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- Faculty Publications (2,609)
- June 1991 (Revised April 1993)
- Case
General Electric: Jack Welch's Second Wave (A)
By the mid 1980's Jack Welch had completely transformed General Electric with more than 300 divestitures and acquisitions since the beginning of the decade. Welch insisted that his business units be number one or number two in their markets, and have the strength of... View Details
Keywords: Business Conglomerates; Transformation; Employee Relationship Management; Planning; Corporate Strategy
Bartlett, Christopher A. "General Electric: Jack Welch's Second Wave (A)." Harvard Business School Case 391-248, June 1991. (Revised April 1993.)
- June 1991 (Revised March 1995)
- Case
Becton Dickinson (D): Strategic Human Resource Management Profiling
By: Michael Beer
Describes a strategic human resource management process applied at the business unit and corporate level. The purpose of the process is to provide a means for aligning human resource management policies and practices with strategy and to hold managers accountable for... View Details
Keywords: Change Management; Human Resources; Business or Company Management; Strategic Planning; Corporate Strategy; Health Industry
Beer, Michael. "Becton Dickinson (D): Strategic Human Resource Management Profiling." Harvard Business School Case 491-155, June 1991. (Revised March 1995.)
- June 1991 (Revised April 1993)
- Case
Acer, Inc.
By: Robert H. Hayes
Acer is undergoing two major transitions at the time of this case: from a small, entrepreneurially-run company to a large professionally-run one; and from a largely domestic company to a multinational one. After a decade of phenomenal growth, it is now facing a major... View Details
Keywords: Transition; Motivation and Incentives; Multinational Firms and Management; Business Growth and Maturation; Employees; Resignation and Termination; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Diversity; Computer Industry; Taiwan
Hayes, Robert H. "Acer, Inc." Harvard Business School Case 691-104, June 1991. (Revised April 1993.)
- June 1991
- Supplement
Philips Group--1990
Describes the strategic and organizational changes introduced by Cor Van Der Klugt as he becomes CEO. View Details
Bartlett, Christopher A. "Philips Group--1990." Harvard Business School Supplement 391-245, June 1991.
- May–June 1991
- Article
Transcending Business Boundaries: Twelve Thousand World Managers View Change
By: R. M. Kanter
Kanter, R. M. "Transcending Business Boundaries: Twelve Thousand World Managers View Change." Harvard Business Review 69, no. 3 (May–June 1991): 151–164.
- February 1991 (Revised July 1993)
- Case
Cultural Change at Nissan Motors
By: John P. Kotter
Depicts the reformation of Nissan Motor Co.'s corporate culture and the company's subsequent turnaround in market share and profits. In 1985, Yutaka Kume became president of Nissan and thereafter, he continually emphasized the need for internal change throughout the... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Change and Adaptation; Organizational Culture; Leadership; Behavior; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Change Management; Management; Auto Industry; Manufacturing Industry
Kotter, John P. "Cultural Change at Nissan Motors." Harvard Business School Case 491-079, February 1991. (Revised July 1993.)
- February 1991 (Revised February 1992)
- Case
Appex Corp.
By: Nitin Nohria
1990 Business Week named Appex Corp. the fastest growing high-technology company in the United States. Appex provided management information systems and intercarrier network services to cellular telephone companies. During its rapid growth, the company went through... View Details
Keywords: Information Technology; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Organizational Design; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Organizational Culture; Mobile and Wireless Technology; Performance Productivity; Problems and Challenges; Management Practices and Processes; Business Divisions; Information Management; Information Technology Industry; Telecommunications Industry; United States
Nohria, Nitin. "Appex Corp." Harvard Business School Case 491-082, February 1991. (Revised February 1992.)
- January 1991 (Revised March 1992)
- Case
USA Today
By: Robert L. Simons
USA Today is a national newspaper struggling to achieve profitability. This case focuses on the use of management control systems to identify emerging opportunities and the formulation of new strategies. The interactive system used by top managers--the Friday... View Details
Keywords: Strategy; Competitive Advantage; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Managerial Roles; Forecasting and Prediction; Growth and Development Strategy; Risk Management; Labor and Management Relations; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Risk and Uncertainty; Journalism and News Industry; United States
Simons, Robert L. "USA Today." Harvard Business School Case 191-004, January 1991. (Revised March 1992.)
- 1991
- Article
Managing through Cycles of Technological Change
By: Phil Anderson and Michael Tushman
Anderson, Phil, and Michael Tushman. "Managing through Cycles of Technological Change." Research-Technology Management 34 (1991): 26–31.
- November 1990 (Revised March 1994)
- Case
Digital Equipment Corp.: The Kodak Outsourcing Agreement (A)
By: Lynda M. Applegate and Herminia M. Ibarra
Describes grassroots effort which culminated in Digital's winning a competitive bid for the outsourcing of Kodak's internal telecommunications business. Describes the "Telstar" project, from the initial identification of the business opportunity to the process of... View Details
Keywords: Innovation and Management; Partners and Partnerships; Leading Change; Agreements and Arrangements; Business or Company Management; Bids and Bidding; Decision Making; Management Teams; Telecommunications Industry
Applegate, Lynda M., and Herminia M. Ibarra. "Digital Equipment Corp.: The Kodak Outsourcing Agreement (A)." Harvard Business School Case 191-039, November 1990. (Revised March 1994.)
