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- August 6, 2020
- Article
Companies Must Go Beyond Random Acts of Humanitarianism
By: Frank Cooper and Ranjay Gulati
Any organization can write a check or mobilize resources when confronted with a crisis such as the Covid-19 pandemic or a social movement such as Black Lives Matter. But corporate crisis response becomes much more meaningful when stakeholders know that the organization... View Details
Cooper, Frank, and Ranjay Gulati. "Companies Must Go Beyond Random Acts of Humanitarianism." Harvard Business Review Digital Articles (August 6, 2020).
- October 2014
- Article
Good Cop, Bad Cop: Complementarities Between Debt and Equity in Disciplining Management
By: Alexander Guembel and Lucy White
In this paper we examine how the quantity of information generated about firm prospects can be improved by splitting a firm's cash flow into a "safe" claim (debt) and a "risky" claim (equity). The former, being relatively insensitive to upside risk, provides a... View Details
Guembel, Alexander, and Lucy White. "Good Cop, Bad Cop: Complementarities Between Debt and Equity in Disciplining Management." Journal of Financial Intermediation 23, no. 4 (October 2014): 541–569.
- February 2011 (Revised September 2013)
- Case
Sarvajal: Water for All
By: John D. Macomber and Mona Sinha
Entrepreneur wrestles with business model using SMS and RFID technology, franchising, and leasing to rapidly grow off-the-grid water purification business without subsidies. The company seeks to provide potable water services to rural and urban India where the public... View Details
Keywords: Business Subsidiaries; Business Model; Communication Technology; Private Sector; Social Entrepreneurship; Cost Management; Rural Scope; Emerging Markets; Infrastructure; Problems and Challenges; Information Infrastructure; India
Macomber, John D., and Mona Sinha. "Sarvajal: Water for All." Harvard Business School Case 211-028, February 2011. (Revised September 2013.)
- February 2014
- Article
Accountability of Independent Directors—Evidence from Firms Subject to Securities Litigation
By: Francois Brochet and Suraj Srinivasan
We examine which independent directors are held accountable when investors sue firms for financial- and disclosure-related fraud. Investors can name independent directors as defendants in lawsuits, and they can vote against their re-election to express displeasure over... View Details
Keywords: Independent Directors; Litigation Risk; Class Action Lawsuits; Director Accountability; Reputation; Boards Of Directors; Corporate Governance; Debt Securities; Corporate Accountability; Lawsuits and Litigation
Brochet, Francois, and Suraj Srinivasan. "Accountability of Independent Directors—Evidence from Firms Subject to Securities Litigation." Journal of Financial Economics 111, no. 2 (February 2014): 430–449.
- 2013
- Working Paper
Accountability of Independent Directors—Evidence from Firms Subject to Securities Litigation
By: Francois Brochet and Suraj Srinivasan
We examine which independent directors are held accountable when investors sue firms for financial and disclosure related fraud. Investors can name independent directors as defendants in lawsuits, and they can vote against their re-election to express displeasure over... View Details
Brochet, Francois, and Suraj Srinivasan. "Accountability of Independent Directors—Evidence from Firms Subject to Securities Litigation." Working Paper, 2013. (Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 13-104, June 2013.)
- Article
Can Wages Buy Honesty?: The Relationship Between Relative Wages and Employee Theft
By: C. X. Chen and Tatiana Sandino
In this study we examine whether, for a sample of retail chains, high levels of employee compensation can deter employee theft, an increasingly common type of fraudulent behavior. Specifically, we examine the extent to which relative wages (i.e., employee wages... View Details
Chen, C. X., and Tatiana Sandino. "Can Wages Buy Honesty? The Relationship Between Relative Wages and Employee Theft." Journal of Accounting Research 50, no. 4 (September 2012): 967–1000.
