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- All HBS Web (463)
- Faculty Publications (263)
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- June 2014
- Technical Note
A Note on Seeking, Receiving, and Giving Advice
By: David A. Garvin and Joshua D. Margolis
This note examines the processes of seeking, receiving, and giving advice by drawing on both academic research and the lessons of skilled practitioners. It begins with a discussion of the potential benefits and costs of advice-seeking and advice-giving. The note then... View Details
Keywords: Advice Taking; Coaching; Decision-making; Leadership; Interpersonal Communication; Personal Development and Career; Management Skills
Garvin, David A., and Joshua D. Margolis. "A Note on Seeking, Receiving, and Giving Advice." Harvard Business School Technical Note 314-071, June 2014.
- July 2023
- Article
The Old Boys' Club: Schmoozing and the Gender Gap
By: Zoë B. Cullen and Ricardo Perez-Truglia
Offices are social places. Employees and managers take breaks together and talk about
family and hobbies. In this study, we show that employees’ social interactions with their managers
can be advantageous for their careers, and that this phenomenon contributes to the... View Details
Keywords: Career; Promotions; Social Interactions; Networking; Interpersonal Communication; Familiarity; Equality and Inequality; Gender
Cullen, Zoë B., and Ricardo Perez-Truglia. "The Old Boys' Club: Schmoozing and the Gender Gap." American Economic Review 113, no. 7 (July 2023): 1703–1740. (Lead Article.)
- August 2011
- Case
Denise Frazer and Paolo Canto: A Case Vignette on Feedback - Denise Frazer's Perspective
By: Joshua D. Margolis and Anthony J. Mayo
Denise Frazer and Paolo Canto, two HBS students, have decided to give each other feedback on their class participation. While Denise believes that she has provided concrete, actionable feedback to Paolo, she does not feel that Paolo is reciprocating. His feedback is... View Details
Margolis, Joshua D., and Anthony J. Mayo. "Denise Frazer and Paolo Canto: A Case Vignette on Feedback - Denise Frazer's Perspective." Harvard Business School Case 412-045, August 2011.
- August 2011
- Case
Denise Frazer and Paolo Canto: A Case Vignette on Feedback - Paolo Canto's Perspective
By: Joshua D. Margolis and Anthony J. Mayo
Denise Frazer and Paolo Canto, two HBS students, have decided to give each other feedback on their class participation. While Paolo believes that he has been sensitive to Denise in providing feedback, he does not feel that Denise is reciprocating. Her feedback seems to... View Details
Margolis, Joshua D., and Anthony J. Mayo. "Denise Frazer and Paolo Canto: A Case Vignette on Feedback - Paolo Canto's Perspective." Harvard Business School Case 412-046, August 2011.
- September 1977 (Revised April 1983)
- Case
Eugene Kirby (A)
By: Michael Beer and James G. Clawson
Describes the events leading up to an actual performance appraisal interview--the views, opinions, and attitudes of the subordinates who are to be interviewed. View Details
Beer, Michael, and James G. Clawson. "Eugene Kirby (A)." Harvard Business School Case 478-007, September 1977. (Revised April 1983.)
- 02 Dec 2019
- What Do You Think?
How Does a Company like Boeing Respond to Intense Competitive Pressure?
Andreas Haas How Does an Organization Like Boeing Coordinate Work Under Intense Competitive Pressure? Our case study on Boeing this month unfolded in real time, leading up to a second critical glitch on one of their products, this time its space capsule. Again, the... View Details
- January 2015 (Revised May 2023)
- Technical Note
FIELD Global Immersion: Orchestrating a Compelling Presentation
By: Jill Avery
This note was written to help you organize and orchestrate your FIELD Global Immersion final project presentation to your global partner. It is designed to illustrate ways to make your final presentation persuasive, inspiring, and powerful — a presentation with... View Details
Keywords: Presentation Skills; Communication; Communication Intention and Meaning; Communication Strategy; Interpersonal Communication; Management Skills
Avery, Jill. "FIELD Global Immersion: Orchestrating a Compelling Presentation." Harvard Business School Technical Note 315-085, January 2015. (Revised May 2023.)
- 2012
- Book
Talk, Inc. : How Trusted Leaders Use Conversation to Power Their Organizations
By: Boris Groysberg and Michael Slind
How can leaders make their big or growing companies feel small again? How can they recapture the "magic"--the tight strategic alignment, the high level of employee engagement--that drove and animated their organization when it was a start-up? As more and more... View Details
Keywords: Leadership; Interpersonal Communication; Organizational Culture; Social and Collaborative Networks; Spoken Communication
Groysberg, Boris, and Michael Slind. Talk, Inc. How Trusted Leaders Use Conversation to Power Their Organizations. Harvard Business Review Press, 2012.
- October 1997 (Revised September 2007)
- Case
Trinity Crystal
By: John A. Davis
The dynamics of a work relationship between an entrepreneurial mother and her daughter are explored. View Details
Keywords: Family Business; Interpersonal Communication; Entrepreneurship; Family and Family Relationships
Davis, John A. "Trinity Crystal." Harvard Business School Case 898-066, October 1997. (Revised September 2007.)
