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- Faculty Publications (282)
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- Faculty Publications (282)
- January 1997
- Background Note
Buy Low, Sell High: Creating and Extracting Customer Value by Enhancing Organizational Performance
Provides an integrated framework for creating customer value and managing the firm profitably. Focuses on the use of product/service line management and effective customer service to achieve customer satisfaction and high profitability. View Details
Keywords: Customer Value and Value Chain; Framework; Performance Efficiency; Sales; Business Strategy; Customer Satisfaction; Profit; Product Marketing; Business or Company Management
Shapiro, Benson P. "Buy Low, Sell High: Creating and Extracting Customer Value by Enhancing Organizational Performance." Harvard Business School Background Note 597-071, January 1997.
- February 1996 (Revised November 1996)
- Case
Wainwright Industries (A): Beyond the Baldrige
By: Rosabeth M. Kanter and Norman Klein
Traces the growth of Wainwright, a small automotive supply company, focusing on its commitment to quality in 1981 and the evolution of its quality culture. Breakthrough programs that stress "trust and belief" in the workforce and commitment to customers result in... View Details
Keywords: Quality; Customer Satisfaction; Customer Relationship Management; Ethics; Business or Company Management; Standards; Machinery and Machining; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Organizational Culture; Auto Industry; Missouri
Kanter, Rosabeth M., and Norman Klein. "Wainwright Industries (A): Beyond the Baldrige." Harvard Business School Case 396-219, February 1996. (Revised November 1996.)
- January 1996
- Background Note
The Motivation for Creativity in Organizations
People will be most creative when they feel motivated primarily by the interest, enjoyment, satisfaction, and challenge of the work itself--when they are driven by a deep involvement in their work and a passion for it. This note describes the ways in which creativity... View Details
Keywords: Compensation and Benefits; Managerial Roles; Organizations; Creativity; Motivation and Incentives; Satisfaction
Amabile, Teresa M. "The Motivation for Creativity in Organizations." Harvard Business School Background Note 396-240, January 1996.
- November 1995 (Revised March 2004)
- Case
Massachusetts General Hospital: CABG Surgery (A)
By: Steven C. Wheelwright and James Weber
A cross-functional team at Massachusetts General Hospital tries to reengineer the service delivery process (the "care path") for heart bypass surgery (CABG) in order to shorten hospital stays (and lower costs) while maintaining/enhancing the quality of care provided. View Details
Keywords: Health Care and Treatment; Medical Specialties; Business Processes; Mission and Purpose; Product Positioning; Product Marketing; Management Practices and Processes; Customer Satisfaction; Service Delivery; Service Operations; Fair Value Accounting; Ethics; Pharmaceutical Industry; Health Industry; Massachusetts
Wheelwright, Steven C., and James Weber. "Massachusetts General Hospital: CABG Surgery (A)." Harvard Business School Case 696-015, November 1995. (Revised March 2004.)
- August 1995 (Revised January 2024)
- Supplement
Health Stop (B): Starting Up
Describes the long waiting time experienced by customers in Health Stops and asks students to specify the changes in its business model which could help solve the problem. View Details
Keywords: Business Model; Customer Focus and Relationships; Customer Satisfaction; Health Industry; Retail Industry
Herzlinger, Regina E. "Health Stop (B): Starting Up." Harvard Business School Supplement 196-051, August 1995. (Revised January 2024.)
- January 1995
- Case
Understanding User Needs
By: Marco Iansiti and Ellen Stein
Presents an introduction to methods for understanding user needs in product development. Describes a number of techniques including the use of focus groups, interviews, questionnaires, the Kano method, Lead User analysis, the Product Value matrix, OFD, etc. Provides a... View Details
Keywords: Customer Satisfaction; Customer Value and Value Chain; Product Development; Mathematical Methods
Iansiti, Marco, and Ellen Stein. "Understanding User Needs." Harvard Business School Case 695-051, January 1995.
