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- Faculty Publications (225)
- April 1992 (Revised June 1993)
- Case
Otis South Africa (A)
By: Michael Beer
Otis Worldwide CEO, George David, was frustrated with the slow pace of nonwhite advancement within Otis South Africa. After a few years of trying to elicit action from South African management, he decided to send a 28-year old U.S. employee to take over as the human... View Details
Keywords: Business Subsidiaries; Multinational Firms and Management; Race; Operations; Business Headquarters; Performance Improvement; Human Resources; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Industrial Products Industry; South Africa; United States
Beer, Michael. "Otis South Africa (A)." Harvard Business School Case 492-049, April 1992. (Revised June 1993.)
- March 1992 (Revised June 1992)
- Case
Thermo Electron Corp.
George Hatsopoulos, CEO at Thermo Electron Corp., is considering whether to issue shares in a subsidiary via an initial public offering (IPO). The company has developed an unusual corporate structure in which subsidiaries fund new ventures by raising debt and equity in... View Details
Keywords: Financial Management; Business Subsidiaries; Resource Allocation; Valuation; Organizational Structure; Business Headquarters; Initial Public Offering; Capital Structure; Capital Markets; Financial Strategy; Corporate Finance; Semiconductor Industry; Technology Industry
Baldwin, Carliss Y. "Thermo Electron Corp." Harvard Business School Case 292-104, March 1992. (Revised June 1992.)
- November 1991 (Revised January 1995)
- Case
Teradyne Japan
Describes a parent-subsidiary relationship in the high technology industry. The subsidiary, located in Japan, has been expanding its activities throughout the 1980s in the face of stiff local competition. Examines the dilemma facing corporate and country management as... View Details
Keywords: Relationships; Mergers and Acquisitions; Expansion; Competition; Business or Company Management; Communication; Buildings and Facilities; Business Subsidiaries; Japan
Yoshino, Michael Y. "Teradyne Japan." Harvard Business School Case 392-031, November 1991. (Revised January 1995.)
- March 1991 (Revised May 1995)
- Case
Kraft General Foods: The Merger (A)
By: David J. Collis
Describes Philip Morris' acquisitions of General Foods in 1985 and Kraft, Inc. in 1989, focusing on the integration of Kraft and General Foods that forms a $30 billion food subsidiary. Details the steps required to merge these two large companies, emphasizing the... View Details
Keywords: Mergers and Acquisitions; Business Subsidiaries; Business or Company Management; Managerial Roles; Business Processes; Cooperation; Integration; Food and Beverage Industry
Collis, David J. "Kraft General Foods: The Merger (A)." Harvard Business School Case 391-139, March 1991. (Revised May 1995.)
- April 1990
- Case
Nestle Alimentana S.A. -- Infant Formula (Abridged)
By: James E. Austin
The new vice president of infant and dietetic products of Nestle Alimentana S.A. has to make recommendations on the company's marketing programs for its infant formulas in developing countries. The U.S. subsidiary is currently the target of a consumer boycott because... View Details
Keywords: Product Marketing; Emerging Markets; Developing Countries and Economies; Distribution Channels; Marketing Strategy; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Food; Business Subsidiaries; Food and Beverage Industry; United States; Switzerland
Austin, James E. "Nestle Alimentana S.A. -- Infant Formula (Abridged)." Harvard Business School Case 590-070, April 1990.
- July 1987 (Revised October 1995)
- Case
Phillips 66: Controlling a Company Through Crisis
The downstream operations subsidiary of a major U.S. petroleum company is faced with major restructuring decisions and responds by developing an Executive Information System (EIS) which allows for increased responsiveness, wider span of control, and higher levels of... View Details
Keywords: Restructuring; Information Management; Governance Controls; Organizational Design; Crisis Management; Communication; Management Teams; Growth Management; Mining Industry; Energy Industry; United States
Applegate, Lynda M. "Phillips 66: Controlling a Company Through Crisis." Harvard Business School Case 189-006, July 1987. (Revised October 1995.)