- December 2011
- Article
Deposit Insurance and Subsidized Recapitalizations
By: Lucy White and Alan Morrison
The 2007–2009 financial crisis saw a vast expansion in deposit insurance guarantees around the world and yet our understanding of the design and consequences of deposit insurance schemes is in its infancy. We provide a new rationale for the provision of deposit... View Details
Keywords: Financial Crisis; Banks and Banking; Insurance; Taxation; Business and Government Relations; Banking Industry
White, Lucy, and Alan Morrison. "Deposit Insurance and Subsidized Recapitalizations." Journal of Banking & Finance 35, no. 12 (December 2011): 3400–3416.
- January 1990 (Revised March 1991)
- Case
American Red Cross Blood Services: Northeast Region
By: Robert L. Simons
Recounts the financial difficulties and management changes experienced by American Red Cross Blood Services: Northeast Region (NER) during the 1980s. After summarizing industry-wide changes in the collection, testing, and distribution of blood and blood products, the... View Details
Keywords: Change Management; Budgets and Budgeting; Financial Management; Restructuring; Health; SWOT Analysis; Social Enterprise; Marketplace Matching; Management Style; Organizational Culture; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Medical Devices and Supplies Industry; Health Industry; North and Central America
Simons, Robert L. "American Red Cross Blood Services: Northeast Region." Harvard Business School Case 190-078, January 1990. (Revised March 1991.)
- July 2020
- Supplement
Instabeat—Crossing the Finish Line
By: Shikhar Ghosh, Nicole Tempest Keller and Alpana Thapar
Lebanese entrepreneur Hind Hobeika was just 21 years old when she launched her startup, Instabeat, which had developed the first real-time bio-feedback device for swimmers to monitor and improve their performance. It had been an extremely testing 10-year journey to... View Details
Keywords: Start-up; Wearables; Entrepreneurship; Business Startups; Information Technology; Information Infrastructure; Strategy; Operations; Management; United States; Lebanon
Ghosh, Shikhar, Nicole Tempest Keller, and Alpana Thapar. "Instabeat—Crossing the Finish Line." Harvard Business School Supplement 821-012, July 2020.
- July 2019
- Case
Instabeat—One More Lap?
By: Shikhar Ghosh, Nicole Tempest Keller and Alpana Thapar
This case follows Lebanese entrepreneur, Hind Hobeika, an engineer and competitive swimmer who spends seven years trying to launch a wearable heartrate monitor and motion sensor to help swimmers track their performance while swimming. While the Beirut-based... View Details
Keywords: Startup; Manufacturing; Prototyping; Female Protagonist; Business Startups; Decision Making; Entrepreneurship; Information Infrastructure; Information Technology; Design; Organizational Culture; United States; Lebanon
Ghosh, Shikhar, Nicole Tempest Keller, and Alpana Thapar. "Instabeat—One More Lap?" Harvard Business School Case 820-005, July 2019.
- January 2008
- Article
Mastering the Management System
By: Robert S. Kaplan and David P. Norton
Companies have always found it hard to balance pressing operational concerns with long-term strategic priorities. The tension is critical: World-class processes won't lead to success without the right strategic direction, and the best strategy in the world will get... View Details
Keywords: Framework; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Management Systems; Operations; Performance Improvement; Strategy
Kaplan, Robert S., and David P. Norton. "Mastering the Management System." Special Issue on HBS Centennial. Harvard Business Review 86, no. 1 (January 2008): 62–77.
- January 2022
- Case
Hybrid Classroom - an Opportunity or a Threat?
By: V.G. Narayanan
When the Covid pandemic struck in the spring of 2020, HBS pivoted to remote instruction while maintaining the interactive and engaged discussions which distinguished the case system pedagogy. In fall 2020 HBS adopted a hybrid approach, fitting out its classrooms with... View Details
Keywords: Education; Teaching; Higher Education; Technology Adoption; Digital Platforms; Internet and the Web; Adaptation; Opportunities; Education Industry
Narayanan, V.G. "Hybrid Classroom - an Opportunity or a Threat?" Harvard Business School Case 122-075, January 2022.
