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- All HBS Web
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- Faculty Publications (527)
- Teaching Interest
Micro Topics in Organizational Behavior
Micro Topics in Organizational Behavior is a PhD seminar course exploring current and seminal research on individual, dyadic, small group, and intra-organizational behavior. Examples of topics at the individual level include emotions, cognition, and behavioral... View Details
- July 2012
- Class Lecture
The Progress Principle: Using Small Wins to Ignite Joy, Engagement, and Creativity at Work
What really makes people happy, motivated, productive, and creative at work? Professor Amabile's research, based on analyzing nearly 12,000 daily diaries of team members working on collaborative projects, reveals some surprising answers. Inner work life—a person's... View Details
Keywords: Employee Motivation; Fostering Performance; Improving Creativity; The Importance Of Progress; Employee Attitude; Enhancing Work Life; Improving Productivity; Inner Work Life; Motivation and Incentives; Working Conditions; Creativity; Performance Productivity; Attitudes; Employees
Amabile, Teresa M. "The Progress Principle: Using Small Wins to Ignite Joy, Engagement, and Creativity at Work." Harvard Business School Class Lecture 813-701, July 2012.
- August 2007 (Revised May 2009)
- Case
PlaNet Finance: Broad Scope in Microfinance
By: Andrei Hagiu and Elena Corsi
PlaNet Finance was a French NGO providing technical support and training services to microfinance institutions (i.e., institutions providing financial services to the poor) and other microfinance actors, rating of microfinance institutions and management, and advisory... View Details
Keywords: Financial Institutions; Microfinance; Growth Management; Networks; Non-Governmental Organizations; Service Industry; France
Hagiu, Andrei, and Elena Corsi. "PlaNet Finance: Broad Scope in Microfinance." Harvard Business School Case 708-441, August 2007. (Revised May 2009.)
- June 2005
- Article
This Old Stereotype: The Stubbornness and Pervasiveness of the Elderly Stereotype
By: A.J.C. Cuddy, M. I. Norton and S. T. Fiske
Americans stereotype elderly people as warm and incompetent, following from perceptions of them as noncompetitive and low status, respectively. This article extends existing research regarding stereotyping of older people in two ways. First, we discuss whether the... View Details
Cuddy, A.J.C., M. I. Norton, and S. T. Fiske. "This Old Stereotype: The Stubbornness and Pervasiveness of the Elderly Stereotype." Journal of Social Issues 61, no. 2 (June 2005): 267–285.
- 24 Apr 2006
- News
Keeping the Core Healthy
- 2024
- Working Paper
Hidden Risk
By: Daniel Barth, Phillip Monin, Emil Siriwardane and Adi Sunderam
Since 2013, large U.S. hedge fund advisers have been required to report risk exposures in their regulatory filings. Using these data, we first establish that managers’ perceptions of risk contain useful information that is not embedded in fund returns. Investor flows... View Details
Keywords: Corporate Disclosure; Investment Funds; Risk and Uncertainty; Investment Return; Communication Strategy; Financial Services Industry
Barth, Daniel, Phillip Monin, Emil Siriwardane, and Adi Sunderam. "Hidden Risk." Working Paper, November 2024.
- 21 Dec 2018
- News
Indie bookstores sales increase by 5% in 2018
- Article
Feeling Authentic Serves as a Buffer Against Rejections
By: F. Gino and M. Kouchaki
Social exclusion is a painful yet common experience in many people’s personal and professional lives. This research demonstrates that feeling authentic serves as a buffer against social rejection, leading people to experience less social pain. Across five studies,... View Details
Gino, F., and M. Kouchaki. "Feeling Authentic Serves as a Buffer Against Rejections." Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 160 (September 2020): 36–50.
- 19 Dec 2018
- News
Instagram is helping save the indie bookstore
- March 2017
- Article
Creativity in Unethical Behavior Attenuates Condemnation and Breeds Social Contagion: When Transgressions Seem to Create Little Harm
By: Scott S. Wiltermuth, Lynne C. Vincent and F. Gino
Across six studies, people judged creative forms of unethical behavior to be less unethical than less creative forms of unethical behavior, particularly when the unethical behaviors imposed relatively little direct harm on victims. As a result of perceiving behaviors... View Details
Wiltermuth, Scott S., Lynne C. Vincent, and F. Gino. "Creativity in Unethical Behavior Attenuates Condemnation and Breeds Social Contagion: When Transgressions Seem to Create Little Harm." Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 139 (March 2017): 106–126.
- September 2019
- Article
The Self-Presentational Consequences of Upholding One's Stance in Spite of the Evidence
By: Leslie John, Martha Jeong, Francesca Gino and Laura Huang
Five studies explore the self-presentational consequences of refusing to “back down” – that is, upholding a stance despite evidence of its inaccuracy. Using data from an entrepreneurial pitch competition, Study 1 shows that entrepreneurs tend not to back down even... View Details
Keywords: Self-presentation; Belief Perseverance; Judgment; Confidence; Persuasion; Personal Characteristics; Behavior; Perception; Decision Making; Outcome or Result
John, Leslie, Martha Jeong, Francesca Gino, and Laura Huang. "The Self-Presentational Consequences of Upholding One's Stance in Spite of the Evidence." Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 154 (September 2019): 1–14.
- Article
The Pitfalls of Pricing Algorithms: Be Mindful of How They Can Hurt Your Brand
By: Marco Bertini and Oded Koenigsberg
More and more companies are relying on pricing algorithms to maximize profits. The use of artificial intelligence and machine learning enables real-time price adjustments based on supply and demand, competitors’ activities, delivery schedules, and so forth. But... View Details
Keywords: Algorithmic Pricing; Dynamic Pricing; Price; Change; Information Technology; Brands and Branding; Perception; Consumer Behavior
Bertini, Marco, and Oded Koenigsberg. "The Pitfalls of Pricing Algorithms: Be Mindful of How They Can Hurt Your Brand." Harvard Business Review 99, no. 5 (September–October 2021): 74–83.
