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- Faculty Publications (2,663)
- December 1999 (Revised May 2002)
- Case
CNBC (A): NBC and Its Startup Friends
NBC expands further on to the Internet with NBC's Internet strategy, supported by corporate parent General Electric, involves numerous investments as well as new ventures like Soon after is launched in 1999, NBC brings in a new CEO, Pamela... View Details
Keywords: Business Startups; Change Management; Management Teams; Corporate Strategy; Leadership Development; Internet and the Web; Expansion; Media; Media and Broadcasting Industry; Telecommunications Industry
Kanter, Rosabeth M. "CNBC (A): NBC and Its Startup Friends." Harvard Business School Case 300-090, December 1999. (Revised May 2002.)
- December 1999
- Case
Sun Microsystems, Inc. (A): An Enterprise of Change
By: Rosabeth M. Kanter and Jane Roessner
In 1999, Sun Microsystems, Inc., was claiming a leadership position in the burgeoning world of e-commerce and networking computers. Its goal: "to dot-com the world." What was it about Sun's culture that made it so conducive to innovation and entrepreneurship? And how... View Details
- December 1999
- Case
Sun Microsystems, Inc. (A2): Network Visions: Mike Clary on the Product that Hid in HR
By: Rosabeth M. Kanter and Jane Roessner
Chief scientist Bill Joy of Sun Microsystems, Inc. had a vision for a new product called "Jini": a network computing piece of infrastructure that would reinforce Sun's leadership role in the industry for helping define how the Internet and networking technology... View Details
- December 1999
- Case
Sun Microsystems, Inc. (A6): Enterprise 250: Mark Canepa on the Newcomer as Change Agent
By: Rosabeth M. Kanter and Jane Roessner
Coming to Sun Microsystems after 20 years with Hewlett-Packard (HP), Mark Canepa brought a highly organized leadership style more characteristic of HP than Sun. His goal was to use the development of a new workstation product to build a disciplined, process-oriented,... View Details
- December 1999 (Revised January 2000)
- Case
Agrochemicals at Ciba-Geigy AG (B)
By: Michael L. Tushman, Wendy Smith and Daniel Radov
Focuses on Pierre Urech's efforts to change the division structure at Ciba-Geigy to facilitate the marketing of the new product. Details the relationships Urech cultivates and the strategy he pursues as "product champion." Also describes the restructuring of the... View Details
Keywords: Change Management; Innovation Strategy; Innovation and Management; Leadership Development; Leadership Style; Research and Development; Marketing Strategy; Goods and Commodities; Product Development; Pharmaceutical Industry; Switzerland
Tushman, Michael L., Wendy Smith, and Daniel Radov. "Agrochemicals at Ciba-Geigy AG (B)." Harvard Business School Case 400-023, December 1999. (Revised January 2000.)
- December 1999
- Case
E-Business at Honeywell International (A): AlliedSignal 1999
AlliedSignal develops its e-business and merges with Honeywell, Inc. Throughout 1999 CEO Larry Bossidy leads activities to educate managers about e-business and the Internet, then requires strategic plans. This case looks at the planning process, barriers, and ideas in... View Details
- December 1999 (Revised September 2004)
- Case
Hermes Systems
By: Michael L. Tushman and Daniel Radov
Covers the history of Hermes, a large telecommunications and network equipment company, as it grows from a single business firm to a diversified firm from 1980-95. Examines the use of entrepreneurial subsidiaries for product development and fast growth. Other issues... View Details
Keywords: History; Leadership; Business Subsidiaries; Diversification; Growth Management; Business Growth and Maturation; Business Divisions; Problems and Challenges; Product Development; Technology Industry
Tushman, Michael L., and Daniel Radov. "Hermes Systems." Harvard Business School Case 400-056, December 1999. (Revised September 2004.)
- November 1999 (Revised December 1999)
- Case
Safe Food Act, The: A Consumer Group's Perspective
By: Ray A. Goldberg, Carin-Isabel Knoop and Hal Hogan
The Center for Science in the Public Interest is taking a position on creating a new safety leadership vehicle in the U.S. government. How should it plead its cause? What are the position merits and faults? View Details
Keywords: Food; System; Consumer Behavior; Government and Politics; Safety; Leadership; United States
Goldberg, Ray A., Carin-Isabel Knoop, and Hal Hogan. "Safe Food Act, The: A Consumer Group's Perspective." Harvard Business School Case 900-013, November 1999. (Revised December 1999.)
- 05 Nov 1999
- Keynote Speech
Leadership, Ethics and Organizational Integrity: Time for a New Credo." Speaker. "9th Colloquium on Business and Economics Ethics
By: Lynn S. Paine
Paine, Lynn S. Leadership, Ethics and Organizational Integrity: Time for a New Credo." Speaker. "9th Colloquium on Business and Economics Ethics. Colloquium on Business and Economics Ethics, Universidad de Navarra, Instituto de Estudios Superiores de la Empresa (IESE), Barcelona, Spain, November 05, 1999.
- autumn 1999
- Book Review
Book Review of Charismatic Leadership in Organizations
By: Linda A. Hill
Hill, Linda A. "Book Review of Charismatic Leadership in Organizations." Personnel Psychology 52, no. 3 (autumn 1999): 767–771.
