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- June 2001
- Case
Documents attempts to restructure a public-private partnership between the operator of a $200 million trash-to-energy cogeneration plant and a consortium of two dozen Massachusetts municipalities. Describes the process that led to a one-sided agreement, as well as the... View Details
Keywords: Private Sector; Public Sector; Energy Generation; Corporate Governance; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Negotiation Deal; Negotiation Process; Partners and Partnerships; Wastes and Waste Processing; Energy Industry; Massachusetts
Wheeler, Michael A. "NESWC (A)." Harvard Business School Case 801-067, June 2001.
- June 2014
- Supplement
Chung and Dasgupta: Information for Jordan Ramirez
By: Ian Larkin and Karen Huang
The "Promotion Process at Chung and Dasgupta, LLP" set of cases explores the roles of general and firm-specific human capital in employee performance measurement, feedback, and promotion/compensation decisions. In the cases, a leading law firm must decide whether to... View Details
Keywords: Performance Appraisal; Performance Measurement; Employee Feedback; Motivation; Promotions; Human Capital; Performance Evaluation; Management Systems; Compensation and Benefits; Retention; Legal Services Industry; United States; Massachusetts
Larkin, Ian, and Karen Huang. "Chung and Dasgupta: Information for Jordan Ramirez." Harvard Business School Supplement 914-046, June 2014.
- March 2024 (Revised May 2024)
- Case
Masterpiece for the Masses: The First Art Exchange ARTEX
By: Lauren Cohen, Anastasiya Siroochenko (Siro) and Sophia Pan
Yassir Benjelloun-Touimi, CEO of ARTEX, aspired to marry the world of art and finance. Hoping to promote transparent, fractionalized ownership of renowned artwork, the founder had spent years contemplating the birth of an art stock market. This exchange would allow... View Details
Keywords: Trading; Art Market; Art Fair; Tokenization; Democratization; Exchange Traded Fund; Price Monitoring; Trends And Opportunities; Financial Liquidity; Financial Markets; Arts; Financial Strategy; Initial Public Offering; Investment Return; Technological Innovation; Business Model; Trends; Stocks; Assets; Diversification; Trade; Financial Services Industry; Fine Arts Industry; Paris; France
Cohen, Lauren, Anastasiya Siroochenko (Siro), and Sophia Pan. "Masterpiece for the Masses: The First Art Exchange ARTEX." Harvard Business School Case 224-086, March 2024. (Revised May 2024.)
- January 1993 (Revised November 1993)
- Case
FCB and Publicis (A): Forming the Alliance
Two of the largest ad agencies form a partnership to be able to offer their clients global capabilities. After five years, how is the alliance faring? May be used with FCB and Publicis (B): Managing Client and Country Diversity and (C): The German-Led Network. View Details
Keywords: Alliances; Partners and Partnerships; Globalized Firms and Management; Advertising; Global Strategy; Marketing Strategy; Customer Focus and Relationships; Market Timing; Outcome or Result; Advertising Industry; United States; France; Germany
Kanter, Rosabeth M. "FCB and Publicis (A): Forming the Alliance." Harvard Business School Case 393-099, January 1993. (Revised November 1993.)
- January 2002
- Case
IBM's Reinventing Education (B): West Virginia
By: Rosabeth M. Kanter and Daniel Galvin
Describes IBM's ongoing Reinventing Education initiative to improve K-12 public education via information technology developed by IBM's engineers and consultants. Focuses on one site, West Virginia, to reveal how IBM and the state created a mutually beneficial... View Details
Keywords: Programs; Partners and Partnerships; Information Technology; Education; Business and Community Relations; Information Technology Industry; Education Industry; West Virginia
Kanter, Rosabeth M., and Daniel Galvin. "IBM's Reinventing Education (B): West Virginia." Harvard Business School Case 302-076, January 2002.
- October 1981 (Revised August 2010)
- Case
Quabbin Cablevision Company
By: Henry B. Reiling
Several entrepreneurs are considering the purchase of an existing cable TV business with the financial assistance of several investors. They must decide whether to establish the company as a partnership or a corporation, and how to capitalize the company for an optimal... View Details
Keywords: Mergers and Acquisitions; Business Organization; Television Entertainment; Entrepreneurship; Capital Structure; Taxation; Telecommunications Industry; Massachusetts
Reiling, Henry B. "Quabbin Cablevision Company." Harvard Business School Case 282-003, October 1981. (Revised August 2010.)
