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- All HBS Web
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- Faculty Publications (3,383)
Thomas R. Eisenmann
Thomas R. Eisenmann is the Howard H. Stevenson Professor of Business Administration at the Harvard Business School; Peter O. Crisp Faculty Chair, Harvard Innovation Labs; and Unit Head of the HBS Entrepreneurial... View Details
Keywords: advertising; broadcasting; communications; computer; e-commerce industry; electronic publishing; electronics; entertainment; fiber optics; high technology; home video games; information technology industry; infrastructure industry; internet; journalism; media; motion pictures; music; publishing industry; semiconductor; software; telecommunications; television; video games
- January 2011
- Case
William Jeffrey Departs from Bay Colony Mutual
By: Lena G. Goldberg
A board's decision-making and process in investigating and terminating a company's CEO are explored and the company's policies and contractual obligations considered. View Details
Keywords: Decision Choices and Conditions; Corporate Governance; Governing and Advisory Boards; Policy; Resignation and Termination; Contracts; Leadership
Goldberg, Lena G. "William Jeffrey Departs from Bay Colony Mutual." Harvard Business School Case 311-088, January 2011.
- September 2020 (Revised July 2021)
- Case
Moderna (A)
By: Marco Iansiti, Karim R. Lakhani, Hannah Mayer and Kerry Herman
In summer 2020, Stephane Bancel, CEO of biotech firm Moderna, faces several challenges as his company races to develop a vaccine for COVID-19. The case explores how a company builds a digital organization, and leverages artificial intelligence and other digital... View Details
Keywords: COVID-19; Vaccine; Digital Organizations; Organizational Structure; Operations; Management; Health Pandemics; Research and Development; Goals and Objectives
Iansiti, Marco, Karim R. Lakhani, Hannah Mayer, and Kerry Herman. "Moderna (A)." Harvard Business School Case 621-032, September 2020. (Revised July 2021.)
- January 2008
- Article
The Five Competitive Forces That Shape Strategy
This article includes a one-page preview that quickly summarizes the key ideas and provides an overview of how the concepts work in practice along with suggestions for further reading. In 1979, a young associate professor at Harvard Business School published his first... View Details
Keywords: Profit; Five Forces Framework; Industry Growth; Industry Structures; Business and Government Relations; Competitive Strategy
Porter, Michael E. "The Five Competitive Forces That Shape Strategy." Special Issue on HBS Centennial. Harvard Business Review 86, no. 1 (January 2008): 78–93.
- November 2007 (Revised March 2018)
- Case
Maidenform Bras
By: Tom Nicholas
Uses Ida Rosenthal's entrepreneurship in brassieres to explore how economic, social, and demographic changes reshaped gender and business enterprises in early- to mid-20th century America. It shows the importance of timing and geography to Rosenthal's new firm in New... View Details
Keywords: Geographic Location; Marketing; Entrepreneurship; Gender; Change; Apparel and Accessories Industry
Nicholas, Tom. "Maidenform Bras." Harvard Business School Case 808-095, November 2007. (Revised March 2018.)
- March 2020
- Article
Do Managers Matter? A Natural Experiment from 42 R&D Labs in India
By: Prithwiraj Choudhury, Tarun Khanna and Christos A. Makridis
We exploit plausibly exogenous variation in the staggered entry of new managers into India’s 42 public R&D labs between 1994 and 2006 to study how alignment between the CEO and middle-level managers affect research productivity. We show that the introduction of new lab... View Details
Keywords: Incentives; Innovation; Productivity; Management; Alignment; Research and Development; Innovation and Invention; Performance Productivity; India
Choudhury, Prithwiraj, Tarun Khanna, and Christos A. Makridis. "Do Managers Matter? A Natural Experiment from 42 R&D Labs in India." Journal of Law, Economics & Organization 36, no. 1 (March 2020): 47–83.
