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- Faculty Publications (276)
- November 2002 (Revised March 2006)
- Case
Inequality and the "American Model"
By: Rafael M. Di Tella and Ingrid Vogel
Official data that suggest economic inequality has been mounting in the United States on various dimensions since 1979. Many causes of such inequality have been postulated: technological change, globalization, demographic factors, and changes in public policy (notably... View Details
Keywords: Equality and Inequality; Wealth and Poverty; Corporate Governance; Social Issues; Government Administration; United States
Di Tella, Rafael M., and Ingrid Vogel. Inequality and the "American Model". Harvard Business School Case 703-025, November 2002. (Revised March 2006.)
- August 2002
- Case
Trilogy University
By: Thomas J. DeLong and Michael Paley
In early 2001, Trilogy Software faced a slowdown in its business, a large number of unsuccessful customer deployments, and an overall weakening in the enterprise software market. In response, the company revamped its business model and restructured the organization.... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Change and Adaptation; Organizational Culture; Organizational Design; Alignment; Restructuring; Organizational Structure; Change Management; Business Strategy; Economic Slowdown and Stagnation; Information Technology Industry
DeLong, Thomas J., and Michael Paley. "Trilogy University." Harvard Business School Case 403-012, August 2002.
- July 2002 (Revised January 2003)
- Case
Harrah's Entertainment, Inc: Rewarding Our People
By: Thomas J. DeLong and Vineeta Vijayaraghavan
Marilyn Winn, head of human resources at Harrah's Entertainment, must make a recommendation to the company's president and CEO about whether the existing bonus payout program is effective at motivating employees or whether it should be revised and/or replaced. A recent... View Details
Keywords: Customer Satisfaction; Economic Slowdown and Stagnation; Compensation and Benefits; Employees; Human Capital; Management Style; Motivation and Incentives; Alignment; Entertainment and Recreation Industry
DeLong, Thomas J., and Vineeta Vijayaraghavan. "Harrah's Entertainment, Inc: Rewarding Our People." Harvard Business School Case 403-008, July 2002. (Revised January 2003.)
- Article
On the Political Economy of Temporary Stabilization Programs
By: Laura Alfaro
This paper provides a political economy explanation for temporary exchange-rate-based stabilization programs by focusing on the distributional effects of real exchange-rate appreciation. I propose an economy in which agents are endowed with either tradable or... View Details
Keywords: Government and Politics; Economy; Balance and Stability; Programs; Currency Exchange Rate; Cash; Value; Distribution
Alfaro, Laura. "On the Political Economy of Temporary Stabilization Programs." Economics & Politics 14, no. 2 (July 2002): 133–161.
- 2002
- Other Unpublished Work
Clusters of Innovation Initiative: Pittsburgh
This regional report examines the composition and performance of the Pittsburgh regional economy, how industry clusters developed and innovation arose, how clusters affected the region's economic future, and how the region can establish a strategy and action program to... View Details
Porter, Michael E. "Clusters of Innovation Initiative: Pittsburgh." Council on Competitiveness, Washington, DC, April 2002. (Report.)
- 2002
- Other Unpublished Work
Clusters of Innovation Initiative: Research Triangle
This regional report examines the composition and performance of the Research Triangle regional economy, how industry clusters developed and innovation arose, how clusters affected the region's economic future, and how the region can establish a strategy and action... View Details
Porter, Michael E. "Clusters of Innovation Initiative: Research Triangle." Council on Competitiveness, Washington, DC, January 2002. (Report.)
- December 2001 (Revised March 2004)
- Case
Argentine Paradox: The, Economic Growth and the Populist Tradition
By: Rafael M. Di Tella and Ingrid Vogel
Describes the political and economic development in Argentina from 1900 to 1989, with a focus on the role of Peron and populism. A rewritten version of an earlier case. View Details
Di Tella, Rafael M., and Ingrid Vogel. "Argentine Paradox: The, Economic Growth and the Populist Tradition." Harvard Business School Case 702-001, December 2001. (Revised March 2004.)
- 2001
- Other Unpublished Work
Clusters of Innovation Initiative: Atlanta-Columbus
This regional report examines the composition and performance of the Atlanta regional economy, how industry clusters developed and innovation arose, how clusters affected the region's economic future, and how the region can establish a strategy and action program to... View Details
Porter, Michael E. "Clusters of Innovation Initiative: Atlanta-Columbus." Council on Competitiveness, Washington, DC, December 2001. (Report.)