- September 2003 (Revised November 2003)
- Case
Raiser Organization, The
By: John A. Davis and Alison Berkley Wagonfeld
Jennifer and Philip Raiser, a sibling partnership who inherited a real estate management and ownership company from their father, ponder the strategic and financial challenges facing their family business. Reviews the history of the business and asks what the best... View Details
Davis, John A., and Alison Berkley Wagonfeld. "Raiser Organization, The." Harvard Business School Case 804-028, September 2003. (Revised November 2003.)
- October 2002
- Case
A Father's Love: Novazyme Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
By: Richard M.J. Bohmer and Bradley Campbell
John Crowley, CEO of Novazyme Pharmaceuticals, a start-up biotechnology firm developing an orphan drug to treat a rare lysosomal storage disorder from which his children suffer, must choose between a partnership and a buyout to have sufficient funds and support to get... View Details
Keywords: Technological Innovation; Business Startups; Partners and Partnerships; Financing and Loans; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Sales; Price; Product Development; Motivation and Incentives; Decision Choices and Conditions; Biotechnology Industry; Pharmaceutical Industry
Bohmer, Richard M.J., and Bradley Campbell. "A Father's Love: Novazyme Pharmaceuticals, Inc." Harvard Business School Case 603-048, October 2002.
- February 2010 (Revised May 2010)
- Case
Bardhaman (A): Shrachi and the West Bengal Housing Board
By: John D. Macomber and Viraal Balsari
A real estate developer decides whether to enter into a public private partnership with the government of West Bengal to develop a township on farmland. The decisions include whether to expand operations from the company's base in Kolkata to Bardhaman, 100 km away;... View Details
Keywords: Development Economics; Growth and Development Strategy; Business and Government Relations; Decisions; Private Equity; Design; Housing; Infrastructure; Projects; Real Estate Industry; West Bengal
Macomber, John D., and Viraal Balsari. "Bardhaman (A): Shrachi and the West Bengal Housing Board." Harvard Business School Case 210-062, February 2010. (Revised May 2010.)
- November 2004 (Revised June 2005)
- Case
Mall of America (A)
By: Lynn S. Paine and Christopher Bruner
Explores fiduciary duty issues that arose in litigation among partners in the partnership that owned and controlled the Mall of America. Describes the complex real estate transaction in which one partner attempted to purchase an additional interest in the mall from a... View Details
Keywords: Ethics; Business Organization; Lawsuits and Litigation; Partners and Partnerships; Property; Investment; Retail Industry; United States
Paine, Lynn S., and Christopher Bruner. "Mall of America (A)." Harvard Business School Case 305-068, November 2004. (Revised June 2005.)
- February 2014
- Teaching Note
The Slingshot: Improving Water Access
By: John A. Quelch
Entrepreneur Dean Kamen has inked a multimillion dollar partnership with Coca-Cola (CC) to mass produce and distribute the Slingshot, a low energy device that can convert raw sewage into potable water for poor people and communities in developing economies. View Details
- January 2009
- Case
Wolf Elmore Brewer, Inc.
By: John A. Davis
This case describes how Alex Wolf, the founder of a small architecture and urban planning firm based in Portland, Oregon, decides to offer partnership to two trusted colleagues, and then how strains develop in their relationship. It asks what can be done to improve... View Details
Keywords: Business Startups; Interpersonal Communication; Entrepreneurship; Partners and Partnerships; Conflict Management
Davis, John A. "Wolf Elmore Brewer, Inc." Harvard Business School Case 809-098, January 2009.
