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Show Results For
- All HBS Web
- People (16)
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- Faculty Publications (907)
- April 2014
- Module Note
Debt as a Source of Value in Private Equity
Ivashina, Victoria. "Debt as a Source of Value in Private Equity." Harvard Business School Module Note 214-061, April 2014.
- 20 Oct 2014
- News
Private Equity Titans Open Cloistered World to Smaller Investors
- 2 PM – 3 PM EST, 02 Dec 2015
- Webinars: Trending@HBS
Managing Family Strife: Market Baskets Lessons about Buyouts
You'd have to have been sleeping under a rock to miss the family war and media frenzy over Market Basket, the Boston-based, family-owned supermarket chain. The confrontation between two cousins (both named Arthur Demoulas) over control of the company was finally... View Details
- August 2013
- Supplement
HgCapital and the Visma Transaction (B-2): Oystein Moan
By: Paul A. Gompers, Karol Misztal and Joris Van Gool
Keywords: Private Equity; Leveraged Buyouts; Management Buyout; Deal Structuring; Negotiations; Finance; Valuation; Europe
Gompers, Paul A., Karol Misztal, and Joris Van Gool. "HgCapital and the Visma Transaction (B-2): Oystein Moan." Harvard Business School Supplement 214-020, August 2013.
- May 2004
- Teaching Note
Seagate Technology Buyout (TN)
By: Stuart C. Gilson
Teaching Note to (9-201-063). View Details
- May 2008
- Article
Go-Shops vs. No-Shops in Private Equity Deals: Evidence and Implications
Keywords: Equity
Subramanian, Guhan. "Go-Shops vs. No-Shops in Private Equity Deals: Evidence and Implications." Business Lawyer 63, no. 3 (May 2008): 729–760. (Selected by academics as one of the “top ten” articles in corporate/securities law for 2008, out of 480 articles published in that year.)
- March 2014
- Module Note
The Venture Capital and Private Equity Investing Simulation: The Concepts
By: Matthew Rhodes-Kropf and Nathaniel Burbank
Rhodes-Kropf, Matthew, and Nathaniel Burbank. "The Venture Capital and Private Equity Investing Simulation: The Concepts." Harvard Business School Module Note 814-083, March 2014.
- December 2014
- Other Article
Private Equity, Jobs, and Productivity—Online Appendix
By: Steven J. Davis, John Haltiwanger, Kyle Handley, Ron Jarmin, Josh Lerner and Javier Miranda
Private equity critics claim that leveraged buyouts bring huge job losses. To investigate this claim, we construct and analyze a new dataset that covers U.S. private equity transactions from 1980 to 2005. We track 3,200 target firms and their 150,000 establishments... View Details
Davis, Steven J., John Haltiwanger, Kyle Handley, Ron Jarmin, Josh Lerner, and Javier Miranda. "Private Equity, Jobs, and Productivity—Online Appendix." American Economic Review 104, no. 12 (December 2014).
- Fall 2021
- Article
When to Go and How to Go? Founder and Leader Transitions in Private Equity Firms
By: Josh Lerner and Diana Noble
Leadership transition in private equity firms is an understudied field, despite the important, albeit controversial, role such firms play in developed economies. We analyzed 260 firms in an empirical study, supplemented by qualitative interviews with a small sample of... View Details
Lerner, Josh, and Diana Noble. "When to Go and How to Go? Founder and Leader Transitions in Private Equity Firms." Journal of Alternative Investments 24, no. 2 (Fall 2021): 9–30.
- Research Summary
Resources, Strategy, and Performance During Industry Replication: The Case of Emerging Markets Private Equity
Competitive dynamics in emerging markets private equity closely resemble those of nascent technology industries. This is because institutional voids undermine core components of the traditional PE business model. I am examining how resources shape strategy... View Details
- 15 Jan 2013
- News
Dell: From PC King to Buyout Fodder
- March 2014
- Module Note
The Impact of Waves in Venture Capital and Private Equity
By: Matthew Rhodes-Kropf
Rhodes-Kropf, Matthew. "The Impact of Waves in Venture Capital and Private Equity." Harvard Business School Module Note 814-084, March 2014.
- 2007
- Chapter
Labor Market Regulations and European Restructuring: Evidence from Private Equity Investments
By: Ant Bozkaya and William R. Kerr
Keywords: Labor; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Restructuring; Private Equity; Investment; Europe
Bozkaya, Ant, and William R. Kerr. "Labor Market Regulations and European Restructuring: Evidence from Private Equity Investments." In Essays in Entrepreneurial Finance, by Ant Bozkaya, 151–189. Université libre de Bruxelles, 2007. (Reprinted in Entrepreneurial Finance: Financing Young, Innovative Ventures, (Saarbrüken, Germany: VDM Verlag, 2009), 140-176.)
- January 2009
- Background Note
Financial Networks and Informal Banking in China: From Pawnshops to Private Equity
By: Elisabeth Koll
Provides an analysis of why informal financial networks and institutions still play an extremely important role in China's economy in the 21st century. Although China has emerged as one of the fastest growing economies in the world, it still suffers from a weak... View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurship; Private Equity; Banks and Banking; Financing and Loans; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; State Ownership; Business and Government Relations; Networks; China
Koll, Elisabeth. "Financial Networks and Informal Banking in China: From Pawnshops to Private Equity." Harvard Business School Background Note 809-111, January 2009.
- August 2017 (Revised September 2023)
- Case
Altoona State Investment Board & Bain Capital Fund XI
By: Josh Lerner and Ted Berk
Considers the decision faced by state pension fund manager Rod Calhoun as he decides whether to invest $200 million in Bain Capital's eleventh global buyout fund: Bain Capital Fund XI. For the fund, Bain was offering its limited partners a choice among three different... View Details
Keywords: Equity Method; Leveraged Buyout; Management Buyout; Capital; Design; Entrepreneurship; Finance; Leveraged Buyouts; Management; Private Equity; Venture Capital; Banking Industry; Massachusetts
Lerner, Josh, and Ted Berk. "Altoona State Investment Board & Bain Capital Fund XI." Harvard Business School Case 218-022, August 2017. (Revised September 2023.)
- 20 Sep 2020
- News
Buyout groups blasted at SEC meeting for ‘misleading numbers’
- December 2019 (Revised January 2021)
- Supplement
The Leveraged Buyout of TXU: (B) Energy Future Holdings
By: Trevor Fetter, Erik Snowberg and Rebecca M. Henderson
This case is designed to support a lively discussion about the relative merits of shareholder vs. stakeholder perspectives in the context of a company that provides a vital public service that has important environmental implications. The 2007 purchase of TXU, the... View Details
Keywords: Leveraged Buyouts; Transformation; Insolvency and Bankruptcy; Environmental Sustainability; Business and Shareholder Relations; Business and Stakeholder Relations; Energy Generation; Utilities Industry; Energy Industry; Texas
Fetter, Trevor, Erik Snowberg, and Rebecca M. Henderson. "The Leveraged Buyout of TXU: (B) Energy Future Holdings." Harvard Business School Supplement 320-065, December 2019. (Revised January 2021.)