- October 2001 (Revised January 2002)
- Case
OAO YUKOS Oil Company
By: Malcolm S. Salter and Joshua N. Rosenbaum
This case presents the history and current position of Russia's second-largest oil company, YUKOS, as it seeks listing on the NYSE as an ADR and attempts to rid itself from a punishing "governance discount" by the capital markets. This is a company with a history of... View Details
Keywords: Stocks; Capital Markets; Corporate Governance; Developing Countries and Economies; Energy Sources; Energy Industry; Russia
Salter, Malcolm S., and Joshua N. Rosenbaum. "OAO YUKOS Oil Company." Harvard Business School Case 902-021, October 2001. (Revised January 2002.)
- May 2001 (Revised December 2003)
- Case
Mexico: The Unfinished Agenda
By: Richard H.K. Vietor and Rebecca Evans
President Vincente Fox takes over in Mexico on December 1, 2000--a political revolution ending 71 years of PRI rule. In the past five years, Mexico has solved a number of macroeconomic problems and had a good run of economic growth. But a host of microeconomic problems... View Details
Keywords: Economic Growth; Macroeconomics; Microeconomics; Policy; Government and Politics; Strategic Planning; Problems and Challenges; Mexico
Vietor, Richard H.K., and Rebecca Evans. "Mexico: The Unfinished Agenda." Harvard Business School Case 701-116, May 2001. (Revised December 2003.)
- January 2001
- Case
Merck Global Health Initiatives (A)
By: James E. Austin, Diana Barrett and James Weber
The case series focuses on Merck's drug donation program and then raises new issues facing management about what to do about HIV/AIDS in Africa given the company's development of a new therapy. Describes collaboration among many parties including the Gates Foundation,... View Details
Keywords: Programs; Philanthropy and Charitable Giving; Health Disorders; Health Care and Treatment; Private Sector; Public Sector; Alliances; Problems and Challenges; Pharmaceutical Industry; Botswana
Austin, James E., Diana Barrett, and James Weber. "Merck Global Health Initiatives (A)." Harvard Business School Case 301-088, January 2001.
- January 2001
- Case
Merck Global Health Initiatives (B): Botswana
By: James E. Austin, Diana Barrett and James Weber
The case series focuses on Merck's drug donation program and then raises new issues facing management about what to do about HIV/AIDS in Africa given the company's development of a new therapy. Describes collaboration among many parties including the Gates Foundation,... View Details
Keywords: Health Disorders; Health Care and Treatment; Private Sector; Public Sector; Alliances; Problems and Challenges; Africa; Botswana
Austin, James E., Diana Barrett, and James Weber. "Merck Global Health Initiatives (B): Botswana." Harvard Business School Case 301-089, January 2001.
- October 2000 (Revised November 2005)
- Case
Hilton HHonors Worldwide: Loyalty Wars
By: John A. Deighton and Stowe Shoemaker
Hilton Hotels regards the frequent guest program as the industry's most important marketing tool, directing marketing efforts at the heavy user. What is Hilton to do then, when a competitor ups the ante? This case illustrates the economics of frequency marketing in... View Details
Keywords: Customer Relationship Management; Decision Choices and Conditions; Brands and Branding; Competitive Strategy; Accommodations Industry
Deighton, John A., and Stowe Shoemaker. "Hilton HHonors Worldwide: Loyalty Wars." Harvard Business School Case 501-010, October 2000. (Revised November 2005.) (request a courtesy copy.)
- October 2000 (Revised June 2017)
- Case
Vyaderm Pharmaceuticals: The EVA Decision
By: Robert Simons and Indra A. Reinbergs
In 2016, the new CEO of Vyaderm Pharmaceuticals introduces an Economic Value Added (EVA) program to focus the company on long-term shareholder value. The EVA program consists of three elements: EVA centers (business units), EVA drivers (operational practices that... View Details
Keywords: Compensation and Benefits; Employee Relationship Management; Economic Growth; Economic Systems; Management; Motivation and Incentives; Organizational Design; Organizational Structure; Performance Evaluation; Decision Choices and Conditions; Pharmaceutical Industry; Washington (state, US)
Simons, Robert, and Indra A. Reinbergs. "Vyaderm Pharmaceuticals: The EVA Decision." Harvard Business School Case 101-019, October 2000. (Revised June 2017.)