- May 1987 (Revised February 2000)
- Case
Codman & Shurtleff, Inc.: Planning and Control System
By: Robert L. Simons
Detailed description of the planning and control systems in use at Johnson & Johnson. Focuses on the actions of managers in one subsidiary in revising budget targets. Illustrates intensive strategic planning and financial planning process in a large, decentralized... View Details
Keywords: Strategic Planning; Planning; Forecasting and Prediction; Accounting Audits; Budgets and Budgeting; Business Strategy; Financial Management; Business or Company Management; Management Systems; Public Administration Industry; Financial Services Industry
Simons, Robert L. "Codman & Shurtleff, Inc.: Planning and Control System." Harvard Business School Case 187-081, May 1987. (Revised February 2000.)
- November 1986 (Revised December 1992)
- Case
Kentucky Fried Chicken (Japan) Ltd.
Describes the internationalization of the Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) fast food chain, focusing on KFC's entry into Japan. An entrepreneurial country general manager, Lou Weston, battles numerous problems to establish the business and is eventually highly successful.... View Details
Keywords: Business Subsidiaries; Entrepreneurship; Globalized Economies and Regions; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Policy; Market Entry and Exit; Strategic Planning; Agency Theory; Perspective; Corporate Strategy; Food and Beverage Industry; Japan
Bartlett, Christopher A. "Kentucky Fried Chicken (Japan) Ltd." Harvard Business School Case 387-043, November 1986. (Revised December 1992.)
- September 1986 (Revised July 2001)
- Case
Eastern Electric Apparatus Repair Company (A)
By: Carliss Y. Baldwin and Harry Gruner
As principals engaged in structuring leveraged buyouts for a well-capitalized risk arbitrage firm, Bob Meehan and George Schwartz are preparing to bid for the business and assets of a Westinghouse subsidiary. The case focuses on the value of the opportunity, methods of... View Details
Keywords: Leveraged Buyouts; Bids and Bidding; Opportunities; Business Subsidiaries; Strategy; Valuation; Equity; Electronics Industry
Baldwin, Carliss Y., and Harry Gruner. "Eastern Electric Apparatus Repair Company (A)." Harvard Business School Case 287-023, September 1986. (Revised July 2001.)
- June 1985 (Revised April 1989)
- Case
Benetton (B)
By: James L. Heskett
The managing director of Benetton is faced with several issues concerning the adequacy of the company's organization to capitalize on the early success it has achieved in an important foreign market, the United States. Specifically, the case raises questions about... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Structure; Global Strategy; Transition; Growth and Development Strategy; Success; Business Headquarters; Business Subsidiaries; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Business Growth and Maturation; United States; Italy
Heskett, James L. "Benetton (B)." Harvard Business School Case 685-020, June 1985. (Revised April 1989.)
- January 1985 (Revised March 2003)
- Case
Conex do Brasil
By: Christopher A. Bartlett and John Young
Describes interactions between Brazilian local, Latin American regional, and USA headquarters staff during the three years after establishing a manufacturing subsidiary in Sao Paulo. In a highly protected national environment, a market entry plan is developed to meet... View Details
Keywords: Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Resignation and Termination; Goals and Objectives; Market Entry and Exit; Operations; Performance Expectations; Opportunities; Corporate Strategy; Latin America; United States; Brazil
Bartlett, Christopher A., and John Young. "Conex do Brasil." Harvard Business School Case 385-257, January 1985. (Revised March 2003.)
- November 1983 (Revised October 1989)
- Case
Procter & Gamble Europe: Vizir Launch
Describes P&G's expansion in Europe, including the development of a strong country subsidiary management, responsive to local market differences. The launch of a new product presents strategic and organizational challenges as P&G considers making this their first... View Details
Keywords: Business Subsidiaries; Trade; Business or Company Management; Growth and Development Strategy; Product Launch; Emerging Markets; Organizational Design; Problems and Challenges; Expansion; Europe
Bartlett, Christopher A. "Procter & Gamble Europe: Vizir Launch." Harvard Business School Case 384-139, November 1983. (Revised October 1989.)
- September 1983 (Revised July 1991)
- Case
Orthoteks USA (A)
A series on implementing strategy as the head of the U.S. subsidiary of a successful Swiss medical products firm. Traces the actions of the CEO over a four year period and highlights his negotiations with the Swiss parent and the way functional components of the... View Details
Keywords: Business Subsidiaries; Trade; Health Care and Treatment; Leadership Style; Agreements and Arrangements; Strategy; Health Industry; Switzerland; United States
Badaracco, Joseph L., Jr., and Richard G. Hamermesh. "Orthoteks USA (A)." Harvard Business School Case 384-057, September 1983. (Revised July 1991.)