- October 1994 (Revised March 1999)
- Case
Ritz-Carlton: Using Information Systems to Better Serve the Customer
By: W. Earl Sasser, Thomas O. Jones and Norman Klein
Explores the interface of an information system that keeps track of guests and their preferences, and the people systems that deliver multiple services at Ritz-Carlton hotels. The luxury hotel chain's unique service credo and commitment to quality principles are... View Details
Keywords: Competency and Skills; Customer Satisfaction; Training; Recruitment; Service Delivery; Supply Chain Management; Luxury; Balance and Stability; Information Technology
Sasser, W. Earl, Thomas O. Jones, and Norman Klein. "Ritz-Carlton: Using Information Systems to Better Serve the Customer." Harvard Business School Case 395-064, October 1994. (Revised March 1999.)
- May 1994 (Revised October 1994)
- Case
Motorola: Institutionalizing Corporate Initiatives
By: Shoshana Zuboff and Janis Lee Gogan
Motorola became a recognized quality leader in large part by becoming a leader in employee education and by encouraging "participative management." Through the Motorola Training and Education Center, later Motorola University, the company invested substantial resources... View Details
Keywords: Experience and Expertise; Customer Satisfaction; Training; Human Resources; Leadership; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Corporate Strategy; Education Industry
Zuboff, Shoshana, and Janis Lee Gogan. "Motorola: Institutionalizing Corporate Initiatives." Harvard Business School Case 494-139, May 1994. (Revised October 1994.)
- October 1993 (Revised March 2001)
- Case
Connecticut Spring and Stamping Corp. (A)
By: H. Kent Bowen
Connecticut Spring and Stamping Corp. (CSSC) is a small, privately owned metal working company with a reputation for providing quality products to its customers. CSSC's business is primarily the production of springs and stamped parts used in a variety of mechanical... View Details
Bowen, H. Kent. "Connecticut Spring and Stamping Corp. (A)." Harvard Business School Case 694-009, October 1993. (Revised March 2001.)
- October 1993 (Revised July 1997)
- Case
Measure of Delight: The Pursuit of Quality at AT&T Universal Card Services (A)
By: Roy D. Shapiro and Michael D. Watkins
AT&T's Universal Card Services (UCS) has been extremely successful during its short lifetime. Dedicated to improving service quality and customer satisfaction, chief quality officer Rob Davis and his quality team have designed and put into place an unusual measurement... View Details
Keywords: Customer Satisfaction; Policy; Compensation and Benefits; Performance Evaluation; Quality; System; Telecommunications Industry
Shapiro, Roy D., and Michael D. Watkins. "Measure of Delight: The Pursuit of Quality at AT&T Universal Card Services (A)." Harvard Business School Case 694-047, October 1993. (Revised July 1997.)
- October 1993
- Article
Developer-user Interaction and User Satisfaction in Internal Technology Transfer
By: D. A. Leonard-Barton and D. Sinha
Leonard-Barton, D. A., and D. Sinha. "Developer-user Interaction and User Satisfaction in Internal Technology Transfer." Academy of Management Journal 36, no. 5 (October 1993): 1125–1139.
- autumn 1993
- Article
Motivational Synergy: Toward New Conceptualizations of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation in the Workplace
By: T. M. Amabile
The foundation for a model of motivational synergy is presented. Building upon but going beyond previous conceptualizations, the model outlines the ways in which intrinsic motivation (which arises from the intrinsic value of the work for the individual) might interact... View Details
Keywords: Motivation and Incentives; Theory; Creativity; Situation or Environment; Organizational Culture
Amabile, T. M. "Motivational Synergy: Toward New Conceptualizations of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation in the Workplace." Human Resource Management Review 3, no. 3 (autumn 1993): 185–201.
- May 1993
- Case
Patient Transfusion Services Lab of Central Blood Bank
By: James L. Heskett
The vice president of the Lab and Clinical Services at Central Blood Bank is faced with the challenge of convincing a hospital to use economical shared patient transfusion testing services. View Details
Keywords: Health Care and Treatment; Quality; Service Operations; Mathematical Methods; Customer Satisfaction; Health Industry
Heskett, James L. "Patient Transfusion Services Lab of Central Blood Bank." Harvard Business School Case 693-091, May 1993.
