers. Its previous policy of avoiding the issue was quickly becoming outdated—$21 trillion of... View Details
Keywords: Divestment; Harvard University; ESG; Higher Education; Investment Portfolio; Environmental Sustainability; Strategy; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact
Green, Daniel, Luis M. Viceira, and Holly Fetter. "Divesting Harvard's Endowment." Harvard Business School Case 221-009, October 2020. (Revised February 2024.)
- August 2017 (Revised January 2020)
- Case
PFA Pension: Expansion of Alternatives Portfolio
By: Victoria Ivashina, Federica Gabrieli and Jérôme Lenhardt
PFA Pension was the biggest commercial pension provider in Denmark. At the end of 2015, the company had decided to boost its investments into the alternative asset class, an area where it was lagging behind its competitors. The aim was to privilege direct investments... View Details
Ivashina, Victoria, Federica Gabrieli, and Jérôme Lenhardt. "PFA Pension: Expansion of Alternatives Portfolio." Harvard Business School Case 218-025, August 2017. (Revised January 2020.)