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- All HBS Web
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- June 2024
- Case
Aidoc: Building a Hospital-Centric AI Platform
By: Ariel D. Stern and Susan Pinckney
In 2023, Israel-based AI health care company Aidoc evaluated its future. The company, founded in 2016, had grown from commercializing a single AI product for radiologists to a software platform that could detect 20 conditions and immediately notify care teams of... View Details
Keywords: Business Growth and Maturation; Business Model; Business Organization; Business Startups; Disruption; Cost vs Benefits; Decision Choices and Conditions; Decisions; Private Sector; Entrepreneurial Finance; Global Range; Global Strategy; Globalized Markets and Industries; Governance Compliance; Governance Controls; Governing and Advisory Boards; Policy; Medical Specialties; AI and Machine Learning; Digital Platforms; Digital Transformation; Technology Adoption; Disruptive Innovation; Innovation and Management; Innovation Strategy; Laws and Statutes; Growth and Development Strategy; Growth Management; Distribution; Product Development; Success; Performance Efficiency; Strategic Planning; Research and Development; Risk and Uncertainty; Business Strategy; Competitive Advantage; Value Creation; Health Industry; Israel
Stern, Ariel D., and Susan Pinckney. "Aidoc: Building a Hospital-Centric AI Platform." Harvard Business School Case 624-046, June 2024.
- October 1992 (Revised December 1996)
- Case
Laura Ashley and Federal Express Strategic Alliance
In an effort to improve its global distribution system and thus enhance customer service in its shops around the world, Laura Ashley entered into a path-breaking strategic alliance with Federal Express Business Logistics Services. Under the terms of a loosely... View Details
Keywords: Partners and Partnerships; Customer Focus and Relationships; Distribution Industry; Retail Industry
Loveman, Gary W. "Laura Ashley and Federal Express Strategic Alliance." Harvard Business School Case 693-050, October 1992. (Revised December 1996.)
- March 1990
- Supplement
Provides a brief update about the OTISLINE application and service center concept. Includes discussions of the chairman's perception of the impact of OTISLINE on customer service and the field organization's response to the OTISLINE service. Includes a description of a... View Details
Balaguer, Nancy S. "OTISLINE (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 190-149, March 1990.
- October 2020 (Revised March 2022)
- Case
Automercados Plaza's: Surviving Venezuela's Hyperinflation
By: Alberto Cavallo, Mariana Cal and Carla Larangeira
Under the rule of presidents Hugo Chávez and Nicolas Maduro, Venezuela experienced one of the worst economic and political meltdowns in modern history, culminating with a massive hyperinflation. Remarkably, during this dramatic times Automercados Plaza's had grown to... View Details
Keywords: Hyperinflation; Populism; Inflation and Deflation; Macroeconomics; Management; Strategy; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Business and Government Relations; Retail Industry; South America; Venezuela
Cavallo, Alberto, Mariana Cal, and Carla Larangeira. "Automercados Plaza's: Surviving Venezuela's Hyperinflation." Harvard Business School Case 721-014, October 2020. (Revised March 2022.)
- December 2005 (Revised January 2007)
- Case
Ben & Jerry's: Preserving Mission & Brand within Unilever
By: James E. Austin and James Quinn
In the months after Ben & Jerry's was acquired by Unilever, Ben & Jerry's head social mission faces challenges and opportunities unique in the company's history, including: how to manage employee morale; whether to include synthetic ingredients to meet consumer... View Details
Keywords: Brands and Branding; Problems and Challenges; Mergers and Acquisitions; Mission and Purpose; Social Enterprise; Management Teams; Governing and Advisory Boards; Value Creation; Corporate Governance; Employee Relationship Management; Food and Beverage Industry; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Retail Industry; United States
Austin, James E., and James Quinn. "Ben & Jerry's: Preserving Mission & Brand within Unilever." Harvard Business School Case 306-037, December 2005. (Revised January 2007.)
- January 2023
- Case
EKI Energy Services: One Billion Carbon Credits
By: George Serafeim
Within nine months from the time of its Initial Public Offering (IPO) in April of 2021, EKI Energy Services (EKI) shares had increased by more than 8,000%. Equally explosive was the growth of the company’s revenues and Earnings Before Interest, Taxes and Depreciation... View Details
Keywords: Carbon Credits; Carbon Emissions; Growth; Business Analysis; Environmental Sustainability; Corporate Valuation; Climate Change; Accounting; Valuation; Transition; Renewable Energy; Analysis; Product Positioning; India
Serafeim, George. "EKI Energy Services: One Billion Carbon Credits." Harvard Business School Case 123-060, January 2023.
