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- Faculty Publications (713)
- December 1987 (Revised April 1996)
- Case
Waste Management, Inc.
In early 1985 the CEO of Waste Management, Inc. is deliberating over several equity-linked debt alternatives to finance the retirement of debt. The teaching objective is to expose students to various forms of equity-linked debt financing alternatives. View Details
Jones, E. Philip, and Martha D. M. Notaras. "Waste Management, Inc." Harvard Business School Case 288-020, December 1987. (Revised April 1996.)
- September 1996 (Revised July 1997)
- Case
Grupo Sidek (A)
By: Kenneth A. Froot and Alberto Moel
A large Mexican conglomerate, active in tourism, real estate, and steel, is faced with difficult macroeconomic conditions beginning with the Peso crisis of December 1994. The conglomerate had extensive dollar-indexed liabilities and was caught in a crunch when the... View Details
Keywords: Foreign Exchange; Real Estate; Debt Policy; Tourism; Steel; Business Conglomerates; Macroeconomics; Currency Exchange Rate; Crisis Management; Valuation; Mexico
Froot, Kenneth A., and Alberto Moel. "Grupo Sidek (A)." Harvard Business School Case 297-022, September 1996. (Revised July 1997.)
Jonathan L. Wallen
Jonathan Wallen is an Assistant Professor of Finance in the Finance Unit and teaches Finance 1 to MBA students.
Professor Wallen’s research centers on financial intermediation and its intersection with asset pricing, currency markets,... View Details
- August 2016 (Revised February 2017)
- Case
Songy 2011: Restructuring to Survive (or, Surviving to Restructure?)
By: Charles F. Wu
In 2011, Songy Partners, an Atlanta-based real estate developer, was facing three distressed investments within their portfolio each with distinct sets of challenges. Having weathered a myriad of issues during the global financial crisis that included operational... View Details
Keywords: Real Estate; Distressed Debt; Global Financial Crisis; Foreclosure; Partnership; Partners and Partnerships; Valuation; Global Range; Insolvency and Bankruptcy; Property; Financial Crisis; Real Estate Industry; Atlanta
Wu, Charles F. "Songy 2011: Restructuring to Survive (or, Surviving to Restructure?)." Harvard Business School Case 217-012, August 2016. (Revised February 2017.)
- October 2012
- Case
Harrah's Entertainment
By: Paul A. Gompers, Kristin Mugford and J. Daniel Kim
This case examines the issues of establishing and managing a capital structure for the leveraged buyout of Harrah's Entertainment. View Details
Keywords: Leveraged Buyouts; Debt Markets; Loan Contracts; Covenants; Casinos; Gaming; Private Equity; Entertainment and Recreation Industry; United States
Gompers, Paul A., Kristin Mugford, and J. Daniel Kim. "Harrah's Entertainment." Harvard Business School Case 213-054, October 2012.
- Spring 2012
- Article
The Roadmap for Private Equity, Venture Capital and Hedge Funds in Mexico: Alternative Assets as an Accelerator of Credit to Firms in Emerging Markets
By: Roberto Charvel
This article shows how alternative assets could be a good way for banks to start providing more loans to firms in emerging markets and finance growth, while giving local institutional investors access to new asset types. View Details
Keywords: Private Equity; Venture Capital; Latin America; Mexico; Financial Intermediaries; Entrepreneurial Finance; Hedge Fund; Alternative Assets; Development Economics; Economic Growth; Private Sector; Economy; Entrepreneurship; Borrowing and Debt; Capital; Credit; Equity; Banking Industry; Financial Services Industry; Latin America; North America
Charvel, Roberto. "The Roadmap for Private Equity, Venture Capital and Hedge Funds in Mexico: Alternative Assets as an Accelerator of Credit to Firms in Emerging Markets." Journal of Private Equity 15, no. 2 (Spring 2012): 53–62.
