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- All HBS Web
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- June 2017
- Article
Is Operating Flexibility Harmful under Debt?
By: Nikolaos Trichakis, Dan A. Iancu and Gerry Tsoukalas
We study the inefficiencies stemming from a firm's operating flexibility under debt. We find that flexibility in replenishing or liquidating inventory, by providing risk-shifting incentives, could lead to borrowing costs that erase more than a third of the firm's... View Details
Keywords: Covenants; Risk-shifting; Inventory; Agency Costs; Debt Financing; Risk Management; Borrowing and Debt
Trichakis, Nikolaos, Dan A. Iancu, and Gerry Tsoukalas. "Is Operating Flexibility Harmful under Debt?" Management Science 63, no. 6 (June 2017): 1730–1761.
- September 2012 (Revised July 2013)
- Case
Can the Eurozone Survive?
By: Dante Roscini and Jonathan Schlefer
The sovereign debt crisis that took Greece by storm in 2010 began to spread to other European markets. Within a few months Ireland and Portugal had also lost access to the sovereign debt markets and had to rely on supranational loans for their financing. The risk of... View Details
Keywords: Sovereign Debt Crisis; Currency Areas; Financial Crisis; Borrowing and Debt; Currency Exchange Rate; International Relations; Banking Industry; European Union; Germany; France; Italy; Spain; Greece; Portugal
Roscini, Dante, and Jonathan Schlefer. "Can the Eurozone Survive?" Harvard Business School Case 713-034, September 2012. (Revised July 2013.)
- Fall 2012
- Article
Coming Through in a Crisis: How Chapter 11 and the Debt Restructuring Industry Are Helping to Revive the U.S. Economy
By: Stuart C. Gilson
Gilson, Stuart C. "Coming Through in a Crisis: How Chapter 11 and the Debt Restructuring Industry Are Helping to Revive the U.S. Economy." Journal of Applied Corporate Finance 24, no. 4 (Fall 2012): 23–35.
- October 2022
- Article
Sovereign Risk, Currency Risk, and Corporate Balance Sheets
By: Wenxin Du and Jesse Schreger
We provide a comprehensive account of the evolution of the currency composition of sovereign and corporate external borrowing by emerging markets from 2003 to 2017. We show that a higher reliance on foreign currency debt by the corporate sector is associated with... View Details
Du, Wenxin, and Jesse Schreger. "Sovereign Risk, Currency Risk, and Corporate Balance Sheets." Review of Financial Studies 35, no. 10 (October 2022): 4587–4629.
- 16 May 2017
- News
Household Debt Is Higher Than It Was In 2008 — But Don't Panic
- November 2017
- Article
Credit-Induced Boom and Bust
By: Marco Di Maggio and Amir Kermani
Can a credit expansion induce a boom and bust in house prices and real economic activity? This paper exploits the federal preemption of national banks in 2004 from local laws against predatory lending to gauge the effect of the supply of credit on the real economy.... View Details
Keywords: Great Recession; Subprime; Credit Supply; Credit Expansion; Household Leverage; Household Debt; Preemption Rule; Mortgages; Laws and Statutes; Credit; Household; Borrowing and Debt; Economic Slowdown and Stagnation
Di Maggio, Marco, and Amir Kermani. "Credit-Induced Boom and Bust." Review of Financial Studies 30, no. 11 (November 2017): 3711–3758. (Lead article and Editor's choice
Winner of the 2018 RFS Rising Scholar Award.)
