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- Faculty Publications (217)
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- All HBS Web
- Faculty Publications (217)
- 2007
- Chapter
Collaborative R&D in Management: The Practical Experience of Fenix and TruePoint in Bridging the Divide Between Scientific and Managerial Goals
By: Michael Beer and Niclas Adler
The gap between theory and practice has been of concern to both practitioners and academics, yet other than pleas to close the gap with more accessible writing by academics and more interest in research by practitioners few systematic efforts have been made to close... View Details
Keywords: Transformation; Knowledge Management; Management; Goals and Objectives; Performance Effectiveness; Performance Improvement; Practice; Research and Development; Social and Collaborative Networks; Theory; Value; United States
Beer, Michael, and Niclas Adler. "Collaborative R&D in Management: The Practical Experience of Fenix and TruePoint in Bridging the Divide Between Scientific and Managerial Goals." In Handbook of Collaborative Management Research, edited by A. B. Shani, N. Adler, N. Mohrman, W. A. Pasmore, and B. Stymne. Sage Publications, 2007.
- March 2006 (Revised November 2010)
- Background Note
Protecting Foreign Investors
Describes the emergence of several kinds of efforts to assure the safety of foreign investment in emerging markets: international arbitration, expanded official political risk insurance, credit from government agencies, and intervention by investors' home governments.... View Details
Keywords: Foreign Direct Investment; Risk Management; Emerging Markets; Agreements and Arrangements; Business and Government Relations; Safety
Wells, Louis T., Jr. "Protecting Foreign Investors." Harvard Business School Background Note 706-044, March 2006. (Revised November 2010.)
- 2005
- Chapter
Corporate Intervention in Resource Allocation
By: T. R. Eisenmann
Eisenmann, T. R. "Corporate Intervention in Resource Allocation." Chap. 12 in From Resource Allocation to Strategy, edited by Joseph L. Bower and Clark Gilbert. U.K.: Oxford University Press, 2005.
- April 2004 (Revised July 2008)
- Case
Showdown on the Waterfront: The West Coast Port Dispute (A)
By: Kathleen L. McGinn and Dina R. Pradel
New technology underlies a protracted dispute between West Coast longshoremen and their employers. Severe economic consequences lead to government intervention in the dispute. View Details
Keywords: Economics; Negotiation Process; Business and Government Relations; Labor and Management Relations; Conflict and Resolution; Shipping Industry; Western United States
McGinn, Kathleen L., and Dina R. Pradel. "Showdown on the Waterfront: The West Coast Port Dispute (A)." Harvard Business School Case 904-045, April 2004. (Revised July 2008.)
- April 2004 (Revised July 2008)
- Case
Showdown on the Waterfront: The West Coast Port Dispute (B)
By: Kathleen L. McGinn and Dina R. Pradel
New technology underlies a protracted dispute between West Coast longshoremen and their employers. Severe economic consequences lead to government intervention in the dispute. View Details
Keywords: Economics; Negotiation Process; Business and Government Relations; Labor and Management Relations; Conflict and Resolution; Shipping Industry; Western United States
McGinn, Kathleen L., and Dina R. Pradel. "Showdown on the Waterfront: The West Coast Port Dispute (B)." Harvard Business School Case 904-067, April 2004. (Revised July 2008.)
- 2003
- Chapter
Understanding Outcomes of Organizational Learning Interventions
By: Amy C. Edmondson and Anita Williams Woolley
Edmondson, Amy C., and Anita Williams Woolley. "Understanding Outcomes of Organizational Learning Interventions." Chap. 10 in Blackwell Handbook of Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management, edited by M. Easterby-Smith and M. Lyles, 185–211. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing, 2003.
- March 2003
- Case
Insurer of Last Resort? The Federal Financial Response to September 11
By: David A. Moss and Sarah A. Brennan
Examines the federal financial response to September 11, 2001: the airline bailout, the victim compensation fund, emergency aid to New York and Washington, and terrorism reinsurance. Less than two weeks after the attacks, the government had committed almost $40 billion... View Details
Moss, David A., and Sarah A. Brennan. "Insurer of Last Resort? The Federal Financial Response to September 11." Harvard Business School Case 703-041, March 2003.
- January 2002 (Revised October 2005)
- Case
General Electric Medical Systems 2002
By: Tarun Khanna and James Weber
Discusses one of General Electric's flagship divisions--the world's leading provider of medical diagnostic imaging equipment. Provides an opportunity to examine a multinational confronting massive technological and demographic changes around the world. Genomics has... View Details
Keywords: Information Technology; Business Model; Change Management; Multinational Firms and Management; Genetics; Customer Value and Value Chain; Age; Medical Devices and Supplies Industry; China; United States
Khanna, Tarun, and James Weber. "General Electric Medical Systems 2002." Harvard Business School Case 702-428, January 2002. (Revised October 2005.)
