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- All HBS Web
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- 26 Jun 2007
- First Look
First Look: June 26, 2007
lead their facilities to prioritize different external pressures and thus adopt different management practices. Specifically, we argue that external constituents who interact with particularly influential corporate departments are more... View Details
Keywords: Martha Lagace
- 16 Apr 2001
- Research & Ideas
Breaking the Code of Change
efforts and occasional spurts of good financial performance, the company's returns to shareholders remained low and well below the cost of capital. Over an extended period of time, Scott Paper had managed to... View Details
Keywords: by Michael Beer & Nitin Nohria
- October 2010 (Revised November 2010)
- Case
YES BANK: Mainstreaming Development into Indian Banking
By: Michael Chu and Namrata Arora
YES BANK, founded in 2003 and highly successful, has consistently been profitable meeting the Indian government's Priority Sector Lending (PSL) requirements, unlike virtually all other private sector banks, which view PSL activity as a necessary but loss-making part of... View Details
Keywords: Development Economics; Private Equity; Microfinance; Investment; Governing and Advisory Boards; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Environmental Sustainability; Expansion; Banking Industry; India
Chu, Michael, and Namrata Arora. "YES BANK: Mainstreaming Development into Indian Banking." Harvard Business School Case 311-063, October 2010. (Revised November 2010.)
- 14 Nov 2011
- Research & Ideas
Creating a Global Business Code
The turn of the 21st century has been laden with high-profile corporate scandals, prompting widespread concern about the standards of conduct followed by big business. Intrigued by the complexity of managing corporate behavior in a global... View Details
Keywords: by Carmen Nobel
- February 2001 (Revised April 2001)
- Background Note
Note on Valuing Private Businesses
By: Dwight B. Crane and Indra Reinbergs
This case provides a brief overview of valuation for owners of closely held companies. The focus is on a comparable transactions approach, although rules of thumb and discounted cash flow are mentioned. Earnings multiples and their drivers are discussed. It uses... View Details
Keywords: Earnings Management; Finance; Cash Flow; Analytics and Data Science; Private Ownership; Valuation
Crane, Dwight B., and Indra Reinbergs. "Note on Valuing Private Businesses." Harvard Business School Background Note 201-060, February 2001. (Revised April 2001.)
- 10 Dec 2021
- Research & Ideas
Truth Be Told: Unpacking the Risks of Whistleblowing
In 2018, HBS associate professors Aiyesha Dey and Jonas Heese wrote a case about a whistleblower at a multi-national gambling company who exposed financial misstatements, first to his manager and later to... View Details
Keywords: by April White
- January 2009 (Revised October 2011)
- Case
Barack Obama and the Bush Tax Cuts (A)
By: Matthew C. Weinzierl and Eric D. Werker
As his inauguration approached, President-elect Obama faced a financial sector meltdown, a costly bailout, and massive government deficits. With the economy in recession, interest rates near zero, and joblessness on the rise, Obama needed to decide whether, and how... View Details
Keywords: Decision Choices and Conditions; Financial Crisis; Borrowing and Debt; Financial Management; Policy; Government Administration; Taxation; United States
Weinzierl, Matthew C., and Eric D. Werker. "Barack Obama and the Bush Tax Cuts (A)." Harvard Business School Case 709-037, January 2009. (Revised October 2011.)
- Article
Thin Political Markets: The Soft Underbelly of Capitalism
By: Karthik Ramanna
"Thin political markets" are the processes through which some of the most complex and critical institutions of our capitalist system are determined—e.g., our accounting-standards infrastructure. In thin political markets, corporate managers are largely... View Details
Keywords: Business And Society; Lobbying; Sustainability; Leadership; Economic Systems; Accounting; Business and Community Relations; Financial Institutions; Business and Government Relations
Ramanna, Karthik. "Thin Political Markets: The Soft Underbelly of Capitalism." California Management Review 57, no. 2 (Winter 2015): 5–19.
- September 2024
- Case
Navigating Digital Transformation at Carrefour
By: Sunil Gupta and Emilie Billaud
In 2023, Elodie Perthuisot, Carrefour’s Executive Director for e-commerce and digital transformation, met with CEO Alexandre Bompard to discuss strategies for the company’s digital initiatives. Carrefour, a global retail giant with over 14,300 stores across 40... View Details
Keywords: Change Management; Transformation; Talent and Talent Management; Decisions; Digital Strategy; Technology Adoption; Leading Change; Goals and Objectives; Resource Allocation; Digital Marketing; E-commerce; Operations; Logistics; Business Processes; Organizational Culture; Strategic Planning; Alliances; Partners and Partnerships; Competitive Advantage; Retail Industry; Food and Beverage Industry; Europe
Gupta, Sunil, and Emilie Billaud. "Navigating Digital Transformation at Carrefour." Harvard Business School Case 525-024, September 2024.
