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- Faculty Publications (609)
- November 2012 (Revised November 2013)
- Case
Persephone's Pomegranate: Crédit Agricole and Emporiki
By: Dante Roscini, Daniela Beyersdorfer and Jerome Lenhardt
In 2006 the French bank Crédit Agricole bought the Greek Emporiki bank, for €2.8 billion, at the peak of a bull market for bank takeovers. Six years, a major financial crisis, and €5.2 billion of losses later, in a context of great uncertainty in the European banking... View Details
Keywords: Business and Government Relations; Currency; Development Economics; International Finance; International Relations; Banking Industry; Greece
Roscini, Dante, Daniela Beyersdorfer, and Jerome Lenhardt. "Persephone's Pomegranate: Crédit Agricole and Emporiki." Harvard Business School Case 713-055, November 2012. (Revised November 2013.)
- November 2012
- Teaching Note
Brink's Company: Activists Push for a Spin-off (TN)
By: Suraj Srinivasan
The case this Teaching Note addresses studies the decision of the security services company Brink's Corporation to spin off its home security division from the rest of the company. The decision followed intense pressure on the company by three activist hedge funds that... View Details
- 2013
- Working Paper
Securities Litigation Risk for Foreign Companies Listed in the U.S.
By: Beiting Cheng, Suraj Srinivasan and Gwen Yu
We study securities litigation risk faced by foreign firms listed on U.S. exchanges. We take into account not only the propensity for foreign firms to commit violations of U.S. securities laws but also the costs that investors face when suing foreign firms. We find... View Details
Keywords: Litigation Risk; Cross Listing; Bonding; 10b-5; Securities Litigation; U.S.Listing; Class Action; Risk and Uncertainty; Debt Securities; Globalized Firms and Management; Ethics; Lawsuits and Litigation; United States
Cheng, Beiting, Suraj Srinivasan, and Gwen Yu. "Securities Litigation Risk for Foreign Companies Listed in the U.S." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 13-036, October 2012. (Revised March 2014.)
- October 2012
- Case
Harrah's Entertainment
By: Paul A. Gompers, Kristin Mugford and J. Daniel Kim
This case examines the issues of establishing and managing a capital structure for the leveraged buyout of Harrah's Entertainment. View Details
Keywords: Leveraged Buyouts; Debt Markets; Loan Contracts; Covenants; Casinos; Gaming; Private Equity; Entertainment and Recreation Industry; United States
Gompers, Paul A., Kristin Mugford, and J. Daniel Kim. "Harrah's Entertainment." Harvard Business School Case 213-054, October 2012.
- October 2012
- Case
Brazil 2003: Inflation Targeting and Debt Dynamics (Abridged)
By: Laura Alfaro and Rafael Di Tella
In October 2002, Brazilians elected a left-wing president, Luis Inacio Lula da Silva, for the first time in that country's history. As markets faltered in response, Lula sought to reaffirm his commitment to fiscal discipline, a floating exchange rate, and inflation... View Details
- October 2012
- Case
Hill Country Snack Foods Co.
By: W. Carl Kester and Craig Stephenson
Hill Country Snack Foods, located in Austin, Texas, manufactures, markets, and distributes snack foods and frozen treats. The CEO is passionate about maximizing shareholder value and believes in keeping tight control over costs and operating the business as efficiently... View Details
Keywords: United States; Financial Strategy; Debt Management; Retail Trade; Risk Management; Food; Capital Structure; Corporate Finance; Food and Beverage Industry; Food and Beverage Industry; Texas
Kester, W. Carl, and Craig Stephenson. "Hill Country Snack Foods Co." Harvard Business School Brief Case 913-517, October 2012.
- October 2012
- Teaching Note
Hill Country Snack Foods Co. (Brief Case)
By: W. Carl Kester and Craig Stephenson
- October 2012
- Supplement
Hill Country Snack Foods Co., Spreadsheet for Students (Brief Case) (CW)
By: W. Carl Kester and Craig Stephenson
- October 2012
- Case
Winfield Refuse Management, Inc.: Raising Debt vs. Equity
By: W. Carl Kester and Sunru Yong
A small, publicly traded company specializing in non-hazardous waste management considers a major acquisition in the Midwestern U.S. The acquisition can provide entry into the region, help the firm compete in a competitive industry, and improve its cost position. The... View Details
Keywords: United States; Acquisitions; Capital Structure; Equity Capital; Debt Management; Expansion; Leveraged Buyouts; Financial Analysis; Administrative/Support/Waste Management/Remediation Services; Equity; Borrowing and Debt; Service Industry
Kester, W. Carl, and Sunru Yong. "Winfield Refuse Management, Inc.: Raising Debt vs. Equity." Harvard Business School Brief Case 913-530, October 2012.
- October 2012
- Teaching Note
Winfield Refuse Management, Inc.: Raising Debt vs. Equity (Brief Case) (TN)
By: W. Carl Kester and Sunru Yong
- October 2012
- Supplement
Winfield Refuse Management, Inc.: Raising Debt vs. Equity, Spreadsheet for Students (Brief Case) (CW)
By: W. Carl Kester and Sunru Yong
- Fall 2012
- Article
Coming Through in a Crisis: How Chapter 11 and the Debt Restructuring Industry Are Helping to Revive the U.S. Economy
By: Stuart C. Gilson
Gilson, Stuart C. "Coming Through in a Crisis: How Chapter 11 and the Debt Restructuring Industry Are Helping to Revive the U.S. Economy." Journal of Applied Corporate Finance 24, no. 4 (Fall 2012): 23–35.
