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- All HBS Web
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William R. Kerr
William Kerr is the D’Arbeloff Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School. Bill is Senior Associate Dean for Faculty Development and Research, co-director of Harvard’s Managing the Future of Work initiative, and faculty chair of the... View Details
- 25 Apr 2014
- Video
Howard Stevenson - Making A Difference
- 27 Apr 2016
- News
Financial Issues Hide Behind The Curtains Of The Middle-Class
- Article
Unconscious Bias Training That Works
By: Francesca Gino and Katherine Coffman
To become more diverse, equitable, and inclusive, many companies have turned to unconscious bias (UB) training. By raising awareness of the mental shortcuts that lead to snap judgments—often based on race and gender—about people’s talents or character, it strives to... View Details
Keywords: Implicit Bias; Social Integration; Empathy; Prejudice and Bias; Employees; Training; Attitudes; Behavior; Organizational Change and Adaptation
Gino, Francesca, and Katherine Coffman. "Unconscious Bias Training That Works." Harvard Business Review 99, no. 5 (September–October 2021): 114–123.
- April 2004 (Revised May 2010)
- Case
Columbia's Final Mission
By: Richard M.J. Bohmer, Amy C. Edmondson, Michael Roberto, Laura Feldman and Erika Ferlins
Describes the 16-day final mission of the space shuttle Columbia in January 2003 in which seven astronauts died. Includes background on NASA and the creation of the human space flight program, including the 1970 Apollo 13 crisis and 1986 Challenger disaster. Examines... View Details
Keywords: Leadership; Crisis Management; Management Skills; Organizational Culture; Groups and Teams; Behavior; Aerospace Industry
Bohmer, Richard M.J., Amy C. Edmondson, Michael Roberto, Laura Feldman, and Erika Ferlins. "Columbia's Final Mission." Harvard Business School Case 304-090, April 2004. (Revised May 2010.)
- September 2009 (Revised May 2011)
- Supplement
Acumen Fund: Measurement in Impact Investing (B)
By: Alnoor Ebrahim and V. Kasturi Rangan
As Acumen Fund, a global venture philanthropy firm, moves forward with an investment portfolio exceeding $22 million, it runs into two critical measurement problems. First, how should it track the performance of each investment when its interest is not just the bottom... View Details
Keywords: Venture Capital; Investment Portfolio; Philanthropy and Charitable Giving; Standards; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Performance Evaluation; Social Enterprise; Competition; Financial Services Industry; Kenya
Ebrahim, Alnoor, and V. Kasturi Rangan. "Acumen Fund: Measurement in Impact Investing (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 310-017, September 2009. (Revised May 2011.)
- September 1991 (Revised December 1991)
- Case
Apple Computer (D): Epilogue
By: Michael Beer and Michael J. Gibbs
Brings students up to date on events at Apple Computer as of August 1991. Outlines resolutions of, or attempts to deal with, problems outlined. Illustrates what Apple had done to address problems, shows progress to date, and alludes to further issues to be addressed.... View Details
Beer, Michael, and Michael J. Gibbs. "Apple Computer (D): Epilogue." Harvard Business School Case 492-013, September 1991. (Revised December 1991.)
- January 2015 (Revised March 2015)
- Case
Oberoi Hotels: Train Whistle in the Tiger Reserve
By: Ryan W. Buell, Ananth Raman and Vidhya Muthuram
Celebrated as one of the world's premiere luxury hotel brands, Oberoi Hotels attracts and serves some of the most quality-sensitive guests in the world. The case considers the challenge of how an organization, with a standardized service model, can repeatedly delight... View Details
Keywords: Service Quality; Service Management; Service Quality Competition; Customer Management; Customer Service Excellence; Employee Empowerment; Employee Engagement; Employee Training; India; Hospitality; Hotel Industry; Service Delivery; Service Operations; Customer Satisfaction; Employees; Quality; Accommodations Industry; India
Buell, Ryan W., Ananth Raman, and Vidhya Muthuram. "Oberoi Hotels: Train Whistle in the Tiger Reserve." Harvard Business School Case 615-043, January 2015. (Revised March 2015.)
- October 24, 2023
- Article
10 Beliefs That Get in the Way of Organizational Change
By: Frances X. Frei and Anne Morriss
In their new book, Move Fast and Fix Things, Frances Frei and Anne Morriss outline five strategies to help leaders tackle their hardest problems and quickly make change. Their final strategy is to execute your plan with a sense of urgency. They argue that most... View Details
Frei, Frances X., and Anne Morriss. "10 Beliefs That Get in the Way of Organizational Change." Harvard Business Review (website) (October 24, 2023).
- April 1990 (Revised December 1992)
- Case
Cut Flower Industry in Colombia (Abridged)
By: James E. Austin
The Colombian Cut Flower Exporting Association faces several problems concerning local government regulations and import restrictions from the U.S. government. The Colombian Export Promotion Agency also faces decisions as to its policy stance toward the industry. View Details
Keywords: Trade; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Policy; Business or Company Management; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Colombia
Austin, James E. "Cut Flower Industry in Colombia (Abridged)." Harvard Business School Case 390-109, April 1990. (Revised December 1992.)
