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- Faculty Publications (311)
- March 1994 (Revised December 1998)
- Background Note
Managing Your Career
By: Linda A. Hill
Designed to serve as background reading for the "Managing Your Career" module of the second-year MBA elective Power and Influence. Describes the way in which managers learn and develop through on-the-job experience. Outlines a model for launching a "success syndrome"... View Details
Keywords: Personal Development and Career
Hill, Linda A. "Managing Your Career." Harvard Business School Background Note 494-082, March 1994. (Revised December 1998.)
- March 1994 (Revised March 1995)
- Background Note
Managing Your Team
By: Linda A. Hill
Designed as an overview note for the Managing Your Team module of the MBA second year elective course Power and Influence. Identifies some criteria for evaluating team effectiveness and outlines in detail the key areas of responsibility of team managers: managing the... View Details
Keywords: Groups and Teams; Performance Evaluation; Management; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues
Hill, Linda A. "Managing Your Team." Harvard Business School Background Note 494-081, March 1994. (Revised March 1995.)
- January 1994 (Revised March 1995)
- Background Note
Power Dynamics in Organizations
By: Linda A. Hill
Designed to introduce the concepts of power and power dynamics to students in the MBA second-year elective course Power and Influence. Defines "power" and "influence," and explores the role of power dynamics in managerial work and in the life of organizations. Combats... View Details
Hill, Linda A. "Power Dynamics in Organizations." Harvard Business School Background Note 494-083, January 1994. (Revised March 1995.)
- September 1992 (Revised November 1993)
- Supplement
Germany in the 1990s: Managing Reunification, Supplement Two
By: George C. Lodge
Designed to be handed out after discussion of Germany in the 1990s: Managing Reunification and its Supplement. View Details
Keywords: Political Elections; Economy; Situation or Environment; Inflation and Deflation; Interest Rates; Central Banking; Integration; Germany; Italy; United Kingdom; Europe
Lodge, George C. "Germany in the 1990s: Managing Reunification, Supplement Two." Harvard Business School Supplement 793-043, September 1992. (Revised November 1993.)
- September 1992 (Revised July 1998)
- Case
Germany in the 1990s: Managing Reunification
By: George C. Lodge and James W. Ragsdale
In October 1990, eastern Germany was incorporated into the Federal Republic of Germany. The German people rewarded the architect of these changes, Helmut Kohl, with an enhanced majority in national elections. But only two years later it was hard to remember these heady... View Details
Keywords: Economy; Inflation and Deflation; Central Banking; Interest Rates; Political Elections; Situation or Environment; Integration; Europe; Germany; Italy; United Kingdom
Lodge, George C., and James W. Ragsdale. "Germany in the 1990s: Managing Reunification." Harvard Business School Case 793-033, September 1992. (Revised July 1998.)
- April 1992 (Revised September 1993)
- Case
By: Debora L. Spar
Describes the political and economic situation in Poland in 1989, following the country's first democratic elections and the subsequent establishment of a Solidarity-led government. After examining the legacies left by 40 years of Communist rule, the case lays out the... View Details
Spar, Debora L. "Poland--1989." Harvard Business School Case 792-091, April 1992. (Revised September 1993.)
- April 1992 (Revised April 1997)
- Case
Reconstruction of Zambia
Examines the causes of decline--economic, social, and political--of the Zambian economy since 1974. It takes place at the time of the election of Frederick Chiluba, in October 1991. Examines the problems of economic development in Africa, and especially, of structural... View Details
Keywords: Business Cycles; Development Economics; Developing Countries and Economies; Economic Slowdown and Stagnation; Borrowing and Debt; International Finance; Political Elections; Africa; Zambia
Vietor, Richard H.K. "Reconstruction of Zambia." Harvard Business School Case 792-089, April 1992. (Revised April 1997.)
- 1991
- Chapter
Reactions to Political Advertising Depend on the Nature of the Voter-Candidate Bond
By: J. A. Deighton, L. F. Alwitt and J. Grimm
- October 1989 (Revised November 2006)
- Background Note
Channel Management
Written as an introduction to a module concerning channel management for the second-year MBA elective in Marketing Implementation. Discusses: 1) reasons for the growth of multichannel systems in marketing efforts, 2) key components and choices in channel management, 3)... View Details
Keywords: Marketing Channels
Cespedes, Frank V. "Channel Management." Harvard Business School Background Note 590-045, October 1989. (Revised November 2006.)
