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- All HBS Web
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- Faculty Publications (5,529)
- July 2013
- Case
Novozymes: Establishing the Cellulosic Ethanol Value Chain
By: Willy Shih and Sen Chai
As the world's largest producer of industrial enzymes, Novozymes had invested heavily for many years to bio-engineer enzymes that could break down cellulose into fermentable sugar. In 2010, the company had launched what it thought would become a breakthrough product... View Details
Keywords: System Complexity; Industrial Enzymes; Ethanol; Collulosic Ethanol; Fermentation; Genomics; Genetic Engineering; Value Chain; Assembling Value Chain; Energy Sources; Renewable Energy; Collaborative Innovation and Invention; Innovation and Management; Innovation Strategy; Technological Innovation; Management; Growth and Development Strategy; Industry Growth; Production; Research; Research and Development; Science; Genetics; Natural Environment; Environmental Sustainability; Science-Based Business; Business Strategy; Commercialization; Vertical Integration; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Biotechnology Industry; Energy Industry; Denmark; United States
Shih, Willy, and Sen Chai. "Novozymes: Establishing the Cellulosic Ethanol Value Chain." Harvard Business School Case 614-001, July 2013.
- September 1991 (Revised December 1991)
- Case
Apple Computer (D): Epilogue
By: Michael Beer and Michael J. Gibbs
Brings students up to date on events at Apple Computer as of August 1991. Outlines resolutions of, or attempts to deal with, problems outlined. Illustrates what Apple had done to address problems, shows progress to date, and alludes to further issues to be addressed.... View Details
Beer, Michael, and Michael J. Gibbs. "Apple Computer (D): Epilogue." Harvard Business School Case 492-013, September 1991. (Revised December 1991.)
- April 1983
- Supplement
Dansk Designs Ltd.: The Administration of Creativity, Video II
By: Hugo Uyterhoeven
Presents two divergent views on the administration of creativity. Jens Quistgaard, designer, discusses his feelings about Dansk's policy direction as it affects design creativity. Then Ted Nierenberg, president, discusses his type of management and some of the problems... View Details
Keywords: Management; Brands and Branding; Problems and Challenges; Creativity; Balance and Stability
Uyterhoeven, Hugo. "Dansk Designs Ltd.: The Administration of Creativity, Video II." Harvard Business School Video Supplement 883-516, April 1983.
- November 1997
- Case
National Pork Producers Council
By: Ray A. Goldberg and Tom Clay
Al Tank, CEO of the National Pork Products Council, is facing an environmental and structural crisis in the U.S. pork industry. Can he resolve the environmental and image problems of his industry in time? Can he receive the support of both his growers and the... View Details
Keywords: Decision Choices and Conditions; Situation or Environment; Crisis Management; Environmental Sustainability; Business and Community Relations; Animal-Based Agribusiness; Industry Structures; Reputation; Food and Beverage Industry; Food and Beverage Industry; United States
Goldberg, Ray A., and Tom Clay. "National Pork Producers Council." Harvard Business School Case 598-053, November 1997.
- May–June 2021
- Article
Why Start-ups Fail
If you’re launching a business, the odds are against you: Two-thirds of start-ups never show a positive return. Unnerved by that statistic, a professor of entrepreneurship at Harvard Business School set out to discover why. Based on interviews and surveys with hundreds... View Details
Eisenmann, Thomas R. "Why Start-ups Fail." Harvard Business Review 99, no. 3 (May–June 2021): 76–85.
- January 1991 (Revised October 1994)
- Exercise
Bidding Exercises
By: David E. Bell
Illustrates different issues in the analysis of a bidding situation, including the celebrated problem of the winner's curse. View Details
Keywords: Bids and Bidding
Bell, David E. "Bidding Exercises." Harvard Business School Exercise 191-133, January 1991. (Revised October 1994.)
- January 2024 (Revised February 2024)
- Case
Data-Driven Denim: Financial Forecasting at Levi Strauss
By: Mark Egan
The case examines Levi Strauss’ journey in implementing machine learning and AI into its financial forecasting process. The apparel company partnered with the IT company Wipro in 2017 to develop a machine learning algorithm that could help Levi Strauss forecast its... View Details
Keywords: Investor Relations; Forecasting; Machine Learning; Artificial Intelligence; Apparel; Corporate Finance; Forecasting and Prediction; AI and Machine Learning; Digital Transformation; Apparel and Accessories Industry; United States
Egan, Mark. "Data-Driven Denim: Financial Forecasting at Levi Strauss." Harvard Business School Case 224-029, January 2024. (Revised February 2024.)
- 13 Aug 2014
- News
NFIB: Small Business Sector Unable to 'Pull its Weight'
- 2020
- Working Paper
Do Lenders Still Discriminate? A Robust Approach for Assessing Differences in Menus
By: David Hao Zhang and Paul Willen
We use a new methodology to assess mortgage pricing discrimination by race. We make four main contributions. First, we show that existing estimates of mortgage pricing differences by race can be confounded by a "menu problem," which is the problem associated with... View Details
Keywords: Mortgages; Financing and Loans; Prejudice and Bias; Race; Measurement and Metrics; Banking Industry; United States
Zhang, David Hao, and Paul Willen. "Do Lenders Still Discriminate? A Robust Approach for Assessing Differences in Menus." Working Paper, September 2020.