- October 2001
- Background Note
A Note on Team Process
By: Linda A. Hill and Maria Farkas
When tasks are highly complex, demand a diversity of skills, or require a commitment from the involved parties, teams are usually the most effective way to approach them. But a group of people working together does not automatically equally a team, and groups are often... View Details
Keywords: Competency and Skills; Decision Making; Management; Business Processes; Performance Effectiveness; Performance Efficiency; Groups and Teams; Conflict and Resolution
Hill, Linda A., and Maria Farkas. "A Note on Team Process." Harvard Business School Background Note 402-032, October 2001.
- 1999
- Chapter
Learning, Trust and Organizational Change: Contrasting Models of Intervention Research in Organizational Behavior
By: A. Edmondson and B. Moingeon
Edmondson, A., and B. Moingeon. "Learning, Trust and Organizational Change: Contrasting Models of Intervention Research in Organizational Behavior." In Organizational Learning and the Learning Organization: Developments in Theory and Practice, edited by L. Araujo, J. Burgoyne, and M. Easterby-Smith. London: Sage Publications, 1999.
- Article
Fixing What Really Ails Japan
By: Michael E. Porter and Hirotaka Takeuchi
Conventional wisdom claims that Japan’s “economic miracle” stemmed from its unique model of government guidance and its revolutionary corporate management techniques. An in-depth study proves this seriously wrong. Rampant government intervention has caused more... View Details
Keywords: Leadership; Competition; Innovation and Invention; Business and Government Relations; Japan
Porter, Michael E., and Hirotaka Takeuchi. "Fixing What Really Ails Japan." Foreign Affairs 78, no. 3 (May–June 1999): 66–81.
- 1 Jan 1999
- Conference Presentation
Beyond Armchair Feminism III: Moving From Gender to a Broader Diversity Lens in Organizational Diagnosis and Intervention
By: R. Ely and Debra E. Meyerson
- 1 Aug 1997
- Conference Presentation
Beyond Armchair Feminism II: The Challenges of Holding onto Gender in Organizational Intervention
By: R. Ely and Debra E. Meyerson
- 1996
- Article
Three Faces of Eden: The Persistence of Competing Theories and Multiple Diagnoses in Organizational Intervention Research
By: A. Edmondson
Edmondson, A. "Three Faces of Eden: The Persistence of Competing Theories and Multiple Diagnoses in Organizational Intervention Research." Human Relations 49, no. 5 (1996): 571–595.
- March 1995 (Revised September 1997)
- Case
Datavision (A)
By: Michael Beer and Gregory C. Rogers
Depicts a "team-building" intervention by an organizational consultant at a small computer company. View Details
Beer, Michael, and Gregory C. Rogers. "Datavision (A)." Harvard Business School Case 495-046, March 1995. (Revised September 1997.)
- September 1993 (Revised July 1995)
- Background Note
Public Policy and the Manager: Conceptual Framework
Government intervention in markets may have significant effects--both positive and negative--on a firm's strategic options and its performance outcomes. Thus the ability to analyze the origins, implications, and dynamics of public policy is a critical managerial skill... View Details
Keywords: Policy; Management Skills; Government and Politics; Adoption; Business Strategy; Performance Evaluation; Economic Systems
Emmons, Willis M., III. "Public Policy and the Manager: Conceptual Framework." Harvard Business School Background Note 794-028, September 1993. (Revised July 1995.)
- February 1990
- Article
Developing the Competitive Organization: Interventions and Strategies
By: M. Beer
Beer, M. "Developing the Competitive Organization: Interventions and Strategies." American Psychologist 45, no. 2 (February 1990): 154–161.
- August 1987
- Case
Government Intervention in the European Computer and Semiconductor Industries
Salter, Malcolm S. "Government Intervention in the European Computer and Semiconductor Industries." Harvard Business School Case 388-023, August 1987.
- November 1984 (Revised March 1989)
- Background Note
Leadership: The Problem of Intervention
By: Richard R. Ellsworth and Joseph L. Badaracco Jr.
Ellsworth, Richard R., and Joseph L. Badaracco Jr. "Leadership: The Problem of Intervention." Harvard Business School Background Note 385-198, November 1984. (Revised March 1989.)
- 1984
- Book
Energy Policy in America Since 1945: A Study of Business-Government Relations
By: Richard Vietor
Follows the history of government intervention in U.S. energy markets from 1945 to the present and shows how shifting market conditions of surplus and shortage and above all, price have played a determining role in the political process and U.S. fuel policy... View Details
Keywords: Political Economy; United States; Postwar Policy; Energy; Energy Sources; Policy; United States
Vietor, Richard. Energy Policy in America Since 1945: A Study of Business-Government Relations. Cambridge University Press, 1984.