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- All HBS Web
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- September 2019 (Revised January 2021)
- Case
Vispera: Visual Intelligence for Retail
By: Yael Grushka-Cockayne and Gamze Yucaoglu
The case opens in 2019 as Aytul Ercil, co-founder and CEO of Vispera, computer vision technology provider for retail, is contemplating the company’s agenda trying to decide how to prioritize the impeding options. The case chronicles the founding of Vispera, the... View Details
Keywords: Computer Vision Technology; Visual Analysis; Retail; Information Technology; Business Model; Operations; Performance Efficiency; Competitive Strategy; Decision Choices and Conditions; Global Strategy; Technology Industry; Retail Industry; Turkey
Grushka-Cockayne, Yael, and Gamze Yucaoglu. "Vispera: Visual Intelligence for Retail." Harvard Business School Case 620-022, September 2019. (Revised January 2021.)
- 28 May 2015
- News
Crossing disciplines, finding knowledge
- 24 Oct 2023
- HBS Case
From P.T. Barnum to Mary Kay: Lessons From 5 Leaders Who Changed the World
What makes a leader great? A dose of luck, for sure. But specific leadership traits mark extraordinary individuals time and time again and help elevate the standouts from the vast middle. That’s the overarching takeaway from an extensive... View Details
Keywords: by Avery Forman
- 26 Jan 2012
- Working Paper Summaries
Behavioral Ethics: Toward a Deeper Understanding of Moral Judgment and Dishonesty
Keywords: by Max H. Bazerman & Francesca Gino
- 2010
- Working Paper
Just Say No to Wall Street: Putting A Stop to the Earnings Game
By: Joseph Fuller and Michael C. Jensen
Putting an end to the "earnings game" requires that CEOs reclaim the initiative by avoiding earnings guidance and managing expectations in such a way that their stocks trade reasonably close to their intrinsic value. In place of earnings forecasts, management should... View Details
Keywords: Stocks; Performance Expectations; Goals and Objectives; Risk and Uncertainty; Growth and Development Strategy; Decisions; Risk Management; Budgets and Budgeting; Earnings Management; Value; Projects
Fuller, Joseph, and Michael C. Jensen. "Just Say No to Wall Street: Putting A Stop to the Earnings Game." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 10-090, April 2010.
- 28 Apr 2016
- Blog Post
3 Concerns I Had about HBS
convinced me not to worry back in 2013; like all life lessons, I had to figure them out myself. But being cognizant of your concerns about business school (even during the application process!) can help you make better, more thoughtful... View Details
- Web
Social Enterprise | Harvard Business School
Social Enterprise Initiative We educate, support, and inspire leaders across all sectors to tackle society's toughest challenges and make a difference in the world. Supporting a Dynamic Community MBA Experience Learn more about... View Details
- Program
PLD Module 5
company build and sustain a competitive advantage. You will emerge with the leadership skills and confidence to make high-level decisions that support your organization's financial needs, legal requirements,... View Details
- January 2005 (Revised August 2006)
- Case
Lean Forward Media
By: Teresa M. Amabile and Victoria Winston
Jeff Norton and Michelle Crames, the co-founders of Lean Forward Media, face several options for producing the world's first interactive DVD film for children. Their vision is to build a company whose products simultaneously entertain children, engage them actively in... View Details
Keywords: Decision Choices and Conditions; Early Childhood Education; Games, Gaming, and Gambling; Entrepreneurship; Venture Capital; Management Practices and Processes; Risk Management; Partners and Partnerships; Opportunities; Creativity
Amabile, Teresa M., and Victoria Winston. "Lean Forward Media." Harvard Business School Case 805-063, January 2005. (Revised August 2006.)
- 05 Dec 2019
- Blog Post
Addressing Unmet Needs in Health Care Using an MBA
No one can convey the impact of an MBA from Harvard Business School better than our alumni. And, when it comes to a career health care, there are a multitude of paths that one can choose. From care delivery and insurance to life sciences and entrepreneurship, the... View Details
- March 2022
- Supplement
Winning Business at Russell Reynolds (B)
By: Ethan Bernstein and Cara Mazzucco
In an effort to make compensation drive collaboration, Russell Reynolds Associates’ (RRA) CEO Clarke Murphy sought to re-engineer the bonus system for his executive search consultants in 2016. As his HR analytics guru, Kelly Smith, points out, that risks upsetting–and... View Details
Keywords: Compensation; Collaboration; Executive Search Firms; Consulting Firms; Compensation and Benefits; Restructuring; Human Resources; Human Capital; Management Practices and Processes; Organizational Culture; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Social and Collaborative Networks; Recruitment; Selection and Staffing; Talent and Talent Management; Consulting Industry; Employment Industry; Asia; Europe; Latin America; Middle East; North and Central America; South America; Oceania
Bernstein, Ethan, and Cara Mazzucco. "Winning Business at Russell Reynolds (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 422-046, March 2022.