- May 2018 (Revised January 2019)
- Teaching Note
Lind Equipment
By: Richard S. Ruback, Royce Yudkoff and Ahron Rosenfeld
Teaching Note for HBS No. 212-012. Lind Equipment, a Canadian manufacturer and distributor of industrial electrical safety equipment, was purchased in December 2007 by Brian Astl (HBS 2006) and Sean Van Doorselaer. Lind’s performance was negatively impacted by the... View Details
- October 2014 (Revised February 2017)
- Case
A Currency We Can Call Our Own: Populism, Banking Crises, and Exchange Rate Crises in Argentina, 1946–2002
By: Rafael Di Tella
The case describes Argentina's struggle to establish a credible monetary system under populist pressures and the recurrent use of exchange rate stabilization plans. It focuses on two episodes where there was "too little money" in the economy: during the hyperinflation... View Details
Keywords: Debt Crisis; Hyperinflation; Financial Crisis; Inflation and Deflation; Currency Exchange Rate; Argentina
Di Tella, Rafael. "A Currency We Can Call Our Own: Populism, Banking Crises, and Exchange Rate Crises in Argentina, 1946–2002." Harvard Business School Case 715-019, October 2014. (Revised February 2017.)
- January 2019 (Revised January 2022)
- Case
Chinese Infrastructure Investments in Sri Lanka: A Pearl or a Teardrop on the Belt and Road?
By: Meg Rithmire and Yihao Li
In 2015, a surprise presidential election result seemed to imperil Chinese investments in Sri Lanka, which were associated with China’s Belt and Road Initiative to build global infrastructure. In the previous decade, China had undertaken two major projects in the... View Details
Rithmire, Meg, and Yihao Li. "Chinese Infrastructure Investments in Sri Lanka: A Pearl or a Teardrop on the Belt and Road?" Harvard Business School Case 719-046, January 2019. (Revised January 2022.)
- October 2014 (Revised April 2018)
- Supplement
Creditor Activism in Sovereign Debt: Argentina vs. Holdout Investors (B)
By: Laura Alfaro, Gaurav Toshniwal and Hilary White
Keywords: Argentina; Debt; Debt Crisis; Debt Markets; Debt Repayment; Debt Restructuring; Government Bonds; Government Debt; Law; Default; Sovereign Debt; Sovereign Debt Crisis; Hedge Fund; Hedge Funds; Strategy; Bonds; Bond Risk; Debt Management; Borrowing and Debt; Governance; Macroeconomics; Economics; Economy; Government Legislation; Argentina; Latin America; United States
Alfaro, Laura, Gaurav Toshniwal, and Hilary White. "Creditor Activism in Sovereign Debt: Argentina vs. Holdout Investors (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 715-017, October 2014. (Revised April 2018.)
- Article
Market Reactions to Sovereign Litigation
By: Faisal Z. Ahmed and Laura Alfaro
Recent rulings in the ongoing litigation over the pari passu clause in Argentinian sovereign debt instruments have generated considerable controversy. Some official-sector participants and academic articles have suggested that the rulings will disrupt or impede... View Details
Keywords: Sovereign Debt; Litigation; Vulture Funds; Argentina; Sovereign Finance; Lawsuits and Litigation; Markets; Argentina
Ahmed, Faisal Z., and Laura Alfaro. "Market Reactions to Sovereign Litigation." Capital Markets Law Journal 12, no. 2 (April 2017): 141–163.
- 14 Dec 2016
- Working Paper Summaries
The State of Small Business Lending: Innovation and Technology and the Implications for Regulation
- October 2020
- Article
Corporate Legal Structure and Bank Loan Spread
By: Anywhere (Siko) Sikochi
This study examines how a corporate legal structure may affect borrowing costs. Corporate legal structure refers to the legal fragmentation of a firm into multiple, separately incorporated entities. This fragmentation is bound to be a factor when lenders determine the... View Details
Keywords: Corporate Legal Structure; Subsidiaries; Bank Loans; Minority Interest; Credit Risk; Organizational Structure; Business Subsidiaries; Financing and Loans
Sikochi, Anywhere (Siko). "Corporate Legal Structure and Bank Loan Spread." Journal of Corporate Finance 64 (October 2020).