- March 1983 (Revised January 1984)
- Case
Merloni Group
The general manager of the recently-established French subsidiary of an Italian appliance company is in conflict with headquarters about unexpectedly poor financial performance. Headquarters management believes it should be able to exert more control over the... View Details
Keywords: Business Subsidiaries; Trade; Organizational Structure; Performance Evaluation; Power and Influence; France; Italy
Bartlett, Christopher A. "Merloni Group." Harvard Business School Case 383-152, March 1983. (Revised January 1984.)
- April 1982 (Revised September 1986)
- Case
Ideal Standard France: Pat Paterson
A newly appointed country subsidiary manager must decide on action for an operation losing $1 million per month. He is constrained by price controls on one hand and sensitive union relations on the other. Furthermore a major loss-contributing plant has recently been... View Details
Keywords: Business Subsidiaries; Transition; Cost Management; Management; Crisis Management; Labor and Management Relations
Bartlett, Christopher A. "Ideal Standard France: Pat Paterson." Harvard Business School Case 382-139, April 1982. (Revised September 1986.)
- December 1980 (Revised December 1984)
- Case
Hudepohl Brewing Co.
Presents the problem of how an established regional brewer can survive the onslaught of national breweries, some of which are being cross-subsidized by diversified parent companies. Requires detailed analysis of what operations are profitable and unprofitable for... View Details
Keywords: Business Subsidiaries; Profit; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Industry Growth; Private Ownership; Problems and Challenges; Competition; Diversification
Salter, Malcolm S. "Hudepohl Brewing Co." Harvard Business School Case 381-092, December 1980. (Revised December 1984.)
- December 1980 (Revised January 1994)
- Case
International Foodstuffs
By: David E. Bell
Describes three fairly routine instances in which considerations of risk exposure in foreign exchange are necessary. The three are a delayed payment for a grain shipment, a foreign subsidiary facing devaluation of its domestic currency, and a foreign acquisition. The... View Details
Keywords: Currency Exchange Rate; Risk and Uncertainty; International Relations; Mergers and Acquisitions; Money; International Finance; Financial Services Industry
Bell, David E. "International Foodstuffs." Harvard Business School Case 181-049, December 1980. (Revised January 1994.)
- January 1980 (Revised August 1986)
- Case
General Electric vs. Westinghouse in Large Turbine Generators (A)
Describes the U.S. large turbine generator industry in early 1963, a period of severe price cutting and depressed industry conditions. Presents data to allow a structural analysis of the industry and an analysis of the strategies of the major players since 1946. The... View Details
Keywords: Transformation; Customer Focus and Relationships; Machinery and Machining; Cost Management; Price; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Marketing Strategy; Industry Structures; Competition; Manufacturing Industry; United States
Porter, Michael E. "General Electric vs. Westinghouse in Large Turbine Generators (A)." Harvard Business School Case 380-128, January 1980. (Revised August 1986.)
- October 1979 (Revised March 1986)
- Case
PC&D, Inc.
By: Evelyn T. Christiansen and Richard G. Hamermesh
Covers history of PC&D from 1960 to 1975 as it grows from a single business firm to a diversified firm. Emphasizes the use of subsidiaries for product development and fast growth. Other issues include problems of a new CEO in keeping control of fast growing divisions. View Details
Keywords: Leadership; Business Subsidiaries; Diversification; Growth Management; Product Development
Christiansen, Evelyn T., and Richard G. Hamermesh. "PC&D, Inc." Harvard Business School Case 380-072, October 1979. (Revised March 1986.)
- September 1976 (Revised January 1977)
- Case
Del Norte Paper Co. (C)
Designed to serve two roles: first, it provides a reasonably comprehensive description of an ongoing capital budgeting system for the international operations of a large American company. Second, it allows the student to focus upon and critically analyze a series of... View Details
Keywords: Capital Budgeting; International Relations; Globalized Markets and Industries; Goals and Objectives; Service Delivery; Business Subsidiaries; Performance Evaluation; Performance Expectations; Financial Services Industry; Pulp and Paper Industry
Sahlman, William A. "Del Norte Paper Co. (C)." Harvard Business School Case 177-036, September 1976. (Revised January 1977.)