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Show Results For
- All HBS Web
- People (7)
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- Faculty Publications (892)
- 18 Apr 2021
- News
Kominers’s Conundrums: Choose Your Pyramid Words Wisely
- 27 Apr 2015
- News
HBS “Topping Off” of the Ruth Mulan Chu Chao Center
- 09 Apr 2025
- HBS Seminar
Marc Rysman, Boston University
- November 2004
- Case
Deere & Company
By: Ray A. Goldberg and Hal Hogan
John Deere & Co. wants to improve shareholder value and provide incentives to do so. The task is difficult in a volatile agriculture and construction industry. It also wants to be more global and provide machinery that traces commodities from the field to the consumer. View Details
- Article
A New Proof of Serre's Homological Characterization of Regular Local Rings
By: Ravi Jagadeesan and Aaron Landesman
We give a new proof of Serre’s result that a Noetherian local ring is regular if and only if it has finite global dimension. Our proof avoids the explicit construction of a Koszul complex. View Details
Keywords: Mathematical Methods
Jagadeesan, Ravi, and Aaron Landesman. "A New Proof of Serre's Homological Characterization of Regular Local Rings." Art. 18. Research in Number Theory 2 (December 2016).
- May 2002 (Revised August 2006)
- Case
Yangcheng: AES in China
AES, an American electric power company with 141 plants worldwide, is just completing construction of a 2,100-MW plant in China--the largest ever. The project, a joint venture with five local companies, has several environmental, ownership, and operational issues as... View Details
Keywords: Energy Generation; Joint Ventures; Foreign Direct Investment; Environmental Sustainability; Problems and Challenges; Energy Industry; China
Vietor, Richard H.K. "Yangcheng: AES in China." Harvard Business School Case 702-006, May 2002. (Revised August 2006.)
- February 1975 (Revised April 1983)
- Background Note
Note on the Boston Consulting Group Concept of Competitive Analysis and Corporate Strategy
Describes a method of competitive analysis used by the Boston Consulting Group to coordinate a portfolio of products at the corporate level. Construction and interpretation of product portfolio charts is an important aspect of the technique. View Details
Hammond, John S. "Note on the Boston Consulting Group Concept of Competitive Analysis and Corporate Strategy." Harvard Business School Background Note 175-175, February 1975. (Revised April 1983.)
- 01 Nov 2019
- Video
Jaithirth Rao
Jerry Rao, serial entrepreneur and founder of the India-based Value and Budget Housing Corporation, describes the impact of regulation on the construction industry in India, and the need for further change to enable the building of affordable housing. View Details
- November 2015
- Article
The Highest Form of Intelligence: Sarcasm Increases Creativity for Both Expressers and Recipients
By: Li Huang, F. Gino and Adam D. Galinsky
Sarcasm is ubiquitous in organizations. Despite its prevalence, we know surprisingly little about the cognitive experiences of sarcastic expressers and recipients or their behavioral implications. The current research proposes and tests a novel theoretical model in... View Details
Huang, Li, F. Gino, and Adam D. Galinsky. "The Highest Form of Intelligence: Sarcasm Increases Creativity for Both Expressers and Recipients." Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 131 (November 2015): 162–177.
- October 1996
- Article
Assessing the Work Environment for Creativity
By: T. M. Amabile, R. Conti, H. Coon, J. Lazenby and M. Herron
We describe the development and validation of a new instrument, KEYS: Assessing the Climate for Creativity, designed to assess perceived stimulants and obstacles to creativity in organizational work environments. The KEYS scales have acceptable factor structures,... View Details
Keywords: Creativity; Motivation and Incentives; Organizational Culture; Innovation and Invention; Groups and Teams; Performance; Research; Theory
Amabile, T. M., R. Conti, H. Coon, J. Lazenby, and M. Herron. "Assessing the Work Environment for Creativity." Academy of Management Journal 39, no. 5 (October 1996): 1154–1184.
- February 1981 (Revised June 1993)
- Case
Harris Seafoods, Inc.
