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- Faculty Publications (229)
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- October 2001 (Revised December 2001)
- Background Note
Extraterritorial Applications of Antitrust Law: U.S. and Japanese Approaches
By: Guhan Subramanian and Michelle Kalka
This case describes the differebt approaches the United States and Japan have taken to extend the jurisdiction of their antitrust laws to foreign companies. The section on the United States, in particular, focuses on the evolving logic of the Supreme Court in dealing... View Details
Keywords: Laws and Statutes; Lawfulness; Government Legislation; Policy; Business or Company Management; Government and Politics; Pulp and Paper Industry; United States; Japan
Subramanian, Guhan, and Michelle Kalka. "Extraterritorial Applications of Antitrust Law: U.S. and Japanese Approaches." Harvard Business School Background Note 902-067, October 2001. (Revised December 2001.)
- September 2023 (Revised December 2023)
- Case
Twiddy & Company: Trust in a Chaotic Environment
By: Sandra J. Sucher, Shalene Gupta and Tom Quinn
Twiddy & Company, known for Southern hospitality rooted in personal interactions, needed to adjust to contactless remote customer service as fear of the contagious virus prevented person-to-person contact. Local elected officials, in a bid to stop tourists from... View Details
Keywords: Trust; Health Pandemics; Organizational Culture; Disruption; Government Legislation; Transportation; Tourism Industry; North Carolina; United States
Sucher, Sandra J., Shalene Gupta, and Tom Quinn. "Twiddy & Company: Trust in a Chaotic Environment." Harvard Business School Case 324-021, September 2023. (Revised December 2023.)
- October 2019
- Article
Partial Deregulation and Competition: Effects on Risky Mortgage Origination
By: Marco Di Maggio, Amir Kermani and Sanket Korgaonkar
We exploit the OCC's preemption of national banks from state laws against predatory lending as a quasi-experiment to study the effect of deregulation and its interaction with competition on the supply of complex mortgages. Following the preemption ruling, national... View Details
Keywords: Great Recession; Subprime; Complex Mortgages; Credit Supply; Household Debt; Preemption Rule; Competition; Mortgages; Government Legislation; Credit; Financial Crisis
Di Maggio, Marco, Amir Kermani, and Sanket Korgaonkar. "Partial Deregulation and Competition: Effects on Risky Mortgage Origination." Management Science 65, no. 10 (October 2019).
- August 2009 (Revised January 2012)
- Supplement
Pandora: Royalties Kill the Web Radio Star? (B)
By: Robert C. Pozen and Alex Curtis Rosenfeld
Pozen, Robert C., and Alex Curtis Rosenfeld. "Pandora: Royalties Kill the Web Radio Star? (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 310-027, August 2009. (Revised January 2012.)
- December 1992
- Exercise
Negotiation Exercise on Tradeable Pollution Allowances: Group B, Utility #1
Describes the position of Utility #1 in negotiating Group B with respect to 1) its SO emissions reduction requirements; 2) the costs of its alternative compliance strategies; and 3) the nature of its state regulatory environment. View Details
Keywords: Decision Choices and Conditions; Governance Compliance; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Government Legislation; Negotiation; Pollutants; Strategy; Utilities Industry
Emmons, Willis M., III. "Negotiation Exercise on Tradeable Pollution Allowances: Group B, Utility #1." Harvard Business School Exercise 793-077, December 1992.
- 14 Dec 2016
- Working Paper Summaries
The State of Small Business Lending: Innovation and Technology and the Implications for Regulation
- 13 Dec 2011
- First Look
First Look: Dec. 13
Norway, cartels received support from the Norwegian government when they were deemed to be beneficial to Norwegian economic interests. The legislation was used to foster the development of domestic cartels,... View Details
Keywords: Sean Silverthorne
- 2023
- Working Paper
Market Exclusivity and Innovation: Evidence From Antibiotics
By: Edward Kong and Olivia Zhao
The US incentivizes drug innovation via patents as well as market exclusivity periods awarded by the US Food and Drug Administration. We estimate the causal effects of extending market exclusivity for an important drug class: antibiotics. Using a... View Details
Keywords: Health Testing and Trials; Innovation and Invention; Motivation and Incentives; Government Administration; Government Legislation; Pharmaceutical Industry; United States
Kong, Edward, and Olivia Zhao. "Market Exclusivity and Innovation: Evidence From Antibiotics." Working Paper, December 2023.
- January 1997
- Case
World Bank (A1): Rural Development (Revisited)
By: George C. Lodge
Begins with a brief description of the World Bank and its commitment to rural development. Discusses the bank's Northeast rural development program in Brazil, outlining its failure, success, and structural design. The questions raised by the project are left for the... View Details
Keywords: International Finance; Development Economics; Rural Scope; Policy; Problems and Challenges; Government Legislation
Lodge, George C. "World Bank (A1): Rural Development (Revisited)." Harvard Business School Case 797-090, January 1997.
