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- Faculty Publications (344)
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- Faculty Publications (344)
- fall 1996
- Article
Linking the Balanced Scorecard to Strategy
By: Robert S. Kaplan and David Norton
Kaplan, Robert S., and David Norton. "Linking the Balanced Scorecard to Strategy." California Management Review 39, no. 1 (fall 1996): 53–79.
- September–October 1996
- Article
Strategic Learning and the Balanced Scorecard
By: Robert S. Kaplan and David Norton
Kaplan, Robert S., and David Norton. "Strategic Learning and the Balanced Scorecard." Strategy & Leadership (September–October 1996): 18–24.
- 1996
- Book
The Balanced Scorecard: Translating Strategy into Action
By: Robert S. Kaplan and David P. Norton
Keywords: Balanced Scorecard
Kaplan, Robert S., and David P. Norton. The Balanced Scorecard: Translating Strategy into Action. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1996. (Nominated for Financial Times/ Booz-Allen & Hamilton Global Business Book Award presented by Booz-Allen & Hamilton. Winner of Notable Contribution to Management Accounting Literature Award presented by American Accounting Association.)
- June 1996
- Case
Siemens Corporation (B): Corporate Advertising for 1996
By: Stephen A. Greyser and Norman Klein
Describes the television advertising and presents examples of the comparable print ads, then documents new measurement tools and presents the results of key surveys that address audience awareness. Also includes other relevant activities to support Siemens USA's... View Details
Keywords: Advertising Campaigns; Learning; Balanced Scorecard; Operations; Outcome or Result; Advertising Industry
Greyser, Stephen A., and Norman Klein. "Siemens Corporation (B): Corporate Advertising for 1996." Harvard Business School Case 596-106, June 1996.
- March 1996 (Revised January 1997)
- Case
America Online: Using Information Technology to Better Serve the Customer
By: James I. Cash Jr. and Judy E. Stahl
Mike Connors, president of AOL Technologies, examines several efforts to correct operational problems inhibiting the company's growth. What will need to be done to support growth and counter competition from Prodigy, Compuserv, and Internet-related services? View Details
Keywords: Customer Focus and Relationships; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Service Operations; Problems and Challenges; Competitive Strategy; Information Technology; Technology Industry
Cash, James I., Jr., and Judy E. Stahl. "America Online: Using Information Technology to Better Serve the Customer." Harvard Business School Case 396-290, March 1996. (Revised January 1997.)
- February 1996
- Case
Chadwick, Inc.: The Balanced Scorecard (Abridged)
By: Robert S. Kaplan
The pharmaceutical division of a diversified company has been asked to develop a Balanced Scorecard. Research and development projects take about ten years to bring a new product to the marketplace and the division depends on good relations and active feedback from its... View Details
Keywords: Balanced Scorecard; Research and Development; Product Launch; Commercialization; Consumer Behavior; Customer Focus and Relationships; Performance Evaluation; Pharmaceutical Industry
Kaplan, Robert S. "Chadwick, Inc.: The Balanced Scorecard (Abridged)." Harvard Business School Case 196-124, February 1996.
- January 1996
- Case
Biogen, Inc.: rBeta Interferon Manufacturing Process Development
Biogen, Inc., a Cambridge, MA-based biotechnology company, is wrapping up a project to develop a new manufacturing process for a new drug product that will reposition the company from a purely research-oriented company to a fully integrated pharmaceutical manufacturing... View Details
Keywords: Learning; Technological Innovation; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Product Development; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Projects; Research and Development; Corporate Strategy; Biotechnology Industry
Wheelwright, Steven C. "Biogen, Inc.: rBeta Interferon Manufacturing Process Development." Harvard Business School Case 696-083, January 1996.
- January 1996 (Revised December 2005)
- Case
First Community Bank (A)
First Community Bank, a bank-within-a-bank at Bank of Boston, was established in 1990 as a unique venture to serve urban communities. By 1995 it has achieved profitability but must manage relationships with the mainstream at Bank of Boston, serve as a change agent and... View Details
Keywords: Banks and Banking; Business Ventures; Business and Community Relations; Agency Theory; Change Management; Leadership; Balanced Scorecard; Mission and Purpose; Organizational Structure; Problems and Challenges; Banking Industry; Boston
Kanter, Rosabeth M. "First Community Bank (A)." Harvard Business School Case 396-202, January 1996. (Revised December 2005.)
- January 1996
- Background Note
Creativity and Innovation in Organizations
Creativity, the production of new and useful ideas by individuals or teams, can appear in many forms and many functions within firms of all kinds--from entrepreneurial start-ups to well-established enterprises. This note describes the varieties of creativity in... View Details
Keywords: Change Management; Entrepreneurship; Collaborative Innovation and Invention; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Organizational Design; Situation or Environment; Creativity
Amabile, Teresa M. "Creativity and Innovation in Organizations." Harvard Business School Background Note 396-239, January 1996.
- January–February 1996
- Article
Using the Balanced Scorecard as a Strategic Management System
By: Robert S. Kaplan and David Norton
Kaplan, Robert S., and David Norton. "Using the Balanced Scorecard as a Strategic Management System." Harvard Business Review 74, no. 1 (January–February 1996): 75–85. (Reprint #96107.)