- 17 Dec 2007
- Research & Ideas
The Rise of Medical Tourism
the output or the input," explains Khanna. "Applying this idea to human health care sounds a bit crude, but the output is the patient, the input is the doctor. We used to move the input around, and make doctors go to new... View Details
- Article
Prosocial Spending and Buying Time: Money as a Tool for Increasing Subjective Well-Being
By: Elizabeth Dunn, A.V. Whillans, Michael I. Norton and Lara B. Aknin
Researchers have long been interested in the relationship between income and happiness, but a newer wave of work suggests that how people use their money also matters. We discuss the three primary areas in which psychologists have explored the relationship... View Details
Dunn, Elizabeth, A.V. Whillans, Michael I. Norton, and Lara B. Aknin. "Prosocial Spending and Buying Time: Money as a Tool for Increasing Subjective Well-Being." Advances in Experimental Social Psychology 61 (2020): 67–126.
- Web
Curriculum - Case Method Project
Curriculum Curriculum Cases James Madison, the 'Federal Negative,' and the Making of the U.S. Constitution (1787) This case begins with the American Revolution and concludes at the Constitutional Convention. It describes the many... View Details
- May 2010
- Article
Does Product Market Competition Lead Firms to Decentralize?
By: Nicholas Bloom, Raffaella Sadun and John Van Reenen
There is a widespread sense that over the last two decades firms have been decentralizing decisions to employees further down the managerial hierarchy. Economists have developed a range of theories to account for delegation, but there is less empirical evidence,... View Details
Keywords: Product; Markets; Competition; Business Ventures; Geographic Location; Employees; Research; Programs; Decisions
Bloom, Nicholas, Raffaella Sadun, and John Van Reenen. "Does Product Market Competition Lead Firms to Decentralize?" American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings 100, no. 2 (May 2010): 434–438.
- September 1992 (Revised July 1994)
- Case
MEM Company, Inc.: English Leather
By: Frank V. Cespedes and Laura Goode
In 1992, the president of MEM (a producer of personal care products, including men's fragrances) considered a redeployment of field sales efforts and changes in sales compensation policies. Any changes, moreover, must consider the context of strategic decisions... View Details
Keywords: Change Management; Decision Choices and Conditions; Brands and Branding; Product Positioning; Consumer Behavior; Distribution Channels; Business Strategy; Consumer Products Industry
Cespedes, Frank V., and Laura Goode. "MEM Company, Inc.: English Leather." Harvard Business School Case 593-035, September 1992. (Revised July 1994.)
- 14 Dec 2010
- First Look
First Look: Dec. 14
social comparison, overconfidence, and loss aversion reduce the viability of individual performance-based compensation systems and provides a framework that integrates insights from psychology and decision research into the traditional... View Details
Keywords: Sean Silverthorne
- December 1992 (Revised March 1993)
- Case
Mark Miller (A)
Describes the career of Mark Miller, who went into his family's motel business as a young man, took over active management, and grew the enterprise to the point where it is a $25 million in revenue, $30 million equity value business. Focuses on a growth acquisition... View Details
Keywords: Acquisition; Family Business; Decisions; Entrepreneurship; Revenue; Leadership Style; Goals and Objectives; Personal Development and Career
Roberts, Michael J. "Mark Miller (A)." Harvard Business School Case 393-082, December 1992. (Revised March 1993.)
- November 2017 (Revised July 2019)
- Case
Project Moab at Hulu
By: C. Fritz Foley and James Weber
In 2015, Elaine Paul, CFO of Hulu, and the rest of the senior leadership team, must decide if they should offer a new, advertisement-free subscription service. At the time Hulu distributed a wide variety of content including in season current programing and earned... View Details
Keywords: Video On Demand; Subscriber Models; Media; Business Model; Decision Choices and Conditions; Media and Broadcasting Industry; Entertainment and Recreation Industry; United States
Foley, C. Fritz, and James Weber. "Project Moab at Hulu." Harvard Business School Case 218-050, November 2017. (Revised July 2019.)
- 07 Aug 2009
- What Do You Think?
Why Can’t Americans Get Health Care Right?
liability encourage the practice of "overly-safe" and expensive medicine, (9) providers have fragmented and often incomplete information, and (10) consumers either have too little information with which to make rational View Details