Presents data relevant to a major capital expenditure--the construction of a shrimp plant. Designed to test student's ability to identify relevant cash flows, to estimate the cost of capital, and to decide whether or not to invest. View Details
Keywords: Decision Making; Cash Flow; Cost of Capital; Factories, Labs, and Plants; Food and Beverage Industry; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry
Fruhan, William E., Jr., and William A. Sahlman. "Harris Seafoods, Inc." Harvard Business School Case 281-054, February 1981. (Revised June 1993.)
- November 2013
- Teaching Note
8 Spruce Street
By: Arthur I Segel
The case begins in March 2009 during the depths of the recession with Forest City Ratner (FCR) Companies, a New York City based developer, facing the decision to halt construction half-way on 8 Spruce Street, the tallest residential tower in the Western Hemisphere, or... View Details
- 17 Jul 2015
- News
Investors Follow Their Conscience
- February 2018 (Revised June 2021)
- Case
New Constructs: Disrupting Fundamental Analysis with Robo-Analysts
By: Charles C.Y. Wang and Kyle Thomas
This case highlights the business challenges associated with a financial technology firm, New Constructs, that created a technology that can quickly parse complicated public firm financials to paint a clearer economic picture of firms, remove accounting distortions,... View Details
Keywords: Fundamental Analysis; Machine Learning; Robo-analysts; Financial Statements; Financial Reporting; Analysis; Information Technology; Accounting Industry; Financial Services Industry; Information Technology Industry; North America; Tennessee
Wang, Charles C.Y., and Kyle Thomas. "New Constructs: Disrupting Fundamental Analysis with Robo-Analysts." Harvard Business School Case 118-068, February 2018. (Revised June 2021.)
- June 2004
- Article
A Catering Theory of Dividends
By: Malcolm Baker and Jeffrey Wurgler
We propose that the decision to pay dividends is driven by prevailing investor demand for dividend payers. Managers cater to investors by paying dividends when investors put a stock price premium on payers, and by not paying when investors prefer nonpayers. To test... View Details
Keywords: Dividends; Catering; Financial Instruments; Investment Return; Business and Shareholder Relations
Baker, Malcolm, and Jeffrey Wurgler. "A Catering Theory of Dividends." Journal of Finance 59, no. 3 (June 2004): 1125–1165.
- February 2008 (Revised September 2009)
- Case
Lance Johnstone: Developing 3000 North Broad
The case focuses on Lance Johnstone, a former NFL player, who has dabbled in real estate development during his playing career, and now, as a retired player, is trying to pursue the development of a 10-unit rental apartment building in a depressed area of Philadelphia,... View Details
Keywords: Budgets and Budgeting; Development Economics; Construction; Entrepreneurship; Financing and Loans; Investment Return; Urban Development; Real Estate Industry; Philadelphia
Roberts, Michael J., and Nabil N. El-Hage. "Lance Johnstone: Developing 3000 North Broad." Harvard Business School Case 808-126, February 2008. (Revised September 2009.)
- 20 Apr 2017
- Video
Klarman Hall Topping Off Ceremony
- 1978
- Article
A Theorem on the Identifiability of the von Neumann-Morgenstern Utility Function from Asset Demands
By: Jerry R. Green, Lawrence J. Lau and Heraklis Polemarchakis
If the demand for risky assets is determined by the maximization of an analytic van Neumann-Morgenstern utility function, and if these demands are known as a function of the assets’ prices, then this utility function can be constructed without ambiguity. View Details
Green, Jerry R., Lawrence J. Lau, and Heraklis Polemarchakis. "A Theorem on the Identifiability of the von Neumann-Morgenstern Utility Function from Asset Demands." Economics Letters 1, no. 3 (1978): 217–220.
- April 2005
- Case
The University of Chicago Investment Office: Investing in Timber
In 2005, the University of Chicago Investment office was deciding how much capital to allocate toward timber investing. Explores the challenges associated with optimal portfolio construction when one of the invested assets is illiquid with limited historical price... View Details
Keywords: Investment Portfolio; Decision Choices and Conditions; Financial Services Industry; Education Industry
Hecht, Peter A., and David Mace. "The University of Chicago Investment Office: Investing in Timber." Harvard Business School Case 205-101, April 2005.