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- Faculty Publications (239)
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- Faculty Publications (239)
- 2010
- Book
The Comingled Code: Open Source and Economic Development
By: Josh Lerner and Mark Schankerman
Discussions of the economic impact of open source software often generate more heat than light. Advocates passionately assert the benefits of open source, while critics decry its effects. Missing from the debate is rigorous economic analysis and systematic... View Details
Keywords: Development Economics; Economic Growth; Policy; Government and Politics; Open Source Distribution; Software
Lerner, Josh, and Mark Schankerman. The Comingled Code: Open Source and Economic Development. MIT Press, 2010.
- June 2010
- Article
Leadership Competencies for Implementing Planned Organizational Change
By: Julie Battilana, Mattia Gilmartin, Anne-Claire Pache, Metin Sengul and Jeffrey A. Alexander
This paper bridges the leadership and organizational change literatures by exploring the relationship between managers' leadership competencies (namely, their effectiveness at person-oriented and task-oriented behaviors) and the likelihood that they will emphasize the... View Details
Keywords: Leadership; Competency and Skills; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Planning; Relationships; Business Processes; Projects; Theory; Change; Behavior; Health Industry; United Kingdom
Battilana, Julie, Mattia Gilmartin, Anne-Claire Pache, Metin Sengul, and Jeffrey A. Alexander. "Leadership Competencies for Implementing Planned Organizational Change." Leadership Quarterly 21, no. 3 (June 2010).
- January 2010
- Journal Article
A Choice Prediction Competition: Choices from Experience and from Description
By: Ido Erev, Eyal Ert, Alvin E. Roth, Ernan E. Haruvy, Stefan Herzog, Robin Hau, Ralph Hertwig, Terrence Steward, Robert West and Christian Lebiere
Erev, Ert, and Roth organized three choice prediction competitions focused on three related choice tasks: one-shot decisions from description (decisions under risk), one-shot decisions from experience, and repeated decisions from experience. Each competition was based... View Details
Keywords: Experience and Expertise; Decision Choices and Conditions; Forecasting and Prediction; Mathematical Methods; Risk and Uncertainty; Competition
Erev, Ido, Eyal Ert, Alvin E. Roth, Ernan E. Haruvy, Stefan Herzog, Robin Hau, Ralph Hertwig, Terrence Steward, Robert West, and Christian Lebiere. "A Choice Prediction Competition: Choices from Experience and from Description." Special Issue on Decisions from Experience. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 23, no. 1 (January 2010).
- 2009
- Working Paper
International Differences in the Size and Roles of Corporate Headquarters: An Empirical Examination
By: David J. Collis, David Young and Michael Goold
This paper examines differences in the size and roles of corporate headquarters around the world. Based on a survey of over 600 multibusiness corporations in seven countries (France, Germany, Holland, UK, Japan, US, and Chile) the paper describes the differences among... View Details
Keywords: Business Headquarters; Size; Organizational Structure; Culture; Japan; France; Germany; Netherlands; United Kingdom; United States; Chile
Collis, David J., David Young, and Michael Goold. "International Differences in the Size and Roles of Corporate Headquarters: An Empirical Examination." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 10-044, December 2009.
- 2009
- Working Paper
India Transformed: Insights from the Firm Level 1988-2005
By: Laura Alfaro and Anusha Chari
Using firm-level data this paper analyzes, the transformation of India's economic structure following the implementation of economic reforms. The focus of the study is on publicly-listed and unlisted firms from across a wide spectrum of manufacturing and services... View Details
Keywords: Transformation; Economic Sectors; Economy; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Growth and Development Strategy; India
Alfaro, Laura, and Anusha Chari. "India Transformed: Insights from the Firm Level 1988-2005." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 10-030, October 2009. (NBER Working Paper Series, No. 15448, October 2009.)
- Article
A Blueprint for Pharmacy Benefits Managers to Increase Value
By: William Shrank, Michael E. Porter, Sachin H. Jain and Niteesh K. Choudhary
Pharmacy benefits managers (PBMs) have a unique opportunity to promote public health and generate value in the healthcare system. However, PBMs are largely evaluated on their ability to control costs rather than improve health. PBMs should be evaluated along three... View Details
Keywords: Opportunities; Health; System; Cost Management; Partners and Partnerships; Motivation and Incentives; Value; Innovation and Invention; Performance Effectiveness; Health Industry; Pharmaceutical Industry
Shrank, William, Michael E. Porter, Sachin H. Jain, and Niteesh K. Choudhary. "A Blueprint for Pharmacy Benefits Managers to Increase Value." American Journal of Managed Care 15, no. 2 (February 2009).