- July 2021
- Article
Multinationality and Capital Structure Dynamics: A Corporate Governance Explanation
By: Daniel Gyimah, Nana Abena Kwansa, Anthony K. Kyiu and Anywhere Sikochi
This paper examines the impact of corporate governance on capital structure dynamics. Using ordinary least squares regressions on 17,496 firm-year observations for 2,294 U.S. multinational companies (MNCs) over the period 1990–2018, we find that MNCs with strong... View Details
Keywords: Multinationality; Speed Of Adjustment; Corporate Governance; Multinational Firms and Management; Capital Structure
Gyimah, Daniel, Nana Abena Kwansa, Anthony K. Kyiu, and Anywhere Sikochi. "Multinationality and Capital Structure Dynamics: A Corporate Governance Explanation." Art. 101758. International Review of Financial Analysis 76 (July 2021).
- January 2007 (Revised August 2007)
- Case
Fulton County School System: Implementing the Balanced Scorecard
By: Robert S. Kaplan and Monica Nah Lee
Illustrates the adaptation and implementation of a private sector management tool, the Balanced Scorecard, to a public school district. As part of a continuous improvement initiative, the Director of Planning and Policy facilitates the development of a strategy map and... View Details
Keywords: Education; Governance; Leadership; Balanced Scorecard; Performance Improvement; Strategy; Education Industry
Kaplan, Robert S., and Monica Nah Lee. "Fulton County School System: Implementing the Balanced Scorecard." Harvard Business School Case 107-029, January 2007. (Revised August 2007.)
- April 2023 (Revised September 2023)
- Case
Levels: The Remote, Asynchronous, Deep Work Management System
By: Joseph B. Fuller and George Gonzalez
Levels is a highly innovative startup in the health care space. They intend to revolutionize health by linking behavior—eating, exercise, sleeping, etc.—to changes in metabolism. They believe metabolic health can be managed through careful monitoring of changes in... View Details
Keywords: Applications and Software; Business Startups; Organizational Culture; Management Style; Technology Industry; United States
Fuller, Joseph B., and George Gonzalez. "Levels: The Remote, Asynchronous, Deep Work Management System." Harvard Business School Case 323-069, April 2023. (Revised September 2023.)
- September 2016 (Revised March 2017)
- Module Note
Strategy Execution Module 3: Using Information for Performance Measurement and Control
By: Robert Simons
This module reading explains how managers use information to control critical business processes and outcomes. The analysis begins by illustrating how managers use information to communicate goals and track performance. Then the focus turns to the choices that managers... View Details
Keywords: Management Control Systems; Implementing Strategy; Strategy Execution; Organization Process; Feedback Model; Innovation; Uses Of Information; Big Data; Benchmarking; Decision Making; Information; Performance Evaluation; Analytics and Data Science
Simons, Robert. "Strategy Execution Module 3: Using Information for Performance Measurement and Control." Harvard Business School Module Note 117-103, September 2016. (Revised March 2017.)
- September 2009
- Module Note
Leading Teams Note
This note, which describes the architecture and processes that characterize effective teams, begins by detailing the steps involved in designing a team, from diagnosing the complexity, interdependence, and objectives of the task to harnessing the key resources teams... View Details
Keywords: Interpersonal Communication; Experience and Expertise; Decision Choices and Conditions; Knowledge Sharing; Leadership; Business Processes; Groups and Teams
Polzer, Jeffrey T. "Leading Teams Note." Harvard Business School Module Note 410-051, September 2009.
- 02 Feb 2023
- Research & Ideas
Why We Still Need Twitter: How Social Media Holds Companies Accountable
in monitoring companies. There could be severe negative consequences if Twitter were to cease operations.” Two days later, Chipotle said it would raise employee pay by about $2 per hour, with starting wages ranging from $11 to $18, to... View Details
- 10 Dec 2012
- Working Paper Summaries
Vulnerable Banks
- Research Summary
Research Overview
Eddie Riedl's research focuses on two primary topics: fair value accounting, and international accounting settings.
Regarding fair value accounting, his research examines both the critical reporting choices that managers make, as well as... View Details