- October 1989 (Revised November 2006)
- Background Note
Managing Selling and the Salesperson
Written for a module in the Marketing Implementation course (a second-year elective in the MBA program). Provides a brief introduction to common issues involved in recruiting, training, compensating, and evaluating field salespeople. Also offers questions to consider... View Details
Keywords: Salesforce Management
Cespedes, Frank V. "Managing Selling and the Salesperson." Harvard Business School Background Note 590-043, October 1989. (Revised November 2006.)
- August 1988 (Revised January 1990)
- Case
Cook County's 1988 Judicial Elections
Schleifer, Arthur, Jr. "Cook County's 1988 Judicial Elections." Harvard Business School Case 189-042, August 1988. (Revised January 1990.)
- Teaching Interest
Africa: Building Cities: Immersive Field Course
By: John D. Macomber
This second year elective takes students into the field to assess and report on the opprtunities in the next decade for the private finance and delivery of public infrastructure in the Global South. In January of 2016 and 2017 the cities studied were Addis Ababa,... View Details
Keywords: Cities; Urbanization; Economic Development; Infrastructure; Sustainability; Africa; Latin America; Peru; Argentina; Ethiopia; Tanzania
- Forthcoming
- Article
Asymmetric Mass Mobilization and the Vincibility of Democracy in Hungary
By: Laura Jakli, Béla Greskovits and Jason Wittenberg
Using an original dataset of partisan protest events in Hungary (n = 4836) spanning 1989 to 2011, we argue that left-liberal parties’ neglect in cultivating civil society during the post-communist period had deleterious downstream effects on Hungarian liberal... View Details
Keywords: Voting; Political Elections; Civil Society or Community; Government Administration; Hungary
Jakli, Laura, Béla Greskovits, and Jason Wittenberg. "Asymmetric Mass Mobilization and the Vincibility of Democracy in Hungary." Comparative Political Studies (forthcoming). (Pre-published online January 10, 2025.)
- Research Summary
Corporate Governance and International Competitiveness
By: W. Carl Kester
W. Carl Kester's research involves comparisons of national or broad regional systems of corporate governance (e.g., German, Japanese, Anglo-American), and the influence these systems exert on corporate investment and international competitiveness. Kester has found... View Details
- Teaching Interest
Digital Innovation and Transformation – MBA Elective Curriculum
By: Feng Zhu
Digital Innovation and Transformation is designed to equip students to confidently help conceive, lead and execute digital innovation initiatives and develop new business models for existing and insurgent organizations. The basic premise of the course... View Details
- Research Summary
Entrepreneurial Failure
Most startups fail. Why? Are there recurring patterns that can be anticipated and avoided? If entrepreneurs fail, how can they do so in ways that leave their reputations, relationships, and integrity intact? And, how can they learn from the experience, heal, and... View Details
- Forthcoming
- Article
Geographies of Discontent: Public Service Deprivation and the Rise of the Far Right in Italy
By: Simone Cremaschi, Paula Rettl, Marco Cappelluti and Catherine E. De Vries
Electoral support for far-right parties is often linked to geographies of discontent.
We argue that public service deprivation, defined as reduced access to public services
at the local level, plays an important role in explaining these patterns. By exploiting
an... View Details
Keywords: Election Outcomes; Electoral Behavior; Political Affiliation; Political Culture; Public Service; Political Elections; Policy; Government and Politics; Surveys; Geographic Location; Immigration; Europe; Italy
Cremaschi, Simone, Paula Rettl, Marco Cappelluti, and Catherine E. De Vries. "Geographies of Discontent: Public Service Deprivation and the Rise of the Far Right in Italy." American Journal of Political Science (forthcoming). (Pre-published online December 5, 2024.)
- Research Summary
Global Strategic and Management Challenges
Michael Y. Yoshino is conducting an exploratory study designed to identify, and develop an understanding of, the strategic and management challenges facing major corporations located in the ASEAN countries as they achieve rapid growth and global expansion. He is also... View Details
- Teaching Interest
How to Talk Gooder in Business and Life
This is an Elective Curriculum course for HBS MBA students. People must converse effectively to achieve success in every aspect of business and life – from pitching ideas to giving feedback, brainstorming and making strategic decisions, from interviewing to firing.... View Details
- Teaching Interest
Innovation in Business, Energy and the Environment
By: John D. Macomber
This MBA Elective is offered as a half credit classroom course and as a full credit classroom plus project course. Students investigate industries and interventions in a wide range of topics ranging from hydraulic fracturing to nutrition in urban school districts;... View Details