- October 2022
- Case
Sustainable Finance at Itau BBA
By: George Serafeim, Maria Loumioti and Benjamin Maletta
As of August 2022, the Itau BBA had structured dozens of sustainability linked bonds, which made future interest payments a function of the borrower meeting a target for a sustainability metric, and had solidified its reputation as a pioneer of sustainable finance in... View Details
Keywords: Sustainable Finance; Corporate Social Responsibility; Environmental Sustainability; Growth Strategy; Debt Contracting; Performance Metrics; Risk Assessment; ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) Performance; Financial Instruments; Risk Management; Debt Securities; Measurement and Metrics; Banking Industry; Pulp and Paper Industry; Latin America
Serafeim, George, Maria Loumioti, and Benjamin Maletta. "Sustainable Finance at Itau BBA." Harvard Business School Case 123-036, October 2022.
- 12 Jun 2018
- First Look
New Research and Ideas, June 12, 2018
their prior knowledge, whereas knowledge recombination is more likely to be pursued by teams comprising inventors from other ethnic backgrounds. Publisher's link: forthcoming American Economic Review: Insights View Details
Keywords: Dina Gerdeman
- October 2020 (Revised June 2021)
- Case
Francisco Partners Private Credit Opportunity Fund
By: Luis M. Viceira, John D. Dionne, Soracha Prathanrasnikorn and Ari Sunshine
In April 2020, Scott Einsenberg, the Head of Credit at the private equity firm Francisco Partners, is deciding whether to go ahead with extending a private lending agreement to Eventbrite, Inc. (NYSE: EB), a leading global event management and online ticketing... View Details
Viceira, Luis M., John D. Dionne, Soracha Prathanrasnikorn, and Ari Sunshine. "Francisco Partners Private Credit Opportunity Fund." Harvard Business School Case 221-002, October 2020. (Revised June 2021.)
- October 2012
- Case
Hill Country Snack Foods Co.
By: W. Carl Kester and Craig Stephenson
Hill Country Snack Foods, located in Austin, Texas, manufactures, markets, and distributes snack foods and frozen treats. The CEO is passionate about maximizing shareholder value and believes in keeping tight control over costs and operating the business as efficiently... View Details
Keywords: United States; Financial Strategy; Debt Management; Retail Trade; Risk Management; Food; Capital Structure; Corporate Finance; Food and Beverage Industry; Food and Beverage Industry; Texas
Kester, W. Carl, and Craig Stephenson. "Hill Country Snack Foods Co." Harvard Business School Brief Case 913-517, October 2012.
- June 2017 (Revised August 2018)
- Case
Goodbye IMF Conditions, Hello Chinese Capital: Zambia's Copper Industry and Africa's Break with Its Colonial Past
By: Rafael Di Tella, Vincent Pons, Sarah Mehta and David Lane
Over the past several decades, rapid growth in Chinese investment and trade has created for Africa a new development partner. China represents an alternative to U.S. and European nations whose past imperialism, resource avarice, and economic dictates—through the... View Details
Keywords: Copper; Imperialism; IMF; World Bank; ODA; Debt Relief; Growth and Development; Business and Stakeholder Relations; Labor and Management Relations; History; Development Economics; China; Zambia; Africa
Di Tella, Rafael, Vincent Pons, Sarah Mehta, and David Lane. "Goodbye IMF Conditions, Hello Chinese Capital: Zambia's Copper Industry and Africa's Break with Its Colonial Past." Harvard Business School Case 717-034, June 2017. (Revised August 2018.)
- October 2019
- Article
Partial Deregulation and Competition: Effects on Risky Mortgage Origination
By: Marco Di Maggio, Amir Kermani and Sanket Korgaonkar
We exploit the OCC's preemption of national banks from state laws against predatory lending as a quasi-experiment to study the effect of deregulation and its interaction with competition on the supply of complex mortgages. Following the preemption ruling, national... View Details
Keywords: Great Recession; Subprime; Complex Mortgages; Credit Supply; Household Debt; Preemption Rule; Competition; Mortgages; Government Legislation; Credit; Financial Crisis
Di Maggio, Marco, Amir Kermani, and Sanket Korgaonkar. "Partial Deregulation and Competition: Effects on Risky Mortgage Origination." Management Science 65, no. 10 (October 2019).