- October 14, 2019
- Article
The Truth About Open Offices: There Are Reasons Why They Don't Produce the Desired Interactions
By: Ethan Bernstein and Ben Waber
It’s never been easier for workers to collaborate—or so it seems. Open, flexible, activity-based spaces are displacing cubicles, making people more visible. Messaging is displacing phone calls, making people more accessible. Enterprise social media such as Slack and... View Details
Keywords: Buildings and Facilities; Interpersonal Communication; Communication Technology; Design; Human Resources; Performance Productivity; Organizational Design
Bernstein, Ethan, and Ben Waber. "The Truth About Open Offices: There Are Reasons Why They Don't Produce the Desired Interactions." Harvard Business Review 97, no. 6 (November–December 2019): 82–91.
- July 2021
- Article
Do Interactions with Candidates Increase Voter Support and Participation? Experimental Evidence from Italy
By: Enrico Cantoni and Vincent Pons
We test whether politicians can use direct contact to reconnect with citizens, increase turnout, and win votes. During the 2014 Italian municipal elections, we randomly assigned 26,000 voters to receive visits from city council candidates, from canvassers supporting... View Details
Keywords: Campaigns; Candidates; Elections; Experiment; Political Parties; Turnout; Voting Behavior; Voting; Political Elections; Behavior; Interpersonal Communication; Italy
Cantoni, Enrico, and Vincent Pons. "Do Interactions with Candidates Increase Voter Support and Participation? Experimental Evidence from Italy." Economics & Politics 33, no. 2 (July 2021): 379–402.
- November 2006
- Exercise
Sell Yourself!
By: Thomas J. Steenburgh and Michael I. Norton
Helps students develop an effective sales pitch for their greatest asset--themselves. Also, broadens their understanding of how salespeople sell products and services. Before class, students are asked to interview a potential employer and to develop a preliminary sales... View Details
Keywords: Marketing; Sales; Product; Service Operations; Interpersonal Communication; Personal Development and Career
Steenburgh, Thomas J., and Michael I. Norton. "Sell Yourself!" Harvard Business School Exercise 507-045, November 2006.
- July 2005 (Revised August 2008)
- Background Note
Attorney-Client Privilege
By: Lynn S. Paine and Christopher Bruner
Provides a brief summary of the requirements of the attorney-client privilege--an important mechanism for protecting client confidences under U.S. law. Discusses the application of the privilege in a corporate context. View Details
Keywords: Business Ventures; Interpersonal Communication; Crime and Corruption; Law; Attorney and Client Relationships
Paine, Lynn S., and Christopher Bruner. "Attorney-Client Privilege." Harvard Business School Background Note 306-013, July 2005. (Revised August 2008.)
- October 14, 2019
- Article
Cracking the Code of Sustained Collaboration
By: Francesca Gino
When most organizations strive to increase collaboration, they approach it too narrowly: as a value to cultivate—not a skill to teach. So they create open offices, talk up collaboration as a corporate goal, and try to influence employees through other superficial means... View Details
Keywords: Collaboration; Listening; Empathy; Feedback; Organizational Culture; Interpersonal Communication; Training; Programs
Gino, Francesca. "Cracking the Code of Sustained Collaboration." Harvard Business Review 97, no. 6 (November–December 2019): 73–81.
- Forthcoming
- Article
Boomerasking: Answering Your Own Questions
By: Alison Wood Brooks and Michael Yeomans
Humans spend much of their lives in conversation, where they tend to hold many simultaneous motives. We examine two fundamental desires: to be responsive to a partner and to disclose about oneself. We introduce one pervasive way people attempt to reconcile these... View Details
Brooks, Alison Wood, and Michael Yeomans. "Boomerasking: Answering Your Own Questions." Journal of Experimental Psychology: General (forthcoming). (Pre-published online January 9, 2025.)
- June 2008
- Supplement
Professors Sven Larson and Kenneth Carpenter (E)
By: James L. Heskett and Tor Askild Aase Johannessen
Prof. Kenneth Carpenter has received word that he has inadvertently offended one of his students. He is pondering a possible response. View Details
Heskett, James L., and Tor Askild Aase Johannessen. "Professors Sven Larson and Kenneth Carpenter (E)." Harvard Business School Supplement 908-412, June 2008.
- June 2008
- Supplement
Professors Sven Larson and Kenneth Carpenter (D)
By: James L. Heskett and Tor Askild Aase Johannessen
Prof. Kenneth Carpenter has received word that he has inadvertently offended one of his students. He is pondering a possible response. View Details
Heskett, James L., and Tor Askild Aase Johannessen. "Professors Sven Larson and Kenneth Carpenter (D)." Harvard Business School Supplement 908-411, June 2008.
- June 2008
- Supplement
Professors Sven Larson and Kenneth Carpenter (B)
By: James L. Heskett and Tor Askild Aase Johannessen
Professor Kenneth Carpenter has received word that he has inadvertently offended one of his students. He is pondering a possible response. View Details
Heskett, James L., and Tor Askild Aase Johannessen. "Professors Sven Larson and Kenneth Carpenter (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 908-409, June 2008.
- 14 May 2009
- Sharpening Your Skills
Sharpening Your Skills: Managing Teams
Sharpening Your Skills dives into the HBS Working Knowledge archives to bring together articles on ways to improve your business skills. Questions To Be Answered How does a team leader win the confidence of the group? What's the best method for developing team goals?... View Details
Keywords: Re: Multiple Faculty