- August 2008
- Article
Economic Links and Predictable Returns
By: Lauren Cohen and Andrea Frazzini
This paper finds evidence of return predictability across economically linked firms. We test the hypothesis that in the presence of investors subject to attention constraints, stock prices do not promptly incorporate news about economically related firms, generating... View Details
Keywords: Economics; Price; Assets; Analytics and Data Science; Customers; Stocks; Equity; Strategy; Investment Return; Forecasting and Prediction
Cohen, Lauren, and Andrea Frazzini. "Economic Links and Predictable Returns." Journal of Finance 63, no. 4 (August 2008). (Winner of Smith Breeden Prize for the Best Paper Published in the Journal of Finance in Asset Pricing (Distinguished Paper) 2008. Winner of Chicago Quantitative Alliance Academic Paper Competition. First Prize presented by Chicago Quantitative Alliance. Winner of BSI Gamma Foundation Research Grant presented by BSI Gamma Foundation.)
- April 2008 (Revised May 2010)
- Case
Visions of Web 3.0
By: Thomas R. Eisenmann and David Andrew Vivero
Explores the Semantic Web, a vision for the next generation of the World Wide Web in which information is stored in machine-readable formats. While the Semantic Web would make information more easily accessible, barriers to its adoption are very high because website... View Details
Keywords: Business Startups; Entrepreneurship; Strategy; Technology Adoption; Digital Platforms; Internet and the Web
Eisenmann, Thomas R., and David Andrew Vivero. "Visions of Web 3.0." Harvard Business School Case 808-147, April 2008. (Revised May 2010.)
- 2007
- Working Paper
Incompatible Assumptions: Barriers to Producing Multidisciplinary Knowledge in Communities of Scholarship
By: Corinne Bendersky and Kathleen L. McGinn
Co-locating knowledge workers from different disciplines may be a necessary but insufficient step to generating multidisciplinary knowledge. We explore the role of assumptions underlying knowledge creation within the field of organizational studies, and investigate how... View Details
Bendersky, Corinne, and Kathleen L. McGinn. "Incompatible Assumptions: Barriers to Producing Multidisciplinary Knowledge in Communities of Scholarship." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 08-044, December 2007.
- 2007
- Working Paper
Choice, Rationality and Welfare Measurement
By: Jerry R. Green and Daniel A. Hojman
We present a method for evaluating the welfare of a decision maker, based on observed choice data. Unlike the standard economic theory of revealed preference, our method can be used whether or not the observed choices are rational. Paralleling the standard theory we... View Details
Green, Jerry R., and Daniel A. Hojman. "Choice, Rationality and Welfare Measurement." HKS Faculty Research Working Paper Series, No. 2144, November 2007.
- 2007
- Working Paper
The New Market for Federal Judicial Law Clerks
By: Christopher Avery, Christine Jolls, Richard Posner and Alvin E. Roth
In the past, judges have often hired applicants for judicial clerkships as early as the beginning of the second year of law school for positions commencing approximately two years down the road. In the new hiring regime for federal judicial law clerks, by contrast,... View Details
- 2006
- Working Paper
The Value of a 'Free' Customer
By: Sunil Gupta, Carl F. Mela and Jose M. Vidal-Sanz
Central to a firm's growth and marketing policy is the revenus and profit potential of its customer assets. As a result, there has been a recent proliferation of work regarding customer lifetime value. However, extant research in this area is silent regarding how to... View Details
Gupta, Sunil, Carl F. Mela, and Jose M. Vidal-Sanz. "The Value of a 'Free' Customer." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 07-035, December 2006.