- November 2006 (Revised October 2017)
- Case
China: 'To Get Rich Is Glorious'
By: Richard Vietor and Julia Galef
In 1978, Deng Xiaoping assumed the leadership of an impoverished China, after Mao Zedong's disastrous Cultural Revolution. During the next 17 years, Deng applied pragmatic policies to liberalize the Chinese economy gradually while maintaining the power of the Communist... View Details
Keywords: History; Leadership; Privatization; Policy; Macroeconomics; Economic Systems; Development Economics; Government and Politics; Business Strategy; Growth and Development Strategy; China
Vietor, Richard, and Julia Galef. "China: 'To Get Rich Is Glorious'." Harvard Business School Case 707-022, November 2006. (Revised October 2017.)
- October 2008 (Revised October 2009)
- Case
New Century Financial Corporation
By: Krishna G. Palepu, Suraj Srinivasan and Aldo Sesia
After years of rapid growth and stock price appreciation, New Century Financial Corporation, one of the largest subprime loan originators in the U.S., reported accounting problems in early 2007. The resulting liquidity crisis forced the company to file for Chapter 11... View Details
Keywords: Accounting Audits; Financial Reporting; Business Model; Financial Crisis; Insolvency and Bankruptcy; Mortgages; Financial Services Industry; United States
Palepu, Krishna G., Suraj Srinivasan, and Aldo Sesia. "New Century Financial Corporation." Harvard Business School Case 109-034, October 2008. (Revised October 2009.)
- 13 Mar 2014
- HBS Seminar
David Moss, Harvard Business School
- December 2002 (Revised February 2005)
- Case
Cap Gemini Ernst & Young (A): A Global Merger
By: Ashish Nanda
French IT consulting giant Cap Gemini is poised to purchase the consulting arm of Ernst & Young, a U.S.-based Big 5 accounting firm. In doing so, many differences need to be resolved, including negotiating with Ernst & Young entities all over the world as well as... View Details
Keywords: Negotiation; Multinational Firms and Management; Mergers and Acquisitions; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Information Technology Industry; Consulting Industry; France
Nanda, Ashish, Bertrand Moingeon, Lisa Haueisen Rohrer, and Guillaume Soenen. "Cap Gemini Ernst & Young (A): A Global Merger." Harvard Business School Case 903-056, December 2002. (Revised February 2005.)
- 12 Jul 2004
- Research & Ideas
Enron’s Lessons for Managers
Some events mark a generation. If a marker is a source of deep learning about ourselves, as Malcolm Salter believes it is, then the Enron crisis is exactly that for business people. Political scientists have the Bay of Pigs; engineers have the View Details
Keywords: by Martha Lagace
- 2015
- Article
Testing Strategy with Multiple Performance Measures: Evidence from a Balanced Scorecard at Store24
We analyze balanced scorecard data from a convenience store chain, Store24, during the implementation of an innovative, but ultimately unsuccessful, strategy. Quarterly strategic reviews, based in part on the firm's balanced scorecard, led executives at Store24 to... View Details
Campbell, Dennis, Srikant M. Datar, Susan L. Kulp, and V.G. Narayanan. "Testing Strategy with Multiple Performance Measures: Evidence from a Balanced Scorecard at Store24." Journal of Management Accounting Research 27, no. 2 (2015): 39–65.
- 08 Oct 2021
- Research & Ideas
How Newspaper Closures Open the Door to Corporate Crime
Some may shrug at the inevitable passing of the local newspaper, writing it off as a dinosaur that doesn’t have much to offer in our modern world of blogs, social media sites, and streamed soundbites. But no news is not necessarily good news for society as a whole,... View Details
Keywords: by Avery Forman
- 02 Sep 2002
- Research & Ideas
Foreign Multinationals in the U.S.: A Rocky Road
profits and managerial problems in the United States between the 1950s and the 1980s. It seemed important to ascertain whether this was a problem... View Details
Keywords: by Sarah Jane Johnston & Martha Lagace
- April 2020
- Background Note
U.S. Food Retail During the Pandemic: March 2020
By: José B. Alvarez and Natalie Kindred
This note, written in late March 2020 and mainly U.S. focused, looks at the unfolding impact of the coronavirus pandemic on food retailers and their suppliers. It allows student to consider the challenges facing food retail executives as they navigate urgent supply... View Details
Keywords: Coronavirus Pandemic; Risk and Uncertainty; Risk Management; Food; Supply Chain; Consumer Behavior; Demand and Consumers; Trade; Crisis Management; Health Pandemics; Food and Beverage Industry; Food and Beverage Industry; Food and Beverage Industry; United States
Alvarez, José B., and Natalie Kindred. "U.S. Food Retail During the Pandemic: March 2020." Harvard Business School Background Note 520-098, April 2020.
- April 1986 (Revised January 1993)
- Case
Au Bon Pain
An eight-year-old company is in the midst of growth. This case follows the company from its inception through its growth stages. Teaching objectives are to understand the problems of growth, partnership, and operations-driven companies. View Details
Keywords: Business Growth and Maturation; Business Startups; Growth and Development; Food and Beverage Industry; Food and Beverage Industry
Kao, John J. "Au Bon Pain." Harvard Business School Case 486-100, April 1986. (Revised January 1993.)