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- Faculty Publications (2,159)
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- All HBS Web
- Faculty Publications (2,159)
- Forthcoming
- Article
Government, Business and Making China an Educational Powerhouse Since the 1980s
- Research Summary
Growing as a Purposeful Leader
Leaders today have to lead in the context of extraordinary changes and challenges. The demands of today's stakeholders have risen significantly, and what is expected of senior leaders is quickly evolving in terms of their mission (more than profit),... View Details
- Research Summary
Growth and the Quality of Foreign Direct Investment: Is All FDI Equal? (joint with Andrew Charlton)
- Research Summary
How Does Foreign Direct Investment Promote Economic Growth? Exploring the Effects of Financial Markets on Linkages (with Areendam Chanda, Sebnem Kalemli-Ozcan and Selin Sayek)
- Research Summary
Hybrid organizing
While historically the commercial and social sectors have evolved on fairly separate tracks, over the last 30 years we have witnessed a blurring of the boundaries between these two sectors. In an effort to account for this transition, Professor Battilana’s second... View Details
- Forthcoming
- Article
In the Red: Overdrafts, Payday Lending and the Underbanked
- Research Summary
International Financial Integration and Entrepreneurship (joint with Andrew Charlton)
- Teaching Interest
Interpretability and Explainability in Machine Learning
As machine learning models are increasingly being employed to aid decision makers in high-stakes settings such as healthcare and criminal justice, it is important to ensure that the decision makers correctly understand and consequent trust the functionality of these... View Details
- 14 Aug 2017
- Conference Presentation
Interpretable and Explorable Approximations of Black Box Models
- Research Summary
Intra-Industry Foreign Direct Investment (joint with Andrew Charlton)
- Teaching Interest
Investing: Risk, Return and Impact (MBA)
This is an investing/finance course, designed to build on skills introduced in the RC finance course, but with an emphasis on how and whether investors should incorporate what have traditionally been considered “non-financial” criteria in their decisions: for... View Details
- Teaching Interest
Investment Management Workshop
- Research Summary
Islamic Financing Practices
- 2024
- Dictionary Entry
Jerry R. Green (1946-)
- Teaching Interest
Leadership and Corporate Accountability
- Teaching Interest
Leadership and Organizational Behavior (LEAD)
Professor Bernstein taught Leadership and Organizational Behavior (LEAD) from 2013-2016 (7 sections). This course focuses on how managers become effective leaders by addressing the human side of enterprise.
The course is divided into five modules:
- Research Summary
Leadership, Innovation, and Talent Management
- Teaching Interest
Leading Change and Organizational Renewal
- Teaching Interest
Leading Innovation and Change
- Teaching Interest