- Web
Topics - HBS Working Knowledge
Plants (2) Failure (19) Fairness (9) Family Business (26) Family Ownership (6) Family and Family Relationships (10) Film Entertainment (1) Finance (604) Financial Condition (18) Financial Crisis (19) View Details
- October 2011 (Revised April 2013)
- Case
Kroll Bond Rating Agency
The established credit raters were criticized for inflating the mortgage credit bubble that imploded in 2008. A new rating agency, KBRA, is considering how to capitalize on the opportunity this presents and how to enter the industry. A small group of managers have to... View Details
Becker, Bo. "Kroll Bond Rating Agency." Harvard Business School Case 212-034, October 2011. (Revised April 2013.)
- 13 Sep 2011
- First Look
First Look: September 13
(2006-2011) of distribution rationalization and consolidation at Ford. The financial crisis in the second half of 2008 forced GM and Chrysler into bankruptcy. Having completed the distribution overhaul work by 2011, its senior View Details
Keywords: Sean Silverthorne
- January 2002 (Revised October 2007)
- Case
Grantham, Mayo, Van Otterloo & Co., 2001
By: Joshua Musher and Andre F. Perold
Asset manager GMO underperforms the market during the 1996-2000 stock market bubble because of the focus on absolute risk. After suffering significant client withdrawals, performance again shines when the bubble collapses. Did they win the battle only to lose the war?... View Details
Keywords: Customers; Asset Management; Stocks; Investment; Price Bubble; Mathematical Methods; Risk and Uncertainty
Musher, Joshua, and Andre F. Perold. "Grantham, Mayo, Van Otterloo & Co., 2001." Harvard Business School Case 202-049, January 2002. (Revised October 2007.)
- December 2009
- Article
Catering Through Nominal Share Prices
By: Malcolm Baker, Robin Greenwood and Jeffrey Wurgler
We propose and test a catering theory of nominal stock prices. The theory predicts that when investors place higher valuation on low-price firms, managers will maintain share prices at lower levels, and vice-versa. Using measures of time-varying catering incentives... View Details
Baker, Malcolm, Robin Greenwood, and Jeffrey Wurgler. "Catering Through Nominal Share Prices." Journal of Finance 64, no. 6 (December 2009): 2559–2590. (Internet Appendix.)
- 08 Aug 2018
- Blog Post
Hands-on Experience in Hospitality
Before I came to HBS, I worked in consulting. I knew that I wanted a different experience for my summer and looked at multiple leadership development programs. One stood out: Marriott’s Management Acceleration Program. With Marriott, I’m... View Details
Keywords: Hospitality
- January 2009
- Case
The Federal Reserve and the Banking Crisis of 1931
By: David A. Moss and Cole Bolton
In early October 1931, in the midst of a global economic depression, the U.S. banking system was in crisis—with bank suspensions running at near record levels. At the same time, the broader economy was sputtering, and U.S. gold reserves had come under severe pressure... View Details
Keywords: Decision Choices and Conditions; Financial Crisis; Central Banking; Business History; Crisis Management; Banking Industry; United States
Moss, David A., and Cole Bolton. "The Federal Reserve and the Banking Crisis of 1931." Harvard Business School Case 709-040, January 2009.
- 14 Jan 2015
- Research & Ideas
Thriving in the Turbulence of Emerging Markets
in India. During the 1990s, she recalled, "we had coalition governments, no stability in politics, high inflation and a high interest rate environment." In 2001, she added, "the entire banking system collapsed." Yet these were exactly the years when the Sabancı Group,... View Details
- February 2003 (Revised March 2007)
- Case
Internet Customer Acquisition Strategy at Bankinter
By: Francisco de Asis Martinez-Jerez, V.G. Narayanan and Lisa Brem
Bankinter, a relatively small Spanish bank, has a large presence as an Internet financial services provider. Leading the way to profitability through the Internet will give Bankinter a major competitive advantage over the larger, more established Spanish banks. Ann... View Details
Keywords: Customer Relationship Management; Internet and the Web; Activity Based Costing and Management; Customer Value and Value Chain; Banks and Banking; Banking Industry; Spain
Martinez-Jerez, Francisco de Asis, V.G. Narayanan, and Lisa Brem. "Internet Customer Acquisition Strategy at Bankinter." Harvard Business School Case 103-021, February 2003. (Revised March 2007.)
- July–August 2013
- Article
Building Sustainable Cities
By: John D. Macomber
By 2050 the number of people living in cities will have nearly doubled, to 6 billion, and the problems created by this rampant urbanization are among the most important challenges of our time. Of all resource-management issues, the author argues, water, electricity,... View Details
Macomber, John D. "Building Sustainable Cities." Harvard Business Review 91, nos. 7/8 (July–August 2013): 40–50.