- 30 Aug 2004
- Research & Ideas
Mapping Your Board’s Effectiveness
and monitor the CEO, scrutinize the performance of the company's leadership team, oversee financial reporting and disclosure, and ensure compliance with laws and regulations. The recent failures triggered regulatory and legislative... View Details
Keywords: by Robert S. Kaplan
- February 1998 (Revised December 1998)
- Case
Atlantic Energy/Delmarva Power & Light (A)
By: Benjamin C. Esty, Mathew M Millett and Tracy Aronson
Delmarva Power & Light and Atlantic Energy are neighboring electric utilities based in Delaware and New Jersey, respectively. In early 1996, they entered into merger negotiations, but were unable to reach an agreement on price because they could not agree on what... View Details
Keywords: Valuation; Negotiation Offer; Government Legislation; Risk and Uncertainty; Mergers and Acquisitions; Contracts; Utilities Industry; Delaware; New Jersey
Esty, Benjamin C., Mathew M Millett, and Tracy Aronson. "Atlantic Energy/Delmarva Power & Light (A)." Harvard Business School Case 298-034, February 1998. (Revised December 1998.)
- July–August 2014
- Article
Obamacare Rules Pose Challenges for S Corp Owners
By: Josh Baron, Steve Salley and Judith L. Walsh
The article offers information financial impacts of tax by the U.S. Affordable Care Act (ACA) applied in January 2013 on family business shareholders and owners of S Corp. It discusses suggestions in tax planning to equalize tax burden including establishing family... View Details
Keywords: Ownership Type; Family Ownership; Compensation and Benefits; Taxation; Government Legislation
Baron, Josh, Steve Salley, and Judith L. Walsh. "Obamacare Rules Pose Challenges for S Corp Owners." Family Business Magazine 25, no. 4 (July–August 2014): 18–19.
- June 2007 (Revised January 2008)
- Background Note
The U.S. Retirement Savings Market and the Pension Protection Act of 2006
By: Luis M. Viceira and Helen Tung
Provides an overview of the evolution of the private retirement savings market in the U.S. since 1990; the management and administration of defined-contribution (DC) plans; the existing evidence about the investment and savings decisions of participants in DC plans;... View Details
Keywords: Investment; Personal Finance; Saving; Government Legislation; Retirement; Business and Government Relations; Financial Services Industry; United States
Viceira, Luis M., and Helen Tung. "The U.S. Retirement Savings Market and the Pension Protection Act of 2006." Harvard Business School Background Note 207-130, June 2007. (Revised January 2008.)
- January 1999 (Revised December 2020)
- Case
The U.S. Banking Panic of 1933 and Federal Deposit Insurance
By: Julio J. Rotemberg and Sabina M. Ciminero
After highlighting some key developments in the banking history of the United States, the case illustrates the Banking Panic of 1933 and the way in which Franklin D. Roosevelt dealt with it at the beginning of his presidency. Describes the main components of banking... View Details
Keywords: Government Legislation; Insurance; Crisis Management; Financial Crisis; Banks and Banking; History; Business and Government Relations; Banking Industry; United States
Rotemberg, Julio J., and Sabina M. Ciminero. "The U.S. Banking Panic of 1933 and Federal Deposit Insurance." Harvard Business School Case 799-077, January 1999. (Revised December 2020.)
- 20 Sep 2012
- Research & Ideas
US Competitiveness at Risk
got a US government that lacks the latitude to move that it had in the 1980s: large government debts and obligations facing the US now threaten to crowd out the investments in infrastructure, innovation, and... View Details
Keywords: Re: Michael E. Porter & Jan W. Rivkin
- November 2010
- Supplement
Lessons Learned? Brooksley Born & the OTC Derivatives Market (B)
By: Clayton S. Rose and David Lane
This (B) case provides the 2009 reflections of former SEC Chairman Arthur Levitt on CFTC Chairman Brooksley Born's 1998 efforts to consider regulating the OTC derivative market. It also provides a summary of the aspects of the 2010 Dodd-Frank Act that regulate these... View Details
Keywords: Financial Crisis; Credit Derivatives and Swaps; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Policy; Government Legislation; Business and Government Relations; Financial Services Industry; Public Administration Industry; District of Columbia
Rose, Clayton S., and David Lane. "Lessons Learned? Brooksley Born & the OTC Derivatives Market (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 311-070, November 2010.
- December 14, 2017
- Editorial
Resolving DACA Will Modernize the American Economy
Chertavian, Gerald. "Resolving DACA Will Modernize the American Economy." Morning Consult (December 14, 2017).
- December 2007
- Article
Private Power in Indonesia
By: Louis T. Wells
The Asian Currency Crisis led to the collapse of agreements Indonesia had negotiated for private electric power only a few years earlier. The ensuing struggle meant bad publicity and several hundred million dollars in costs for Indonesia. As Indonesia in 2007 was... View Details
Keywords: Energy Generation; Government Legislation; Knowledge Management; Knowledge Sharing; Risk Management; Agreements and Arrangements; Business and Government Relations; Indonesia
Wells, Louis T. "Private Power in Indonesia." Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies 43, no. 3 (December 2007): 341–364.
- 13 Nov 2007
- Research & Ideas
Six Steps for Reinvigorating America
Motivates values-based capitalism and drives companies to contribute to solving social and environmental problems while also providing employees stimulating and satisfying work. Restores trust by committing to government as an instrument... View Details
Keywords: by Sean Silverthorne
- 25 Sep 2017
- Research & Ideas
Why Politics is Failing America, and What Business Can Do To Help
project has surveyed HBS alumni and other business leaders to assess perceptions about which aspects of the country, such as the economy or education, they see as thriving and which as lacking. The survey results consistently showed that Washington’s persistent failure... View Details
Keywords: by Christina Pazzanese, Harvard Gazette