- Research Summary
By: Antonio Moreno
One major theme of Professor Moreno’s research has been retail channel integration and so-called “omnichannel retail.” In omnichannel retail, retailers provide their customers with a shopping experience that may involve different channels in a way that aims to be... View Details
Keywords: Omnichannel; Omni-channel; Omnichannel Retail; Omnichannel Retailing; Retail; Customer Value and Value Chain; Information Management; Technological Innovation; Distribution; Distribution Channels; Logistics; Product; Product Design; Service Delivery; Supply Chain; Supply Chain Management; Information Technology; Internet; Online Technology; Technology Adoption; Technology Platform; Retail Industry; Technology Industry; Service Industry; Europe; Spain; Latin America
- 18 Apr 2000
- Research & Ideas
Learning in Action
Bean, the U.S. Army's Center for Army Lessons Learned (CALL), AT&T's Bell Laboratories, the Timken Companies and General Electric's Change Acceleration Process (CAP). L.L. Bean has long relied on inquiry as a source of learning to deepen its understanding of... View Details
Keywords: by David A. Garvin
- Research Summary
In my research historical inquiry plays an important part in understanding the continuities from the pre-1949 past and the complex convergence of business institutions in the process of China’s current economic, political, and social modernization. Historians are able... View Details
- October 1993 (Revised September 1994)
- Case
Catalina Marketing Corp.
By: David E. Bell, Walter J. Salmon and Dinny Starr
Catalina Marketing is a very successful marketing service firm. Their current customers include major supermarket retailers and consumer products manufacturers nation-wide. Catalina provides a unique way for these clients to distribute coupons for their products via... View Details
Keywords: Advertising; Information Management; Expansion; Product; Salesforce Management; Information Technology; Growth and Development Strategy; Customer Value and Value Chain; Advertising Industry
Bell, David E., Walter J. Salmon, and Dinny Starr. "Catalina Marketing Corp." Harvard Business School Case 594-026, October 1993. (Revised September 1994.)
- October 1995 (Revised January 1998)
- Case
Cybersmith is a new company that has created a new retailing concept. This particular store has been reported in over 250 newspapers, and by every major American television network. Some would classify it as an on-line cafe, but management has positioned the store as... View Details
Keywords: Marketing Strategy; Joint Ventures; Consumer Behavior; Product Marketing; Innovation and Invention; Retail Industry; Cambridge
Sviokla, John J., and Thomas A. Gerace. "Cybersmith." Harvard Business School Case 396-314, October 1995. (Revised January 1998.)
- March 1999
- Case
MySoftware Company (A)
By: H. Kent Bowen and Nicole Tempest
In 1997, Gregory Slayton took the position as CEO of MySoftware, which had been experiencing revenue and operating losses for the past two years. Within 90 days, he stabilized the company through a combination of cost cutting, financial discipline, and accountability... View Details
Keywords: Decisions; Cost Management; Profit; Employees; Growth and Development Strategy; Operations; Outcome or Result; Partners and Partnerships; Internet and the Web; Applications and Software; Information Technology Industry
Bowen, H. Kent, and Nicole Tempest. "MySoftware Company (A)." Harvard Business School Case 699-121, March 1999.
- September 1993 (Revised December 1993)
- Background Note
Note on Pricing and Public Policy
Surveys a number of essential issues related to pricing and public policy in market economies. Begins with a brief review of the price-determination process in competitive markets, then examines a range of topics involving pricing and public policy in monopoly and... View Details
Keywords: Price; Business Strategy; Policy; Valuation; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Competition; Economic Systems; Monopoly; Duopoly and Oligopoly; Cost
Emmons, Willis M., III. "Note on Pricing and Public Policy." Harvard Business School Background Note 794-027, September 1993. (Revised December 1993.)
- June 2001
- Case
By: Bharat N. Anand and Taslim Pirmohamed
Examines the evolution of AtomFilms--one of the few companies that survived the spate of failures in digital entertainment in 2000--from the time of its founding in 1998 to its merger with Shockwave in December 2000. Within a short period of time, AtomFilms had built... View Details
Keywords: Mergers and Acquisitions; Resource Allocation; Brands and Branding; Organizational Structure; Problems and Challenges; Alliances; Strategy; Entertainment and Recreation Industry
Anand, Bharat N., and Taslim Pirmohamed. "AtomFilms." Harvard Business School Case 701-063, June 2001.
