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- Faculty Publications (337)
- February 1995 (Revised February 1998)
- Case
India in the 1990s
By: George C. Lodge and Ahu Bhasin
Describes the efforts of Indian Prime Minister P.V. Narasimha Rao to deregulate and open up the Indian economy in the early 1990s. Focuses on the difficulties he encountered, reflected in the poor showing of the ruling Congress Party in state elections in December... View Details
Keywords: Development Economics; Emerging Markets; Social Issues; Economic Growth; Government and Politics; India
Lodge, George C., and Ahu Bhasin. "India in the 1990s." Harvard Business School Case 795-119, February 1995. (Revised February 1998.)
- September 1993 (Revised September 1997)
- Case
China (A): The Great Awakening
By: Debora L. Spar
As the third largest economy after the United States and Japan, China's startling economic growth has spurred increasing interest in the economic, social, and political factors that catapulted the country to sudden prominence. This case starts with an overview of the... View Details
Spar, Debora L. "China (A): The Great Awakening." Harvard Business School Case 794-019, September 1993. (Revised September 1997.)
- 1993
- Book
The International Political Economy of Direct Foreign Investment
By: B. Gomes-Casseres and D. B. Yoffie
Keywords: Foreign Direct Investment
Gomes-Casseres, B. and D. B. Yoffie, eds. The International Political Economy of Direct Foreign Investment. 2 vols. London, England: Edward Elgar Publishing, 1993.
- September 1992 (Revised November 1993)
- Supplement
Germany in the 1990s: Managing Reunification, Supplement Two
By: George C. Lodge
Designed to be handed out after discussion of Germany in the 1990s: Managing Reunification and its Supplement. View Details
Keywords: Political Elections; Economy; Situation or Environment; Inflation and Deflation; Interest Rates; Central Banking; Integration; Germany; Italy; United Kingdom; Europe
Lodge, George C. "Germany in the 1990s: Managing Reunification, Supplement Two." Harvard Business School Supplement 793-043, September 1992. (Revised November 1993.)
- September 1992 (Revised July 1998)
- Case
Germany in the 1990s: Managing Reunification
By: George C. Lodge and James W. Ragsdale
In October 1990, eastern Germany was incorporated into the Federal Republic of Germany. The German people rewarded the architect of these changes, Helmut Kohl, with an enhanced majority in national elections. But only two years later it was hard to remember these heady... View Details
Keywords: Economy; Inflation and Deflation; Central Banking; Interest Rates; Political Elections; Situation or Environment; Integration; Europe; Germany; Italy; United Kingdom
Lodge, George C., and James W. Ragsdale. "Germany in the 1990s: Managing Reunification." Harvard Business School Case 793-033, September 1992. (Revised July 1998.)
- April 1992 (Revised April 1997)
- Case
Reconstruction of Zambia
Examines the causes of decline--economic, social, and political--of the Zambian economy since 1974. It takes place at the time of the election of Frederick Chiluba, in October 1991. Examines the problems of economic development in Africa, and especially, of structural... View Details
Keywords: Business Cycles; Development Economics; Developing Countries and Economies; Economic Slowdown and Stagnation; Borrowing and Debt; International Finance; Political Elections; Africa; Zambia
Vietor, Richard H.K. "Reconstruction of Zambia." Harvard Business School Case 792-089, April 1992. (Revised April 1997.)
- February 1992 (Revised September 2019)
- Case
The House of Tata
By: James E. Austin and Ashish Nanda
The case traces the evolution of the Tata group, one of the largest and highly respected Indian business houses, from its 19th century founding and early growth in diverse industries, to its response to changes in government regulation in independent India, up to its... View Details
Keywords: Indian Economy; International Business; Government And Business; Government Regulation; Synergy; Conglomerates; Business Conglomerates; Developing Countries and Economies; Business and Government Relations; Business History; Steel Industry; Electronics Industry; Chemical Industry; Insurance Industry; Air Transportation Industry; India
Austin, James E., and Ashish Nanda. "The House of Tata." Harvard Business School Case 792-065, February 1992. (Revised September 2019.)
- February 1991 (Revised March 1993)
- Supplement
USSR--1990, Supplement
Provides an update of key social, political, and economic outcomes in the Soviet Union over the period April 1990 to February 1991. View Details
Keywords: Social Issues; Outcome or Result; Government and Politics; Economy; Transition; Soviet Union
Emmons, Willis M., III. "USSR--1990, Supplement." Harvard Business School Supplement 391-161, February 1991. (Revised March 1993.)
- 1990
- Book
Perestroika for America: Restructuring U.S. Business-Government Relations for Competitiveness in the World Economy
By: George C. Lodge
Keywords: Government and Politics; Restructuring; Relationships; Competition; Economy; Russia; United States
Lodge, George C. Perestroika for America: Restructuring U.S. Business-Government Relations for Competitiveness in the World Economy. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1990.
