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Show Results For
- All HBS Web
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- Faculty Publications (4,042)
- Article
Full Disclosure: A Strategy for Performance
Herzlinger, Regina E. "Full Disclosure: A Strategy for Performance." Leader to Leader, no. 3 (Winter 1997).
- September 2005 (Revised October 2005)
- Supplement
Performance Pay for MGOA Physicians (B)
Beaulieu, Nancy D., Jason R. Barro, and Aaron M.G. Zimmerman. "Performance Pay for MGOA Physicians (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 906-005, September 2005. (Revised October 2005.)
- 27 Sep 2023
- Podcast
How Boards Can Drive Climate Performance
As part of our 2023 back-to-business school series, this episode features a session from Harvard’s Climate Action Week in May 2023. Moderated by HBS Prof. George Serafeim, the panel includes Carter Roberts, President & CEO of World Wildlife Fund, HBS professor Deb... View Details
- 17 Feb 2012
- News
ESG seeks meaningful relationship with performance
- Article
Prosocial Bonuses Increase Employee Satisfaction and Team Performance
By: Lalin Anik, Lara B. Aknin, Elizabeth W. Dunn, Michael I. Norton and Jordi Quoidbach
In three field studies, we explore the impact of providing employees and teammates with prosocial bonuses, a novel type of bonus spent on others rather than on oneself. In Experiment 1, we show that prosocial bonuses in the form of donations to charity lead to happier... View Details
Keywords: Satisfaction; Groups and Teams; Performance; Compensation and Benefits; Philanthropy and Charitable Giving; Banking Industry; Sports Industry; Pharmaceutical Industry; Canada; Belgium; Australia
Anik, Lalin, Lara B. Aknin, Elizabeth W. Dunn, Michael I. Norton, and Jordi Quoidbach. "Prosocial Bonuses Increase Employee Satisfaction and Team Performance." PLoS ONE 8, no. 9 (September 2013): 1–8.
- 2013
- Working Paper
Prosocial Bonuses Increase Employee Satisfaction and Team Performance
By: Lalin Anik, Lara B. Aknin, Michael I. Norton, Elizabeth W. Dunn and Jordi Quoidbach
In two field studies, we explore the impact of providing employees and teammates with prosocial bonuses, a novel type of bonus spent on others rather than on oneself. In Experiment 1, we show that prosocial bonuses in the form of donations to charity lead to happier... View Details
Keywords: Satisfaction; Groups and Teams; Performance; Compensation and Benefits; Philanthropy and Charitable Giving; Banking Industry; Sports Industry; Pharmaceutical Industry; Canada; Belgium; Australia
Anik, Lalin, Lara B. Aknin, Michael I. Norton, Elizabeth W. Dunn, and Jordi Quoidbach. "Prosocial Bonuses Increase Employee Satisfaction and Team Performance." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 13-095, May 2013.
- October 2007
- Journal Article
Psychosocial Development and Leader Performance of Military Officer Cadets
By: Scott Snook and Paul T. Bartone
Efforts to educate and develop future military officers aim to produce highly competent, ethical and effective leaders to serve the nation. But while there is general agreement about desired outcomes, the underlying developmental processes associated with these... View Details
Keywords: Forecasting and Prediction; Leadership Development; Performance Evaluation; Personal Development and Career; Social Psychology
Snook, Scott, and Paul T. Bartone. "Psychosocial Development and Leader Performance of Military Officer Cadets." Leadership Quarterly 18, no. 5 (October 2007): 490–504.
- August 8, 2018
- Article
Hospital-based ACOs Face Challenges in Tracking Performance Indicators
By: Christiana Beveridge, Sofia Warner, Greg Leya and Thomas W. Feeley
Given that accountable care organizations (ACOs) have not achieved the degree of cost reductions and quality improvements initially hoped for, we sought to better understand the underlying reasons for their limited success. Our analysis of American Hospital Association... View Details
Beveridge, Christiana, Sofia Warner, Greg Leya, and Thomas W. Feeley. "Hospital-based ACOs Face Challenges in Tracking Performance Indicators." NEJM Catalyst (August 8, 2018).