- May 2013
- Case
Wendy Peterson
By: Linda A. Hill and Alisa Zalosh
Wendy Peterson was recently promoted to Vice President of Sales at the Plano, Texas, office of AccountBack, an accounting software and services company. To penetrate a perceived market niche, Peterson hires Fred (Xing) Wu, whose familiarity with and access to Chinese... View Details
Keywords: Leadership; Conflict Management; Salesforce Management; Rank and Position; Performance Evaluation; Management Teams; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Accounting Industry; Texas
Hill, Linda A., and Alisa Zalosh. "Wendy Peterson." Harvard Business School Brief Case 913-560, May 2013.
- March 2015 (Revised December 2016)
- Case
Evans Food
By: Sunil Gupta
In April 2014, Hector Guerra (GMP 16) was discussing his company's dilemma with his living group of the General Management Program (GMP) at the Harvard Business School. Guerra was Vice President of Operations at Evans Food, a $100 million company, which produced pork... View Details
Keywords: Food; Production; Cost Management; Supply Chain; Retail Industry; Food and Beverage Industry; United States
Gupta, Sunil. "Evans Food." Harvard Business School Case 515-095, March 2015. (Revised December 2016.)
- December 2020
- Supplement
France Télécom (C): An Unprecedented Trial
In the C case we learn that former CEO Didier Lombard, Deputy Chief Executive Louis-Pierre Wenes, Human Resources Head Olivier Barberot and France Telecom itself were charged for institutional harassment by French authorities, a first for a CAC 40 company. In December... View Details
Keywords: Human Behavior; Human Dignity; Human Resource Practices; Corporate Change And Sustainability; Corporate Culture; Strategic Corporate Decisions; Strategic Change; Strategic Decision Making; Emotion; Management Challenges; Corporate Accountability; Organizational Culture; Human Resources; Crisis Management; Law; Courts and Trials; Labor; Labor and Management Relations; Management Practices and Processes; Employees; Well-being; Telecommunications Industry; Europe; European Union
Montgomery, Cynthia A., and Ashley V. Whillans. "France Télécom (C): An Unprecedented Trial." Harvard Business School Supplement 721-422, December 2020.
- 20 Oct 2011
- Research & Ideas
Getting the Marketing Mix Right
Businesses rely on solid marketing strategies to boost sales—yet the tools used to evaluate these strategies often provide misleading results, leaving managers with the inability to accurately measure how they can get the best bang for... View Details
Keywords: by Dina Gerdeman
- 2008
- Working Paper
Contracting for Servicizing
Servicizing, a novel business practice that sells product functionality rather than products, has been touted as an environmentally beneficial business practice. This paper describes how servicizing transactions mitigate some problems associated with sales... View Details
Keywords: Customer Focus and Relationships; Contracts; Market Transactions; Service Delivery; Service Operations; Sales
Toffel, Michael W. "Contracting for Servicizing." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 08-063, February 2008. (February 2008.)
- July 2022
- Teaching Note
Arçelik (A), (B): From a Dealer Network to an Omnichannel Experience
By: Ayelet Israeli, Fares Khrais and Menna Hassan
Arçelik Turkey, the country’s market leader in household appliances, was at an omnichannel crossroads in January 2020. Arçelik was a B2B player utilizing a dealership network with an umbrella of brands and had one of the largest brick-and-mortar store networks in... View Details
Keywords: Digital Marketing; Bricks And Mortar; Franchise Management; Franchising; Dealer Network; Dealers; B2B; B2B2C; Tradition; Culture Change; Cultural Adaptation; Omnichannel; Omnichannel Retail; Omni-channel; Omnichannel Retailing; Sales Channels; Sales Channel Development; Channel Management; Channels Of Distribution; Marketplace; Platforms; Collaboration; Online Channel; Online Data; Online Sales; Online Shopping; Online; Retail; Retailing; Disruption; Transformation; Franchise Ownership; Change Management; Partners and Partnerships; Consumer Behavior; Sales; Internet and the Web; Marketing Strategy; Conflict and Resolution; Conflict Management; Organizational Culture; Distribution Channels; Digital Transformation; Electronics Industry; Retail Industry; Consumer Products Industry; Turkey