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- Faculty Publications (226)
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- Faculty Publications (226)
- 2002
- Chapter
Cross Sector Collaboration: Lessons from the International Trachoma Initiative
By: Diana Barrett, James E. Austin and Sheila McCarthy
Keywords: Health Disorders; Health Care and Treatment; Public Sector; Private Sector; Business and Government Relations; International Relations; Health Industry
Barrett, Diana, James E. Austin, and Sheila McCarthy. "Cross Sector Collaboration: Lessons from the International Trachoma Initiative." In Public-Private Partnerships for Public Health, edited by Michael R. Reich.Harvard Series on Population and International Health. Harvard University Press, 2002.
- October 2001 (Revised March 2006)
- Case
Chad-Cameroon Petroleum Development and Pipeline Project (A), The
By: Benjamin C. Esty and Carrie Ferman
On June 6, 2000, the World Bank's and IFC's board of directors was scheduled to vote on whether to approve funding for the $4 billion Chad-Cameroon Petroleum Development and Pipeline project. Although the project presented a unique opportunity to alleviate poverty in... View Details
Keywords: Risk Management; Negotiation; Ethics; Social Issues; Economic Sectors; Investment; Cost vs Benefits; Project Finance; Developing Countries and Economies; Corporate Finance; Mining Industry; Chad; Cameroon
Esty, Benjamin C., and Carrie Ferman. "Chad-Cameroon Petroleum Development and Pipeline Project (A), The." Harvard Business School Case 202-010, October 2001. (Revised March 2006.)
- June 2001
- Case
Documents attempts to restructure a public-private partnership between the operator of a $200 million trash-to-energy cogeneration plant and a consortium of two dozen Massachusetts municipalities. Describes the process that led to a one-sided agreement, as well as the... View Details
Keywords: Private Sector; Public Sector; Energy Generation; Corporate Governance; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Negotiation Deal; Negotiation Process; Partners and Partnerships; Wastes and Waste Processing; Energy Industry; Massachusetts
Wheeler, Michael A. "NESWC (A)." Harvard Business School Case 801-067, June 2001.
- January 2001
- Case
Merck Global Health Initiatives (A)
By: James E. Austin, Diana Barrett and James Weber
The case series focuses on Merck's drug donation program and then raises new issues facing management about what to do about HIV/AIDS in Africa given the company's development of a new therapy. Describes collaboration among many parties including the Gates Foundation,... View Details
Keywords: Programs; Philanthropy and Charitable Giving; Health Disorders; Health Care and Treatment; Private Sector; Public Sector; Alliances; Problems and Challenges; Pharmaceutical Industry; Botswana
Austin, James E., Diana Barrett, and James Weber. "Merck Global Health Initiatives (A)." Harvard Business School Case 301-088, January 2001.
- January 2001
- Case
Merck Global Health Initiatives (B): Botswana
By: James E. Austin, Diana Barrett and James Weber
The case series focuses on Merck's drug donation program and then raises new issues facing management about what to do about HIV/AIDS in Africa given the company's development of a new therapy. Describes collaboration among many parties including the Gates Foundation,... View Details
Keywords: Health Disorders; Health Care and Treatment; Private Sector; Public Sector; Alliances; Problems and Challenges; Africa; Botswana
Austin, James E., Diana Barrett, and James Weber. "Merck Global Health Initiatives (B): Botswana." Harvard Business School Case 301-089, January 2001.
- January 2001 (Revised May 2001)
- Case
Russia: The End of a Time of Troubles?
By: Rawi E. Abdelal
Describes Russia's troubled economic transition since 1991, highlights the problem of institutional development, and surveys the challenges President Vladimir Putin faced in 2000. The first section provides a brief synopsis of liberalization, stabilization, and... View Details
Keywords: Transition; Public Sector; Privatization; Economy; Developing Countries and Economies; Government and Politics; Business and Government Relations; Russia
Abdelal, Rawi E. "Russia: The End of a Time of Troubles?" Harvard Business School Case 701-076, January 2001. (Revised May 2001.)
- January 2001 (Revised May 2001)
- Background Note
State, The
By: Rawi E. Abdelal
Surveys approaches to understanding the state; highlights the relationships between the state, order, and property; and offers an analytical framework for how states vary from place to place and over time. View Details
Keywords: Business and Government Relations; Governance Compliance; Framework; Economic Sectors; Policy; Private Ownership; Public Ownership; Entrepreneurship; Development Economics; Equality and Inequality
Abdelal, Rawi E. "State, The." Harvard Business School Background Note 701-077, January 2001. (Revised May 2001.)
- 2001
- Chapter
Publicly Funded Science and the Productivity of the Pharmaceutical Industry
By: Rebecca Henderson and Ian Cockburn
U.S. taxpayers funded $14.8 billion of health related research last year, four times the amount that was spent in 1970 in real terms. In this paper we evaluate the impact of these huge expenditures on the technological performance of the pharmaceutical industry. While... View Details
Keywords: Public Sector; Science-Based Business; Research and Development; Sovereign Finance; Pharmaceutical Industry
Henderson, Rebecca, and Ian Cockburn. "Publicly Funded Science and the Productivity of the Pharmaceutical Industry." In Innovation Policy and the Economy, Volume 1, edited by Adam B. Jaffe, Josh Lerner, and Scott Stern, 1–34. MIT Press, 2001.