- March 1990 (Revised May 1993)
- Case
Describes the political, economic, and social development of the USSR from 1921-90. Particular emphasis is placed on 1) institutional change, 2) the costs and benefits of central economic planning, and 3) the political economy of perestroika under Mikhail Gorbachev.... View Details
Emmons, Willis M., III. "USSR--1990." Harvard Business School Case 390-155, March 1990. (Revised May 1993.)
- 1990
- Chapter
In God We Trust: The Political Economy of the Social Security Reserves
By: Dutch Leonard
Keywords: Sovereign Finance
- 1989
- Chapter
Minguo shiqi Zhongwai jingji jishu hezuo: Meigo zhanshi shengchan quwentuan huan Hua, 1944-1946 [Sino-foreign Economic and Technical Cooporation in Republican China: The U.S. War Production Mission to China, 1944-46]
By: William C. Kirby
Keywords: History; International Finance; International Relations; Cooperation; Developing Countries and Economies; China; United States
Kirby, William C. "Minguo shiqi Zhongwai jingji jishu hezuo: Meigo zhanshi shengchan quwentuan huan Hua, 1944-1946 [Sino-foreign Economic and Technical Cooporation in Republican China: The U.S. War Production Mission to China, 1944-46]." In Minguo dang'an yu minguo shi xueshu taolunhui lunwenji [Proceedings of the Conference on the Archives and History of Republican China], edited by Zhang Xianwen, et al.. Beijing: Dang'an chubanshe [Archives Press], 1989.
- December 1988 (Revised December 1989)
- Background Note
Country Analysis Framework
By: James E. Austin
Presents basic framework for country analysis as used in Business, Government, and the International Economy course. View Details
Austin, James E. "Country Analysis Framework." Harvard Business School Background Note 389-080, December 1988. (Revised December 1989.)
- July 1986
- Case
Nicaragua and the U.S. Trade Embargo
By: James E. Austin
Keywords: Developing Countries and Economies; Trade; Policy; International Relations; Nicaragua; United States
Austin, James E. "Nicaragua and the U.S. Trade Embargo." Harvard Business School Case 387-027, July 1986.
- 1985
- Chapter
Restructuring Petrochemicals: A Comparative Study of Business and Government Strategy to Deal with a Declining Sector of the Economy
By: Joseph L. Bower
Bower, Joseph L. "Restructuring Petrochemicals: A Comparative Study of Business and Government Strategy to Deal with a Declining Sector of the Economy." In U.S. Competitiveness in the World Economy, edited by Bruce R. Scott and George C. Lodge. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1985.
- 1984
- Book
Energy Policy in America Since 1945: A Study of Business-Government Relations
By: Richard Vietor
Follows the history of government intervention in U.S. energy markets from 1945 to the present and shows how shifting market conditions of surplus and shortage and above all, price have played a determining role in the political process and U.S. fuel policy... View Details
Keywords: Political Economy; United States; Postwar Policy; Energy; Energy Sources; Policy; United States
Vietor, Richard. Energy Policy in America Since 1945: A Study of Business-Government Relations. Cambridge University Press, 1984.
- May 1981 (Revised February 2000)
- Case
Reagan Plan, The
By: George C. Lodge
Contains President Reagan's address to Congress in February of 1981 in which he proposes $49 billion in budget cuts and tax reductions. Also contains David Stockman's "economic Dunkirk" memorandum of November 1980. Exhibits contain economic data. Purpose is to provide... View Details
Lodge, George C. "Reagan Plan, The." Harvard Business School Case 381-173, May 1981. (Revised February 2000.)
- Article
Inflation and Taxes in a Growing Economy with Debt and Equity
By: M. Feldstein, Jerry R. Green and Eytan Sheshinski
Our tax system was designed for an economy with little or no inflation. The current paper shows that inflation causes capricious changes in the effective rate of tax on capital income and therefore in the real net rate of return that savers receive. This is not only a... View Details
Feldstein, M., Jerry R. Green, and Eytan Sheshinski. "Inflation and Taxes in a Growing Economy with Debt and Equity." Special Issue on Research in Taxation. Journal of Political Economy 86, no. 2 pt. 2 (April 1978): S53–S70.
- 1977
- Working Paper
Mitigating Demographic Risk Through Social Insurance
By: Jerry R. Green
A two-period lifetime overlapping generations growth model is used to evaluate the possibility that social insurance can effectively offset economic risks associated with uncertainty about the rate of population growth. Crude measures of the seriousness of this type of... View Details
Keywords: Social Insurance; Econometric Models; Public Sector; Government Administration; Policy; Human Needs; Social Issues; Risk and Uncertainty
Green, Jerry R. "Mitigating Demographic Risk Through Social Insurance." NBER Working Paper Series, No. 215, November 1977.