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- All HBS Web
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- March 2013 (Revised March 2014)
- Case
Brazos Partners and the Tri-Northern Exit
By: Matthew Rhodes-Kropf and Nathaniel Burbank
Randall Fojtasek, a partner at the Dallas-based Brazos Private Equity Partners, must decide whether now is the time to sell his firm's investment in Tri-Northern Distribution. Brazos, a middle-market leveraged buyout group, created the company two years earlier through... View Details
Keywords: Private Equity Exit; LBO; Leveraged Buyout Transaction; Texas; Security; Brazos; Tri-Northern; Tri-Ed; Northern Video; Private Equity; Partners and Partnerships; Distribution; Leveraged Buyouts; Decision Choices and Conditions; Investment Funds; Financial Services Industry; Distribution Industry; Texas
Rhodes-Kropf, Matthew, and Nathaniel Burbank. "Brazos Partners and the Tri-Northern Exit." Harvard Business School Case 813-157, March 2013. (Revised March 2014.)
- 2006
- Article
Capital Budgeting: The Role of Cost Allocations
By: Ian D. Gow and Stefan Reichelstein
A common issue for firms is how to allocate capital resources to various investment alternatives. An extensive and long-standing literature in finance has examined various aspects of capital budgeting, including capital constraints, the determination of discount rates,... View Details
Keywords: Capital Budgeting; Resource Allocation; Performance Evaluation; Cost Management; Research; Investment; Cash Flow; Risk Management; Performance Capacity
Gow, Ian D., and Stefan Reichelstein. "Capital Budgeting: The Role of Cost Allocations." Operations Research Proceedings (2006): 115–122.
- March 2024
- Supplement
ELCA's Series A Cap Table Exercise (Instructor Version)
By: Raymond Kluender and Anke Becker
In ELCA, the company must decide between two term sheets: one put forth by STV and one put forth by ESV.
This exercise is an analysis of the implications of these two term sheets on the ownership structure and the payouts of common and preferred... View Details
This exercise is an analysis of the implications of these two term sheets on the ownership structure and the payouts of common and preferred... View Details
- 03 Oct 2022
- Research & Ideas
Why a Failed Startup Might Be Good for Your Career After All
In August, mega venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz announced a $350 million investment in residential real estate company Flow—the single largest investment the VC titan had ever made. But a bigger... View Details
Keywords: by Sean Silverthorne
- 07 Jun 2023
- HBS Case
3 Ways to Gain a Competitive Advantage Now: Lessons from Amazon, Chipotle, and Facebook
perk that allowed Amazon to capture market share and eventually blow past Sony, which after years of struggling, closed its e-reader store in 2014. “Without creating a competitive advantage, it is difficult for companies to produce and maintain sufficient returns on... View Details
Keywords: by Michael Blanding
- 28 Sep 2006
- Working Paper Summaries
Architectural Innovation and Dynamic Competition: The Smaller “Footprint” Strategy
- October 2024 (Revised January 2025)
- Case
MDH Partners: Evolving a Family Legacy
By: Christina R. Wing and Sarah Mehta
This case is about succession planning for MDH Partners, an Atlanta-based industrial real estate investment firm founded in 2005. When Jeffrey Small, Jr. cofounded MDH Partners, he named the company in honor of his grandfather, Mark Durward (MD) Hodges, an early... View Details
Keywords: Buildings and Facilities; Business Ventures; Ownership; Financial Services Industry; Real Estate Industry; United States; Georgia (state, US); Atlanta
Wing, Christina R., and Sarah Mehta. "MDH Partners: Evolving a Family Legacy." Harvard Business School Case 625-001, October 2024. (Revised January 2025.)
- February 2008 (Revised September 2008)
- Case
Indesit Company: Does Global Matter?
By: Joseph L. Bower
In 2007, the leadership of the Indesit Company is focused on long-term corporate strategy. After 3 decades, the company has emerged as the number 2 home appliance producer in Europe. Should they invest further to be number 1, or should they focus on the global market,... View Details
Keywords: Decision Choices and Conditions; Global Strategy; Growth and Development; Business or Company Management; Brands and Branding; Markets; Problems and Challenges; Corporate Strategy; Consumer Products Industry
Bower, Joseph L. "Indesit Company: Does Global Matter?" Harvard Business School Case 308-071, February 2008. (Revised September 2008.)
