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- All HBS Web
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- June 2007 (Revised January 2008)
- Case
The Vanguard Group, Inc. in 2006 and Target Retirement Funds
By: Luis M. Viceira
The Vanguard Group is one of the largest asset managers in the U.S., with over $1 trillion in assets, ninety percent of which are mutual fund assets, and more than 12,000 employees at year-end 2006. Vanguard has built a strong reputation as the manager of reference for... View Details
Keywords: Asset Management; Investment Funds; Personal Finance; Brands and Branding; Retirement; Trust; Financial Services Industry; United States
Viceira, Luis M. "The Vanguard Group, Inc. in 2006 and Target Retirement Funds." Harvard Business School Case 207-129, June 2007. (Revised January 2008.)
- April 2008 (Revised May 2008)
- Case
Commonwealth Care Alliance: Elderly and Disabled Care
By: Michael E. Porter and Jennifer F Baron
Individuals enrolled in both Medicare and Medicaid, known as dual eligibles, are among the highest-cost beneficiaries in the US. Commonwealth Care Alliance, a small nonprofit insurer and care delivery system in Massachusetts, operated under a public demonstration... View Details
Keywords: Programs; Public Sector; Alliances; Policy; Age; Service Delivery; Value; Health Care and Treatment; Welfare; Insurance Industry; Health Industry; Massachusetts
Porter, Michael E., and Jennifer F Baron. "Commonwealth Care Alliance: Elderly and Disabled Care." Harvard Business School Case 708-502, April 2008. (Revised May 2008.)
- 16 Apr 2013
- First Look
First Look: April 16
client relationships to the rest of the company, growing their business from just local transactions to the full array of services JLL provided. Second, local brokers became aware of a great number of... View Details
Keywords: Sean Silverthorne
- March 2016 (Revised February 2017)
- Case
Hello Alfred: Come Home Happy
By: Joseph B. Fuller and Carin-Isabel Knoop
On a mission to "automate the on-demand economy," Harvard Business School classmates Marcela Sapone and Jessica Beck launched Hello Alfred in 2013 to provide subscribers with an "Alfred" to complete various chores for a monthly fee. In early 2016, the company has built... View Details
Keywords: On-demand Economy; Sharing Economy; Technology Startup; Technology; Growth Strategy; Business Startups; Business Growth and Maturation; Entrepreneurship; Mobile and Wireless Technology; Strategic Planning; Service Industry; United States; Boston; Cambridge; New York (city, NY); California
Fuller, Joseph B., and Carin-Isabel Knoop. "Hello Alfred: Come Home Happy." Harvard Business School Case 316-154, March 2016. (Revised February 2017.)
- Winter 2019
- Article
Value-based Health Care: Lessons for the Anesthesiologist
By: J.A. Martin, B.L. Potter, T.F. Flanagan and T.W. Feeley
At one point or another in our life, we all become consumers of the health care industry. Indeed, health care affects everyone and encompasses a diverse set of services from childbirth, to illness prevention, to the management of chronic disease and end-of-life care.... View Details
Keywords: Value-based Health Care; Anesthesiologists; Health Care and Treatment; Value; Cost Management; Problems and Challenges; Health Industry; United States
Martin, J.A., B.L. Potter, T.F. Flanagan, and T.W. Feeley. "Value-based Health Care: Lessons for the Anesthesiologist." International Anesthesiology Clinics 57, no. 1 (Winter 2019): 63–80.
