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- All HBS Web
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- November–December 2023
- Article
Network Centralization and Collective Adaptability to a Shifting Environment
By: Ethan S. Bernstein, Jesse C. Shore and Alice J. Jang
We study the connection between communication network structure and an organization’s collective adaptability to a shifting environment. Research has shown that network centralization—the degree to which communication flows disproportionately through one or more... View Details
Keywords: Network Centralization; Collective Intelligence; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Organizational Structure; Communication; Decision Making; Networks; Adaptation
Bernstein, Ethan S., Jesse C. Shore, and Alice J. Jang. "Network Centralization and Collective Adaptability to a Shifting Environment." Organization Science 34, no. 6 (November–December 2023): 2064–2096.
- 2011
- Case
How Fast and Flexible Do You Want Your Information, Really?
By: Thomas H. Davenport and Jim Snabe
Almost all executives want more and faster information, and almost all companies are racing to provide it. What many of them are overlooking is that the real aim should not be faster information but faster decision making, and those aren't the same things. Executives... View Details
Davenport, Thomas H., and Jim Snabe. "How Fast and Flexible Do You Want Your Information, Really?" 2011.
- 03 Oct 2016
- Working Paper Summaries
Executive Development Programs Enter the Digital Vortex: I. Disrupting the Demand Landscape
- March 1990 (Revised September 1993)
- Case
People Express Airlines: Rise and Decline
By: Michael Beer
Describes the innovative approach to organizing and managing employees by People Express and describes the company's eventual demise. This material can be used to inform about leading edge human resource management practices and to raise questions about what went... View Details
Beer, Michael. "People Express Airlines: Rise and Decline." Harvard Business School Case 490-012, March 1990. (Revised September 1993.)
- 2018
- Working Paper
Bayesian Ensembles of Binary-Event Forecasts: When Is It Appropriate to Extremize or Anti-Extremize?
By: Kenneth C. Lichtendahl Jr., Yael Grushka-Cockayne, Victor Richmond R. Jose and Robert L. Winkler
Many organizations face critical decisions that rely on forecasts of binary events. In these situations, organizations often gather forecasts from multiple experts or models and average those forecasts to produce a single aggregate forecast. Because the average... View Details
Keywords: Forecast Aggregation; Linear Opinion Pool; Generalized Additive Model; Generalized Linear Model; Stacking.; Forecasting and Prediction
Lichtendahl, Kenneth C., Jr., Yael Grushka-Cockayne, Victor Richmond R. Jose, and Robert L. Winkler. "Bayesian Ensembles of Binary-Event Forecasts: When Is It Appropriate to Extremize or Anti-Extremize?" Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 19-041, October 2018.
- 18 Mar 2021
- News
With More People Working from Home, Valuable Connections Lost
How Fast and Flexible Do You Want Your Information, Really?
Almost all executives want more and faster information, and almost all companies are racing to provide it. What many of them are overlooking is that the real aim should not be faster information but faster decision making, and those aren't the same things. Executives... View Details
- 29 Sep 2014
- Blog Post
Don’t leave this out of your job posting…
Creating a compelling job posting can be tricky. Within a short amount of space you have to strike a balance between being informative and engaging. With first-year job postings going live on 10/10, it feels like the perfect time to share... View Details
- September 1988 (Revised September 1993)
- Case
Mrs. Fields Cookies
Mrs. Fields Cookies is a small company selling freshly baked goods through privately owned specialty stores (each store sells only Mrs. Fields products). The company has about 8,000 employees worldwide and less than 150 information systems people for a unique leverage... View Details
Keywords: Acquisition; Information Management; Organizational Structure; Customer Relationship Management; Business Growth and Maturation; Networks; Internet and the Web; Information Technology Industry; Information Technology Industry
Cash, James I., Jr. "Mrs. Fields Cookies." Harvard Business School Case 189-056, September 1988. (Revised September 1993.)
- TeachingInterests
Financial Reporting and Control
Throughout their careers, business leaders are required to measure and evaluate their organization's economic performance, improve resource allocation and strategy implementation within their organizations, and build accountability for performance through effective... View Details
- 2014
- Book
The Power of Noticing: What the Best Leaders See
By: Max Bazerman
This book will examine the common failure to notice critical information due to bounded awareness. The book will document a decade of research showing that even successful people fail to notice the absence of critical and readily available information in their... View Details
Bazerman, Max. The Power of Noticing: What the Best Leaders See. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2014.
- February 2023
- Case
Ransomware Attack at Springhill Medical Center
By: Suraj Srinivasan and Li-Kuan (Jason) Ni
In July, 2019, Springhill Medical Center (“SMC”) in Mobile, Alabama, fell prey to a malicious ransomware attack that crippled the hospital’s internal network systems and public-facing web page. While the hospital rushed to securely restore the network, medical... View Details
Keywords: Disruption; Communication; Communication Strategy; Decision Making; Decision Choices and Conditions; Judgments; Corporate Accountability; Corporate Disclosure; Corporate Governance; Governance Controls; Policy; Employees; News; Cybersecurity; Digital Strategy; Information Infrastructure; Information Management; Internet and the Web; Crisis Management; Resource Allocation; Risk Management; Negotiation Tactics; Failure; Business and Stakeholder Relations; Attitudes; Behavior; Perception; Reputation; Trust; Public Opinion; Social Issues; Health Industry; United States; Alabama
Srinivasan, Suraj, and Li-Kuan (Jason) Ni. "Ransomware Attack at Springhill Medical Center." Harvard Business School Case 123-065, February 2023.
