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- Faculty Publications (233)
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- May 1994
- Background Note
Segmenting Customers in Mature Industrial Markets: An Application
In mature industrial markets, segmenting customers by size, industry, or product benefits alone rarely is sufficient. Customer behavior regarding trade-offs between price and service also becomes an important criterion. This note offers a framework to enable such... View Details
Keywords: Segmentation; Framework; Consumer Behavior; Marketing Strategy; Industrial Products Industry
Rangan, V. Kasturi. "Segmenting Customers in Mature Industrial Markets: An Application." Harvard Business School Background Note 594-089, May 1994.
- December 1992 (Revised October 1993)
- Case
BMW: The Ultimate Driving Machine Seeks to De-Yuppify Itself
By: Stephen A. Greyser and Wendy Smith Schille
Tracks changes in the luxury auto market during the 1980s and early 1990s. Shifts in target consumer behavior--particularly the yuppie lifestyle--serve as the basis for manufacturer modifications of product line, positioning, and advertising. The climax of the case is... View Details
Keywords: Advertising; Change Management; Transformation; Brands and Branding; Product Positioning; Production; Luxury; Segmentation; Auto Industry
Greyser, Stephen A., and Wendy Smith Schille. "BMW: The Ultimate Driving Machine Seeks to De-Yuppify Itself." Harvard Business School Case 593-046, December 1992. (Revised October 1993.)
- October 1992
- Article
Segmenting Industrial Customers by Buyer Behavior
By: V. K. Rangan, R. T. Moriarty Jr. and G. Swartz
Rangan, V. K., R. T. Moriarty Jr., and G. Swartz. "Segmenting Industrial Customers by Buyer Behavior." Journal of Marketing 56, no. 1 (October 1992): 72–82.
- Article
Brand Choice, Purchase Incidence, and Segmentation: An Integrated Modeling Approach
By: Randolph E. Bucklin and Sunil Gupta
Bucklin, Randolph E., and Sunil Gupta. "Brand Choice, Purchase Incidence, and Segmentation: An Integrated Modeling Approach." Journal of Marketing Research (JMR) 29, no. 2 (May 1992): 201–215. (Finalist for the 1997 O'Dell Award, Journal of Marketing Research.)
- September 1991 (Revised February 1993)
- Case
Burroughs Wellcome and AZT (A)
Burroughs Wellcome Co., developer of AZT, the first drug approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), finds itself under siege in September 1989 by AIDS activists and various segments of the U.S.... View Details
Keywords: Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Ethics; Business and Government Relations; Communication Strategy; Health Care and Treatment; Monopoly; Intellectual Property; Research and Development; Price; Pharmaceutical Industry; London
Emmons, Willis M., III. "Burroughs Wellcome and AZT (A)." Harvard Business School Case 792-004, September 1991. (Revised February 1993.)
- March–April 1991
- Article
Segmentation versus the Mass Market
By: R. S. Tedlow
Keywords: Markets
Tedlow, R. S. "Segmentation versus the Mass Market." World Link (March–April 1991).
- December 1990 (Revised December 1993)
- Case
Australian Paper Manufacturers (A)
By: David M. Upton and Joshua D. Margolis
Describes a company which has broken an unwritten cordial agreement amongst the three Australian paper manufacturers to split the domestic market three ways by market segment. The company invades another's "territory" with advanced technology, quality, and,... View Details
Keywords: Agreements and Arrangements; Production; Information Technology; Ethics; Situation or Environment; Product Development; Segmentation; Expansion; Financial Strategy; Pulp and Paper Industry; Australia
Upton, David M., and Joshua D. Margolis. "Australian Paper Manufacturers (A)." Harvard Business School Case 691-041, December 1990. (Revised December 1993.)
- April 1990
- Supplement
Philip Morris Companies' ""Bill of Rights"" Sponsorship Program, Responses
By: Stephen A. Greyser and Norman Klein
Describes the reactions of public interest groups, members of the House of Representatives, and others. Further documents reactions to the choice of Philip Morris (PM) as a sponsor. Invites students to weigh the corporate pluses and minuses for PM, given these... View Details
Greyser, Stephen A., and Norman Klein. Philip Morris Companies' ""Bill of Rights"" Sponsorship Program, Responses. Harvard Business School Supplement 590-109, April 1990.
- October 1987 (Revised November 1994)
- Case
Boston Fights Drugs (A): Designing Communications Research
Describes in detail the research mounted by five individuals with a $20,000 budget to combat drug abuse among Boston's school-going population. Using the focus group methodology they discover that most of the current anti-drug advertising is useless. They create their... View Details
Keywords: Budgets and Budgeting; Misleading and Fraudulent Advertising; Communication Intention and Meaning; Brands and Branding; Performance Evaluation; Research and Development; Segmentation; Pharmaceutical Industry; Boston
Rangan, V. Kasturi. "Boston Fights Drugs (A): Designing Communications Research." Harvard Business School Case 588-031, October 1987. (Revised November 1994.)
- January 1985 (Revised June 1993)
- Case
Turner Construction Co.
In June, 1984, a vice president at Turner Construction Co. must decide whether to approve a construction project being considered by one of Turner's territorial offices and how to manage that territory general manager's apparent reluctance to pursue another account... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Structure; Projects; Market Entry and Exit; Integration; Contracts; Marketing Strategy; Sales; Business or Company Management; Business Offices; Geographic Location; Construction Industry
Cespedes, Frank V. "Turner Construction Co." Harvard Business School Case 585-031, January 1985. (Revised June 1993.)
- Article
Corporate Lobbying as Marketing Communication: Utilizing Multivariate Analysis for Segmentation Strategies
By: Rohit Deshpandé and Rajendra K. Srivastava
Deshpandé, Rohit, and Rajendra K. Srivastava. "Corporate Lobbying as Marketing Communication: Utilizing Multivariate Analysis for Segmentation Strategies." Special Issue on Proceedings of the Second Annual Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science edited by D. K. Hawes and R. Tamilia. Developments in Marketing Science 1 (1978): 128–132.
- Teaching Interest
Doing Business in Africa
By: John D. Macomber
This course introduces frameworks and models for smart and focused investing and operations across sectors, nations, industries, and time frames in Africa. Students will learn tools and skills to help navigate the business landscape of Africa in terms of selection... View Details
Keywords: Africa
- Forthcoming
- Article
Segmented Arbitrage
We use arbitrage activity in equity, fixed income, and foreign exchange markets to characterize the frictions and constraints facing intermediaries. The average pairwise correlation between the 32 arbitrage spreads that we study is 22%. These low correlations are... View Details
Keywords: Financial Intermediation; Arbitrage; Intermediary-based Asset Pricing; Finance; Segmentation
Siriwardane, Emil, Adi Sunderam, and Jonathan Wallen. "Segmented Arbitrage." Journal of Finance (forthcoming).
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