- November 1995
- Teaching Note
Rattling SABRE: New Ways to Compete on Information TN
Teaching Note for Harvard Business Review article (90307). View Details
- October 1995 (Revised December 1995)
- Case
Marketing the National Hockey League
By: V. Kasturi Rangan and Marie Bell
One third of the 24 National Hockey League (NHL) teams are unprofitable. Another third are barely profitable. This case provides the background and market research data to help the senior managers of the NHL make decisions pertaining to how they would like to grow the... View Details
Keywords: Advertising; Decision Choices and Conditions; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Marketing Channels; Marketing Strategy; Research; Sports Industry
Rangan, V. Kasturi, and Marie Bell. "Marketing the National Hockey League." Harvard Business School Case 596-059, October 1995. (Revised December 1995.)
- August 1995 (Revised August 1995)
- Case
CIGNA Property and Casualty Reengineering (A)
By: Richard L. Nolan, Donna B. Stoddard, Chiara Francalanci and Elise C Martin
Reengineering was introduced at CIGNA Corp. in 1988. CIGNA entered a second wave reengineering effort through a major project at CIGNA P&C, one of CIGNA's larger businesses. P&C was in financial crisis and as a result brought in a new executive team in 1991 to head the... View Details
Keywords: Transformation; Cost vs Benefits; Design; Growth and Development; Analytics and Data Science; Growth and Development Strategy; Balanced Scorecard; Financial Crisis; Crisis Management; Projects; Information Technology; Insurance Industry
Nolan, Richard L., Donna B. Stoddard, Chiara Francalanci, and Elise C Martin. "CIGNA Property and Casualty Reengineering (A)." Harvard Business School Case 196-059, August 1995. (Revised August 1995.)
- May 1995
- Teaching Note
C.K. Coolidge, Inc. (A) TN
By: David E. Bell
Teaching Note for (9-894-017). View Details
- March 1995
- Case
Donald Salter Communications, Inc.
By: Stuart C. Gilson and Jeremy Cott
A new CEO is hired to manage the turnaround of a family-owned newspaper publisher. In a departure from previous management, he implements a new compensation scheme that explicitly ties executive pay to market-value-based measures of firm performance. Because the... View Details
Keywords: Family Business; Transformation; Asset Management; Wages; Balanced Scorecard; Family Ownership; Motivation and Incentives; Valuation; Journalism and News Industry
Gilson, Stuart C., and Jeremy Cott. "Donald Salter Communications, Inc." Harvard Business School Case 295-114, March 1995.
- February 1995 (Revised June 1999)
- Case
Chemical Bank: Implementing the Balanced Scorecard
By: Robert S. Kaplan and Norman Klein
The retail bank division of Chemical Bank faces declining margins and increased competition in its credit and deposit gathering and processing business. It wishes to implement a new strategy to become a preferred financial service provider to target customer groups.... View Details
Keywords: Balanced Scorecard; Adoption; Growth and Development Strategy; Communication Strategy; Customer Relationship Management; Management Systems; Performance Evaluation; Banks and Banking; Measurement and Metrics; Banking Industry
Kaplan, Robert S., and Norman Klein. "Chemical Bank: Implementing the Balanced Scorecard." Harvard Business School Case 195-210, February 1995. (Revised June 1999.)
- January 1995 (Revised October 1995)
- Case
Citibank: Global Customer Management
By: Michael Y. Yoshino and Thomas W. Malnight
Describes Citibank's worldwide operations, which include activities in developing and developed markets. The bank's structure also varies across markets and regions, varying from autonomous national affiliates to an industry/product-based structure in its domestic U.S.... View Details
Keywords: Customer Focus and Relationships; Global Range; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Multinational Firms and Management; SWOT Analysis; Emerging Markets; Banking Industry; United States
Yoshino, Michael Y., and Thomas W. Malnight. "Citibank: Global Customer Management." Harvard Business School Case 395-142, January 1995. (Revised October 1995.)
- September 1994 (Revised August 2011)
- Supplement
ExtendSim® Simulation Exercises in Process Analysis (A2)
By: Roy D. Shapiro
Solutions and detailed discussion of exercises from the (A) case. Unadvertised per Case Records. View Details
Shapiro, Roy D. "ExtendSim® Simulation Exercises in Process Analysis (A2)." Harvard Business School Supplement 695-019, September 1994. (Revised August 2011.)
- September 1994 (Revised August 2011)
- Supplement
ExtendSim® Simulation Exercises in Process Analysis (B2))
By: Roy D. Shapiro
Solutions and detailed discussion of exercises from the (B) case. Unadvertised per Case Records. View Details
Shapiro, Roy D. "ExtendSim® Simulation Exercises in Process Analysis (B2))." Harvard Business School Supplement 695-020, September 1994. (Revised August 2011.)
- September 1994 (Revised September 1994)
- Case
Acer Group, The: Vision for the Year 2000
By: D. Quinn Mills and Richard C. Wei
In the early 1990s, Acer, Inc. set two goals: to be a top-five PC company worldwide in 1995 and to be a global consortium of companies by the year 2000. The company identified potential obstacles concerning capital, image, number of experienced international managers,... View Details
Keywords: Mission and Purpose; Goals and Objectives; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Organizational Structure; Global Strategy; Multinational Firms and Management; Experience and Expertise; Marketing Strategy; Production; Rank and Position; Business Strategy; Capital; Computer Industry; Japan
Mills, D. Quinn, and Richard C. Wei. "Acer Group, The: Vision for the Year 2000." Harvard Business School Case 495-001, September 1994. (Revised September 1994.)