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- All HBS Web
- People (1)
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- Faculty Publications (644)
- April 2015
- Supplement
Cynthia Carroll at Anglo American Video Supplement
By: Gautam Mukunda
This is a video supplement for the Cynthia Carroll at Anglo American case series. The video features Cynthia Carroll reflecting on her implementation of organizational transformation at Anglo American in regards to the mining company's safety culture. View Details
Keywords: Leadership And Change Management; Leadership, Personal Strategy & Style; Change Management; Change; Safety; Organizational Culture; Leadership; Leadership Style; Mining Industry; South Africa
Mukunda, Gautam. "Cynthia Carroll at Anglo American Video Supplement." Harvard Business School Video Supplement 415-706, April 2015.
- June 2013 (Revised March 2014)
- Case
Kvadrat: Leading for Innovation
By: Boris Groysberg and Sarah L. Abbott
In 2013, Anders Byriel, CEO of the family-owned Danish textiles company, Kvadrat, considered the firm's strategic plan. In 2000, Byriel and Mette Bendix, Kvadrat's Product Director, had taken over management of the company from their fathers, who had founded Kvadrat... View Details
Keywords: General Management; Organizational Behavior; Strategy; Performance Management; Leadership; Business or Company Management; Growth and Development Strategy; Management Practices and Processes; Human Resources; Denmark; Europe; Asia
Groysberg, Boris, and Sarah L. Abbott. "Kvadrat: Leading for Innovation." Harvard Business School Case 413-120, June 2013. (Revised March 2014.)
- January 2019 (Revised October 2019)
- Case
Rural Taobao: Alibaba's Expansion into Rural E-Commerce
By: Tarun Khanna, Ryan Allen, Adam Frost and Wesley Koo
Alibaba's Rural Taobao initiative had been launched in 2014 as a public service initiative to increase e-commerce adoption in China’s remote rural areas. In the first two iterations of the initiative, dubbed “1.0” and “2.0,” Alibaba had partnered with local businesses... View Details
Keywords: Strategy; Business Growth; Ecommerce; Corporate Social Responsibility; Business And Government; Emerging Market; Digital Platforms; Internet and the Web; Emerging Markets; Rural Scope; Growth and Development Strategy; Competitive Strategy; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Business and Government Relations; Decision Making; E-commerce; China
Khanna, Tarun, Ryan Allen, Adam Frost, and Wesley Koo. "Rural Taobao: Alibaba's Expansion into Rural E-Commerce." Harvard Business School Case 719-433, January 2019. (Revised October 2019.)
- Teaching Interest
By: Susanna Gallani
At HBS, Professor Gallani teaches in the Executive Education Program for Leadership Development and in focused Executive Education programs, including Managing Health Care Delivery, Driving Corporate Performance, and several programs focused on the implementation of... View Details
- March 2012 (Revised April 2013)
- Case
Schön Klinik: Eating Disorder Care
By: Michael E. Porter, Emma Stanton, Jessica A. Hohman and Caleb Stowell
The Schön Klinik is a private, for-profit German hospital group trying to establish itself as a premium health care provider in a competitive German market. The case details Schön Klinik's founding, its early focus on measurement and improvement, and the design and... View Details
Keywords: Health Care Quality; Outcomes; Quality Improvement; Strategy And Performance Measurement; Integration; Measurement and Metrics; Competition; Health Disorders; Health Care and Treatment; Outcome or Result; Performance Evaluation; Business Processes; Health Industry; Germany
Porter, Michael E., Emma Stanton, Jessica A. Hohman, and Caleb Stowell. "Schön Klinik: Eating Disorder Care." Harvard Business School Case 712-475, March 2012. (Revised April 2013.)