- 14 May 2024
- Blog Post
Video: MBA Moms Celebrate Mother’s Day
View Video Mother’s Day is a special occasion for our MBA moms. We asked Jimena Gutierrez (MBA 2024), Cecilia Liu (MS/MBA 2025), and Carlene Oestergaard (MBA 2024) to tell us about the challenges View Details
- 2021
- Chapter
Renewing the Relevance of IB: Can Some History Help?
By: Geoffrey Jones
International business (IB) as a discipline has given limited attention to contemporary grand challenges of inequality, global warming, aging populations, endemic health crises, and de-globalization, in all of which multinationals are either central to the problem or... View Details
Jones, Geoffrey. "Renewing the Relevance of IB: Can Some History Help?" Chap. 6 in The Multiple Dimensions of Institutional Complexity in International Business Research. Vol. 15, edited by Alain Verbeke, Rob van Tulder, Elizabeth L. Rose, and Yingqi Wei, 77–92. Progress in International Business Research. Bingley, United Kingdom: Emerald Publishing Limited, 2021.
- June 2015 (Revised August 2016)
- Case
Apple's Future: Apple Watch, Apple TV, and/or Apple Car?
By: David B. Yoffie and Eric Baldwin
In 2015, Apple CEO Tim Cook knew that Apple, despite its phenomenal success, needed to continue to innovate in new product areas in order to continue its momentum into the future. This case explores three new (actual or potential) product offerings from Apple: the... View Details
Keywords: Strategy; Electronics; Innovation; Technology; Technological Innovation; Competitive Strategy; Corporate Strategy; Emerging Markets; Growth and Development Strategy; Computer Industry; Retail Industry; Electronics Industry
Yoffie, David B., and Eric Baldwin. "Apple's Future: Apple Watch, Apple TV, and/or Apple Car?" Harvard Business School Case 716-401, June 2015. (Revised August 2016.)
- September 1953 (Revised December 2012)
- Case
Bramos Printing Company
A printing company, founded in 2000 as a one-man-job printing firm, is experiencing rapid growth together with a move and modernization of its facilities. Presents a problem in depreciation. View Details
Anthony, Robert N. "Bramos Printing Company." Harvard Business School Case 154-001, September 1953. (Revised December 2012.)
- January 2021
- Case
Leading Culture Change at SEB
By: Amy C. Edmondson and Elena Corsi
The Risk organization at SEB, a leading Nordic financial services group founded in 1856, undertook a culture change program focused on psychological safety, empathic listening, and strategic framing. The program enabled risk organization teams to make progress on... View Details
Keywords: Leadership; Risk Management; Leading Change; Organizational Culture; Decision Making; Banking Industry; Sweden
Edmondson, Amy C., and Elena Corsi. "Leading Culture Change at SEB." Harvard Business School Case 621-074, February 2021.
- November 2003 (Revised September 2008)
- Case
Circle Gastroenterology Products (A)
By: Regina E. Herzlinger and James Weber
A new, minimally invasive medical device has achieved only one-third of its budget. Was the problem one of marketing strategy, sales, reimbursement, and/or clinical trials? View Details
Keywords: Health Testing and Trials; Marketing Strategy; Product Marketing; Sales; Medical Devices and Supplies Industry
Herzlinger, Regina E., and James Weber. "Circle Gastroenterology Products (A)." Harvard Business School Case 304-052, November 2003. (Revised September 2008.)
- May 2023 (Revised June 2023)
- Supplement
Novartis (B): Reimagining Medicine
By: Ramon Casadesus-Masanell, Claudio Feser, Karolin Frankenberger and David Redaschi
This case unfolds around the first-ever approved personalized cancer treatment, how Novartis wrapped it into a new business model design, and how Novartis scaled it. Novartis — one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world — is, among other ventures,... View Details
Keywords: Health Care and Treatment; Business Model; Production; Business Strategy; Pharmaceutical Industry
Casadesus-Masanell, Ramon, Claudio Feser, Karolin Frankenberger, and David Redaschi. "Novartis (B): Reimagining Medicine." Harvard Business School Supplement 723-444, May 2023. (Revised June 2023.)
Podcast: Cybersecurity: Why All Business Disciplines Need to Teach It—And How
Do your business students plan to use the internet at work? Then they need to know about cybersecurity. Threats to computer systems grow and evolve daily, putting the operations, information, and reputation of companies—as well as individuals—constantly at risk.... View Details
- October 1990 (Revised August 1991)
- Case
Peanut Butter Fantasies
By: Amar Bhide and Myra M. Hart
Addresses the interrelated challenges of marketing and finance faced by a small, struggling packaged foods company. View Details
Keywords: Business Ventures; Finance; Business or Company Management; Marketing; Distribution; Problems and Challenges; Food and Beverage Industry
Bhide, Amar, and Myra M. Hart. "Peanut Butter Fantasies." Harvard Business School Case 391-072, October 1990. (Revised August 1991.)
- December 2001
- Case (B)
By: F. Warren McFarlan and Fred Young
The challenges the largest Chinese electronic commerce company faces many challenges at the end of 2001. This case describes how it has completely reoriented its strategy in the past 12 months to become a B-to-B company. The key question is: Will it work and what... View Details
Keywords: Business or Company Management; Business Strategy; Internet and the Web; Problems and Challenges; Information Technology Industry; China; United States
McFarlan, F. Warren, and Fred Young. " (B)." Harvard Business School Case 302-073, December 2001.