- October 2012
- Article
Securitization without Adverse Selection: The Case of CLOs
By: Effi Benmelech, Jennifer Dlugosz and Victoria Ivashina
In this paper, we investigate whether securitization was associated with risky lending in the corporate loan market by examining the performance of individual loans held by CLOs. We employ two different datasets that identify loan holdings for a large set of CLOs and... View Details
Keywords: Personal Finance; Performance; Markets; Banks and Banking; Debt Securities; Investment Portfolio; Financing and Loans
Benmelech, Effi, Jennifer Dlugosz, and Victoria Ivashina. "Securitization without Adverse Selection: The Case of CLOs." Journal of Financial Economics 106, no. 1 (October 2012): 91–113.
- September 2012 (Revised July 2013)
- Case
Can the Eurozone Survive?
By: Dante Roscini and Jonathan Schlefer
The sovereign debt crisis that took Greece by storm in 2010 began to spread to other European markets. Within a few months Ireland and Portugal had also lost access to the sovereign debt markets and had to rely on supranational loans for their financing. The risk of... View Details
Keywords: Sovereign Debt Crisis; Currency Areas; Financial Crisis; Borrowing and Debt; Currency Exchange Rate; International Relations; Banking Industry; European Union; Germany; France; Italy; Spain; Greece; Portugal
Roscini, Dante, and Jonathan Schlefer. "Can the Eurozone Survive?" Harvard Business School Case 713-034, September 2012. (Revised July 2013.)
- 2012
- Chapter
The Availability and Utilization of 401(k) Loans
By: John Beshears, James J. Choi, David Laibson and Brigitte C. Madrian
We document the loan provisions in 401(k) savings plans and how participants use 401(k) loans. Although only about 22% of savings plan participants who are allowed to borrow from their 401(k) have such a loan at any given point in time, almost half had used a 401(k)... View Details
Keywords: Decision Choices and Conditions; Personal Finance; Retirement; Financing and Loans; Microeconomics
Beshears, John, James J. Choi, David Laibson, and Brigitte C. Madrian. "The Availability and Utilization of 401(k) Loans." In Investigations in the Economics of Aging, edited by David A. Wise, 145–172. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2012.
- August 2012 (Revised November 2017)
- Case
Turkey—A Work in Progress?
For the past 10 years, Turkey has grown its real GDP at about 6% annually. This came after a huge debt crisis in 2001-02, wherein Turkey had to borrow $16 billion more from the IMF and comport with its difficult conditionality. Today, Turkey is a middle-income country,... View Details
Keywords: Turkey; Economy; Macroeconomics; International Relations; Growth and Development Strategy; Turkey
Vietor, Richard H.K. "Turkey—A Work in Progress?" Harvard Business School Case 713-018, August 2012. (Revised November 2017.)
- 2013
- Working Paper
FIN Around the World: The Contribution of Financing Activity to Profitability
By: Russell Lundholm, George Serafeim and Gwen Yu
We study how the availability of domestic credit influences the contribution that financing activities make to a firm's return on equity (ROE). Using a sample of 51,866 firms from 69 countries, we find that financing activities contribute more to a firm's ROE in... View Details
Keywords: Domestic Credit; Return Of Equity; Corporate Performance; Financial Statement Analysis; Financial Statements; Valuation; Cost of Capital; Asset Pricing; Economic Growth
Lundholm, Russell, George Serafeim, and Gwen Yu. "FIN Around the World: The Contribution of Financing Activity to Profitability." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 13-011, July 2012. (Revised March 2014.)
- 2012
- Chapter
Banking on Consumer Credit: Explaining Patterns of Household Borrowing in the United States and France
Keywords: Credit; Commercial Banking; Personal Finance; Borrowing and Debt; Financing and Loans; Consumer Behavior; Banking Industry; United States; France
Trumbull, J. Gunnar. "Banking on Consumer Credit: Explaining Patterns of Household Borrowing in the United States and France." Chap. 7 in The Development of Consumer Credit in Global Perspective: Business, Regulation, and Culture, edited by Jan Logemann. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
- June 2012 (Revised October 2018)
- Case
Home Nursing of North Carolina
By: Richard S. Ruback and Royce Yudkoff
Ari Medoff's (HBS '11) goal was to control his own professional destiny by owning his own company. His search identified a suitable acquisition in Home Nursing of North Carolina, and he had negotiated a purchase price of $3.5 million, or 4.2x trailing EBITDA. Medoff... View Details
Keywords: Search Funds; Small Companies; Acquisitions; Negotiation; Medical Services; Negotiation Process; Valuation; Investment; Acquisition; Health Industry
Ruback, Richard S., and Royce Yudkoff. "Home Nursing of North Carolina." Harvard Business School Case 212-120, June 2012. (Revised October 2018.)
- June 2012 (Revised August 2012)
- Case
MF Global: Changing Stripes
By: Clayton Rose, Yasmin Dahya and Jenevieve Lee
Jon Corzine became the CEO of MF Global in March of 2010. Eighteen months later, and in the wake of a massive trade in European sovereign debt, the firm filed for bankruptcy, the 8th largest in U.S. history. As the firm failed it was discovered that over $1.6 billion... View Details
Keywords: Strategy; Leadership; Governance; Bankruptcy; Financial Firms; Financial Crisis; Brokerage; Asset Management; Sovereign Finance; Insolvency and Bankruptcy; Borrowing and Debt; Trade; Business Model
Rose, Clayton, Yasmin Dahya, and Jenevieve Lee. "MF Global: Changing Stripes." Harvard Business School Case 312-105, June 2012. (Revised August 2012.)