- November 2016 (Revised April 2018)
- Case
Darby's Investment in Sirma: Professionalizing an Entrepreneurial Firm
By: Suraj Srinivasan and Eren Kuzucu
In March 2010, Burak Dalgın (HBS MBA 2004) led private equity firm Darby's investment in Sırma, a local Turkish water and beverage company. Sırma was owned and managed by members of two Turkish business families. The existing management, while being highly... View Details
Keywords: Control Systems; Variance Analysis; Emerging Markets; Debt; Family Ownership; Turkey; Valuation; Business or Company Management; Private Equity; Financial Reporting; Investment; Budgets and Budgeting; Food and Beverage Industry; Turkey
Srinivasan, Suraj, and Eren Kuzucu. "Darby's Investment in Sirma: Professionalizing an Entrepreneurial Firm." Harvard Business School Case 117-033, November 2016. (Revised April 2018.)
- November 2011
- Case
Brink's Company: Activists Push for a Spin-off
By: Suraj Srinivasan, Aldo Sesia and Amy Kaser
The case studies the decision of the security services corporation Brink's Company to spin-off its home security division from the rest of the company. The decision followed intense pressure on the company by three activist hedge funds that felt that Brink's was... View Details
Keywords: Activist Investors; Spin-off; Leveraged Recapitalization; Debt; Valuation; Hedge Funds; Conglomerates; Investment Activism
Srinivasan, Suraj, Aldo Sesia, and Amy Kaser. "Brink's Company: Activists Push for a Spin-off." Harvard Business School Case 112-055, November 2011.
- Forthcoming
- Article
Weak Credit Covenants
By: Victoria Ivashina and Boris Vallée
Using novel data on 1,240 credit agreements, we investigate sources of contractual complexity in the leveraged loan market. While negative covenants are widespread, carve-out
and deductible clauses that qualify them are as frequent. We propose simple and comprehensive... View Details
Keywords: Leveraged Loans; Loan Contracts; Debt Covenants; Carve-out; Creditor Governance; LBO; Credit; Agreements and Arrangements; Leveraged Buyouts
Ivashina, Victoria, and Boris Vallée. "Weak Credit Covenants." Management Science (forthcoming).
- 2022
- Working Paper
The Issuance and Design of Sustainability-linked Loans
By: Maria Loumioti and George Serafeim
Sustainability-linked loans (i.e., syndicated loans for which pricing is linked to a sustainability performance indicator) have rapidly evolved into a significant private debt product. We find that sustainability-linked lending has been available mostly to borrowers... View Details
Keywords: Sustainability; Sustainability Management; Credit Products; Loan Contracts; Loans; Corporate Finance; Credit Risk; Environment; ESG; ESG Ratings; Climate Change; Finance; Borrowing and Debt; Risk and Uncertainty; Credit
Loumioti, Maria, and George Serafeim. "The Issuance and Design of Sustainability-linked Loans." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 23-027, November 2022.
- October 2019
- Article
Partial Deregulation and Competition: Effects on Risky Mortgage Origination
By: Marco Di Maggio, Amir Kermani and Sanket Korgaonkar
We exploit the OCC's preemption of national banks from state laws against predatory lending as a quasi-experiment to study the effect of deregulation and its interaction with competition on the supply of complex mortgages. Following the preemption ruling, national... View Details
Keywords: Great Recession; Subprime; Complex Mortgages; Credit Supply; Household Debt; Preemption Rule; Competition; Mortgages; Government Legislation; Credit; Financial Crisis
Di Maggio, Marco, Amir Kermani, and Sanket Korgaonkar. "Partial Deregulation and Competition: Effects on Risky Mortgage Origination." Management Science 65, no. 10 (October 2019).
- November 2017
- Article
Credit-Induced Boom and Bust
By: Marco Di Maggio and Amir Kermani
Can a credit expansion induce a boom and bust in house prices and real economic activity? This paper exploits the federal preemption of national banks in 2004 from local laws against predatory lending to gauge the effect of the supply of credit on the real economy.... View Details
Keywords: Great Recession; Subprime; Credit Supply; Credit Expansion; Household Leverage; Household Debt; Preemption Rule; Mortgages; Laws and Statutes; Credit; Household; Borrowing and Debt; Economic Slowdown and Stagnation
Di Maggio, Marco, and Amir Kermani. "Credit-Induced Boom and Bust." Review of Financial Studies 30, no. 11 (November 2017): 3711–3758. (Lead article and Editor's choice
Winner of the 2018 RFS Rising Scholar Award.)
- June 2018
- Case
Burton Sensors, Inc.