- June 1997
- Supplement
MicroFridge: Robert Bennett, President and CEO, OPM Presentation
By: Norman A. Berg
Robert P. Bennett of MicroFridge discusses a number of topics including his philosophy, his company's market focus, the reorganization of the selling organization, reduction of overhead, the company's poor performance in the past year, its partnership with Sanyo, and... View Details
- August 2000 (Revised November 2001)
- Case (A)
By: Stephen P. Bradley and Christina Akers
Edmund's began in 1966 as a publisher of new and used vehicle guides and grew into one of the leading third-party automotive web sites of today. This case explores how gained a competitive edge using strategic partnerships and alliances, as well as careful... View Details
Keywords: Growth and Development Strategy; Business Strategy; Success; Product Positioning; Partners and Partnerships; Competitive Advantage; Auto Industry; Information Technology Industry
Bradley, Stephen P., and Christina Akers. " (A)." Harvard Business School Case 701-025, August 2000. (Revised November 2001.)
- October 2013 (Revised November 2015)
- Case
Southwire and 12 For Life: Scaling Up? (A)
By: Jan W. Rivkin and Ryan Lee
Southwire, a leading maker of cable based in rural Georgia, has partnered with the local school system to staff a factory with at-risk high school students. The positive impact on student outcomes has been remarkable, and the factory makes a profit for the company. Now... View Details
Keywords: Partners and Partnerships; Production; Education; Business and Community Relations; Manufacturing Industry; Education Industry
Rivkin, Jan W., and Ryan Lee. "Southwire and 12 For Life: Scaling Up? (A)." Harvard Business School Case 714-434, October 2013. (Revised November 2015.)
- October 2021 (Revised February 2022)
- Case
Newsweek: Driving a Digital First Strategy
By: Lynda M. Applegate and Suraj Srinivasan
The case describes the transformation at Newsweek, the storied news magazine that had fallen from its commanding position as a premier print publication unable to find its footing in the fast changing digital media landscape. After buying Newsweek and taking over as... View Details
Keywords: Transformation; Strategy; Internet and the Web; Analytics and Data Science; Performance Evaluation; Partners and Partnerships
Applegate, Lynda M., and Suraj Srinivasan. "Newsweek: Driving a Digital First Strategy." Harvard Business School Case 822-052, October 2021. (Revised February 2022.)
- October 2009
- Supplement
Don Soderquist: Negotiating the Wal-Mart-P&G Relationship (B)
By: James K. Sebenius and Ellen Knebel
This case follows the A case and describes the negotiations and strategic choices of Don Soderquist, who as Chief Operating Officer of Wal-Mart, helped to forge a major partnership with P&G in the 1980s and 1990s. The case chronicles the challenging barriers to success... View Details
- January 16, 2020
- Article
How Global Leaders Should Think About Solving Our Biggest Problems
By: Mark R. Kramer, Marc W. Pfitzer and Helge Mahne
The corporate social conscience will soon be on full display in Davos, Switzerland, where global leaders from business, government, and civil society will assemble on January 21 for the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum. Hundreds of millions of dollars will be... View Details
Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Social Issues; Global Range; Partners and Partnerships; Strategy
Kramer, Mark R., Marc W. Pfitzer, and Helge Mahne. "How Global Leaders Should Think About Solving Our Biggest Problems." Harvard Business Review Digital Articles (January 16, 2020).
- April 2023
- Case
Drive Capital: A New Road for Venture
By: Paul A. Gompers and Alicia Dadlani
Founded by two former Sequoia Capital partners, Columbus-Ohio-based Drive Capital’s mission was to build a world-class venture capital firm in the middle of the U.S., an area historically overlooked by VCs. Drive faced early challenges of attracting investors, sourcing... View Details
Keywords: Venture Capital; Business Startups; Entrepreneurship; Investment; Business Strategy; Financial Services Industry; Biotechnology Industry; United States; Ohio
Gompers, Paul A., and Alicia Dadlani. "Drive Capital: A New Road for Venture." Harvard Business School Case 823-056, April 2023.
- January 2016 (Revised October 2016)
- Case
Saudi Aramco and Corporate Venture Capital
By: Joseph B. Fuller, Matthew Rhodes-Kropf and Nathaniel Burbank
Saudi Aramco launched an internal venture capital arm in 2011, which promptly became the world's largest investor in energy related startups. In choosing to proceed, the company's New Business Development unit (NPD) wrestled with a number of challenges. How should the... View Details
Fuller, Joseph B., Matthew Rhodes-Kropf, and Nathaniel Burbank. "Saudi Aramco and Corporate Venture Capital." Harvard Business School Case 816-068, January 2016. (Revised October 2016.)