- October 2006 (Revised August 2023)
- Background Note
Note on Student Outcomes in U.S. Public Education
By: Stacey M. Childress, Stig Leschly and John J-H Kim
Surveys educational outcomes among public school students in the United States. Educational outcomes are categorized as achievement outcomes (measured primarily by students' performance on standardized test results) and attainment outcomes (measured primarily by... View Details
Keywords: Demographics; Education; Outcome or Result; Public Administration Industry; Education Industry; United States
Childress, Stacey M., Stig Leschly, and John J-H Kim. "Note on Student Outcomes in U.S. Public Education." Harvard Business School Background Note 307-068, October 2006. (Revised August 2023.)
- 2004
- Article
Sources of Structural Inequality in Managerial Labor Markets
By: Rakesh Khurana and Mikolaj Jan Piskorski
This article proposes two mechanisms that allow actors to obtain unearned advantages in labor markets. The first mechanism is consistent with collusive closure arguments. However, it questions the assumption that those who seek to benefit from collusive closure will... View Details
Khurana, Rakesh, and Mikolaj Jan Piskorski. "Sources of Structural Inequality in Managerial Labor Markets." Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 21 (2004): 169–187.
- October 2002 (Revised May 2003)
- Background Note
Why Study Large Projects?
By: Benjamin C. Esty
Explains why project companies in general and large projects in particular represent an interesting and managerially relevant subset of total capital investment and why they merit academic research and instruction. Serves as an introductory note for the Large-scale... View Details
Esty, Benjamin C. "Why Study Large Projects?" Harvard Business School Background Note 203-031, October 2002. (Revised May 2003.)
- February 2001
- Case
PlanetFeedback: The Voice of One ... The Power of Many (A)
By: James L. Heskett
The management of PlanetFeedback in proposes a merger with Intelliseek. Their goal is to create a comprehensive C2B and B2B business focused on the generation and analysis for business clients of consumer feedback data via the Internet, Planet Feedback's board of... View Details
Keywords: Mergers and Acquisitions; Decisions; Information Management; Analytics and Data Science; Business Strategy; Internet and the Web; Information Technology Industry
Heskett, James L. "PlanetFeedback: The Voice of One ... The Power of Many (A)." Harvard Business School Case 901-051, February 2001.
- February 2000 (Revised August 2000)
- Case
Microsoft Latin America
By: Robert S. Kaplan, Alberto Ballve and Antonio Davila
Mauricio Santillan, regional vice president for the Latin American division of Microsoft, has introduced a new performance measurement system to help his country managers formulate and control strategy. Microsoft Latin America's priorities are rolling out of an... View Details
Keywords: Balanced Scorecard; Applications and Software; Emerging Markets; Crime and Corruption; Motivation and Incentives; Management Skills; Global Strategy; Strategy; Information Technology Industry; Latin America
Kaplan, Robert S., Alberto Ballve, and Antonio Davila. "Microsoft Latin America." Harvard Business School Case 100-040, February 2000. (Revised August 2000.)
- March 1999 (Revised February 2000)
- Case
Patient Care Delivery Model at the Massachusetts General Hospital, The
By: Amy C. Edmondson, Richard M.J. Bohmer and Emily Heaphy
Examines the implementation of a new patient care delivery model at Massachusetts General Hospital. Uses clinical and financial data to examine different choices for staffing non-physician health care professionals and to understand the challenges of managing change... View Details
Keywords: Change Management; Service Delivery; Health Care and Treatment; Health Industry; Massachusetts
Edmondson, Amy C., Richard M.J. Bohmer, and Emily Heaphy. "Patient Care Delivery Model at the Massachusetts General Hospital, The." Harvard Business School Case 699-154, March 1999. (Revised February 2000.)
- Article
Wealth-Making in Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century Britain: Industry v. Commerce and Finance
By: Tom Nicholas
This paper refutes the hypothesis put forward by W.D. Rubinstein that a disproportionately large share of Britain's wealth makers were active in commercial and financial trades in London. We use a data set of businessmen active in nineteenth- and early... View Details
Keywords: Trade; Finance; Commercialization; Mathematical Methods; Wealth and Poverty; Great Britain; London
Nicholas, Tom. "Wealth-Making in Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century Britain: Industry v. Commerce and Finance." Business History 41, no. 1 (January 1999).
- December 1996 (Revised August 1998)
- Teaching Note
General Mills, Inc.: Appendix of Comparable Company Data TN
Teaching Note for (9-197-037). View Details
Keywords: Food and Beverage Industry