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- All HBS Web
- News (133)
- Research (803)
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- Faculty Publications (466)
Managerial Structure and Performance-Induced Trading
The literature finds that investors increase portfolio turnover following high returns, explaining it by either overconfidence or skilled trading. This paper develops a theoretical model and shows empirically that team-managed funds trade less after good... View Details
- Research Summary
Strategic participation of social movement organizations
Social movements and related social movement organizations (SMOs) play an important role in the formation of new industries and market niches, as well as the emergence of new organizational forms. I argue that as SMOs become more sophisticated and... View Details
- Article
Missing the Near Miss: Recognizing Valuable Learning Opportunities in Radiation Oncology
By: Palak Kundu, Olivia Jung, Luca F. Valle, Amy C. Edmondson, Nzhde Agazaryan, John Hegde, Michael Steinberg and Ann Raldow
“Near miss” events are valuable low-cost learning opportunities in radiation oncology as they do not result in patient harm and are more pervasive than adverse events that do. Near misses vary depending on the presence of a latent error of behavior or process, and the... View Details
Kundu, Palak, Olivia Jung, Luca F. Valle, Amy C. Edmondson, Nzhde Agazaryan, John Hegde, Michael Steinberg, and Ann Raldow. "Missing the Near Miss: Recognizing Valuable Learning Opportunities in Radiation Oncology." Practical Radiation Oncology 11, no. 3 (May 2021): e256–e262.
- May 2014
- Article
Mobile Computing: The Next Platform Rivalry
By: Timothy Bresnahan and Shane Greenstein
Competition to become one of several dominant mobile platforms is intense. Platforms compete for developers, who create applications which make the platform valuable for users. Why doesn't one form of platform governance emerge as superior? This essay will stress the... View Details
Bresnahan, Timothy, and Shane Greenstein. "Mobile Computing: The Next Platform Rivalry." American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings 104, no. 5 (May 2014): 475–480.
- 2013
- Working Paper
What Makes the Bonding Stick? A Natural Experiment Involving the U.S. Supreme Court and Cross-Listed Firms
By: Amir N. Licht, Christopher Poliquin, Jordan I. Siegel and Xi Li
On March 29, 2010, the U.S. Supreme Court signaled its intention to geographically limit the reach of the U.S. securities antifraud regime and thus differentially exclude U.S.-listed foreign firms from the ambit of formal U.S. antifraud enforcement. We use this legal... View Details
Keywords: Crime and Corruption; International Finance; Investment; Corporate Governance; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Courts and Trials; Legal Liability; United States
Licht, Amir N., Christopher Poliquin, Jordan I. Siegel, and Xi Li. "What Makes the Bonding Stick? A Natural Experiment Involving the U.S. Supreme Court and Cross-Listed Firms." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 11-072, January 2011. (Revised August 2013.)
- July – August 2009
- Article
Organizational Ambidexterity: Balancing Exploitation and Exploration for Sustained Performance
By: Sebastian Raisch, Julian Birkinshaw, Gilbert Probst and Michael Tushman
Organizational ambidexterity has emerged as a new research paradigm in organization theory, yet several issues that are fundamental to this debate remain controversial. We explore four central tensions here: Should organizations achieve ambidexterity through... View Details
Keywords: Change; Innovation and Invention; Business Processes; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Organizational Design; Organizational Structure; Research; Integration
Raisch, Sebastian, Julian Birkinshaw, Gilbert Probst, and Michael Tushman. "Organizational Ambidexterity: Balancing Exploitation and Exploration for Sustained Performance." Organization Science 20, no. 4 (July–August 2009): 685–695.
- December 2007
- Journal Article
Industrial Policy in the United States
By: Christian H.M. Ketels
Does US government policy purposefully benefit particular industries or is industrial policy absent in the USA? Based on a review of recent US policies this paper argues that the USA applies many policies with an industry-specific impact. But these policies do not... View Details
Keywords: Microeconomics; Entrepreneurship; Policy; Innovation and Invention; Supply and Industry; Business and Government Relations; United States
Ketels, Christian H.M. "Industrial Policy in the United States." Special Issue on The Future of Industrial Policy Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade 7, nos. 3-4 (December 2007): 143–323.
- February 1999 (Revised August 2004)
- Case
I Lost My Volvo in New Haven: Tennis Event Sponsorship
By: Stephen A. Greyser, Brian R. Harris and Mitchell Truwit
Focuses on event management and sponsorship from the perspective of the event owner (rather than that of the sponsorship company). Describes in depth the search by one of the tennis tournaments on the professional circuit for a principal sponsor. Detailed economics of... View Details
Keywords: Marketing Communications; Decision Choices and Conditions; Management; Product Positioning; Television Entertainment; Sports; Partners and Partnerships; Sports Industry
Greyser, Stephen A., Brian R. Harris, and Mitchell Truwit. "I Lost My Volvo in New Haven: Tennis Event Sponsorship." Harvard Business School Case 599-037, February 1999. (Revised August 2004.)
- Article
Financing Constraints, Home Equity and Selection into Entrepreneurship
By: Thais Laerkholm Jensen, Søren Leth-Petersen and Ramana Nanda
We exploit a mortgage reform that differentially unlocked home equity across the Danish population and study how this impacted selection into entrepreneurship. We find that increased entry was concentrated among entrepreneurs whose firms were founded in industries... View Details
Keywords: Mortgage Reform; Home Equity; Financing Constraints; Entrepreneurs; Entrepreneurship; Mortgages; Denmark
Jensen, Thais Laerkholm, Søren Leth-Petersen, and Ramana Nanda. "Financing Constraints, Home Equity and Selection into Entrepreneurship." Journal of Financial Economics 145, no. 2A (August 2022): 318–337.
