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- All HBS Web
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- May 2004
- Article
New Frontiers in International Strategy
By: Joan Enric Ricart, Michael J. Enright, Pankaj Ghemawat, Stuart Hart and Tarun Khanna
Ricart, Joan Enric, Michael J. Enright, Pankaj Ghemawat, Stuart Hart, and Tarun Khanna. "New Frontiers in International Strategy." Journal of International Business Studies 35, no. 3 (May 2004).
- Web
Collecting Strategy | Baker Library
Collecting Strategy Digital Equipment Corporation catalog, 1968-1969. Kenneth H. Olsen collection. Special Collections & Archives is vigorously building its archival and historical collections to support emerging trends in contemporary... View Details
- 18 Oct 2017
- Research & Ideas
How Economic Clusters Drive Globalization
suggests that economic clusters—usually used to explain development in local economies—have had a much wider impact on world economics than generally recognized. Harvard-Newcomen Fellow Valeria Giacomin calls clusters “the building blocks of the View Details
- November 2022 (Revised February 2024)
- Case
The Globalization of Manchester City Football Group
By: Maria P. Roche, Tiona Zuzul, Exequiel Hernandez and Amy Klopfenstein
This case describes the efforts of City Football Group (CFG) to purchase Esporte Clube Bahia (Bahia), a Brazilian professional soccer club. CFG’s strategy was to acquire under-performing clubs worldwide, invest money in high-profile players, and improve the teams’... View Details
Keywords: Business Ventures; Acquisition; Business Conglomerates; Geography; Geographic Location; Geographic Scope; Globalization; Global Strategy; Globalized Markets and Industries; Markets; Demand and Consumers; Marketing; Brands and Branding; Organizations; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Sports; Strategy; Competition; Competitive Advantage; Diversification; Expansion; Sports Industry; Europe; United Kingdom; England; South America; Brazil
Roche, Maria P., Tiona Zuzul, Exequiel Hernandez, and Amy Klopfenstein. "The Globalization of Manchester City Football Group." Harvard Business School Case 723-391, November 2022. (Revised February 2024.)
- Research Summary
A growing body of strategy and management literature emphasizes the importance of non-market strategy, not only as a stand-alone strategy but also as a part of integrated strategy in dealing with frequent regulatory change and political/regulatory actors and agencies.... View Details
- 2017
- Teaching Note
Global Collaboration Simulation: Tip of the Iceberg
By: Tsedal Neeley
This Teaching Note reproduces the communication dynamics that occur during global collaborations, in which diverse work teams interact in the commonly used English business language or lingua franca. View Details
Neeley, Tsedal. "Global Collaboration Simulation: Tip of the Iceberg." Harvard Business Publishing Teaching Note 7102, 2017.
- 12 Oct 1999
- Research & Ideas
Porter’s Perspective: Competing in the Global Economy
articles, "Clusters and Competition: New Agendas for Companies, Governments, and Institutions" and "Competing Across Locations: Enhancing Competitive Advantage through a Global Strategy." Jim Aisner of HBS spoke with... View Details
Keywords: Re: Michael E. Porter
- March 2021
- Technical Note
Competitive Strategy in International Construction
By: John D. Macomber and Emrah Ergelen
Construction of buildings and infrastructure is one of the largest industries in the world in terms of volume. It is also one of the most physically risky, financially uncertain, and politically impacted. The industry is highly fragmented since there are few economies... View Details
Keywords: Construction; Infrastructure; Strategy; Marketing Strategy; Competitive Strategy; Strategic Planning; Global Range; Construction Industry
Macomber, John D., and Emrah Ergelen. "Competitive Strategy in International Construction." Harvard Business School Technical Note 221-074, March 2021.
- 14 Feb 2017
- Research & Ideas
A Strategy For Steady Leadership in an Unsteady World
presaged a world that is “volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous” —VUCA, for short. VUCA describes perfectly what is happening in the global business world today. Business is not running as usual. Leaders must deal with growing... View Details
Keywords: by Bill George
- 01 Jun 2014
- News
Case Study: A Souped-Up Strategy
model is more local than expected and that it's working in small and medium markets. Getting to a strong brand awareness and consideration level will be cheaper and easier in these markets, which will be critical for local business. Since this is a View Details
- February 2018 (Revised October 2020)
- Case
The Marriott-Starwood Merger: Navigating Brand Portfolio Strategy and Brand Architecture
By: Jill Avery, Chekitan S. Dev and Laure Mougeot Stroock
In September 2016, Marriott completed its $13.3 billion acquisition of Starwood Hotels & Resorts, which added 11 brands to its already robust 19 hotel brand portfolio. Tina Edmundson, Marriott's global brand officer, was charged with making sense of the brand portfolio... View Details
Keywords: Brand Management; Brand Architecture; Brand Portfolio; Merger; Hospitality Industry; Services Marketing; Branded House; House Of Brands; Sub-branding; Marketing; Marketing Strategy; Brands and Branding; Mergers and Acquisitions; Consumer Behavior; Advertising; Travel Industry; Accommodations Industry; Tourism Industry; United States; North America; Europe; Asia
Avery, Jill, Chekitan S. Dev, and Laure Mougeot Stroock. "The Marriott-Starwood Merger: Navigating Brand Portfolio Strategy and Brand Architecture." Harvard Business School Case 518-081, February 2018. (Revised October 2020.)
