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- Faculty Publications (65)
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- July 2024
- Technical Note
Intellectual Property in Tough Tech Ventures
By: Joshua Lev Krieger, Jim Matheson, Russ Wilcox and Mel Martin
This note explains the crucial role of intellectual property rights (IPR), particularly patents, in the success of tough tech ventures (TTVs). It outlines the patent system's mechanics, emphasizing utility patents and their requirements for novelty, non-obviousness,... View Details
Keywords: Intellectual Property
- February 2022
- Supplement
SpartanNash Company: The Amazon Warrants (A)
By: Benjamin C. Esty, E. Scott Mayfield and Daniel Fisher
As of 12/31/21, Amazon held $22 billion of equity and warrants in related companies. In fact, it often requests a free grant of warrants when it enters into a new commercial agreement with a supplier. Over the past 20 years, Amazon has gotten warrants almost 20... View Details
- January 2022
- Supplement
Kornit Digital: The Amazon Warrants (C)
By: Benjamin C. Esty, E. Scott Mayfield and Daniel Fisher
As of 12/31/21, Amazon held $22 billion of equity and warrants in related companies. In fact, it often requests a free grant of warrants when it enters into a new commercial agreement with a supplier. Over the past 20 years, Amazon has gotten warrants almost 20... View Details
Keywords: Valuation; Value Creation; Consumer Behavior; Negotiation; Distribution; Ownership; Partners and Partnerships; Business Strategy; Equity; Distribution Industry; Food and Beverage Industry; United States
Esty, Benjamin C., E. Scott Mayfield, and Daniel Fisher. "Kornit Digital: The Amazon Warrants (C)." Harvard Business School Supplement 222-045, January 2022.
- January 2022
- Case
SpartanNash Company: The Amazon Warrants (A)
By: Benjamin C. Esty, E. Scott Mayfield and Daniel Fisher
As of 12/31/21, Amazon held $22 billion of equity and warrants in related companies. In fact, it often requests a free grant of warrants when it enters into a new commercial agreement with a supplier. Over the past 20 years, Amazon has gotten warrants in almost 20... View Details
Keywords: Valuation; Value Creation; Consumer Behavior; Negotiation; Distribution; Ownership; Partners and Partnerships; Business Strategy; Equity; Distribution Industry; Food and Beverage Industry; United States
Esty, Benjamin C., E. Scott Mayfield, and Daniel Fisher. "SpartanNash Company: The Amazon Warrants (A)." Harvard Business School Case 222-022, January 2022.
- January 2021 (Revised June 2021)
- Case
Hester Pharmaceuticals (A): A Pricing Dilemma
By: Dante Roscini and John Masko
In August 2019, the leadership of Hester Pharmaceuticals (Hester) had a problem. Italy promised to be a key market for their new breakthrough oncology drug Akrozumab, but for almost two years, its single-payer healthcare system had been unable to agree with Hester on a... View Details
Keywords: Macroeconomics; Trade; Price; Global Range; Global Strategy; Globalized Markets and Industries; Health Care and Treatment; Patents; Monopoly; Negotiation; Business and Government Relations; Risk and Uncertainty; Human Needs; Business Strategy; Commercialization; Pharmaceutical Industry; Italy
Roscini, Dante, and John Masko. "Hester Pharmaceuticals (A): A Pricing Dilemma." Harvard Business School Case 721-001, January 2021. (Revised June 2021.)
- February 2020 (Revised January 2022)
- Case
Getting Brexit Done
By: Alberto Cavallo
In the early hours of Friday, December 13, 2019, a triumphant Boris Johnson, the UK Prime Minister, stood in front of his supporters and declared, “We did it – we pulled it off, didn’t we? We broke the deadlock, [. . .] we smashed the roadblock. [. . .] This election... View Details
Keywords: Economic Integration; Brexit; Economics; Trade; Political Elections; Government Administration; Policy; Negotiation; Globalized Economies and Regions; Problems and Challenges; European Union; Europe
Cavallo, Alberto. "Getting Brexit Done." Harvard Business School Case 720-023, February 2020. (Revised January 2022.)
- 2019
- Article
Pay-for-Monopoly?: An Assessment of Reverse Payment Deals by Pharmaceutical Companies
By: Sana Rafiq and Max Bazerman
Over the past eighteen years, pharmaceutical firms have developed a blueprint to impede competition in order
to maintain their monopoly profits. This scheme, termed pay-for-delay, involves direct or indirect payment of
money from a branded-drug manufacturer... View Details
Rafiq, Sana, and Max Bazerman. "Pay-for-Monopoly? An Assessment of Reverse Payment Deals by Pharmaceutical Companies." Journal of Behavioral Economics for Policy 3, no. 1 (2019): 37–43.
- February 2019 (Revised January 2020)
- Teaching Note
Renegotiating NAFTA
By: Laura Alfaro and Sarah Jeong
On January 16, 2020, the Senate passed a landmark trade deal that would replace the 26-year-old North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Until the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) was signed, considerable debate had surrounded it. The new agreement... View Details
- February 2019 (Revised November 2023)
- Case
Rent-a-Center/Vintage Capital
By: Guhan Subramanian and Caeden Brynie
Christopher Korst, General Counsel for Rent-A-Center (RAC), looked at the time. It was late in the evening on December 17, 2018, yet no notice of extension had come from Vintage Capital. In June, Vintage had agreed to buy RAC for $15 per share in cash, amounting to... View Details
Subramanian, Guhan, and Caeden Brynie. "Rent-a-Center/Vintage Capital." Harvard Business School Case 919-031, February 2019. (Revised November 2023.)
