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- All HBS Web
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- 18 Nov 2022
- HBS Case
What Does It Take to Safeguard a Legacy in Asset Management?
companies, US mid-sized companies, international small companies, and international equity. Brown’s teams use revenue instead of market capitalization to define their areas of focus, and search for companies with high long-term View Details
- 29 Sep 2015
- First Look
September 29, 2015
Julia Lee, Francesca Gino, and Bradley R. Staats Abstract—It may be possible to offer people a new understanding of their best-self concepts, leading to positive personal and social change. We developed theory about how best-self activation can lead to both immediate... View Details
Keywords: Sean Silverthorne
- 11 Jan 2021
- Research & Ideas
Is A/B Testing Effective? Evidence from 35,000 Startups
experimentation For managers, implementing an experimentation strategy is about more than installing software and conducting a single experiment. It requires a long-term commitment. The effects Koning and his colleagues found often did... View Details
Keywords: by Kristen Senz
- 14 Jun 2011
- First Look
First Look: June 14
managers, and the company ends up as a collection of feudal baronies. This is a recipe for long-term failure, say the authors. Their research of 12 top management teams at major companies suggests that firms thrive only when senior teams... View Details
Keywords: Sean Silverthorne
- 01 Jun 2023
- News
Bridging the ESG Data Gap
environmental, social, and governance [ESG] performance for long-term value creation.” Murday developed and launched the company in 2020, collaborating with faculty, experienced entrepreneurs, and fellow students at the i-lab, a physical... View Details
Keywords: Deborah Blagg
- 05 Jun 2023
- What Do You Think?
Is the Anxious Achiever a Post-Pandemic Relic?
premium on “novelty and growth over the cyclical and the regenerative.” "It’s not that Gen Zers want to do nothing or even less. It’s just that they want to achieve in their own way and in their own sweet time." Athos taught and... View Details
Keywords: by James Heskett
- Web
Events - Business History
how "all three regimes enjoyed periods of high growth and supposed alliances between autocrats and capitalists. Over time, however, the relationships between capitalists and political elites changed, and economic outcomes diverged. While... View Details
- 21 Dec 2010
- First Look
First Look: December 21
concentrated long-term family ownership, few shareholders, and family management. This structure was successful within the historical context of the 1960s but came under attack during the crisis-ridden decades that followed. By tracing... View Details
- September 2011
- Article
Political Instability: Effects on Financial Development, Roots in the Severity of Economic Inequality
By: Mark J. Roe and Jordan I. Siegel
We here bring forward strong evidence that political instability impedes financial development, with its variation a primary determinant of differences in financial development around the world. As such, it needs to be added to the short list of major determinants of... View Details
Keywords: Financial Development; Political Instability; Government and Politics; Finance; Growth and Development; Economics; Equality and Inequality
Roe, Mark J., and Jordan I. Siegel. "Political Instability: Effects on Financial Development, Roots in the Severity of Economic Inequality." Journal of Comparative Economics 39, no. 3 (September 2011): 279–309. (We here bring forward strong evidence that political instability impedes financial development, with its variation a primary determinant of differences in financial development around the world. As such, it needs to be added to the short list of major determinants of financial development. First, structural conditions first postulated by
Engerman and Sokoloff (2002) as generating long-term inequality are shown here empirically to be exogenous determinants of political instability. Second, that exogenously-determined political instability in turn holds back financial development, even when we control for factors prominent in the last decade's cross-country studies of
financial development. The findings indicate that inequality-perpetuating conditions that result in political instability are fundamental roadblocks for international organizations like the World Bank that seek to promote financial development. The evidence here includes country fixed effect regressions and an instrumental model inspired by Engerman and Sokoloff's (2002) work, which to our knowledge has not yet been used in finance and which is consistent with current tests as valid instruments. Four conventional measures of national political instability — Alesina and Perotti's (1996) well-known index of instability, a subsequent index derived from Banks' (2005) work,
and two indices of managerial perceptions of nation-by-nation political instability — persistently predict a wide range of national financial development outcomes for recent decades. Political instability's significance is time consistent in cross-sectional regressions back to the 1960's, the period when the key data becomes available, robust
in both country fixed-effects and instrumental variable regressions, and consistent across multiple measures of instability and of financial development. Overall, the results indicate the existence of an important channel running from structural inequality to political instability, principally in nondemocratic settings, and then to financial
backwardness. The robust significance of that channel extends existing work demonstrating the importance of political economy explanations for financial development and financial backwardness. It should help to better understand which policies will work for financial development, because political instability has causes, cures, and effects quite distinct from those of many of the key institutions most studied in the past decade as explaining financial backwardness.)
