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- Faculty Publications (293)
- January 2000
- Supplement
Taran Swan at Nickelodeon Latin America (Video)
By: Linda A. Hill and Kristin Doughty
Taran Swan talks with HBS students about the events covered in the case. She discusses her definition of a leader, how she built the team, leaving Miami, and her relationship with headquarters management. View Details
Keywords: Business Headquarters; Leadership; Management Teams; Relationships; Situation or Environment; Latin America; Miami
Hill, Linda A., and Kristin Doughty. "Taran Swan at Nickelodeon Latin America (Video)." Harvard Business School Video Supplement 400-505, January 2000.
- August 1999 (Revised June 2008)
- Case
Taran Swan at Nickelodeon Latin America (A)
By: Linda A. Hill and Kristin Doughty
Eighteen months after launching Nickelodeon Latin America, general manager Taran Swan must leave the company's Miami headquarters for her New York home because of complications with her pregnancy. Unable to travel for at least the next six months, Swan must decide how... View Details
Keywords: Selection and Staffing; Leadership Style; Managerial Roles; Organizational Culture; Groups and Teams
Hill, Linda A., and Kristin Doughty. "Taran Swan at Nickelodeon Latin America (A)." Harvard Business School Case 400-036, August 1999. (Revised June 2008.)
- August 1999 (Revised March 2000)
- Case
Taran Swan at Nickelodeon Latin America (C)
By: Linda A. Hill and Kristin Doughty
Supplements the (A) case. View Details
Hill, Linda A., and Kristin Doughty. "Taran Swan at Nickelodeon Latin America (C)." Harvard Business School Case 400-038, August 1999. (Revised March 2000.)
- August 1999 (Revised March 2000)
- Case
Taran Swan at Nickelodeon Latin America (D)
By: Linda A. Hill and Kristin Doughty
Supplements the (A) case. View Details
Hill, Linda A., and Kristin Doughty. "Taran Swan at Nickelodeon Latin America (D)." Harvard Business School Case 400-039, August 1999. (Revised March 2000.)
- August 1999 (Revised March 2000)
- Case
Taran Swan at Nickelodeon Latin America (B)
By: Linda A. Hill and Kristin Doughty
Supplements the (A) case. View Details
Hill, Linda A., and Kristin Doughty. "Taran Swan at Nickelodeon Latin America (B)." Harvard Business School Case 400-037, August 1999. (Revised March 2000.)
- Article
Merchants as Business Groups: British Trading Companies in Asia before 1945
By: G. Jones and Judith Wale
Merchants formed an important component of British foregn direct investment before 1945. Locating in parts of Asia, Latin America and other developing economies, they often diversified into non-trading activities, inclding the ownership of plantations. This article... View Details
Keywords: Trade; Developing Countries and Economies; Diversification; Competency and Skills; Entrepreneurship; Foreign Direct Investment; Asia; Latin America; Europe; Africa; North and Central America
Jones, G., and Judith Wale. "Merchants as Business Groups: British Trading Companies in Asia before 1945." Business History Review 72, no. 3 (Fall 1998): 367–408.
- February 1997
- Case
Advent of Venture Capital in Latin America, The
By: Debora L. Spar
Widely regarded as the leader in international private equity, Advent International is considering the establishment of a private equity fund in Latin America in 1996. Typically, Advent entered new private equity markets through the creation of multicountry regional... View Details
Keywords: Venture Capital; Joint Ventures; Market Entry and Exit; Globalized Markets and Industries; Financial Services Industry; Boston; Latin America
Spar, Debora L., and Elizabeth B. Stein. "Advent of Venture Capital in Latin America, The." Harvard Business School Case 797-077, February 1997.
- October 1996 (Revised December 2022)
- Case
Chiquita Brands International (A)
By: Debora L. Spar and Terence Mulligan
When a new banana import policy is implemented in 1993 by the European Union, Chiquita Brands International, the world's largest banana distributor, watches its sales and net income plummet. The policy, Council Regulation (EEC 404/93), uses a new tariff and quota... View Details
Keywords: Plant-Based Agribusiness; Trade; Government and Politics; Policy; Market Design; Fairness; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Latin America; European Union
Spar, Debora L., and Terence Mulligan. "Chiquita Brands International (A)." Harvard Business School Case 797-015, October 1996. (Revised December 2022.)
- August 1994 (Revised July 1995)
- Case
Astra Sports, Inc. (A)
By: John A. Quelch
Astra executives meet to discuss how to counteract the appearance of Korean-made counterfeit athletic shoes in Europe, Asia, and Latin America. View Details
Keywords: Brands and Branding; Strategy; Crime and Corruption; Manufacturing Industry; Apparel and Accessories Industry; Sports Industry; North Korea; Latin America; South Korea; Asia; Europe
Quelch, John A. "Astra Sports, Inc. (A)." Harvard Business School Case 595-007, August 1994. (Revised July 1995.)