- 2019
- Article
Structural Balance Emerges and Explains Performance in Risky Decision-Making
By: Omid Askarisichani, Jacqueline N. Lane, Francesco Bullo, Noah E. Friedkin, Ambuj K. Singh and Brian Uzzi
Polarization affects many forms of social organization. A key issue focuses on which affective relationships are prone to change and how their change relates to performance. In this study,
we analyze a financial institutional over a two-year period that employed 66... View Details
Keywords: Polarization; Structural Balance; Performance; Groups and Teams; Risk and Uncertainty; Decision Making
Askarisichani, Omid, Jacqueline N. Lane, Francesco Bullo, Noah E. Friedkin, Ambuj K. Singh, and Brian Uzzi. "Structural Balance Emerges and Explains Performance in Risky Decision-Making." Art. 2648. Nature Communications 10 (2019): 1–10.
- February 2020
- Article
Using Charity Performance Metrics as an Excuse Not to Give
By: Christine L. Exley
There is an increasing pressure to give more wisely and effectively. There is, relatedly, an increasing focus on charity performance metrics. Via a series of experiments, this paper provides a caution to such a focus. While information on charity performance metrics... View Details
Keywords: Charitable Giving; Prosocial Behavior; Altruism; Excuses; Self-serving Biases; Philanthropy and Charitable Giving; Performance; Measurement and Metrics; Behavior
Exley, Christine L. "Using Charity Performance Metrics as an Excuse Not to Give." Management Science 66, no. 2 (February 2020): 553–563.
- 05 Jul 2006
- Working Paper Summaries
Information Technology Ecosystem Health and Performance
- Research Summary
Performance Impact of Continuous Replenishment Systems
Janice H. Hammond has conducted (with Ted Clark of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) a survey of U.S. retailers to determine how the implementation of continuous replenishment programs between manufacturers and retailers affects supply channel... View Details
- Article
Full Disclosure: A Strategy for Performance
Herzlinger, Regina E. "Full Disclosure: A Strategy for Performance." Leader to Leader, no. 3 (Winter 1997): 39–45.
- July 2000
- Article
Managerial Decisions and Long-Term Stock-Price Performance
By: Mark Mitchell and Erik Stafford
Mitchell, Mark, and Erik Stafford. "Managerial Decisions and Long-Term Stock-Price Performance." Journal of Business 73, no. 3 (July 2000). (Winner of Merton Miller Prize Given annually for the best paper published in the Journal of Business.)
- Fall 2023
- Article
Identify Critical Roles to Improve Performance
By: Boris Groysberg, Eric Lin, Abhijit Naik and Sascha L Schmidt
Putting strategy into play requires knowing your organization’s crucial roles and making sure your best talent occupies them. View Details
Groysberg, Boris, Eric Lin, Abhijit Naik, and Sascha L Schmidt. "Identify Critical Roles to Improve Performance." MIT Sloan Management Review 65, no. 1 (Fall 2023): 58–61.
- 2006
- Chapter
Nonprofit Firms in the Performing Arts
By: Arthur C. Brooks
Brooks, Arthur C. "Nonprofit Firms in the Performing Arts." In Handbook of the Economics of Art and Culture, Volume 1, edited by Victor Ginsburgh and C. David Throsby, 473–506. Handbooks in Economics. Amsterdam: Elsevier/North-Holland, 2006.
- March 2018
- Case
Affinity Plus: Priorities and Performance Pressures
By: Dennis Campbell, Tatiana Sandino and Kyle Thomas
Campbell, Dennis, Tatiana Sandino, and Kyle Thomas. "Affinity Plus: Priorities and Performance Pressures." Harvard Business School Case 118-087, March 2018.
- September 2003 (Revised October 2005)
- Case
Performance Pay for MGOA Physicians (A)
Examines the transition of an orthopedic surgical group at a premier teaching and research hospital from a system in which the surgeons are compensated with flat salaries to a system where they are compensated based on profitability. Allows for an examination of... View Details
Keywords: Value Creation; Motivation and Incentives; Nonprofit Organizations; Health Care and Treatment; Compensation and Benefits; Health Industry
Barro, Jason R., Kevin J. Bozic, and Aaron Zimmerman. "Performance Pay for MGOA Physicians (A)." Harvard Business School Case 904-028, September 2003. (Revised October 2005.)
- February 1984
- Supplement
Colonial Foods: Performance Appraisal Interview, Video
By: Michael Beer
Beer, Michael. "Colonial Foods: Performance Appraisal Interview, Video." Harvard Business School Video Supplement 884-518, February 1984.
- 01 Aug 2012
- News