- November 1990 (Revised September 1991)
- Case
The Transformation of IBM
By: Andrall E. Pearson and David B. Yoffie
John Akers, IBM's chairman, must confront how to transform a $60 billion, full line, global computer company that is the leader in every market it serves, yet losing share across the board. The case explores senior management's perspective on the process of... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Change and Adaptation; Transformation; Corporate Strategy; Adoption; Management Teams; Information Infrastructure; Information Technology; Multinational Firms and Management; Computer Industry
Pearson, Andrall E., and David B. Yoffie. "The Transformation of IBM." Harvard Business School Case 391-073, November 1990. (Revised September 1991.)
- October 1990 (Revised September 1993)
- Case
Changing the Culture at British Airways
By: John P. Kotter
In just 10 years, 1980-1990, British Airways turned around both its declining image and financial situation. Focusing on the paramount importance of customer service, British Airways went from "bloody awful" to "bloody awesome." Experiencing a financial crisis in 1981... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Change and Adaptation; Organizational Culture; Problems and Challenges; Customer Relationship Management; Corporate Strategy; Privatization; Air Transportation Industry; United Kingdom
Kotter, John P. "Changing the Culture at British Airways." Harvard Business School Case 491-009, October 1990. (Revised September 1993.)
- October 1990
- Article
Bankruptcy, Boards, Banks, and Blockholders: Evidence on Changes in Corporate Ownership and Control When Firms Default
By: S. C. Gilson
In 111 publicly traded firms that either file for bankruptcy or privately restructure their debt between 1979 and 1985, bank lenders frequently become major stockholders or appoint new directors. On average, only 46% of incumbent directors remain when bankruptcy or... View Details
Keywords: Insolvency and Bankruptcy; Governance; Banks and Banking; Change; Business Ventures; Ownership
Gilson, S. C. "Bankruptcy, Boards, Banks, and Blockholders: Evidence on Changes in Corporate Ownership and Control When Firms Default." Journal of Financial Economics 27, no. 2 (October 1990): 355–387.
- September 1990 (Revised March 1993)
- Case
General Electric Plastics: Organizing the Marketing Function
Describes the rapid growth of General Electric Plastics for over the last decade to a $5 billion (sales) company. The accompanying organizational transitions are described. The task is to design a marketing organization for the coming decade given the anticipated... View Details
Rangan, V. Kasturi. "General Electric Plastics: Organizing the Marketing Function." Harvard Business School Case 591-029, September 1990. (Revised March 1993.)
- September 1990 (Revised January 1992)
- Case
Procter & Gamble Japan (A)
Ten years after entering Japan, P&G had accumulated over $250 million in operating losses on declining annual sales of $120 million by 1983. The decision facing the president of P&G International: exit, retrench or rebuild the operation? Ironically, the initial entry... View Details
Keywords: Restructuring; Change Management; Profit; Market Entry and Exit; Market Participation; Sales; Competition; Technology; Beauty and Cosmetics Industry; Consumer Products Industry; Japan
Yoshino, Michael Y. "Procter & Gamble Japan (A)." Harvard Business School Case 391-003, September 1990. (Revised January 1992.)
- September 1990 (Revised January 1992)
- Case
Eli Lilly and Co. (A): Globalization
Examines the changes taking place in Eli Lilly in response to the globalization of the pharmaceuticals industry. Identifies the steps taken by management, problems currently faced, and challenges for the future. Allows examination of the process of implementing a... View Details
Keywords: Change; Globalization; Global Strategy; Business or Company Management; Problems and Challenges; Perspective; Pharmaceutical Industry
Yoshino, Michael Y. "Eli Lilly and Co. (A): Globalization." Harvard Business School Case 391-032, September 1990. (Revised January 1992.)
- August 1990 (Revised January 1992)
- Case
Eli Lilly and Co. (B): Europe
Examines the challenges facing the company in light of the changing economic, regulatory, and competitive environment in the European pharmaceutical industry. Examines the steps taken by the company adapting to this changing situation as part of a total globalization... View Details
Keywords: Change Management; Economics; Global Strategy; Business or Company Management; Growth and Development Strategy; Adaptation; Competition; Pharmaceutical Industry; Europe
Yoshino, Michael Y. "Eli Lilly and Co. (B): Europe." Harvard Business School Case 391-033, August 1990. (Revised January 1992.)
- July 1990 (Revised August 1995)
- Case
By: Nitin Nohria
As Symantec grew from a small, upstart software development company to a major player in the software development industry, the channels of information flow and the internal communication needs of the company became more complex. The geographically-dispersed structure... View Details
Keywords: Applications and Software; Communication Technology; Communication; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Employee Relationship Management; Growth and Development; Knowledge Dissemination; Knowledge Sharing; Knowledge Management; Information Technology Industry; United States
Nohria, Nitin. "Symantec--1982-90." Harvard Business School Case 491-010, July 1990. (Revised August 1995.)
- July 1990 (Revised October 1997)
- Case
Siemens Electric Motor Works (A) (Abridged)
By: Robert S. Kaplan
Explores how a cost system can help support a firm's decision to change strategies. In the process, the students are introduced to a simple activity-based cost system. Siemens Electric Motor Works found itself facing an increasingly competitive environment and so made... View Details
Keywords: Activity Based Costing and Management; Cost Accounting; Cost; Adoption; Cost vs Benefits; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Production; Business Strategy; Electronics Industry; Manufacturing Industry
Kaplan, Robert S. "Siemens Electric Motor Works (A) (Abridged)." Harvard Business School Case 191-006, July 1990. (Revised October 1997.)