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- Faculty Publications (352)
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- All HBS Web
- Faculty Publications (352)
- May 1995
- Article
Contractual Arrangements in Franchising: An Empirical Investigation
By: D. Agrawal and R. Lal
Agrawal, D., and R. Lal. "Contractual Arrangements in Franchising: An Empirical Investigation." Journal of Marketing Research (JMR) 32, no. 2 (May 1995).
- April 1995 (Revised August 1995)
- Case
World Trade Organization, The: Toward Free Trade or World Bureaucracy?
By: George C. Lodge and Jack High
In January 1995, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) evolved into the World Trade Organization (WTO), which faced the task of implementing the recently approved Uruguay Round of international trade agreements. This case describes the development of GATT,... View Details
Keywords: Trade; Agreements and Arrangements; Negotiation Process; Business and Government Relations
Lodge, George C., and Jack High. "World Trade Organization, The: Toward Free Trade or World Bureaucracy?" Harvard Business School Case 795-149, April 1995. (Revised August 1995.)
- Article
On the Division of Profit in Sequential Innovation
By: Jerry R. Green and Suzanne Scotchmer
In markets with sequential innovation, inventors of derivative improvements might undermine the profit of initial innovators through competition. Profit erosion can be mitigated by broadening the first innovator's patent protection and/or by permitting cooperative... View Details
Green, Jerry R., and Suzanne Scotchmer. "On the Division of Profit in Sequential Innovation." RAND Journal of Economics 26, no. 2 (Spring 1995): 20–33.
- February 1995
- Teaching Note
Vanity Fair Mills: Market Response System TN
By: David E. Bell
Teaching Note for (9-593-111). View Details
- December 1994 (Revised February 2000)
- Case
Final Offer: Part II
By: Michael A. Wheeler and Jan Martinez
Supplements Background Note: GM-UAW Negotiations--1984. View Details
Wheeler, Michael A., and Jan Martinez. "Final Offer: Part II." Harvard Business School Case 895-016, December 1994. (Revised February 2000.)
- December 1994 (Revised June 1995)
- Case
Tiffany & Co.--1993
By: W. Carl Kester and Kendall Backstrand
The restructuring of Tiffany's retailing agreement with Mitsukoshi Ltd. in 1993 exposed Tiffany to substantial yen/dollar exchange rate volatility that it had not previously faced. This new exposure requires Tiffany to establish risk management policies and practices.... View Details
Keywords: Restructuring; Currency Exchange Rate; Management Practices and Processes; Risk Management; Agreements and Arrangements; Situation or Environment
Kester, W. Carl, and Kendall Backstrand. "Tiffany & Co.--1993." Harvard Business School Case 295-047, December 1994. (Revised June 1995.)
- March 1994 (Revised October 1994)
- Case
Reading Energy
Reading Energy builds facilities that produce energy from nontraditional fuels. A privately held, entrepreneurial organization, it has spent six years developing a plan to build a waste-to-energy plant in the town of Robbins, Illinois. The plant would burn municipal... View Details
Keywords: Energy Generation; Wastes and Waste Processing; Business and Community Relations; Business Plan; Agreements and Arrangements; Contracts; Risk and Uncertainty; Government and Politics; Environmental Sustainability; Business Strategy; Energy Industry; Utilities Industry; Illinois
Reinhardt, Forest L. "Reading Energy." Harvard Business School Case 794-102, March 1994. (Revised October 1994.)
- January 1994 (Revised April 2011)
- Background Note
Note on Private Equity Partnership Agreements
By: Josh Lerner
Venture capital by necessity is a long-run investment. Consequently, since the mid-1960s virtually all venture financing has been raised through private partnerships with a ten-year or longer life span. To govern these investments, complex contracts have sprung up... View Details
Keywords: Venture Capital; Financing and Loans; Investment; Governance; Contracts; Partners and Partnerships
Lerner, Josh. "Note on Private Equity Partnership Agreements." Harvard Business School Background Note 294-084, January 1994. (Revised April 2011.)
- January 1994 (Revised July 1998)
- Case
Repligen Corporation: January 1992
By: Josh Lerner and David Kane
Sandford Smith, CEO of Repligen, faces the breakdown of negotiations about a proposed joint venture with a large pharmaceutical firm. He must decide whether to proceed using his firm's internal resources or whether to seek to revise the proposed collaboration. If the... View Details
Lerner, Josh, and David Kane. "Repligen Corporation: January 1992." Harvard Business School Case 294-082, January 1994. (Revised July 1998.)
- September 1993 (Revised October 1994)
- Case
Environment and International Trade
During the 1990s, environmental activists became interested in trade issues for the first time. Whereas GATT, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, had previously been the province of trade specialists, a new poster popular among environmentalists depicted the... View Details
Keywords: Trade; Environmental Sustainability; Science-Based Business; Policy; Government and Politics; Agreements and Arrangements; Alliances; Globalization; International Relations; Conflict of Interests
Reinhardt, Forest L. "Environment and International Trade." Harvard Business School Case 794-018, September 1993. (Revised October 1994.)
