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- Faculty Publications (3,136)
- March 1997 (Revised November 2013)
- Case
Purity Steel Corporation, 2012
By: Robert L. Simons and Antonio Davila
Managers introduce a new performance evaluation system based on sales growth and return-on-investment (ROI). A branch manager wonders whether his new warehouse should be leased to mitigate the impact on ROI. Formulas and performance calculations are provided. A... View Details
Keywords: Investment Return; Judgments; Motivation and Incentives; Performance Efficiency; Compensation and Benefits; Salesforce Management; Performance Consistency; Performance Productivity; Steel Industry
Simons, Robert L., and Antonio Davila. "Purity Steel Corporation, 2012." Harvard Business School Case 197-082, March 1997. (Revised November 2013.)
- March 1997
- Article
Transactions Costs and Capital Structure Choice: Evidence from Financially Distressed Firms
By: S. C. Gilson
This study provides evidence that transactions costs discourage debt reductions by financially distressed firms when they restructure their debt out of court. As a result, these firms remain highly leveraged and one-in-three subsequently experience financial distress.... View Details
Keywords: Cost; Capital Structure; Decision Choices and Conditions; Information; Finance; Business Ventures
Gilson, S. C. "Transactions Costs and Capital Structure Choice: Evidence from Financially Distressed Firms." Journal of Finance 52, no. 1 (March 1997): 161–196. (Abstracted in Contemporary Finance Digest 1 (autumn 1997))
- February 1997 (Revised July 2004)
- Case
Walden Woods
By: William J. Poorvu and Arthur I Segel
In 1984, Mortimer Zuckerman and Ed Linde, through their firm, Boston Properties (BP), acquired land in Concord, MA to build a 147,000-square-foot, first-class suburban office building. BP proceeded to go through the permitting and approval process with the town and was... View Details
Keywords: Risk and Uncertainty; Decision Choices and Conditions; Entrepreneurship; Property; Environmental Sustainability; Conflict and Resolution; Real Estate Industry; Massachusetts
Poorvu, William J., and Arthur I Segel. "Walden Woods." Harvard Business School Case 897-070, February 1997. (Revised July 2004.)
- February 1997
- Case
Arch Communications Group, Inc.
By: Krishna G. Palepu and Sarayu Srinivasan
The market values Arch differently from analysts' values. View Details
Palepu, Krishna G., and Sarayu Srinivasan. "Arch Communications Group, Inc." Harvard Business School Case 197-047, February 1997.
- February 1997 (Revised December 1997)
- Case
Arbor Health Care Company
By: Myra M. Hart and Stephanie Dodson
A venture-funded start-up runs into trouble when health care reimbursement policies change radically. With the help of its board, the company develops a new strategy, becomes profitable, and makes a public offering. The second wave of changes introduced by Clinton... View Details
Keywords: Industry Structures; Growth and Development Strategy; Management Succession; Business Startups; Transformation; Strategy; Venture Capital; Policy; Initial Public Offering; Health Industry
Hart, Myra M., and Stephanie Dodson. "Arbor Health Care Company." Harvard Business School Case 897-132, February 1997. (Revised December 1997.)
- February 1997 (Revised May 1998)
- Case
Tire City, Inc.
By: W. Carl Kester
A small, rapidly growing retail distributor of automotive tires must present a set of forecasted financial statements to a bank in order to obtain a five-year loan. Expected growth rates given in the case and historical financial ratios derived from recent financial... View Details
Keywords: Financial Statements; Forecasting and Prediction; Financing and Loans; Price; Supply Chain; Distribution Industry; Retail Industry
Kester, W. Carl. "Tire City, Inc." Harvard Business School Case 297-091, February 1997. (Revised May 1998.)
- February 1997
- Article
Ultimatum Bargaining with a Committee: Underestimating the Importance of Decision Rule
By: D. M. Messick, D. A. Moore and M. H. Bazerman
Messick, D. M., D. A. Moore, and M. H. Bazerman. "Ultimatum Bargaining with a Committee: Underestimating the Importance of Decision Rule." Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 69, no. 2 (February 1997): 87–101.
- January 1997 (Revised March 1998)
- Case
Oscar Mayer: Strategic Marketing Planning
By: John A. Quelch
The marketing director of Oscar Mayer faces a series of strategic marketing options regarding established and new products, including budget and capacity allocation decisions. View Details
Keywords: Decisions; Marketing Strategy; Product Launch; Product Development; Manufacturing Industry; Food and Beverage Industry; United States
Quelch, John A., Robert Drane, and Dan Kotchen. "Oscar Mayer: Strategic Marketing Planning." Harvard Business School Case 597-051, January 1997. (Revised March 1998.)
- January 1997
- Background Note
Simulation as a Decision Aid
By: Roy D. Shapiro
A brief introduction to simulation--what it is, why it's used, etc. Meant to set context for a first class on simulation. A rewritten version of an earlier note. View Details
Shapiro, Roy D. "Simulation as a Decision Aid." Harvard Business School Background Note 697-062, January 1997.