- May 1993
- Case
Alan Stein
By: Carl S. Sloane, Shoshana Zuboff and R.Keith Giarman
Deals with issues of adult and career development at mid-life. Describes the career and personal history of an adult male, choice points in his life, and how he made critical career and personal choices. Focuses in on his decision to "retire" from Goldman, Sachs at an... View Details
Keywords: Transition; Decision Choices and Conditions; Personal Development and Career; Retirement; Satisfaction
Sloane, Carl S., Shoshana Zuboff, and R.Keith Giarman. "Alan Stein." Harvard Business School Case 493-088, May 1993.
- January 1993 (Revised April 1993)
- Case
Chadwick, Inc.: The Balanced Scorecard
By: Robert S. Kaplan
The pharmaceutical division of a diversified company has been asked to develop a Balanced Scorecard. Research and development projects take about ten years to bring a new product to the marketplace and the division depends on good relations and active feedback from its... View Details
Keywords: Balanced Scorecard; Performance Evaluation; Customer Relationship Management; Goals and Objectives; Customer Satisfaction; Research and Development; Marketplace Matching; Financial Condition; Product Launch; Pharmaceutical Industry
Kaplan, Robert S. "Chadwick, Inc.: The Balanced Scorecard." Harvard Business School Case 193-091, January 1993. (Revised April 1993.)
- October 1991 (Revised August 2000)
- Case
Becton Dickinson & Company: VACUTAINER Systems Division (Condensed)
By: V. Kasturi Rangan and Frank V. Cespedes
Becton Dickinson, a phenomenally successful company with an 80% market share in the blood collection needles and syringes market faces a change in the customer buying environment (cost containment pressures at hospitals). This forces a reevaluation of the company's... View Details
Keywords: Business Divisions; Customer Satisfaction; Demand and Consumers; Market Participation; Distribution Channels; Success; Corporate Strategy; Value Creation; Health Industry
Rangan, V. Kasturi, and Frank V. Cespedes. "Becton Dickinson & Company: VACUTAINER Systems Division (Condensed)." Harvard Business School Case 592-037, October 1991. (Revised August 2000.)
- 1991
- Article
Job Satisfaction, Service Capability and Customer Satisfaction: An Examination of Linkages and Management Implications
By: Leonard A. Schlesinger and Jeffrey Zornitsky
Survey data from 1,277 employees and 4,269 customers of a personal lines insurance organization were analyzed with the following results: (a) employee perceptions of service quality are positively related to both job satisfaction and self-perceived service capability;... View Details
Schlesinger, Leonard A., and Jeffrey Zornitsky. "Job Satisfaction, Service Capability and Customer Satisfaction: An Examination of Linkages and Management Implications." Human Resource Planning 14, no. 2 (1991): 141–149.
- March 1991 (Revised October 1991)
- Background Note
Manage Orders, Satisfy Customers, Make Money
By: Benson P. Shapiro and John J. Sviokla
Shapiro, Benson P., and John J. Sviokla. "Manage Orders, Satisfy Customers, Make Money." Harvard Business School Background Note 591-098, March 1991. (Revised October 1991.)
- July 1990
- Case
Ceramics Process Systems Corp. (B)
By: Kim B. Clark and Brent D. Barnett
Ceramics Process Systems (CPS) is an advanced ceramics company facing problems with lead time in product/process development, and late delivery of prototype parts to its customers. Engineering is confronted with difficult technical problems and multiple objectives... View Details
Keywords: Product Development; Business Processes; Management Practices and Processes; Supply Chain Management; Machinery and Machining; Goals and Objectives; Resource Allocation; Customer Satisfaction; Customer Value and Value Chain; Manufacturing Industry
Clark, Kim B., and Brent D. Barnett. "Ceramics Process Systems Corp. (B)." Harvard Business School Case 691-006, July 1990.
- 1986
- Chapter
Consumer Satisfaction with Food Products
By: J. Quelch and S. Ash
Quelch, J., and S. Ash. "Consumer Satisfaction with Food Products." In World Food Marketing Systems, edited by Erdener Kaynak, 119–126. London: Butterworths, 1986.