- 05 Nov 2014
- News
Divestment Alone Won’t Beat Climate Change
- 11 May 2011
- News
Multinational manufacturers: Moving back to America
- 07 Jul 2022
- News
Even Bosses Are Joining the Great Resignation
- 26 Apr 2021
- Video
Water & Climate Change: Innovating for Access and Efficiency
- Article
Traveling Agents: Political Change and Bureaucratic Turnover in India
By: Lakshmi Iyer and Anandi Mani
We develop a framework to empirically examine how politicians with electoral pressures control bureaucrats with career concerns as well as the consequences for bureaucrats' career investments. Unique micro-level data on Indian bureaucrats support our key predictions.... View Details
Keywords: Framework; Government and Politics; Investment; Competency and Skills; Personal Development and Career; Rank and Position; Forecasting and Prediction; India
Iyer, Lakshmi, and Anandi Mani. "Traveling Agents: Political Change and Bureaucratic Turnover in India." Review of Economics and Statistics 94, no. 3 (August 2012): 723–739.
- November 1994 (Revised March 1995)
- Background Note
Capital Projects as Real Options: An Introduction
By: Timothy A. Luehrman
Introduces a framework for evaluating corporate investment projects as call options. Presumes readers are familiar with basic option pricing and basic capital budgeting rules. Explains the motivation for viewing projects as options; presents a mapping between a capital... View Details
Luehrman, Timothy A. "Capital Projects as Real Options: An Introduction." Harvard Business School Background Note 295-074, November 1994. (Revised March 1995.)
- May 2021
- Case
The International Space Station, Principal-Agent Problems, and NASA's Quest to Keep Humans in Space
By: Matthew Weinzierl and Mehak Sarang
In building the International Space Station (ISS), NASA opened the door to the development of a robust in-space economy in low-Earth Orbit, and yet the decision to build the station, and continue to extend its lifetime, placed a huge burden on NASA’s Human Spaceflight... View Details
Keywords: Aerospace; Nasa; Space Economy; Principal-agent Theory; Policy; Commercialization; Aerospace Industry
Weinzierl, Matthew, and Mehak Sarang. "The International Space Station, Principal-Agent Problems, and NASA's Quest to Keep Humans in Space." Harvard Business School Case 721-054, May 2021.
- April 2019
- Article
Private Equity and Financial Fragility during the Crisis
By: Shai Bernstein, Josh Lerner and Filippo Mezzanotti
Do private equity firms contribute to financial fragility during economic crises? We find that during the 2008 financial crisis, PE-backed companies increased investments relative to their peers, while also experiencing greater equity and debt inflows. The effects are... View Details
Bernstein, Shai, Josh Lerner, and Filippo Mezzanotti. "Private Equity and Financial Fragility during the Crisis." Review of Financial Studies 32, no. 4 (April 2019): 1309–1373. (Earlier version distributed as National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper No. 23626 and Harvard Business School Working Paper No. 18-005.)
- January 2018 (Revised August 2018)
- Supplement
Fair Value Accounting at Noble Group (B)
By: Siko Sikochi, Suraj Srinivasan and Quinn Pitcher
Following a series of reports by Iceberg Research alleging that Noble Group was too aggressive in its fair value accounting for contracts and investments in producers, Noble’s stock price continued to fall and stakeholders began to call for improved transparency in... View Details
Sikochi, Siko, Suraj Srinivasan, and Quinn Pitcher. "Fair Value Accounting at Noble Group (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 118-062, January 2018. (Revised August 2018.)
- December 2017 (Revised April 2018)
- Case
Area One Farms
By: Forest Reinhardt, Jose B. Alvarez and Annelena Lobb
In 2017, Joelle Faulkner, CEO of Area One Farms, a Canadian private-equity fund focused on investing in the best Canadian farms and helping them expand, considered the merits and disadvantages of expanding her business to the U.S. While the markets shared some... View Details
Reinhardt, Forest, Jose B. Alvarez, and Annelena Lobb. "Area One Farms." Harvard Business School Case 518-069, December 2017. (Revised April 2018.)