- 2010
- Article
I May Not Agree With You, but I Trust You: Caring About Social Issues Signals Integrity
By: Julian Zlatev
What characteristics of an individual signal trustworthiness to other people? I propose that individuals who care about contentious social issues signal to observers that they have integrity and thus can be trusted. Critically, this signal conveys trustworthiness... View Details
Zlatev, Julian. "I May Not Agree With You, but I Trust You: Caring About Social Issues Signals Integrity." Psychological Science 30, no. 6 (June 2019): 880–892.
- 2022
- Article
‘American Management’ vs ‘Swiss Labour Peace’. The Closure of the Swiss Firestone Factory in 1978
By: Sabine Pitteloud
This article focusses on the closure of the Firestone’s Swiss subsidiary in 1978. It contributes to the existing literature dealing with the ‘nationality’ of multinational companies and the impact of U.S. management style on local capitalist systems. Drawing on a... View Details
Keywords: Americanization; Capitalism; Corporate Nationality; Industrial Relations; Multinational; Narratives; Multinational Firms and Management; Nationality; Economic Systems; Labor and Management Relations; Switzerland
Pitteloud, Sabine. "‘American Management’ vs ‘Swiss Labour Peace’. The Closure of the Swiss Firestone Factory in 1978." Special Issue on International Business, Multi-Nationals, and the Nationality of the Company. Business History 64, no. 9 (2022): 1648–1665.
- April 1997
- Case
Pricing for Profit: The UK Credit Card Industry in the Late 1980s (A)
Describes the United Kingdom credit card industry in the late 1980s, which was really three businesses: a cashless transaction business for merchants, a cashless transaction business for card holders, and a credit business for card holders. At the time of the case,... View Details
Stuart, Harborne W., Jr. "Pricing for Profit: The UK Credit Card Industry in the Late 1980s (A)." Harvard Business School Case 897-168, April 1997.
- 2024
- Working Paper
Anti-Political-Establishment Citizens: An In-Depth Study from Two Latin American Countries
By: Loreto Cox and Natalia Garbiras-Diaz
Building on citizens’ animosity towards politicians, anti-establishment parties and
candidates have achieved significant electoral success. While recent studies examine
the supply-side, we know little about what drives citizens’ anti-establishment sentiments and how... View Details
Keywords: Political Parties; Political Instability; Democracy; Elections; Electoral Behavior; Election Outcomes; Ideology; Political Elections; Policy; Governance; Government and Politics; Social Issues; Society; Perception; Crime and Corruption; Latin America; South America; Colombia; Peru
Cox, Loreto, and Natalia Garbiras-Diaz. "Anti-Political-Establishment Citizens: An In-Depth Study from Two Latin American Countries." Working Paper, July 2024.
- Research Summary
Thin Slices of Groups [Under Review]
In this paper with Jeff Polzer, Lisa Kwan, Wannawiruch Wiruchnipawan, and Marina Miloslavsky, we extend research on “thin slices” by testing and determining that perceivers are able to accurately judge the effectiveness of small, task-performing groups... View Details
- 2014
- Article
Thought Calibration: How Thinking Just the Right Amount Increases One’s Influence and Appeal
By: Daniella Kupor, Zakary L. Tormala, Michael I. Norton and Derek D. Rucker
Previous research suggests that people draw inferences about their attitudes and preferences based on their own thoughtfulness. The current research explores how observing other individuals make decisions more or less thoughtfully can shape perceptions of those... View Details
Keywords: Thoughtfulness; Liking; Social Influence; Decisions; Attitudes; Cognition and Thinking; Power and Influence
Kupor, Daniella, Zakary L. Tormala, Michael I. Norton, and Derek D. Rucker. "Thought Calibration: How Thinking Just the Right Amount Increases One’s Influence and Appeal." Social Psychological & Personality Science 5, no. 3 (April 2014): 263–270.
- March 2012
- Article
The Hierarchical Face: Higher Rankings Lead to Less Cooperative Looks
By: Patricia Chen, Christopher G. Myers, Shirli Kopelman and Stephen M. Garcia
In 3 studies, we tested the hypothesis that the higher ranked an individual's group is, the less cooperative the facial expression of that person is judged to be. Study 1 established this effect among business school deans, with observers rating individuals from higher... View Details
Chen, Patricia, Christopher G. Myers, Shirli Kopelman, and Stephen M. Garcia. "The Hierarchical Face: Higher Rankings Lead to Less Cooperative Looks." Journal of Applied Psychology 97, no. 2 (March 2012): 479–486.
- September 2013
- Article
Status Boundary Enforcement and the Categorization of Black-White Biracials
By: Arnold K. Ho, Jim Sidanius, Amy J.C. Cuddy and Mahzarin R. Banaji
Individuals who qualify equally for membership in more than one racial group are not judged as belonging equally to both of their parent groups, but instead are seen as belonging more to their lower status parent group. Why? The present paper begins to establish the... View Details
Keywords: Hypodescent; Social Dominance Orientation; Intergroup Threat; Hierarchy Maintenance; Equality and Inequality; Race; Rank and Position; Attitudes; Identity
Ho, Arnold K., Jim Sidanius, Amy J.C. Cuddy, and Mahzarin R. Banaji. "Status Boundary Enforcement and the Categorization of Black-White Biracials." Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 49, no. 5 (September 2013): 940–943.