- March 2008 (Revised March 2022)
- Case
Cadbury Schweppes: Capturing Confectionery (A)
By: David Collis, Toby Stuart and Troy Smith
In late 2002, global confectionery and beverage maker Cadbury Schweppes needed to decide whether or not to make an acquisition bid for Adams, an underperforming gum company which had been put up for sale by pharmaceutical giant Pfizer. Examining the decision from a... View Details
Keywords: Business History; Strategy; Decision Choices and Conditions; Mergers and Acquisitions; Food and Beverage Industry
Collis, David, Toby Stuart, and Troy Smith. "Cadbury Schweppes: Capturing Confectionery (A)." Harvard Business School Case 708-453, March 2008. (Revised March 2022.)
- February 2020 (Revised January 2022)
- Case
Mission Related Investments at the Ford Foundation (A)
By: Shawn Cole, Michael Norris and T. Robert Zochowski
In 2017, Darren Walker, president of the Ford Foundation, one of the largest philanthropic foundations in the world, was preparing to meet with his board of directors to discuss beginning a mission related investments (MRI) program. Walker hoped to devote $1 billion of... View Details
Keywords: Mission-Related Investing; Philanthropy; Foundation; Endowments; Socially Responsible Investing; Investment; Institutional Investing; Investment Activism; Governance; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Mission and Purpose; Social Enterprise; Philanthropy and Charitable Giving; United States; New York (city, NY)
Cole, Shawn, Michael Norris, and T. Robert Zochowski. "Mission Related Investments at the Ford Foundation (A)." Harvard Business School Case 220-026, February 2020. (Revised January 2022.)
- May 2018
- Case
Harvest City: The Intelligent Procurement System Project
By: Lynda M. Applegate and Ramiro Montealegre
The Harvest City case describes the implementation of a cloud- and IoT-based intelligent procurement system at a new convention complex in the U.S. Midwest. The decision to build a convention complex is a strategic initiative for this city and involves extensive use of... View Details
Keywords: Information Technology; Projects; Management; Decision Making; Business and Government Relations; Information Technology Industry
Applegate, Lynda M., and Ramiro Montealegre. "Harvest City: The Intelligent Procurement System Project." Harvard Business School Brief Case 918-507, May 2018.
- August 2005 (Revised March 2006)
- Case
Moneyball (A): What Are You Paying For?
By: Frances X. Frei, Dennis Campbell and Eliot Sherman
Explores the contextual elements of Major League Baseball and presents data to allow for an analytic examination of alleged market inefficiencies within the sport. View Details
Keywords: Market Design; Performance; Sports; Compensation and Benefits; Sports Industry; United States
Frei, Frances X., Dennis Campbell, and Eliot Sherman. "Moneyball (A): What Are You Paying For?" Harvard Business School Case 606-025, August 2005. (Revised March 2006.)
A Prescriptive Analytics Framework for Optimal Policy Deployment Using Heterogeneous Treatment Effects
We define a prescriptive analytics framework that addresses the needs of a constrained decision-maker facing, ex ante, unknown costs and benefits of multiple policy levers. The framework is general in nature and can be deployed in any utility maximizing... View Details
- November 2015 (Revised August 2016)
- Case
Unilever's New Global Strategy: Competing through Sustainability
In January 2009, when Paul Polman was appointed CEO of Unilever, he inherited a company in long-term decline at the beginning of a major global financial crisis. As the first outsider ever recruited to lead the company, Polman lost little time in challenging the... View Details
Keywords: Globalized Firms and Management; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Competitive Strategy; Environmental Sustainability; Consumer Products Industry
Bartlett, Christopher A. "Unilever's New Global Strategy: Competing through Sustainability." Harvard Business School Case 916-414, November 2015. (Revised August 2016.)