- July 1993 (Revised September 1995)
- Case
Block 16: Conoco's "Green" Oil Strategy (A)
By: Malcolm S. Salter and Susan E.A. Hall
Conoco's attempted to win an oil development contract in Ecuador's tropical rain forest. The case discusses government perspectives, environmental perspectives, and indigenous people's perspectives. Allows role playing in a "negotiating forum" set up by Conoco to get... View Details
Keywords: Governance; Contracts; Growth and Development Strategy; Negotiation; Practice; Business and Community Relations; Environmental Sustainability; Perspective; Culture; Corporate Strategy; Latin America
Salter, Malcolm S., and Susan E.A. Hall. Block 16: Conoco's "Green" Oil Strategy (A). Harvard Business School Case 394-001, July 1993. (Revised September 1995.)
- July 1993 (Revised September 1995)
- Supplement
Block 16: Conoco's "Green" Oil Strategy (C)
By: Malcolm S. Salter and Susan E.A. Hall
Presents a continuation of the (A) and (B) cases. New issues arise. View Details
Keywords: Latin America
Salter, Malcolm S., and Susan E.A. Hall. Block 16: Conoco's "Green" Oil Strategy (C). Harvard Business School Supplement 394-006, July 1993. (Revised September 1995.)
- Article
Don't Forget Latin America
By: Jon I. Martinez, John A. Quelch and Joseph Ganitsky
Martinez, Jon I., John A. Quelch, and Joseph Ganitsky. "Don't Forget Latin America." MIT Sloan Management Review 33, no. 2 (Winter 1992): 78–92.
- September 1992 (Revised March 1993)
- Case
Empresas ICA and the Mexican Road Privatization Program
By: Willis M. Emmons III and Monica Brand
Mexico's largest construction company, Empresas ICA, makes an initial public offering to international equity investors in April 1992 to help fund its participation in an ambitious new private-sector approach to highway development. Under the new program, launched by... View Details
Keywords: Construction; Transportation Networks; Infrastructure; Privatization; Private Equity; Investment; Initial Public Offering; Private Sector; Government and Politics; Policy; Construction Industry; Mexico
Emmons, Willis M., III, and Monica Brand. "Empresas ICA and the Mexican Road Privatization Program." Harvard Business School Case 793-028, September 1992. (Revised March 1993.)
- August 1992 (Revised June 1993)
- Case
Compania de Telefonos de Chile
By: W. Carl Kester, Enrique Ostale and Charles McHugh La Follette
The newly privatized Chilean telephone company, Compania de Telefonos de Chile (CTC) must raise substantial new funds externally in order to finance its expansion program. This task is complicated by Chile's small, illiquid capital markets and the skeptical view of... View Details
Keywords: Capital Markets; Financing and Loans; Managerial Roles; Privatization; Expansion; Telecommunications Industry; South America; Chile
Kester, W. Carl, Enrique Ostale, and Charles McHugh La Follette. "Compania de Telefonos de Chile." Harvard Business School Case 293-015, August 1992. (Revised June 1993.)
- February 1988 (Revised May 1988)
- Background Note
Note on Debt-Equity Conversions in Latin American Countries
By: Ray A. Goldberg
Goldberg, Ray A. "Note on Debt-Equity Conversions in Latin American Countries." Harvard Business School Background Note 588-063, February 1988. (Revised May 1988.)
- February 1988 (Revised July 1988)
- Case
Debt-Equity Swaps in Latin American Agriculture: The Case of LAAD in Costa Rica
By: Ray A. Goldberg
Goldberg, Ray A. "Debt-Equity Swaps in Latin American Agriculture: The Case of LAAD in Costa Rica." Harvard Business School Case 588-058, February 1988. (Revised July 1988.)
- January 1985 (Revised March 2003)
- Case
Conex do Brasil
By: Christopher A. Bartlett and John Young
Describes interactions between Brazilian local, Latin American regional, and USA headquarters staff during the three years after establishing a manufacturing subsidiary in Sao Paulo. In a highly protected national environment, a market entry plan is developed to meet... View Details
Keywords: Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Resignation and Termination; Goals and Objectives; Market Entry and Exit; Operations; Performance Expectations; Opportunities; Corporate Strategy; Latin America; United States; Brazil
Bartlett, Christopher A., and John Young. "Conex do Brasil." Harvard Business School Case 385-257, January 1985. (Revised March 2003.)
- 1974
- Book
Agribusiness Management for Developing Countries--Latin America
By: Ray A. Goldberg, Leonard M. Wilson, James E. Austin and et al.
Goldberg, Ray A., Leonard M. Wilson, James E. Austin, and et al. Agribusiness Management for Developing Countries--Latin America. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger Publishing Company, 1974.
- Teaching Interest
Africa: Building Cities: Immersive Field Course
By: John D. Macomber
This second year elective takes students into the field to assess and report on the opprtunities in the next decade for the private finance and delivery of public infrastructure in the Global South. In January of 2016 and 2017 the cities studied were Addis Ababa,... View Details
Keywords: Cities; Urbanization; Economic Development; Infrastructure; Sustainability; Africa; Latin America; Peru; Argentina; Ethiopia; Tanzania