- 26 Sep 2023
- Book
Digital Strategy: A Handbook for Managing a Moving Target
While most companies have embarked on some sort of digital transformation, many leaders still feel overwhelmed by the challenges of doing digital right. The new Research Handbook on Digital Strategy not only takes stock of current digital... View Details
- October 2021 (Revised June 2022)
- Case
PittaRosso: Artificial Intelligence-Driven Pricing and Promotion
By: Ayelet Israeli
PittaRosso, a traditional Italian shoe retailer, is implementing an AI system to provide pricing and promotion recommendations. The system allows them to implement changes that would affect both the top of funnel and bottom of funnel activities for the company: once... View Details
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence; Pricing; Pricing Algorithm; Pricing Decisions; Pricing Strategy; Pricing Structure; Promotion; Promotions; Online Marketing; Data-driven Decision-making; Data-driven Management; Retail; Retail Analytics; AI; Price; Advertising Campaigns; Analytics and Data Science; Analysis; Digital Marketing; Budgets and Budgeting; Marketing Strategy; Marketing; Transformation; Decision Making; AI and Machine Learning; Retail Industry; Italy
Israeli, Ayelet. "PittaRosso: Artificial Intelligence-Driven Pricing and Promotion." Harvard Business School Case 522-046, October 2021. (Revised June 2022.)
- September 2009 (Revised August 2011)
- Case
Transworld Auto Parts (A)
By: V.G. Narayanan and Lisa Brem
Transworld Auto Parts had to implement its new strategy flawlessly to survive the auto industry upheaval. The new CEO asked her leadership team to craft strategy maps and balanced scorecards to help each division implement its strategies. View Details
Keywords: Business Divisions; Leadership; Balanced Scorecard; Management Teams; Business Strategy; Corporate Strategy; Auto Industry; Manufacturing Industry
Narayanan, V.G., and Lisa Brem. "Transworld Auto Parts (A)." Harvard Business School Case 110-027, September 2009. (Revised August 2011.)
- Feb 21 2017
- Testimonial
Reaching the Next Level
- November 2012 (Revised April 2013)
- Case
TWA Parts (Abridged)
By: V.G. Narayanan
Transworld Auto Parts had to implement its new strategy flawlessly to survive the auto industry upheaval. The new CEO asked her leadership team to craft strategy maps and balanced scorecards to help each division implement its strategies. View Details
Keywords: Business Divisions; Leadership; Balanced Scorecard; Management Teams; Business Strategy; Corporate Strategy; Auto Industry; Manufacturing Industry
Narayanan, V.G. "TWA Parts (Abridged)." Harvard Business School Case 113-030, November 2012. (Revised April 2013.)
- February 2012
- Case
Henkel: Building a Winning Culture
By: Robert Simons and Natalie Kindred
This case illustrates a CEO-led organizational transformation driven by stretch goals, performance measurement, and accountability. When Kasper Rorsted became CEO of Henkel, a Germany-based producer of personal care, laundry, and adhesives products, in 2008, he was... View Details
Keywords: Performance Measurement; Performance Appraisals; Human Resource Management; Values; Organizational Transformations; Pay For Performance; Strategy Execution; Values and Beliefs; Work-Life Balance; Organizational Culture; Human Resources; Performance Evaluation; Compensation and Benefits
Simons, Robert, and Natalie Kindred. "Henkel: Building a Winning Culture." Harvard Business School Case 112-060, February 2012.
- September 2010 (Revised March 2012)
- Case
AQR's Momentum Funds (A)
By: Daniel Baird Bergstresser, Lauren H. Cohen, Randolph B. Cohen and Christopher J. Malloy
AQR is a hedge fund based in Greenwich, Connecticut, that is considering offering a wholly new line of product to retail investors, namely the ability to invest in the price phenomenon known as momentum. There is a large body of empirical evidence supporting momentum... View Details
Keywords: Financial Strategy; Investment Funds; Investment Portfolio; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Product Development; Financial Services Industry; Greenwich
Bergstresser, Daniel Baird, Lauren H. Cohen, Randolph B. Cohen, and Christopher J. Malloy. "AQR's Momentum Funds (A)." Harvard Business School Case 211-025, September 2010. (Revised March 2012.)