- 2020
- Working Paper
Should Firms Move Talent from the Geographic Periphery to Hubs? A Strategic Human Capital Perspective
By: Prithwiraj Choudhury, Victoria Sevcenko and Tarun Khanna
A longstanding literature holds that firms should hire and move talent from the geographic periphery to hubs as a means to create value from human capital. They do so, however, at the risk of losing the worker to rivals located in the same geographic hub,... View Details
Keywords: Geographic Location; Selection and Staffing; Employment; Residency; Technology Industry; India
Choudhury, Prithwiraj, Victoria Sevcenko, and Tarun Khanna. "Should Firms Move Talent from the Geographic Periphery to Hubs? A Strategic Human Capital Perspective." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 14-080, February 2014. (Revised August 2020.)
- May 1992 (Revised August 1996)
- Case
NIKE in Transition (A): The Ascendancy of Bob Woodell
Explores Bob Woodell's tenure as Nike's first COO. Describes development of Woodell's management style, his attempts to develop the organization, and his responses to unforeseen business problems. Changing market forces, new competitors, a build-up of low-end... View Details
Keywords: Conferences; Crisis Management; Management Style; Marketing Strategy; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Performance Evaluation; Competition
Bartlett, Christopher A. "NIKE in Transition (A): The Ascendancy of Bob Woodell." Harvard Business School Case 392-105, May 1992. (Revised August 1996.)
C. Fritz Foley
C. Fritz Foley is the Andre R. Jakurski Professor of Business Administration and Senior Associate Dean (SAD) for External Relations. As SAD, Foley works with ER to enhance alumni engagement, expand opportunities for lifelong learning, and develop fundraising... View Details
- 27 Feb 2013
- Research & Ideas
Sidetracked: Why Can’t We Stick to the Plan?
Why Our Decisions Get Derailed, and How We Can Stick to the Plan , behavioral scientist and HBS Associate Professor Francesca Gino explores the unexpected forces that often... View Details
Keywords: Re: Francesca Gino
- 31 May 2022
- Cold Call Podcast
Corruption: New Insights for Fighting an Age-Old Business Problem
Keywords: Re: Tarun Khanna & Geoffrey G. Jones
- 2021
- Working Paper
Invisible Primes: Fintech Lending with Alternative Data
By: Marco Di Maggio, Dimuthu Ratnadiwakara and Don Carmichael
We exploit anonymized administrative data provided by a major fintech platform to investigate whether using alternative data to assess borrowers’ creditworthiness results in broader credit access. Comparing actual outcomes of the fintech platform’s model to... View Details
Keywords: Fintech Lending; Alternative Data; Machine Learning; Algorithm Bias; Finance; Information Technology; Financing and Loans; Analytics and Data Science; Credit
Di Maggio, Marco, Dimuthu Ratnadiwakara, and Don Carmichael. "Invisible Primes: Fintech Lending with Alternative Data." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 22-024, October 2021.
- November 2023
- Case
Apple Inc. in 2023
By: David B. Yoffie and Sarah von Bargen
Under CEO Tim Cook, Apple became the first trillion dollar market cap company, the first two trillion dollar company, and the first three trillion dollar company. Since the COVID pandemic, Apple gained over 20% of the world smartphone market and 50% of the U.S. market,... View Details
Keywords: Competitive Advantage; Product Positioning; Emerging Markets; Competitive Strategy; Technological Innovation; Revenue; Technology Industry
Yoffie, David B., and Sarah von Bargen. "Apple Inc. in 2023." Harvard Business School Case 724-419, November 2023.
- Article
Why Every Organization Needs an Augmented Reality Strategy
By: Michael E. Porter and James E. Heppelmann
While the physical world is three-dimensional, most data is trapped on two-dimensional pages and screens. This gulf between the real and digital worlds prevents us from fully exploiting the volumes of information now available to us. Augmented reality (AR), a set of... View Details
Keywords: Technological Innovation; Innovation Strategy; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Performance Effectiveness
Porter, Michael E., and James E. Heppelmann. "Why Every Organization Needs an Augmented Reality Strategy." Harvard Business Review 95, no. 6 (November–December 2017): 46–57.