- 08 Dec 2016
- HBS Seminar
Joel Waldfogel, University of Minnesota, Carlson School of Management
Pietro Satriano
Pietro Satriano is a Senior Lecturer at Harvard Business School. He sits on the boards of CarMax, the largest omni-channel used car retailer in the U.S. and Metro, a large regional grocery retailer in Canada. Pietro advises a number of food-tech startups and acts... View Details
- August 2021 (Revised March 2022)
- Case
Camera IQ and the Metaverse: Building Augmented Reality Brand Experiences
By: Jill Avery and Rayan Nahas
Camera IQ, a camera marketing software company that empowered brands to create and launch augmented reality experiences (AREs) across social platforms, had just raised an additional $5 million to fund further product development and expand its marketing and sales... View Details
Keywords: Brand Management; Virtual Reality; Augmented Reality; B2B; Technology Platform; Marketing; Marketing Communications; Marketing Strategy; Brands and Branding; Digital Marketing; Internet and the Web; Growth Management; Customer Relationship Management; Customer Value and Value Chain; Social Media; E-commerce; Applications and Software; Digital Platforms; Advertising Industry; United States
Avery, Jill, and Rayan Nahas. "Camera IQ and the Metaverse: Building Augmented Reality Brand Experiences." Harvard Business School Case 522-002, August 2021. (Revised March 2022.)
- January 2010
- Article
Breakthrough Inventions and Migrating Clusters of Innovation
By: William R. Kerr
We investigate the speed at which clusters of invention for a technology migrate spatially following breakthrough inventions. We identify breakthrough inventions as the top one percent of U.S. inventions for a technology during 1975-1984 in terms of subsequent... View Details
Kerr, William R. "Breakthrough Inventions and Migrating Clusters of Innovation." Journal of Urban Economics 67, no. 1 (January 2010): 46–60.
- 2023
- Working Paper
Debiasing Treatment Effect Estimation for Privacy-Protected Data: A Model Auditing and Calibration Approach
By: Ta-Wei Huang and Eva Ascarza
Data-driven targeted interventions have become a powerful tool for organizations to optimize business outcomes
by utilizing individual-level data from experiments. A key element of this process is the estimation
of Conditional Average Treatment Effects (CATE), which... View Details
Huang, Ta-Wei, and Eva Ascarza. "Debiasing Treatment Effect Estimation for Privacy-Protected Data: A Model Auditing and Calibration Approach." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 24-034, December 2023.
- June 2012 (Revised July 2013)
- Exercise
Competition Simulator Exercise: Instructions
In the Competition Simulator Exercise, students explore through trial and error some important economic foundations of competitive strategy and managerial economics. In particular, the nine simulator exercises let students explore horizontal differentiation with and... View Details
Van den Steen, Eric. "Competition Simulator Exercise: Instructions." Harvard Business School Exercise 712-498, June 2012. (Revised July 2013.)
- 2020
- Working Paper
Do Lenders Still Discriminate? A Robust Approach for Assessing Differences in Menus
By: David Hao Zhang and Paul Willen
We use a new methodology to assess mortgage pricing discrimination by race. We make four main contributions. First, we show that existing estimates of mortgage pricing differences by race can be confounded by a "menu problem," which is the problem associated with... View Details
Keywords: Mortgages; Financing and Loans; Prejudice and Bias; Race; Measurement and Metrics; Banking Industry; United States
Zhang, David Hao, and Paul Willen. "Do Lenders Still Discriminate? A Robust Approach for Assessing Differences in Menus." Working Paper, September 2020.
- Research Summary
Growth and the Quality of Foreign Direct Investment: Is All FDI Equal? (joint with Andrew Charlton)
By: Laura Alfaro
In this paper we distinguish different qualities of FDI to re-examine the relationship between FDI and growth. Establishing the quality of FDI, however, is a difficult concept. Quality, that is the effect of a unit of FDI on economic growth, is a combination and... View Details
- 2023
- Working Paper
Founder-CEO Compensation and Selection into Venture Capital-Backed Entrepreneurship
By: Michael Ewens, Ramana Nanda and Christopher Stanton
We show theoretically that a critical determinant of the attractiveness of VC-backed entrepreneurship for high-earning potential founders is the expected time to develop a startup’s initial product. This is because founder-CEOs’ cash compensation increases... View Details
Ewens, Michael, Ramana Nanda, and Christopher Stanton. "Founder-CEO Compensation and Selection into Venture Capital-Backed Entrepreneurship." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 20-119, May 2020. (Revised September 2023. Forthcoming at Journal of Finance.)
- 2010
- Article
Impact of Online Consumer Reviews on Sales: The Moderating Role of Product and Consumer Characteristics
By: Feng Zhu and Michael Zhang
This article examines how product and consumer characteristics moderate the influence of online consumer reviews on product sales using data from the video game industry. The findings indicate that online reviews are more influential for less popular games and games... View Details
Keywords: Internet Marketing; Online Consumer Reviews; Word Of Mouth; Long Tail; Internet and the Web; Marketing Reference Programs; Digital Marketing; Video Game Industry
Zhu, Feng, and Michael Zhang. "Impact of Online Consumer Reviews on Sales: The Moderating Role of Product and Consumer Characteristics." Journal of Marketing 74, no. 2 (March 2010): 133–148.
- October 2012 (Revised February 2014)
- Teaching Note
Logoplaste: Global Growing Challenges (TN)
By: Juan Alcacer
The case follows Logoplaste in its transformation from a small player in the plastic container industry in Portugal to a mid-sized global firm with operations in 11 countries. The case summarizes Logoplaste's history, with an emphasis on the milestones of its global... View Details