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- Faculty Publications (3,364)
- October 1985 (Revised December 1989)
- Case
CompuServe (B)
By: James L. Heskett
Heskett, James L. "CompuServe (B)." Harvard Business School Case 386-095, October 1985. (Revised December 1989.)
- October 1985
- Case
Merrill Lynch: Underwriting Beverly Enterprises (A)
By: Dwight B. Crane
Keywords: Financial Services Industry
Crane, Dwight B. "Merrill Lynch: Underwriting Beverly Enterprises (A)." Harvard Business School Case 286-027, October 1985.
- 1985
- Chapter
The Federal Civil Service Retirement System
By: Dutch Leonard
Leonard, Dutch. "The Federal Civil Service Retirement System." In Pensions, Labor and Individual Choice, edited by David A. Wise. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1985.
- September 1985 (Revised July 2007)
- Case
Population Services International: The Social Marketing Project in Bangladesh
Population Services International (PSI) was a not-for-profit agency founded to disseminate family planning information and to market birth control products, primarily in less developed countries seeking to curb their population explosions. In 1976, PSI concluded an... View Details
Keywords: Developing Countries and Economies; Health; Marketing Strategy; Social Marketing; Business and Government Relations; Nonprofit Organizations; Bangladesh
Rangan, V. Kasturi. "Population Services International: The Social Marketing Project in Bangladesh." Harvard Business School Case 586-013, September 1985. (Revised July 2007.)
- September 1985 (Revised January 1986)
- Case
Peter Wendell
Contains a description of a decision confronting an employee of IBM in late 1981. Should he leave IBM to become head of a new venture capital fund which will specialize in technology investments? The case is designed to expose students to the nature of the opportunity... View Details
Keywords: Personal Development and Career; Jobs and Positions; Opportunities; Valuation; Decision Choices and Conditions; Resignation and Termination; Venture Capital; Financial Services Industry; Financial Services Industry
Sahlman, William A. "Peter Wendell." Harvard Business School Case 286-008, September 1985. (Revised January 1986.)
- September 1985
- Case
Citicorp Investment Management
By: Andre F. Perold
Perold, Andre F. "Citicorp Investment Management." Harvard Business School Case 286-002, September 1985.
- March 1985
- Teaching Note
Trade In Services and American Express, Teaching Note
- February 1985 (Revised January 1989)
- Teaching Note
SSS (Scientific Systems Services), Teaching Note
By: Howard H. Stevenson and Michael J. Roberts
Keywords: Service Industry
- January 1985
- Case
Business Research Corp. (A)
Contains a description of a decision confronting an entrepreneur: which of two investment proposals should he accept to fund the creation and marketing of a database that comprises the full text of research reports produced by Wall Street investment banking firms? The... View Details
Keywords: Strategy; Cost vs Benefits; Valuation; Investment Banking; Negotiation Participants; Negotiation Deal; Financing and Loans; Financial Strategy; Corporate Finance; Service Industry
Sahlman, William A. "Business Research Corp. (A)." Harvard Business School Case 285-089, January 1985.
- December 1984
- Teaching Note
Colonial Food Services Co., James Cranston, and Eugene Kirby (A), Teaching Note
By: Michael Beer
Teaching Note for (9-478-005), (9-478-006), and (9-478-007). View Details
Keywords: Food and Beverage Industry
- October 1984 (Revised July 2003)
- Case
At the T. Rowe Price Trading Desk (A)
By: Andre F. Perold
Describes the events surrounding the sale of a particular large block of a thinly traded stock. Brings the situation to the point at which the seller has received an offer, and must now decide what to do. View Details
Perold, Andre F. "At the T. Rowe Price Trading Desk (A)." Harvard Business School Case 285-041, October 1984. (Revised July 2003.)
- October 1984 (Revised July 2003)
- Supplement
At the T. Rowe Price Trading Desk (B)
By: Andre F. Perold
Supplements the (A) case. View Details
Keywords: Financial Services Industry
Perold, Andre F. "At the T. Rowe Price Trading Desk (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 285-042, October 1984. (Revised July 2003.)
- October 1984 (Revised July 1988)
- Case
Mark Twain Bancshares, Inc.
Describes the history, management, and organization of an extremely successful bank holding company. The company has had a very charismatic chairman, has made MBAs bank presidents at very early ages, and has a long record of innovation. Now deregulation and a coming... View Details
Badaracco, Joseph L., Jr. "Mark Twain Bancshares, Inc." Harvard Business School Case 385-178, October 1984. (Revised July 1988.)
- June 1984 (Revised June 1987)
- Case
Sanford C. Bernstein & Co., Inc.
By: Andre F. Perold
Perold, Andre F. "Sanford C. Bernstein & Co., Inc." Harvard Business School Case 184-194, June 1984. (Revised June 1987.)
- September 1983 (Revised October 1985)
- Case
Lehman Management Co., Inc.
By: Andre F. Perold
Perold, Andre F. "Lehman Management Co., Inc." Harvard Business School Case 284-027, September 1983. (Revised October 1985.)
- May 1983 (Revised December 1987)
- Case
Technical Data Corp.
Describes a decision confronting the president of a small company about selling some or all of the shares in his company to another firm. Technical Data Corp. provides analytical services to professional bond market traders over a system of computer terminals operated... View Details
Keywords: Stocks; Entrepreneurship; Business Startups; Internet and the Web; Information Infrastructure; Mobile and Wireless Technology; Valuation; Negotiation Tactics; Mergers and Acquisitions; Corporate Strategy; Horizontal Integration; Service Industry; Service Industry
Sahlman, William A. "Technical Data Corp." Harvard Business School Case 283-072, May 1983. (Revised December 1987.)
- May 1983 (Revised November 1987)
- Case
Technical Data Corp.: Business Plan
Contains materials extracted from a business plan developed by the company in 1980. The purpose of the business plan was to raise $100,000 to finance the commencement of operations. The firm intended to provide analytical services to bond market traders. The product... View Details
Keywords: Business Plan
Sahlman, William A. "Technical Data Corp.: Business Plan." Harvard Business School Case 283-073, May 1983. (Revised November 1987.)
- Article
Consumer Promotions in Service Marketing
By: Christopher Lovelock and John A. Quelch
Lovelock, Christopher, and John A. Quelch. "Consumer Promotions in Service Marketing." Business Horizons 26, no. 3 (May–June 1983): 66–75.
- May 1983
- Article
The Cities Service Takeover: A Case Study
By: R. S. Ruback
Ruback, R. S. "The Cities Service Takeover: A Case Study." Journal of Finance 38, no. 2 (May 1983): 319–330.
- April 1983 (Revised June 1993)
- Case
Trade In Services and American Express
Keywords: Financial Services Industry
Badaracco, Joseph L., Jr., and David B. Yoffie. "Trade In Services and American Express." Harvard Business School Case 383-114, April 1983. (Revised June 1993.)