- January 1997
- Article
The Effect of Multiple Anchors on Anchoring Individual and Group Judgment
By: James K. Sebenius and Glen Whyte
Sebenius, James K., and Glen Whyte. "The Effect of Multiple Anchors on Anchoring Individual and Group Judgment." Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 69, no. 1 (January 1997): 75–85.
- November 1996 (Revised December 1996)
- Case
Rogers Communications, Inc.: The Wave
By: John A. Deighton, Karsten Voermann and Reginal Gilyard
Rogers Communications, Inc., Canada's largest cable television provider, is deciding how it should respond to developments that appear to portend the convergence of its industry with the computing and telecommunications industries. In particular, it is investigating... View Details
Keywords: Decisions; Innovation and Invention; Marketing Strategy; Market Entry and Exit; Internet and the Web; Mobile and Wireless Technology; Consumer Behavior; Technology Adoption; Telecommunications Industry; Canada
Deighton, John A., Karsten Voermann, and Reginal Gilyard. "Rogers Communications, Inc.: The Wave." Harvard Business School Case 597-050, November 1996. (Revised December 1996.) (request a courtesy copy.)
- November 1996
- Case
Redesigning the Ford Mustang
By: Arthur Schleifer Jr. and Phyllis Dininio
Schleifer, Arthur, Jr., and Phyllis Dininio. "Redesigning the Ford Mustang." Harvard Business School Case 897-071, November 1996.
- October 1996 (Revised December 1996)
- Case
United Electric Controls
By: H. Kent Bowen, Jody H. Gittell and Sylvie Ryckebusch
United Electric Controls (UE) was a small, traditional family-owned manufacturing company when Dave Reis, the youngest member of the Reis family, took over the business. This case describes Reis's efforts to change UE's traditional work practices in order to make the... View Details
Keywords: Change Management; Family Business; Production; Business Strategy; Human Resources; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Decisions; Growth and Development Strategy; Information Technology; Electronics Industry; Manufacturing Industry; United States
Bowen, H. Kent, Jody H. Gittell, and Sylvie Ryckebusch. "United Electric Controls." Harvard Business School Case 697-006, October 1996. (Revised December 1996.)
- October 1996 (Revised April 1997)
- Case
Team New Zealand (A)
By: Marco Iansiti and Alan D. MacCormack
The case describes the development process used by Team New Zealand to design their two yachts for the 1995 America's Cup. During development, the team makes extensive use of simulation and physical prototyping to improve the initial design concept. As they approach... View Details
Keywords: Product Design; Design; Product Development; Sports; Ship Transportation; Research and Development; Situation or Environment; Decisions; Sports Industry; New Zealand
Iansiti, Marco, and Alan D. MacCormack. "Team New Zealand (A)." Harvard Business School Case 697-040, October 1996. (Revised April 1997.)
- 1996
- Chapter
The Power of Predictability
By: H. H. Stevenson and Mihnea Moldoveanu
Keywords: Forecasting and Prediction
- September 1996
- Case
Silicon Graphics, Inc. (B)
By: Marco Iansiti and Alan D. MacCormack
After the release of the "Challenge" computer in 1993, Silicon Graphics executives meet to discuss the follow-up project. Should they pursue an incremental improvement to the Challenge, or opt for a radically new design recently demonstrated at Stanford University? View Details
Keywords: Decisions; Technological Innovation; Management Practices and Processes; Product Development; Hardware; Computer Industry
Iansiti, Marco, and Alan D. MacCormack. "Silicon Graphics, Inc. (B)." Harvard Business School Case 697-038, September 1996.
- September 1996 (Revised October 1996)
- Case
Clarkson Lumber Company
By: Thomas R. Piper
The owner of a rapidly growing retail lumber company is considering the financial implications of continued rapid growth. The magnitude of the company's future financing requirements must be assessed in the context of the company's access to bank finance and/or equity... View Details
Keywords: Business Growth and Maturation; Financial Reporting; Forecasting and Prediction; Business Strategy; Financial Strategy; Commercial Banking; Borrowing and Debt; Equity; Corporate Finance
Piper, Thomas R. "Clarkson Lumber Company." Harvard Business School Case 297-028, September 1996. (Revised October 1996.)
- September 1996 (Revised November 1996)
- Case
World Bank (A): Under Siege
By: George C. Lodge and Carin-Isabel Knoop
Describes the issues that James Wolfensohn faces when he takes over the World Bank as president in June 1995. Presents several lines of criticism of the bank's strategy, structure, and relevance. View Details
Keywords: Financial Institutions; International Finance; Organizational Structure; Leading Change; Situation or Environment; Decision Choices and Conditions; Strategy; Management Teams; Value; Banking Industry
Lodge, George C., and Carin-Isabel Knoop. "World Bank (A): Under Siege." Harvard Business School Case 797-022, September 1996. (Revised November 1996.)
- September 1996 (Revised August 1999)
- Case
Massachusetts Automobile Insurance 1999
By: Richard F. Meyer
The data and background are provided to enable students to determine what deductible insurance they wish to have in Massachusetts. View Details
Meyer, Richard F. "Massachusetts Automobile Insurance 1999." Harvard Business School Case 897-041, September 1996. (Revised August 1999.)