- December 2000 (Revised January 2001)
- Background Note
Promise of Functional Foods, The
By: Ray A. Goldberg, Carin-Isabel Knoop and Laure Mougeot Stroock
This case presents a definition of functional foods or nutraceuticals (food or food ingredients that could provide a health benefit beyond the traditional nutrients they contain), a description of some of the major obstacles to their commercialization and... View Details
Keywords: Food; Private Sector; Public Sector; Health; Product Development; Production; Commercialization; Food and Beverage Industry; Pharmaceutical Industry
Goldberg, Ray A., Carin-Isabel Knoop, and Laure Mougeot Stroock. "Promise of Functional Foods, The." Harvard Business School Background Note 901-013, December 2000. (Revised January 2001.)
- December 1998 (Revised February 1999)
- Case
City of Charlotte (A)
By: Robert S. Kaplan
The city manager's office in Charlotte, North Carolina, is attempting to align and focus the city's programs and operating departments. City managers, working collaboratively with the elected mayor and city council, have identified five strategic themes to make... View Details
Keywords: Balanced Scorecard; Government Administration; City; Growth and Development Strategy; Adoption; Public Sector; Management Teams; Programs; Performance Evaluation; Motivation and Incentives; Public Administration Industry; North Carolina
Kaplan, Robert S. "City of Charlotte (A)." Harvard Business School Case 199-036, December 1998. (Revised February 1999.)
- September 1998 (Revised July 1999)
- Case
Integral Capital Partners
By: Andre F. Perold and Markus Mullarkey
Integral Capital Partners is a small firm with a very distinctive approach to investing in high-technology stocks. The firm invests privately in small start-ups as well as in publicly traded companies, and it develops important financial and advisory relationships with... View Details
Keywords: Technology; Value Creation; Venture Capital; Asset Management; Partners and Partnerships; Public Sector; Private Sector; Business Startups; Corporate Finance; Financial Services Industry
Perold, Andre F., and Markus Mullarkey. "Integral Capital Partners." Harvard Business School Case 299-019, September 1998. (Revised July 1999.)
- July 1998
- Supplement
Bell Atlantic in Union City
In this pioneering project to wire a school for the Internet and put computers in students' homes, Bell Atlantic combined its need for a beta site for a technology trial with the school reform efforts of the Union City, New Jersey public schools, under the leadership... View Details
Keywords: Business Model; Social Enterprise; Internet and the Web; Education; Business and Community Relations; Education Industry; New Jersey
Kanter, Rosabeth M. "Bell Atlantic in Union City." Harvard Business School Video Supplement 399-501, July 1998.
- May 1998 (Revised April 2000)
- Case
City of New York, The
By: Paul M. Healy
This case examines the economics of a municipality, and then explores its financial position from the perspective of a bond rating firm. View Details
Keywords: Bonds; Financial Management; Public Sector; City; Financial Statements; Government Administration
Healy, Paul M. "City of New York, The." Harvard Business School Case 198-030, May 1998. (Revised April 2000.)
- Article
How Much Does Industry Matter, Really?
By: A. M. McGahan and M. E. Porter
In this paper, we examine the importance of year, industry, corporate-parent, and business-specific effects on the profitability of U.S. public corporations within specific 4-digit SIC categories. Our results indicate that year, industry, corporate-parent, and... View Details
McGahan, A. M., and M. E. Porter. "How Much Does Industry Matter, Really?" Special Issue on Organizational and Competitive Influences on Strategy and Performance. Strategic Management Journal 18, no. S1 (July 1997): 15–30.
- February 1996 (Revised November 2003)
- Case
Indianapolis: Activity-Based Costing of City Services (A)
By: Robert S. Kaplan
A new administration in the City of Indianapolis is initially determined to privatize many municipal services. Before taking this action, however, the city managers want to know the current cost of performing these services with the municipal workers. Existing... View Details
Keywords: Cost Management; Public Sector; Activity Based Costing and Management; Service Delivery; Privatization; City; Indianapolis
Kaplan, Robert S. "Indianapolis: Activity-Based Costing of City Services (A)." Harvard Business School Case 196-115, February 1996. (Revised November 2003.)
- April 1994 (Revised January 1995)
- Case
StarKist (A)
Set in April 1990, this case focuses on H.J. Heinz and its subsidiary, StarKist, the largest producer of canned tuna in the United States. During the 1980s, the public became increasingly concerned about tuna fishing practices that killed dolphins. StarKist was the... View Details
Keywords: Business Subsidiaries; Decision Choices and Conditions; Laws and Statutes; Management Teams; Brands and Branding; Environmental Sustainability; Competition; Mexico; United States
Vietor, Richard H.K., and Forest L. Reinhardt. "StarKist (A)." Harvard Business School Case 794-128, April 1994. (Revised January 1995.)
- October 1993 (Revised October 1996)
- Case
Paragould City Cable
Unhappy with the prices provided by the local, privately owned cable television operator, the city of Paragould, Arkansas constructs a competing municipally owned cable system. Once in operation, Paragould City Cable faces vigorous competition from the incumbent... View Details
Keywords: Business Strategy; Television Entertainment; Competitive Strategy; Distribution Channels; Media; Public Sector; Programs; Growth and Development Strategy; Cost; Performance Improvement; Entertainment and Recreation Industry; Arkansas
Emmons, Willis M., III. "Paragould City Cable." Harvard Business School Case 794-030, October 1993. (Revised October 1996.)
- October 1993
- Case
United Way of America: Governance in the Nonprofit Sector (A), The United Way
By: Jay W. Lorsch
Discusses the management practices of William Aramony at the United Way of America (UWA). First, the case describes the United Way movement, focusing on both the local chapters and the national organization. Second, it sets forth the Washington Post reports that lead... View Details
Keywords: Corporate Governance; Nonprofit Organizations; Management Practices and Processes; Managerial Roles; Management Teams; Crisis Management; Public Administration Industry; United States
Lorsch, Jay W. "United Way of America: Governance in the Nonprofit Sector (A), The United Way." Harvard Business School Case 494-032, October 1993.