- 2000
- Chapter
Leadership as Collective Genius
By: L. Hill
Keywords: Leadership
Hill, L. "Leadership as Collective Genius." In Management 21C: Someday We'll All Manage This Way, edited by S. Chowdhury. Financial Times Prentice Hall, 2000.
- September 1999 (Revised April 2001)
- Case
Credit Suisse (A) (Abridged)
By: W. Earl Sasser and William E. Fulmer
Credit Suisse is looking for ways to differentiate itself from current and likely competitors. After two years of restructuring, the bank's leadership wants profitable growth. It has decided to emphasize customer service. View Details
Keywords: Restructuring; Competitive Advantage; Customer Satisfaction; Banks and Banking; Growth and Development Strategy; Banking Industry; Retail Industry
Sasser, W. Earl, and William E. Fulmer. "Credit Suisse (A) (Abridged)." Harvard Business School Case 800-154, September 1999. (Revised April 2001.)
- September 1999 (Revised April 2000)
- Case
Novell: World's Largest Network Software Company
By: Richard L. Nolan
After phenomenal growth and market leadership in networking, founder and CEO Ray Noorda made a frontal assault on Microsoft's core strengths. In 1994, Noorda spend over $1.5 billion acquiring companies such as WordPerfect to combat Microsoft Word, products such as... View Details
Keywords: Information Infrastructure; Applications and Software; Competition; Internet and the Web; Strategic Planning; Corporate Strategy; Information Technology Industry
Nolan, Richard L. "Novell: World's Largest Network Software Company." Harvard Business School Case 300-038, September 1999. (Revised April 2000.)
- August 1999 (Revised June 2000)
- Teaching Note
GE's Two-Decade Transformation: Jack Welch's Leadership TN
Teaching Note for (9-399-150). View Details
- August 1999 (Revised June 2008)
- Case
Taran Swan at Nickelodeon Latin America (A)
By: Linda A. Hill and Kristin Doughty
Eighteen months after launching Nickelodeon Latin America, general manager Taran Swan must leave the company's Miami headquarters for her New York home because of complications with her pregnancy. Unable to travel for at least the next six months, Swan must decide how... View Details
Keywords: Selection and Staffing; Leadership Style; Managerial Roles; Organizational Culture; Groups and Teams
Hill, Linda A., and Kristin Doughty. "Taran Swan at Nickelodeon Latin America (A)." Harvard Business School Case 400-036, August 1999. (Revised June 2008.)
- August 1999 (Revised October 2000)
- Case
Millennium Media, Inc. and John Voorenberg
By: David A. Thomas
Millenium Media's CEO reviews the company diversity report and considers the challenges of maintaining a diverse workforce in light of the news that three individuals, two of whom are people of color, are leaving for opportunities with a competitor. View Details
Keywords: Diversity; Employee Relationship Management; Resignation and Termination; Retention; Leadership Style; Problems and Challenges; Competition
Thomas, David A. "Millennium Media, Inc. and John Voorenberg." Harvard Business School Case 400-032, August 1999. (Revised October 2000.)
- July 1999 (Revised January 2004)
- Case
Chrysler and BMW: Tritec Engine Joint Venture
By: H. Kent Bowen and Courtney Purrington
A gifted project leader lacks significant new product development experience. The case highlights the issues and procedures related to defining the project strategy: organizing senior management approvals and support for creating a "heavyweight" team; aligning the... View Details
Keywords: Product Development; Joint Ventures; Projects; Business Strategy; Management Teams; Groups and Teams; Machinery and Machining; Design; Business Processes; Product Design; Product; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Auto Industry
Bowen, H. Kent, and Courtney Purrington. "Chrysler and BMW: Tritec Engine Joint Venture." Harvard Business School Case 600-004, July 1999. (Revised January 2004.)
- June 1999 (Revised November 2006)
- Case
Basil "Buzz" Hargrove and de Havilland, Inc. (A)
By: Kathleen L. McGinn and Angela Keros
Buzz Hargrove, national president of the Canadian Auto Workers, needs to find a way to secure an agreement from a negotiated contract with de Havilland, Inc. Local union leaders feel the deal is not good enough, but Hargrove is convinced management will close the plant... View Details
Keywords: Media; Power and Influence; Negotiation Deal; Leadership; Agreements and Arrangements; Business Exit or Shutdown; Labor Unions; Negotiation Types; Management Teams; Manufacturing Industry; Auto Industry; Canada
McGinn, Kathleen L., and Angela Keros. Basil "Buzz" Hargrove and de Havilland, Inc. (A). Harvard Business School Case 899-138, June 1999. (Revised November 2006.)
- June 1999
- Course Overview Note
Leadership and Organizational Behavior (LEAD), Course Overview (Abridged)
By: Linda A. Hill
Course overview for the first-year required MBA course Leadership and Organizational Behavior (LEAD). View Details
Hill, Linda A. "Leadership and Organizational Behavior (LEAD), Course Overview (Abridged)." Harvard Business School Course Overview Note 499-067, June 1999.
- summer 1999
- Article
Leading in a Leaderless World
By: D. Q. Mills and I. Somerville
Keywords: Leadership
Mills, D. Q., and I. Somerville. "Leading in a Leaderless World." Leader to Leader 13 (summer 1999): 30–38.