- 31 Jul 2013
- Working Paper Summaries
Learning from Double-Digit Growth Experiences
Keywords: by Eric D. Werker
- 16 Jul 2009
- Working Paper Summaries
Principles that Matter: Sustaining Software Innovation from the Client to the Web
- September 2020 (Revised July 2022)
- Case
Tulsa Remote: Moving Talent to Middle America
By: Prithwiraj (Raj) Choudhury, Emma Salomon and Brittany Logan
Tulsa Remote sought to attract a diverse group of remote workers to the city of Tulsa, Oklahoma—and was willing to put its money where its mouth was, offering $10,000 and a range of wraparound services for its program participants. After a successful pilot year, which... View Details
Keywords: Remote Work; Relocation; COVID-19 Pandemic; Community; Employment; Internet and the Web; Geographic Location; Programs; Employees; Diversity; Recruitment; Oklahoma; Tulsa
Choudhury, Prithwiraj (Raj), Emma Salomon, and Brittany Logan. "Tulsa Remote: Moving Talent to Middle America." Harvard Business School Case 621-048, September 2020. (Revised July 2022.)
- March 2018 (Revised June 2018)
- Case
City Year at 30: Toward Long-Term Impact
By: Rosabeth Moss Kanter and James Weber
In 2018, City Year was a 30-year-old nonprofit that recruited and organized teams of young-adult “volunteers” (corps teams) to provide a year of citizen service. It had 3,100 corps members serving in 327 schools located in 28 U.S. cities. In its early decades, City... View Details
Keywords: Education; Service Operations; Nonprofit Organizations; Growth and Development Strategy; Performance Efficiency; Resource Allocation; Change Management; Social Entrepreneurship; Middle School Education; Secondary Education; Philanthropy and Charitable Giving; Human Capital; Growth Management; Service Delivery; Organizational Design; Social Enterprise; Poverty; United States
Kanter, Rosabeth Moss, and James Weber. "City Year at 30: Toward Long-Term Impact." Harvard Business School Case 318-089, March 2018. (Revised June 2018.)
- 18 Jul 2023
- Research & Ideas
Will Global Demand for Oil Peak This Decade?
Is the globe’s thirst for oil finally topping out? A major international energy watcher says yes, predicting last month that demand for global oil for transport will peak around 2026, plateau for all uses by 2028, and possibly hit a zenith by the end of the decade.... View Details
- May 2011 (Revised March 2012)
- Case
InterfaceRAISE: Sustainability Consulting
By: Michael W. Toffel, Robert G. Eccles and Casey Taylor
InterfaceRAISE is a sustainability management consulting firm created to leverage the capabilities of its parent company Interface Inc., a carpet manufacturer recognized as a global leader in corporate environmental sustainability. This case illustrates the challenges... View Details
Keywords: Problems and Challenges; Integrated Corporate Reporting; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Entrepreneurship; Performance; Environmental Accounting; Profit; Marketing Strategy; Human Resources; Business Model; Leveraged Buyouts; Salesforce Management; Consulting Industry; Manufacturing Industry
Toffel, Michael W., Robert G. Eccles, and Casey Taylor. "InterfaceRAISE: Sustainability Consulting." Harvard Business School Case 611-069, May 2011. (Revised March 2012.)
- 07 Oct 2008
- Working Paper Summaries
Securing Online Advertising: Rustlers and Sheriffs in the New Wild West
- 19 Jan 2016
- First Look
January 19, 2016
which casts the profit-seeking incentives of firms as the main driver of technical change. In a series of influential writings, von Hippel and colleagues found empirical evidence that flatly contradicted the... View Details
Keywords: Sean Silverthorne
- June 2014
- Supplement
Chung and Dasgupta: Information for Jordan Ramirez
By: Ian Larkin and Karen Huang
The "Promotion Process at Chung and Dasgupta, LLP" set of cases explores the roles of general and firm-specific human capital in employee performance measurement, feedback, and promotion/compensation decisions. In the cases, a leading law firm must decide whether to... View Details
Keywords: Performance Appraisal; Performance Measurement; Employee Feedback; Motivation; Promotions; Human Capital; Performance Evaluation; Management Systems; Compensation and Benefits; Retention; Legal Services Industry; United States; Massachusetts
Larkin, Ian, and Karen Huang. "Chung and Dasgupta: Information for Jordan Ramirez." Harvard Business School Supplement 914-046, June 2014.
