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- June 2014
- Case
Going Social: Durex in China
By: Mikolaj Jan Piskorski and Aaron Smith
When Reckitt Benckiser (RB), a leading consumer goods company, first entered China, it encountered significant challenges. RB's strategy relied on selling high margin products supported by cost-effective advertising and distribution, but the highly competitive Chinese... View Details
Keywords: Distribution; Multinational Firms and Management; Internet and the Web; Marketing Communications; Brands and Branding; Consumer Products Industry; China
Piskorski, Mikolaj Jan, and Aaron Smith. "Going Social: Durex in China." Harvard Business School Case 714-430, June 2014.
- Article
Control, Performance, and Knowledge Transfers in Large Multinationals: Unilever in the United States, 1945-1980
By: G. Jones
This article considers key issues relating to the organization and performance of large multinational firms in the post-Second World War period. Although foreign direct investment is defined by ownership and control, in practice the nature of that "control" is far from... View Details
Keywords: Multinational Firms and Management; Governance Controls; Performance; Business or Company Management; Ownership; Consumer Products Industry; Consumer Products Industry; United States
Jones, G. "Control, Performance, and Knowledge Transfers in Large Multinationals: Unilever in the United States, 1945-1980." Business History Review 76, no. 3 (Fall 2002): 435–478.
- Blog Post
Health Care Transparency: The Fox Is Guarding the Chicken Coop in Washington Again
Now that more people can shop directly for their own health insurance under the Affordable Care Act, they have been transformed from potential patients to consumers, and like any other consumers of goods or services, they want to know if what they're buying is any... View Details
Herzlinger, Regina E. "Health Care Transparency: The Fox Is Guarding the Chicken Coop in Washington Again." Huffington Post, The Blog (March 24, 2014).
- August 2018
- Case
Four Products: Predicting Diffusion (2018)
By: John Gourville
One job of product managers, marketers, strategic planners, and other corporate executives is to predict what the demand will be for a new product. This task is easier for certain classes of new products than for others. For new consumer package goods, for instance,... View Details
Keywords: Diffusion Processes; Product Adoption; Marketing; Forecasting and Prediction; Demand and Consumers; Adoption; Product Launch
Gourville, John. "Four Products: Predicting Diffusion (2018)." Harvard Business School Case 519-018, August 2018.
- 17 Jul 2007
- First Look
First Look: July 17, 2007
Working PapersPlatform Envelopment Authors:Thomas Eisenmann, Geoffrey Parker, and Marshall Van Alstyne Abstract Due to network effects and switching costs, platform providers often become entrenched. To dislodge them, entrants generally must offer revolutionary... View Details
Keywords: Martha Lagace
- January 2016
- Case
By: David E. Bell and Natalie Kindred
In 2015, COFCO, China's state-owned agribusiness giant, was working to protect China's food security (a key national security priority) by extending its control of the global food system through overseas acquisitions. At the same time, COFCO sought to grow its market... View Details
Keywords: China; Consumer Products; Commodities; Commodity Trading; Grain Trade; Globalization; Internationalization; Mergers And Acquisitions; Foreign Acquisitions; COFCO; Frank Ning; Gaoning; Nidera; Noble; Competition; Branded Products; Food; Markets; Marketing; Business and Government Relations; Agribusiness; Animal-Based Agribusiness; Plant-Based Agribusiness; Policy; Trade; Goods and Commodities; Food and Beverage Industry; China
- Article
Households' Willingness to Pay for 'Green' Goods: Evidence from Patagonia's Introduction of Organic Cotton Sportswear
By: Ramon Casadesus-Masanell, Michael Crooke, Forest L. Reinhardt and Vishal Vasishth
To shed light on individuals' willingness to pay for "green" goods (i.e., goods that are supposed to have lower adverse environmental impacts either in production or in use), we study data from the introduction by Patagonia, Inc., of organic cotton sportswear in the... View Details
Casadesus-Masanell, Ramon, Michael Crooke, Forest L. Reinhardt, and Vishal Vasishth. "Households' Willingness to Pay for 'Green' Goods: Evidence from Patagonia's Introduction of Organic Cotton Sportswear." Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 18, no. 1 (Spring 2009): 203–233.
- 20 Aug 2018
- Research & Ideas
Bargain Hunters Beware: A Store's 'Original Price' Might Not Be After All
PeopleImages Sale! Even the word is enough to send a flutter through the hearts of certain shoppers, who salivate in anticipation of scoring a discount off a product’s original price. Few consumers stop to think, however, that the only... View Details
- 20 Sep 2007
- Research & Ideas
How to be a Customer
at all. Here are five behaviors that, in the eyes of vendors, make for a good customer: Be Demanding. Make sure the vendor knows you have other options, that you're going to seek out more than one bid. Ask for references; a View Details
Keywords: by John Quelch
- 20 Aug 2014
- Research & Ideas
Why the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge is a Social Media Blockbuster
next to his became social currency across Canada. It's easy to write off these fads as simple stunts of digital narcissism, but they matter to marketing because they carry incidental meaning. It was not lost on Ford's reelection team that media coverage on Facebook was... View Details
Keywords: by John Deighton
- Research Summary
Innovations in Logistics: The Impact of Channel Coordination
Roy D. Shapiro (with Janice H. Hammond and Marshall L. Fisher) is studying innovative systems and management approaches that integrate and coordinate material and information flows through the supply chain so as to reduce or eliminate the redundant activities that tend... View Details
- 07 Jul 2003
- What Do You Think?