By: William E. Fruhan and Wei Wang
Burton Sensors presents a realistic situation where a small, rapidly growing, and profitable temperature sensor original equipment manufacturer (OEM) reaches its debt capacity and seeks equity financing to sustain high growth. The president of the company must decide... View Details
Keywords: Financing and Loans; Acquisition; Investment; Financial Strategy; Decision Choices and Conditions
Fruhan, William E., and Wei Wang. "Burton Sensors, Inc." Harvard Business School Brief Case 918-539, June 2018.
- 2020
- Working Paper
Currency Hedging in Emerging Markets: Managing Cash Flow Exposure
By: Laura Alfaro, Mauricio Calani and Liliana Varela
Foreign currency derivative markets are among the largest in the world, yet their role in emerging markets in particular, is relatively understudied. We study firms' currency risk exposure and their hedging choices by employing a unique dataset covering the universe of... View Details
Keywords: Foreign Currency Hedging; FX Derivatives; Foreign Currency Debt; Currency Mismatch; Trade Credit; Currency; Cash Flow; Emerging Markets
Alfaro, Laura, Mauricio Calani, and Liliana Varela. "Currency Hedging in Emerging Markets: Managing Cash Flow Exposure." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 21-096, March 2021.
- February 1986
- Case
General Foods Corp.: Project Duck Soup
General Foods must decide whether to acquire Entenmann's Bakery. Price and financing must also be decided. The teaching objectives include analysis of strategic fit, selection of purchase price, and financing method. Another issue is the debt to equity ratio that is... View Details
Fenster, Steven R., and Robert R. Glauber. "General Foods Corp.: Project Duck Soup." Harvard Business School Case 286-071, February 1986.
- March 1984 (Revised June 1998)
- Case
MCI Communications Corp.--1983
MCI Communications Corp. is faced with a large need for external financing to support rapid growth and substantial uncertainty due to the AT&T antitrust settlement. The case illustrates the value of convertible debt as a financing instrument in these circumstances. View Details
Keywords: Growth Management; Emerging Markets; Financing and Loans; Telecommunications Industry; United States
Greenwald, Bruce C. "MCI Communications Corp.--1983." Harvard Business School Case 284-057, March 1984. (Revised June 1998.)
- 2015
- Case
Advanced Leadership Pathways: Robert Whelan and the Student Loan Crisis (B)
By: Rosabeth M. Kanter, Grace Sza-Hua Chen and Ai-Ling Jamila Malone
Bob Whelan developed an idea with partners that was a seed before his fellowship year and addressed a significant national challenge - college financing - with a creative concept and experience from his years in investment banking. His nonprofit was called 13th Avenue... View Details
Keywords: Social Enterprise; Higher Education; Financing and Loans; Borrowing and Debt; Leading Change; Education Industry; Financial Services Industry
Kanter, Rosabeth M., Grace Sza-Hua Chen, and Ai-Ling Jamila Malone. "Advanced Leadership Pathways: Robert Whelan and the Student Loan Crisis (B)." Harvard Business Publishing Case 316-049, 2015. (Advanced Leadership Pathways.)
- July 1973 (Revised August 1987)
- Case
Central Express Corp.
Deals with the choice between debt and equity as a vehicle for financing expansion. Introduces the concept of EBIT charts and raises a number of other issues (e.g. dilution, leverage, etc.). View Details
Barrett, M. Edgar, and Steven E. Levy. "Central Express Corp." Harvard Business School Case 174-001, July 1973. (Revised August 1987.)
- February 1985 (Revised August 2008)
- Case
Arrow Electronics
Arrow Electronics is the fastest growing distributor of electronic components in North America and the second largest. Its capital structure policy of heavy reliance on debt financing contrasts sharply with that of its leading competitor, Arnet. Students are asked to... View Details
Keywords: Borrowing and Debt; Capital Structure; Financial Management; Risk Management; Distribution; Competition; Hardware; Electronics Industry; United States
El-Hage, Nabil N., and Robert R. Glauber. "Arrow Electronics." Harvard Business School Case 285-114, February 1985. (Revised August 2008.)
- Research Summary
Sovereigns, Upstream Capital Flows and Global Imbalances
By: Laura Alfaro
We construct measures of net private and public capital flows for a large cross-section of developing countries considering both creditor and debtor side of the international debt transactions. Using these measures, we demonstrate that sovereign-to-sovereign... View Details