- March 2000 (Revised April 2001)
- Case
Menem and the Populist Tradition in Argentina
By: Rafael M. Di Tella and Eliseo Neuman
Argentina has flourished under a fixed exchange rate system, yet there are large income and employment fluctuations. The social cost of unemployment is threatening the viability of the economic model. Building a welfare state is one alternative, but this may be a... View Details
Keywords: History; Governance; Job Cuts and Outsourcing; Employment; Currency Exchange Rate; Welfare; Government Administration; Government and Politics; Argentina
Di Tella, Rafael M., and Eliseo Neuman. "Menem and the Populist Tradition in Argentina." Harvard Business School Case 700-061, March 2000. (Revised April 2001.)
- September 1999 (Revised November 1999)
- Case
Explore, Inc.
Documents the creation of a national before and after-school day care program aimed at bridging the gap between school and parents' work schedules. This high-growth, for-profit social enterprise organization operated in what was historically the domain of nonprofit or... View Details
Keywords: Microeconomics; Growth and Development; Order Taking and Fulfillment; Mission and Purpose; Performance Expectations; Quality; Social Enterprise; Travel Industry
Grossman, Allen S., James E. Austin, Myra M. Hart, and Sharon Peyus. "Explore, Inc." Harvard Business School Case 300-011, September 1999. (Revised November 1999.)
- April 1999
- Case
French Pension System, The: On The Verge Of Retirement? (Abridged)
By: David A. Moss
Surveys the French pension system, its particular institutional characteristics, and some of the critical challenges and opportunities facing French reformers. Like almost every other industrialized country, France has a large pay-as-you-go public pension system that... View Details
Keywords: Retirement; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Policy; Economic Growth; Economics; Capital Markets; Wages; Public Administration Industry; France
Moss, David A. "French Pension System, The: On The Verge Of Retirement? (Abridged)." Harvard Business School Case 799-143, April 1999.
- March 1999 (Revised April 1999)
- Case
Environmental Risk Management at Chevron Corporation
By: Forest L. Reinhardt, Monica M Mandelli and Jennifer Burns
Chevron Corp., headquartered in San Francisco, manages a worldwide, vertically integrated value chain from the oil well to the gasoline station. Mishandling of oil at any stage of production can damage the natural environment, human health, corporate profitability, or... View Details
Keywords: Risk Management; Risk and Uncertainty; Environmental Sustainability; Energy Generation; Supply Chain Management; Metals and Minerals; Management Systems; Management Teams; Trade; Vertical Integration; Energy Industry; Mining Industry
Reinhardt, Forest L., Monica M Mandelli, and Jennifer Burns. "Environmental Risk Management at Chevron Corporation." Harvard Business School Case 799-062, March 1999. (Revised April 1999.)
- March 1999 (Revised June 2004)
- Case
United States Agency for International Development (USAID): Campfire Program in Zimbabwe
By: V. Kasturi Rangan and Jay Sinha
Raises the issue of customer definition in economic development. Because of the multiple stakeholders and their varying interests, understanding where and how value is created is critical to understanding the customer. View Details
Keywords: Customer Focus and Relationships; Development Economics; Marketing Strategy; Programs; Business and Stakeholder Relations; Value Creation; Zimbabwe; United States
Rangan, V. Kasturi, and Jay Sinha. "United States Agency for International Development (USAID): Campfire Program in Zimbabwe." Harvard Business School Case 599-090, March 1999. (Revised June 2004.)
- December 1998 (Revised February 1999)
- Case
City of Charlotte (A)
By: Robert S. Kaplan
The city manager's office in Charlotte, North Carolina, is attempting to align and focus the city's programs and operating departments. City managers, working collaboratively with the elected mayor and city council, have identified five strategic themes to make... View Details
Keywords: Balanced Scorecard; Government Administration; City; Growth and Development Strategy; Adoption; Public Sector; Management Teams; Programs; Performance Evaluation; Motivation and Incentives; Public Administration Industry; North Carolina
Kaplan, Robert S. "City of Charlotte (A)." Harvard Business School Case 199-036, December 1998. (Revised February 1999.)