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- Faculty Publications (233)
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- All HBS Web (385)
- Faculty Publications (233)
- August 2010 (Revised June 2020)
- Teaching Note
Generation Investment Management (TN)
By: Sandra J. Sucher
Teaching Note for 613-002. The case and/or its teaching note includes references to case supplement videos that are intended for students to view, along with the written case, before class.
As a reminder, the (A) video supplement is intended for students to view... View Details
- 19 Mar 2007
- Research & Ideas
Handicapping the Best Countries for Business
If you are an executive of a multinational looking for geographies in which to expand your markets, operations, and investments, is China more attractive than India? South Africa better than Mexico? Does Russia have more promise than the... View Details
Keywords: by Sean Silverthorne
- Research Summary
Dr. Lurtz researches the history of agricultural economies in Latin America. She has a particular interest in export agriculture and attendant state- and locally-driven modernization projects. Her current work looks to the coffee economy of southern Mexico in the 19th... View Details
Keywords: Coffee Production; Institutions; Property Rights; Labor History; Credit; Modernization; Development Economics; Rural Scope; Trade; Food; Agribusiness; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Globalized Economies and Regions; Goods and Commodities; History; Growth and Development; Emerging Markets; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Latin America; Mexico; Central America
- June 2010
- Teaching Note
Sheikh Mohammed and the Making of "Dubai, Inc." (TN)
By: Anthony Mayo and Johnathan Cromwell
Teaching Note for 410063. View Details
- October 2017 (Revised November 2017)
- Case
By: Constantine E. Kontokosta, Mitchell Weiss, Christine Snively and Sarah Gulick
Joe Morrisroe, executive director for NYC311, had some gut instincts but no definitive answer to the question he was just asked by one of the mayor’s deputies: “Are some communities being underserved by 311? How do we know we are hearing from the right people?” Founded... View Details
Keywords: New York City; NYC; 311; NYC311; Big Data; Equal Access; Bias; Data Analysis; Public Entrepreneurship; Urban Informatics; Predictive Analytics; Chief Data Officer; Data Analytics; Cities; City Leadership; Analytics and Data Science; Analysis; Prejudice and Bias; Entrepreneurship; Public Sector; City; Public Administration Industry; New York (city, NY)
- October 2016
- Supplement
Airbnb in Amsterdam (B)
By: Mitchell Weiss, Emer Moloney and Vincent Dessain
In December 2014, Amsterdam and Airbnb announced an MOU to promote responsible home sharing and to simplify the payment of tourist tax for hosts in the city. It was the most comprehensive agreement that Airbnb had with any city in the world. Its final provision read,... View Details
Keywords: Public Entrepreneurship; Innovation; Sharing Economy; Amsterdam; Airbnb; Molly Turner; Regulation; Homesharing; Tourism; Business And Government; Public-private Partnership; Business and Government Relations; Government Administration; Public Sector; City; Urban Development; Tourism Industry; Public Administration Industry; Travel Industry; Netherlands; Europe
Weiss, Mitchell, Emer Moloney, and Vincent Dessain. "Airbnb in Amsterdam (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 817-014, October 2016.
- 11 Jul 2006
- First Look
First Look: July 11, 2006
century, ownership, location and geography still mattered enormously in international business. They may matter more than in the past. Paper: Cases & Course MaterialsEdison Schools, Inc.:... View Details
Keywords: Sean Silverthorne
- 18 Jan 2012
- Research & Ideas
Beyond Heroic Entrepreneurs
traditional nonprofits, what's most important is the social purpose, but hybrids also have economic objectives to generate enough revenue to sustain their operations." Echoing Green Battilana and Lee, who were designing the database... View Details
Keywords: by Carmen Nobel
- February 2005
- Case
Mahindra & Mahindra: Creating Scorpio
By: Tarun Khanna, Rajiv Lal and Merlina Manocaran
Details the emergence of a private sector automobile manufacturer in India that has created globally competitive and cheap versions of an SUV commonly available worldwide. Asks us to think about the parent corporation's next steps in leveraging this success. In... View Details
Keywords: Developing Countries and Economies; Global Range; Multinational Firms and Management; Emerging Markets; Commercialization; Expansion; Auto Industry; India
Khanna, Tarun, Rajiv Lal, and Merlina Manocaran. "Mahindra & Mahindra: Creating Scorpio." Harvard Business School Case 705-478, February 2005.