- 25 Jun 2020
- Blog Post
Harvard Business School Class of 2021 Student Profiles
Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, Bain, World Food Programme, Goldman Sachs, Brandeval HBS ACTIVITIES HBS Show, Wine & Cuisine Society Yaoxin Ding While serving as a product manager at Fiat, Yaoxin worked closely with colleagues in finance and... View Details
- 13 Dec 2011
- First Look
First Look: Dec. 13
strong brand, robust growth in international and domestic markets, and premium price and margins, Natura was consistently rated as one of the preferred places to work in Brazil. Its focus on social and environmental responsibility was a... View Details
Keywords: Sean Silverthorne
- 16 Jul 2020
- Research & Ideas
Restaurant Revolution: How the Industry Is Fighting to Stay Alive
whom were long-term employees who felt like family, were furloughed or laid off. Some owners kept their kitchens running solely to provide meals for their staff, fearful they might find themselves unable to feed themselves. The day he had... View Details
- Web
Global Opportunity Fellowship GO: AFRICA - Alumni
statement and additional supporting materials as outlined below. PERSONAL STATEMENT (approximately 500 words) explaining: Your interest in Africa and how you hope to make a difference by working in the region. Your long-term career goals... View Details
- 13 Mar 2018
- First Look
March 13, 2018
historians in recent years, academic research on business groups has, to date, remained within the boundary of emerging markets. The major aim of this volume is to explore the long-term evolution of different varieties of large... View Details
Keywords: Sean Silverthorne
- 09 May 2017
- First Look
New Research and Ideas, May 9
approaches is often flawed. Publisher's link: Turbulence, Firm Decentralization and Growth in Bad Times By: Aghion, Philippe, Nicholas Bloom, Brian Lucking, Raffaella Sadun, and John... View Details
Keywords: Sean Silverthorne
- 22 Oct 2019
- Research & Ideas
Use Artificial Intelligence to Set Sales Targets That Motivate
Setting the right sales targets for employees is a difficult balancing act, with long-term consequences on growth and morale. Setting a target too low, making it easily achievable, might cause an an employee... View Details
Keywords: by Michael Blanding
- Web
HBS - Financials | Supplemental Financial Information
revenues (including current use gifts and distribution from the endowment). In fiscal 2022, the School’s total revenues increased by $161 million, or 20 percent, to $966 million from $805 million in the prior year, primarily reflecting the View Details
- 20 Dec 2010
- Research & Ideas
Panama Canal: Troubled History, Astounding Turnaround
West Coast headed to eastern ports, with a smaller flow of manufactured goods and agricultural products headed the other way. The canal supercharged the growth of the West Coast (at the expense of Venezuela in oil and the South in timber)... View Details
- 17 Jun 2014
- First Look
First Look: June 17
demonstrate their impact on pressing societal problems such as global poverty. This article draws on several cases to build a performance assessment framework premised on an organization's operational mission, scale, and scope. Not all organizations should measure... View Details
Keywords: Sean Silverthorne
- 31 Mar 2009
- First Look
First Look: March 31, 2009
Download the paper: Earnings Quality and Ownership Structure: The Role of Private Equity Sponsors Author:Sharon P. Katz Abstract This study explores how firms' ownership structures affect their earnings quality and View Details
Keywords: Martha Lagace