- September 2006 (Revised December 2006)
- Case
Arizona Department of Public Health: The Challenges of Preparing for a Public Health Emergency
By: Lynda M. Applegate, Ajay Vinze, T. S. Raghu and Minu Ipe
In the post-9/11 era information technology enablement for emergency preparedness and response have taken on increased significance. Public health organizations like ADHS play a critical role in any statewide preparation for large scale emergencies. With issues like... View Details
Keywords: Problems and Challenges; Information Technology; Health Care and Treatment; Business Processes; Service Delivery; National Security; Health Industry; Public Administration Industry; Arizona
Applegate, Lynda M., Ajay Vinze, T. S. Raghu, and Minu Ipe. "Arizona Department of Public Health: The Challenges of Preparing for a Public Health Emergency." Harvard Business School Case 807-016, September 2006. (Revised December 2006.)
- June 2020 (Revised October 2020)
- Case
What Went Wrong with Boeing's 737 Max?
By: William W. George and Amram Migdal
This case describes the development of the Boeing 737 Max airplane model and the events leading up to two tragic plane crashes, in which a total of 346 people died: the crash of Lion Air flight 610 on October 29, 2018, in Indonesia, and the crash of Ethiopian Airlines... View Details
Keywords: Communication; Communication Intention and Meaning; Communication Strategy; Forms of Communication; Announcements; Decision Making; Decision Choices and Conditions; Judgments; Ethics; Moral Sensibility; Values and Beliefs; Globalization; Global Strategy; Governance; Corporate Accountability; Governance Controls; Human Resources; Resignation and Termination; Leadership; Leadership Style; Management; Business or Company Management; Crisis Management; Management Practices and Processes; Management Skills; Management Style; Management Systems; Risk Management; Time Management; Markets; Demand and Consumers; Digital Platforms; Supply and Industry; Duopoly and Oligopoly; Industry Structures; Operations; Product Development; Organizations; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Organizational Culture; Outcome or Result; Failure; Success; Planning; Strategic Planning; Problems and Challenges; Relationships; Business and Community Relations; Business and Government Relations; Business and Stakeholder Relations; Risk and Uncertainty; Safety; Strategy; Transportation; Air Transportation; Aerospace Industry; Air Transportation Industry; Africa; Ethiopia; Asia; Indonesia; North and Central America; United States; Seattle; Chicago
George, William W., and Amram Migdal. "What Went Wrong with Boeing's 737 Max?" Harvard Business School Case 320-104, June 2020. (Revised October 2020.)
- 11 Jun 2012
- News
Conversation Starter: How Intimate Are You?
- 27 Feb 2018
- HBS Seminar
Lin William Cong, University of Chicago Booth School of Business
- June 2006 (Revised July 2009)
- Case
MassMEDIC: The Massachusetts Medical Device Industry Council
By: Willis M. Emmons III, Michael E. Porter and Spencer Wallace
Set in 2004, as Massachusetts Medical Device Industry Council (MassMEDIC) President Tom Sommer contemplates the future direction of a successful medical device cluster association. Focuses on the formation of cluster organizations and their roles and effectiveness,... View Details
Keywords: Economic Growth; Industry Clusters; Nonprofit Organizations; Social and Collaborative Networks; Cooperation; Massachusetts
Emmons, Willis M., III, Michael E. Porter, and Spencer Wallace. "MassMEDIC: The Massachusetts Medical Device Industry Council." Harvard Business School Case 706-498, June 2006. (Revised July 2009.)
- Teaching Interest
By: Aiyesha Dey
Financial Reporting and Control
Throughout their careers, business leaders are required to measure and evaluate their organization's economic performance, improve resource allocation and strategy implementation within their organizations, and build accountability... View Details
Throughout their careers, business leaders are required to measure and evaluate their organization's economic performance, improve resource allocation and strategy implementation within their organizations, and build accountability... View Details
- TeachingInterests
Financial Reporting and Control
By: Paul M. Healy
Throughout their careers, business leaders are required to measure and evaluate their organization's economic performance, improve resource allocation and strategy implementation within their organizations, and build accountability for performance through effective... View Details
- May 2016
- Article
Transformation of Health Care—Perspectives of Opinion Leaders
By: Joanne Disch, Thomas W. Feeley, Diana J. Mason, Richard L. Schilsky, Ellen L. Stovall and Shelley Fuld Nasso
"What Health System Transformations Do You Believe Are Necessary for the Future of Health Care?" We need to transform to a true value-based health care delivery system. That means organizing care around medical conditions, not simply around hospitals and doctors. We... View Details