- June 2014
- Simulation
Balanced Scorecard Simulation
By: V.G. Narayanan
In this multi-player simulation, students experience the benefits and challenges of using a scorecard to implement strategic initiatives and monitor firm performance. Small teams of students work together to choose a strategy for their company, create a strategy map,... View Details
- October 8, 2012
- Column
Henkel's Culture Shift
By: Robert Simons
This case descriibes a CEO-led organizational transformation driven by stretch goals, performance measurement, and accountability. When Kasper Rorsted became CEO of Henkel, a Germany-based producer of personal care, laundry, and adhesives products, in 2008, he was... View Details
- January 1977 (Revised April 1983)
- Case
Corning Glass Works: The Electronic Products Division (B)
By: Michael Beer
Focuses on the recommendations and implementation strategy made by the organizational development group for the electronic product division's problems. View Details
Keywords: Business Divisions; Growth and Development Strategy; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Problems and Challenges; Adaptation
Beer, Michael. "Corning Glass Works: The Electronic Products Division (B)." Harvard Business School Case 477-073, January 1977. (Revised April 1983.)
- September 1990
- Case
Bain & Co., Inc.: Growing the Business
Raises management issues facing Bain & Co. in formulating its future global strategy and implementation of that strategy. View Details
Keywords: Global Strategy; Management; Business or Company Management; Goals and Objectives; Growth and Development Strategy; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Strategy; Expansion; Consulting Industry; Service Industry
Yoshino, Michael Y. "Bain & Co., Inc.: Growing the Business." Harvard Business School Case 391-069, September 1990.
- October 2021 (Revised March 2022)
- Supplement
PittaRosso: Artificial Intelligence-Driven Pricing and Promotion
By: Ayelet Israeli and Fabrizio Fantini
PittaRosso, a traditional Italian shoe retailer, is implementing an AI system to provide pricing and promotion recommendations. The system allows them to implement changes that would affect both the top of funnel and bottom of funnel activities for the company: once... View Details
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence; Pricing; Pricing Algorithm; Pricing Decisions; Pricing Strategy; Pricing Structure; Promotion; Promotions; Online Marketing; Data-driven Decision-making; Data-driven Management; Retail; Retail Analytics; Price; Advertising Campaigns; Analytics and Data Science; Analysis; Digital Marketing; Budgets and Budgeting; Marketing Strategy; Marketing; Transformation; Decision Making; Retail Industry; Italy
- May 2000 (Revised December 2018)
- Supplement
SMA: Micro-Electronic Products Division (B)
By: Michael Beer and Michael Tushman
Focuses on the recommendations and implementation strategy suggested by the organizational development group for the division's problems. A rewritten version of an earlier case. View Details
Beer, Michael, and Michael Tushman. "SMA: Micro-Electronic Products Division (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 400-085, May 2000. (Revised December 2018.)
- October 2019 (Revised December 2019)
- Case
BC Partners: Acuris
By: Victoria Ivashina and Terrence Shu
This case follows Nikos Stathopoulos, Managing Partner of BC Partners, as he and his team evaluate the potential sale of one of BC Partners’ portfolio companies, Acuris. Acuris was a global financial intelligence, news, and data company that had been acquired by BC... View Details
Keywords: Fund Management; Fund Raising; Leveraged Buyout; Buyout; Portfolio Management; Operations Improvement; Exit; Exit Strategy; Valuation Ratios; Finance; Private Equity; Leveraged Buyouts; Operations; Performance Improvement; Acquisition; Valuation
Ivashina, Victoria, and Terrence Shu. "BC Partners: Acuris." Harvard Business School Case 220-041, October 2019. (Revised December 2019.)
- July 1997
- Case
Allentown Materials Corporation: The Electronic Products Division (B)
By: Michael Beer
Focuses on the recommendations and implementation strategy made by the organizational development group to address the division's problems. A rewritten version of an earlier case. View Details
Keywords: Change Management; Strategy; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Electronics Industry; United States
Beer, Michael. "Allentown Materials Corporation: The Electronic Products Division (B)." Harvard Business School Case 498-024, July 1997.