Can We Have Too Much Productivity Improvement?
productivity is the need [for] ever-increasing consumption. Unfortunately unemployed workers don't consume much of anything." Garry Emmons reminded me that "We examined this issue with HBS profs in a February 1999 HBS Bulletin... View Details
Keywords: by James Heskett
- 16 Jul 2007
- Research & Ideas
Understanding the ‘Want’ vs. ’Should’ Decision
Like having both an angel and a devil whispering advice in our ears, consumers often wrestle with the "want" versus "should" decision. Yes, I want to purchase that chocolate bar, but I should snack on granola instead.... View Details
- February 2023 (Revised February 2023)
- Case
Graphic Packaging: Project Cowboy (A)
By: Benjamin C. Esty and E. Scott Mayfield
In July 2019, Graphic Packaging CEO Michael Doss was proposing a $600 million investment in a new machine to produce coated recycled board (CRB), a type of paper packaging used for consumer products (cups, cereal boxes, beverage boxes, etc.) that utilized recycled... View Details
Keywords: Capital Budgeting; Growth Management; Demand and Consumers; Duopoly and Oligopoly; Competitive Strategy; Competitive Advantage; Expansion; Value Creation; Supply and Industry; Pulp and Paper Industry; Manufacturing Industry; United States; North America
Esty, Benjamin C., and E. Scott Mayfield. "Graphic Packaging: Project Cowboy (A)." Harvard Business School Case 223-009, February 2023. (Revised February 2023.)
- June 2022
- Case
The SAH Group: The Time is Right
By: Juan Alcacer and Alpana Thapar
In January 2021, Jalila Mezni, cofounder and CEO of the SAH Group, was preparing to present the company’s future growth plans to its board of directors. The Tunisian company was a leading producer and distributor of personal care and packaged hygiene products. In 2019,... View Details
Keywords: Growth Management; Expansion; Business Divisions; Product Positioning; Brands and Branding; Competition; Presentations; Consumer Products Industry; Tunisia; Kenya
Alcacer, Juan, and Alpana Thapar. "The SAH Group: The Time is Right." Harvard Business School Case 722-357, June 2022.
- November 2021
- Case
The Wolf in Cashmere: LVMH's Bid to Acquire Tiffany
By: Stuart C. Gilson and Sarah L. Abbott
In November 2019, the iconic U.S. jeweler Tiffany agreed to be acquired by the luxury goods conglomerate LVMH. The $16.6 billion transaction was scheduled to close in mid-2020. However, in 2020, the global COVID-19 pandemic took a toll on the luxury goods sector. In... View Details
Keywords: Mergers & Acquisitions; Luxury Brand; COVID-19 Pandemic; Mergers and Acquisitions; Health Pandemics; Lawsuits and Litigation; Consumer Products Industry; United States; Europe
Gilson, Stuart C., and Sarah L. Abbott. "The Wolf in Cashmere: LVMH's Bid to Acquire Tiffany." Harvard Business School Case 222-054, November 2021.
- May 2018
- Article
Using Online Prices for Measuring Real Consumption Across Countries
By: Alberto Cavallo, Erwin Diewert, Robert C. Feenstra, Robert Inklaar and Marcel P. Timmer
We show that online prices can be used to construct quarterly purchasing power parities (PPPs) with a closely matched set of goods and identical methodologies in a variety of developed and developing countries. Our results are close to those reported by the... View Details
Keywords: Purchasing Power Parity; International Economy; Online Prices; Billion Prices Project; Economics; Macroeconomics; Price; Internet and the Web; Spending; Economy; Global Range; Measurement and Metrics
Cavallo, Alberto, Erwin Diewert, Robert C. Feenstra, Robert Inklaar, and Marcel P. Timmer. "Using Online Prices for Measuring Real Consumption Across Countries." AEA Papers and Proceedings 108 (May 2018): 483–487.
- 11 Feb 2008
- Research & Ideas
Does Democracy Need a Marketing Manager?
we wanted to give consumers and citizens a deeper understanding of the marketing system, what it means for democratic society, and their power to influence it." Sean Silverthorne: In general, how does View Details
Keywords: by Sean Silverthorne
- 12 Nov 2012
- Research & Ideas
Pay Workers More So They Steal Less
underpayment, where underpaid workers retaliate against their employers in proportion to their underpayment, but overpaid workers rationalize the overpayment away." The research results dovetails with what CEOs of some big retail companies like Costco and the... View Details
- May 2017
- Case
Four Products: Predicting Diffusion (2017)
By: John Gourville
One job of product managers, marketers, strategic planners, and other corporate executives is to predict what the demand will be for a new product. This task is easier for certain classes of new products than for others. For new consumer package goods, for instance,... View Details