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- Faculty Publications (209)
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- Research Summary
Debt Redemption and Reserve Accumulation
By: Laura Alfaro
In the past decade, foreign participation in local-currency bond markets in emerging countries increased dramatically. We revisit sovereign debt sustainability under the assumptions that countries can accumulate reserves and borrow internationally using their own... View Details
- Teaching Interest
Driving Digital Strategy (DIGS)
By: Sunil Gupta
Digital technologies have changed the way consumers search for information, communicate with each other, and buy products. Rapid changes in technology and consumer behavior have had a profound impact on business models and marketing practices. This program equips... View Details
- Forthcoming
- Article
Human-Algorithm Collaboration with Private Information: Naïve Advice Weighting Behavior and Mitigation
By: Maya Balakrishnan, Kris Ferreira and Jordan Tong
Even if algorithms make better predictions than humans on average, humans may sometimes have private information which an algorithm does not have access to that can improve performance. How can we help humans effectively use and adjust recommendations made by... View Details
Keywords: AI and Machine Learning; Analytics and Data Science; Forecasting and Prediction; Digital Marketing
Balakrishnan, Maya, Kris Ferreira, and Jordan Tong. "Human-Algorithm Collaboration with Private Information: Naïve Advice Weighting Behavior and Mitigation." Management Science (forthcoming).
- Research Summary
Making Markets Work: An Executive Education Program for Africa
By: Debora L. Spar
In the last decades of the 20th century economic growth was distributed unevenly across the world. While some countries experienced sustained and unprecedented prosperity, others fell further and further behind. This widening gap was particularly evident in Africa,... View Details
- Research Summary
Managing Networked Businesses
Platform-based businesses that leverage network effects face a distinctive set of management challenges. A platform encompasses components and rules that facilitate interactions between the platform's users. A platform-based product or service exhibits a network... View Details
- 2023
- Chapter
Market Design Under Weak Institutions
By: Benjamin N. Roth
As market designers begin to address economic inequality, we will necessarily also
begin to engage marginalized populations who have so far not been served well by the
markets in which they participate. We will need new market designs for participants who
may not... View Details
Roth, Benjamin N. "Market Design Under Weak Institutions." In More Equal by Design: Economic Design Responses to Inequality, edited by Scott Duke Kominers and Alex Teytelboym. Oxford University Press, forthcoming.
- Research Summary
Market Triads: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of Market Intermediation (Journal for the Theory of Social Behavior, June 2002)
By: Rakesh Khurana
This paper examines the role of executive search firms in CEO search. The paper argues that the numerical shift from two party market transactions (e.g. buyers and sellers) to three party transactions (e.g. buyers, sellers, and third party) transforms market exchanges... View Details
- Research Summary
By: Feng Zhu
Professor Zhu’s research focuses on the design of platform business models and its impact on platform performance. Platforms have become central to our economy. A platform is a product or service that enables two or more customer groups to interact. For example,... View Details
- Research Summary
Renovating Democratic Capitalism
This in-process work focuses on how best to address the declining public trust and confidence in democratic capitalism, which many citizens consider to be a cornerstone of our national ideology and identity? While the answer to this question is not entirely clear, I... View Details
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