- 12 Dec 2006
- First Look
First Look: December 12, 2006
discouraged by existing organizations, which don't see the catalytic innovators' solutions as viable. As the authors show through examples in health care, education, and economic development, both nonprofit and for-profit groups are... View Details
Keywords: Martha Lagace
- February 2016 (Revised May 2016)
- Case
Astroscale, Space Debris, and Earth's Orbital Commons
By: Matthew Weinzierl, Angela Acocella and Mayuka Yamazaki
An engineer and technology entrepreneur, Nobu Okada, had turned a mid-life crisis into a bold—some would say quixotic—quest to prevent a tragedy of the commons at the global scale. Namely, Okada believed the accumulation of debris in near-Earth orbital space posed a... View Details
Keywords: Market Entry and Exit; Global Range; Entrepreneurship; Crisis Management; Wastes and Waste Processing; Economics; Aerospace Industry
Weinzierl, Matthew, Angela Acocella, and Mayuka Yamazaki. "Astroscale, Space Debris, and Earth's Orbital Commons." Harvard Business School Case 716-037, February 2016. (Revised May 2016.)
- October 2009 (Revised February 2014)
- Case
The Kaesong Industrial Complex (A)
By: Dante Roscini, Eric Werker and Han-koo Yeo
Keywords: Country; Risk and Uncertainty; International Relations; Trade; Agreements and Arrangements; Policy; North Korea; South Korea
Roscini, Dante, Eric Werker, and Han-koo Yeo. "The Kaesong Industrial Complex (A)." Harvard Business School Case 710-022, October 2009. (Revised February 2014.)
- 23 Jun 2015
- First Look
First Look: June 23, 2015
commonly observed organizational pattern, review the empirical evidence, and conclude with open research questions. Publisher's link: Forthcoming Journal of Economic View Details
Keywords: Sean Silverthorne
- 07 Dec 2009
- Research & Ideas
Government’s Positive Role in Kick-Starting Entrepreneurship
Silicon Valley is the poster child for capitalism, the synergistic geography where smart private money supports cool ideas, creates jobs, boosts national productivity, and provides a handsome return for investors. Less well understood... View Details
- 09 May 2017
- First Look
New Research and Ideas, May 9
May 2017 Journal of Financial Economics The Value of Trading Relations in Turbulent Times By: Di Maggio, Marco, Amir Kermani, and Zhaogang Song Abstract—This paper investigates how dealers’ trading relationships shape their trading... View Details
Keywords: Sean Silverthorne
- Career Coach
Alejandro Maldonado
and growth-stage company CEO’s. He has served on various for-profit, impact investing, and non-profit boards, including Accupac, Blush Bar, Ocean Lane Capital, Ventures Foundation, and Teach for America’s Colombia Chapter. Alejandro holds a BS in View Details
- 2019
- Working Paper
Who Should Select New Employees, Headquarters or the Unit Manager? Consequences of Centralizing Hiring at a Retail Chain
By: Carolyn Deller and Tatiana Sandino
We examine how changing the allocation of hiring decision rights in a multiunit organization affects employee-firm match quality, contingent on a unit’s circumstances. Our research site, a US retail chain, switched from a decentralized hiring model (hiring by business... View Details
Keywords: Control; Selection; Decentralization; Company Values; Retail Chains; Decision Making; Economics; Geography; Employees; Selection and Staffing; Organizational Design; Situation or Environment; Retail Industry
Deller, Carolyn, and Tatiana Sandino. "Who Should Select New Employees, Headquarters or the Unit Manager? Consequences of Centralizing Hiring at a Retail Chain." Harvard Business School Series in Accounting and Control, No. 16-088, January 2016. (Revised August 2019. Forthcoming in The Accounting Review.)
- November 1994
- Case
American Rice, Inc. in Vietnam
By: Ray A. Goldberg and Quintus Travis
Describes the first major joint venture between a U.S. and Vietnam rice company with reqard to the world rice trade. What are the opportunities and what are the challenges? View Details
Keywords: Joint Ventures; Trade; Global Range; Problems and Challenges; Opportunities; Food and Beverage Industry; Viet Nam; United States
Goldberg, Ray A., and Quintus Travis. "American Rice, Inc. in Vietnam." Harvard Business School Case 595-020, November 1994.
- 06 May 2014
- First Look
First Look: May 6
patterns and determinants underlying the global economic geography of multinational firms. Our analysis presents new stylized facts that suggest the emerging offshore clusters of multinationals are not a... View Details
Keywords: Sean Silverthorne
- 2023
- Chapter
Discussion of Geoeconomic Fragmentation and the Future of Multilateralism
By: Laura Alfaro
Keywords: Global Range; Economics; Globalized Economies and Regions; Globalization; International Relations; Policy
Alfaro, Laura. "Discussion of Geoeconomic Fragmentation and the Future of Multilateralism." Chap. 2 in Geoeconomic Fragmentation: The Economic Risks from a Fractured World Economy, by Shekhar Aliyar, Andrea Presbitero, and Michele Ruta, 19–25. Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), 2023.