- June 1993
- Case
General Dynamics and Computer Sciences Corporation: Outsourcing the IS Function (A) and (B) (Abridged)
By: F. Warren McFarlan and Katherine N. Seger
Describes the largest information systems outsourcing agreement in the industry from the perspectives of both companies involved in the deal. View Details
Keywords: Restructuring; Transition; Job Cuts and Outsourcing; Contracts; Agreements and Arrangements; Business Strategy; Information Technology
McFarlan, F. Warren, and Katherine N. Seger. "General Dynamics and Computer Sciences Corporation: Outsourcing the IS Function (A) and (B) (Abridged)." Harvard Business School Case 193-178, June 1993.
- April 1993 (Revised December 2001)
- Case
General Dynamics and Computer Sciences Corporation: Outsourcing the IS Function (C)
By: F. Warren McFarlan and Katherine Seger
Outlines the full architecture of an outsourcing agreement and allows the class to discuss what should and should not be in such agreements. View Details
McFarlan, F. Warren, and Katherine Seger. "General Dynamics and Computer Sciences Corporation: Outsourcing the IS Function (C)." Harvard Business School Case 193-146, April 1993. (Revised December 2001.)
- 1993
- Chapter
The Law of the Sea Conference: Lessons for Negotiations to Control Global Warming
Keywords: Negotiation; Climate Change; Environmental Sustainability; Agreements and Arrangements; International Relations
Sebenius, James K. "The Law of the Sea Conference: Lessons for Negotiations to Control Global Warming." In International Environmental Negotiation, edited by Gunnar Sjostedt, 189–216. Beverly Hills, CA: SAGE Publications, 1993.
- Article
Renegotiation and the Form of Efficient Contracts
By: Jerry R. Green and J. J. Laffont
Two parties may agree to a mutually binding contract that will govern their behavior after an uncertain event becomes known. As there is no agent who can both observe this uncertain outcome and enforce the contract, contingent agreements are precluded. However, the... View Details
Green, Jerry R., and J. J. Laffont. "Renegotiation and the Form of Efficient Contracts." Annales d'économie et de statistique, nos. 25-26 (January–June 1992): 123–150.
- February 1992 (Revised April 1995)
- Case
Pfizer: Global Protection of Intellectual Property
By: Lynn S. Paine and Michael Santoro
Top officials at Pfizer are assessing their strategy for improving protection of Pfizer's patents around the world. The outcome of the Uruguay Round of the GATT negotiations is uncertain, and it is not clear whether an acceptable intellectual property protection... View Details
Keywords: Patents; Trade; Policy; Government and Politics; Business Strategy; Agreements and Arrangements; Alliances; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Pharmaceutical Industry; United States; Japan; Europe
Paine, Lynn S., and Michael Santoro. "Pfizer: Global Protection of Intellectual Property." Harvard Business School Case 392-073, February 1992. (Revised April 1995.)
- October 1991 (Revised February 1995)
- Case
North American Free Trade Agreement
By: Ray A. Goldberg
Goldberg, Ray A. "North American Free Trade Agreement." Harvard Business School Case 592-039, October 1991. (Revised February 1995.)
- February 1991 (Revised June 1993)
- Case
Ross Perot and General Motors
By: Jay W. Lorsch
In December, 1986 the General Motors Board of Directors must decide whether to accept the buyout agreement between GM and Ross Perot, a director of GM and its largest stockholder. The agreement called for GM to purchase all of Perot's GM shares in exchange for his... View Details
Keywords: Leveraged Buyouts; Mergers and Acquisitions; Stock Shares; Resignation and Termination; Business or Company Management; Agreements and Arrangements
Lorsch, Jay W. "Ross Perot and General Motors." Harvard Business School Case 491-027, February 1991. (Revised June 1993.)
- 1991
- Article
Binding Parties to Agreements in Environmental Disputes
By: M. A. Wheeler and L. Bacow
Wheeler, M. A., and L. Bacow. "Binding Parties to Agreements in Environmental Disputes." Villanova Environmental Law Journal (1991): 99–109.
- December 1990 (Revised December 1993)
- Case
Australian Paper Manufacturers (A)
By: David M. Upton and Joshua D. Margolis
Describes a company which has broken an unwritten cordial agreement amongst the three Australian paper manufacturers to split the domestic market three ways by market segment. The company invades another's "territory" with advanced technology, quality, and,... View Details
Keywords: Agreements and Arrangements; Production; Information Technology; Ethics; Situation or Environment; Product Development; Segmentation; Expansion; Financial Strategy; Pulp and Paper Industry; Australia
Upton, David M., and Joshua D. Margolis. "Australian Paper Manufacturers (A)." Harvard Business School Case 691-041, December 1990. (Revised December 1993.)
- November 1990 (Revised March 1994)
- Case
Digital Equipment Corp.: The Kodak Outsourcing Agreement (A)
By: Lynda M. Applegate and Herminia M. Ibarra
Describes grassroots effort which culminated in Digital's winning a competitive bid for the outsourcing of Kodak's internal telecommunications business. Describes the "Telstar" project, from the initial identification of the business opportunity to the process of... View Details
Keywords: Innovation and Management; Partners and Partnerships; Leading Change; Agreements and Arrangements; Business or Company Management; Bids and Bidding; Decision Making; Management Teams; Telecommunications Industry
Applegate, Lynda M., and Herminia M. Ibarra. "Digital Equipment Corp.: The Kodak Outsourcing Agreement (A)." Harvard Business School Case 191-039, November 1990. (Revised March 1994.)