- October 2019 (Revised August 2020)
- Case
The Predictive Index
By: Lynda M. Applegate and James Weber
Mike Zani and Daniel Muzquiz needed to decide next steps to create a new category in the human resources consulting industry and scale their company.
Zani and Muzquiz, serial entrepreneurs, acquired Predictive Index in 2014. Previously, as clients of the... View Details
Zani and Muzquiz, serial entrepreneurs, acquired Predictive Index in 2014. Previously, as clients of the... View Details
Keywords: Human Resources; Selection and Staffing; Talent and Talent Management; Recruitment; Corporate Entrepreneurship; Venture Capital; Change Management; Disruptive Innovation; Digital Platforms; Growth and Development Strategy; Consulting Industry; Service Industry; United States
Applegate, Lynda M., and James Weber. "The Predictive Index." Harvard Business School Case 820-034, October 2019. (Revised August 2020.)
Vikram Gandhi
Vikram S. Gandhi is the Gerald P. Kaminsky Senior Lecturer of Business Administration in the General Management Unit. He has developed and teaches two new courses in the Elective Curriculum of the MBA Program. The first is a finance and investing course, Sustainable... View Details
Keywords: financial services
- December 2015 (Revised April 2019)
- Case
Chicken Republic
By: Jose Alvarez and Natalie Kindred
Deji Akinyanju, founder of Nigerian fast-food chain Chicken Republic, and Ayo Oduntan, founder of an integrated Nigerian poultry operation (Amo Byng Group), are among a growing cadre of skilled food-industry entrepreneurs for whom the opportunities to serve the... View Details
Keywords: Poultry; Chicken; Value Chain; Emerging Market; Chicken Republic; Amo Byng; Doreo Partners; Babban Gona; Reform; MINT; QSR; Quick Serve Restaurant; Fast Food; Corruption; Growth; Leadership; Food; Customer Value and Value Chain; Supply Chain; Infrastructure; Animal-Based Agribusiness; Entrepreneurship; Emerging Markets; Crime and Corruption; Governance; Growth and Development; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Nigeria; Africa
Alvarez, Jose, and Natalie Kindred. "Chicken Republic." Harvard Business School Case 516-052, December 2015. (Revised April 2019.)
- 22 Sep 2009
- First Look
First Look: September 22
cash flow to ensure this. Evidence shows that there are limits to venture capital as a solution to the funding gap, especially in countries where public equity markets for venture capital exit are not highly... View Details
Keywords: Martha Lagace
- July 2024
- Supplement
Fail Safe Testing, Inc. (A)
By: Richard S. Ruback and Royce Yudkoff
Pre-Abstract: Instructors should consider the timing of making videos available to students, as they may reveal key case details.
Abstract: Fail Safe Testing, Inc., founded in 1988, was the leading provider of fire hose pressure testing, ground ladder and pump... View Details
Abstract: Fail Safe Testing, Inc., founded in 1988, was the leading provider of fire hose pressure testing, ground ladder and pump... View Details
Ruback, Richard S., and Royce Yudkoff. "Fail Safe Testing, Inc. (A)." Harvard Business School Multimedia/Video Supplement 224-749, July 2024.
- January 2024 (Revised January 2025)
- Case
Colbún and Chile’s Energy Transition
By: Forest Reinhardt, Jenyfeer Martinez Buitrago and Mariana Cal
In May 2023, Colbún, Chile’s second-largest electricity generator, plans capacity expansions using renewable energy and storage. This strategy supports Chile’s commitment to carbon neutrality (also known as net zero emissions) by 2050. The case delves into the... View Details
Keywords: Transition; Energy Generation; Renewable Energy; Climate Change; Investment; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Infrastructure; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Expansion; Business Strategy; Energy Industry; Utilities Industry; Latin America; South America; Chile
Reinhardt, Forest, Jenyfeer Martinez Buitrago, and Mariana Cal. "Colbún and Chile's Energy Transition." Harvard Business School Case 724-026, January 2024. (Revised January 2025.)