- 01 Sep 2023
- News
Global Outposts Expand HBS’s Intellectual Footprint
studies that highlight the opportunities and challenges facing business leaders and managers around the world, the School relies on the expertise and connections of staff members at HBS’s 18 global research outposts in 16 countries. Under... View Details
Keywords: Jennifer Gillespie
- 01 Jul 2011
- News
Corporates need to hard sell strategy to their people
- 29 Jun 2015
- News
Why Xiaomi Can't Succeed Without India
- 2005
- Book
Multinationals and Global Capitalism: From the Nineteenth to the Twenty-First Century
By: Geoffrey Jones
This book provides an essential framework for understanding global business. It shows how entrepreneurs built a global economy in the nineteenth century by creating firms that pursued resources and markets across borders. It demonstrates how firms shifted strategies as... View Details
Keywords: Capitalism; Multinational Firms and Management; Globalization; History; Economy; Trade; Strategy
Jones, Geoffrey. Multinationals and Global Capitalism: From the Nineteenth to the Twenty-First Century. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005.
- Web
Investment Strategies - Course Catalog
HBS Course Catalog Investment Strategies Course Number 1425 Senior Lecturer William Vrattos Spring; Q4; 1.5 credits 13 Sessions Exam Career Focus Global capital markets are vast and dynamic, with over $100... View Details
- February 2010
- Case
Applied Research Technologies, Inc.: Global Innovation's Challenges
By: Christopher A. Bartlett and Heather Beckham
Applied Research Technologies, Inc. (ART) is a diversified technology company which has used its entrepreneurial culture and encouragement of innovation as an ongoing competitive advantage. The case concentrates on the challenges faced by Peter Vyas, the Filtration... View Details
Keywords: Management Style; Managerial Roles; Management Practices and Processes; Reputation; Organizational Culture; Innovation and Management; Competitive Advantage; Entrepreneurship; Management Systems; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Technology Industry
Bartlett, Christopher A., and Heather Beckham. "Applied Research Technologies, Inc.: Global Innovation's Challenges." Harvard Business School Brief Case 104-168, February 2010.
- September 2018 (Revised April 2019)
- Case
Sigfox: Building a Global IoT Network
By: Rajiv Lal, Mette Fuglsang Hjortshoej and Emilie Billaud
In 2018, Ludovic Le Moan and Christophe Fourtet, co-founders of the French tech startup Sigfox, reflected on the evolution of their venture and the way forward. Founded in 2009, Sigfox was a company that provided a global connectivity network for devices connected to... View Details
Keywords: Internet Of Things; Business Startups; Entrepreneurship; Transition; Information Technology; Business Strategy; Internet and the Web; Technology Adoption; Technology Industry; Telecommunications Industry; France; Europe
Lal, Rajiv, Mette Fuglsang Hjortshoej, and Emilie Billaud. "Sigfox: Building a Global IoT Network." Harvard Business School Case 519-032, September 2018. (Revised April 2019.)
- June 1981 (Revised May 1988)
- Case
L.L. Bean, Inc.: Corporate Strategy
By: Hirotaka Takeuchi
L.L. Bean, Inc., a Maine-based manufacturer and mail-order retailer of sporting goods and apparel, has grown from $3 million in sales (1967) to over $120 million (1980). Current projections predict an annual compounded growth of 25% through 1985. Management must decide... View Details
Keywords: Globalization; Growth and Development; Growth Management; Production; Quality; Sales; Situation or Environment; Corporate Strategy; Internet and the Web; Apparel and Accessories Industry; Retail Industry
Takeuchi, Hirotaka. "L.L. Bean, Inc.: Corporate Strategy." Harvard Business School Case 581-159, June 1981. (Revised May 1988.)
- October 2011
- Case
Levendary Cafe: The China Challenge
By: Christopher A. Bartlett and Arar Han
Just weeks into her new job, Mia Foster, a first time CEO with no international management experience, is faced with a major challenge at Levendary Cafe, a $10 billion US-based fast food chain. Strategically, many of her corporate staff have become concerned that the... View Details
Keywords: Globalization; International Management; Foreign Subsidiaries; General Managers; Strategy; Management Style; Strategic Planning; Business Subsidiaries; Multinational Firms and Management; Adaptation; Entrepreneurship; Relationships; Standards; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Retail Industry; Food and Beverage Industry; China; United States
Bartlett, Christopher A., and Arar Han. "Levendary Cafe: The China Challenge." Harvard Business School Brief Case 114-357, October 2011.