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- Faculty Publications (2,739)
- July 1985 (Revised February 1986)
- Case
Dow Indonesia (A)
By: James E. Austin, Dennis J. Encarnation III and Louis T. Wells Jr.
Austin, James E., Dennis J. Encarnation III, and Louis T. Wells Jr. "Dow Indonesia (A)." Harvard Business School Case 386-031, July 1985. (Revised February 1986.)
- April 1985 (Revised September 1993)
- Background Note
Hattori-Seiko and the World Watch Industry in 1980
By: Michael E. Porter and Edward J. Hoff
Focuses on the industry's development and evolution in three principal watch producing countries: Switzerland, the United States, and Japan. Based in part on two earlier cases by F.T. Knickerbocker and H.E.R. Uyterhoeven. View Details
Porter, Michael E., and Edward J. Hoff. "Hattori-Seiko and the World Watch Industry in 1980." Harvard Business School Background Note 385-300, April 1985. (Revised September 1993.)
- 8 Mar 1985
- Lecture
Capital and Ownership Structure: A Comparison of United States and Japanese Manufacturing Corporations
By: W. Carl Kester
Kester, W. Carl. "Capital and Ownership Structure: A Comparison of United States and Japanese Manufacturing Corporations." Lecture at the International Competition Conference, Harvard Kennedy School, Center for Business and Government, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, March 8, 1985. (Research presenter.)
- January 1985
- Background Note
Winter Age of the Japanese Steel Industry
By: Kim B. Clark
Describes the situation facing the Japanese steel industry in 1984. Two strategies for coping with the world steel situation are presented: diversification and globalization. The actions of Nippon Steel and Nippon Kokan are used to illustrate these strategies. View Details
- December 1984
- Supplement
Soviet Gas Pipeline, Supplement
By: David B. Yoffie
Keywords: Soviet Union
Yoffie, David B. "Soviet Gas Pipeline, Supplement." Harvard Business School Supplement 385-242, December 1984.
- December 1984 (Revised July 1990)
- Teaching Note
Soviet Gas Pipeline, Teaching Note
By: David B. Yoffie
Keywords: Soviet Union
- April 1984
- Background Note
Export Controls
By: David B. Yoffie
Explores the problems and opportunities associated with export controls--one of the most widely used tools of international trade policy in the 1970s and early 1980s; and the role of the United States and Soviet Union as major players in the international economy.... View Details
Keywords: Macroeconomics; Trade; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Policy; Problems and Challenges; Opportunities; Soviet Union; United States
Yoffie, David B. "Export Controls." Harvard Business School Background Note 384-008, April 1984.
- April 1984 (Revised June 1986)
- Case
Soviet Gas Pipeline
By: David B. Yoffie
Yoffie, David B. "Soviet Gas Pipeline." Harvard Business School Case 384-007, April 1984. (Revised June 1986.)
- 1984
- Book
Germany and Republican China
By: William C. Kirby
Kirby, William C. Germany and Republican China. Stanford University Press, 1984. (With new Chinese introduction and translation, published as Deguo yu Zhonghua minguo [Germany and the Republic of China], Chen Qianping, Chen Hongmin, et al., trans. (Nanjing: Jiangsu renmin chubanshe, 2006). First translated with new Chinese foreword as Jiang Jieshi yu Nacui Deguo [Chiang Kai-shek and Nazi Germany], Chen Jianping, et al., trans., (Beijing: Zhongguo qingnian chubanshe, 1994).)
- March 1984 (Revised April 1985)
- Case
IFP, Indonesia
By: Roy D. Shapiro
Keywords: Indonesia
Shapiro, Roy D. "IFP, Indonesia." Harvard Business School Case 684-060, March 1984. (Revised April 1985.)
- November 1983 (Revised March 1986)
- Case
Leather Industry in India
By: James E. Austin
Austin, James E. "Leather Industry in India." Harvard Business School Case 384-157, November 1983. (Revised March 1986.)
- May 1983 (Revised September 1985)
- Case
Japan in the Mid-1980s: Miracle at Risk?
By: Thomas K. McCraw and Richard H.K. Vietor
Keywords: Japan
McCraw, Thomas K., and Richard H.K. Vietor. "Japan in the Mid-1980s: Miracle at Risk?" Harvard Business School Case 383-177, May 1983. (Revised September 1985.)
- April 1983 (Revised December 1985)
- Case
Countertrade and Merban Corp.
By: David B. Yoffie
Yoffie, David B. "Countertrade and Merban Corp." Harvard Business School Case 383-116, April 1983. (Revised December 1985.)
- February 1983 (Revised May 1985)
- Case
China: Central Economic Planning
By: David B. Yoffie
Yoffie, David B. "China: Central Economic Planning." Harvard Business School Case 383-089, February 1983. (Revised May 1985.)
- May 1982
- Case
South Korea--1982
By: David B. Yoffie
Keywords: South Korea
Yoffie, David B. "South Korea--1982." Harvard Business School Case 382-171, May 1982.
- April 1982 (Revised December 1984)
- Case
Toyo Kogyo Co. Ltd. (A)
By: Kim B. Clark
Keywords: Japan
Clark, Kim B. "Toyo Kogyo Co. Ltd. (A)." Harvard Business School Case 682-092, April 1982. (Revised December 1984.)
- December 1981
- Case
Singapore Bus Service Ltd.
McFarlan, F. Warren. "Singapore Bus Service Ltd." Harvard Business School Case 182-168, December 1981.
- December 1981
- Case
Nippon Steel Corp.
By: Michael Beer
Beer, Michael. "Nippon Steel Corp." Harvard Business School Case 482-057, December 1981.
- August 1981 (Revised March 1987)
- Case
State Timber Corp. of Sri Lanka (A)
By: James E. Austin
Austin, James E. "State Timber Corp. of Sri Lanka (A)." Harvard Business School Case 382-018, August 1981. (Revised March 1987.)