- February 2019 (Revised January 2022)
- Case
The U.S. – China Trade War
By: Alberto Cavallo, Mariana Cal and Anne Laski
On December 1, 2018, U.S. President Donald Trump and China’s Leader Xi Jinping faced each other across a dinner table during a G20 meeting in Buenos Aires, Argentina. After what Trump called an “amazing and productive meeting,” the two leaders announced a truce in the... View Details
Keywords: Trade War; Trump; Current Account; NAFTA; Balance Of Payments; Intellectual Property Protection; Trade; Macroeconomics; Economic Slowdown and Stagnation; International Relations; United States; China
Cavallo, Alberto, Mariana Cal, and Anne Laski. "The U.S. – China Trade War." Harvard Business School Case 719-034, February 2019. (Revised January 2022.)
- June 2018 (Revised January 2020)
- Case
Renegotiating NAFTA
By: Laura Alfaro, Haviland Sheldahl-Thomason and Sarah Jeong
January 1, 2019 marked the 25th anniversary of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Twenty-five years after the landmark trade pact was signed by the United States, Canada, and Mexico, considerable debate surrounded it. Trade and trade agreements were a... View Details
Keywords: Trade; Negotiation; Agreements and Arrangements; Cost vs Benefits; Auto Industry; United States; Mexico; Canada
Alfaro, Laura, Haviland Sheldahl-Thomason, and Sarah Jeong. "Renegotiating NAFTA." Harvard Business School Case 318-143, June 2018. (Revised January 2020.)
- September 2015 (Revised July 2017)
- Case
The TTIP: Bridging the Transatlantic Economy
By: Dante Roscini and Christina Marin
In 2016, the United States and the European Union struggled to reach an agreement over the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). Started in June 2013, TTIP negotiations had gone on much longer than anyone had expected. With elections coming on both... View Details
Keywords: International Trade; European Union; United States; Agreements and Arrangements; Trade; United States; European Union
Roscini, Dante, and Christina Marin. "The TTIP: Bridging the Transatlantic Economy." Harvard Business School Case 716-026, September 2015. (Revised July 2017.)
- August 2015 (Revised January 2017)
- Background Note
Evolving Trends in Global Trade
By: Dante Roscini and Annelena Lobb
The note, while not intended to be historically comprehensive, explores the regulation of international trade from the period after World War II to developments in 2010, focusing on shifts in trade theory and policy as well as economic benefits and disadvantages... View Details
Keywords: Trade Negotiations; Development Economics; Developing Countries and Economies; Governance; Negotiation; Globalization; Trade; Policy; History; Europe; Latin America; North and Central America; Asia; Africa; China
Roscini, Dante, and Annelena Lobb. "Evolving Trends in Global Trade." Harvard Business School Background Note 716-024, August 2015. (Revised January 2017.)
- 2014
- Working Paper
Tommy Koh and the U.S.–Singapore Free Trade Agreement: A Multi-Front 'Negotiation Campaign'
By: Laurence A. Green and James K. Sebenius
Complex, multiparty negotiations are often analyzed as principals negotiating through agents, as two-level games (Putnam 1988), or in coalitional terms. The relatively new concept of a "multi-front negotiation campaign" (Sebenius 2010, Lax and Sebenius, 2012) offers... View Details
Green, Laurence A., and James K. Sebenius. "Tommy Koh and the U.S.–Singapore Free Trade Agreement: A Multi-Front 'Negotiation Campaign'." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 15-053, December 2014.
- 2014
- Case
Tommy Koh and the United States–Singapore Free Trade Agreement (A)
By: James K. Sebenius and Laurence A. Green
The efforts of Singapore Ambassador-At-Large Tommy Koh to negotiate the United States-Singapore Free Trade agreement are explored with an in-depth focus on Koh's management of various fronts of a multiparty negotiation over a sustained period. After briefly describing... View Details
Sebenius, James K., and Laurence A. Green. "Tommy Koh and the United States–Singapore Free Trade Agreement (A)." Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School Case, 2014.
- 2014
- Case
Tommy Koh and the United States–Singapore Free Trade Agreement (B)
By: James K. Sebenius and Laurence A. Green
This case details the efforts of Singapore Ambassador-At-Large Tommy Koh to forge a free trade agreement between Singapore and the United States following both nations' support for the initiation of negotiations on a USSFTA. Examining the various barriers and fronts of... View Details
Sebenius, James K., and Laurence A. Green. "Tommy Koh and the United States–Singapore Free Trade Agreement (B)." Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School Case, 2014.
- February 2014
- Case
Tommy Koh: Background and Major Accomplishments of the 'Great Negotiator, 2014'
By: James K. Sebenius and Laurence A. Green
Significant negotiation-related achievements from the career of Ambassador Tommy Koh of Singapore are highlighted in brief form along with elements of his background and career. In light of these accomplishments, Koh was selected as the recipient of the 2014 Great... View Details
Keywords: Multiparty Negotiations; Dispute Resolution; Conference Diplomacy; Free Trade Agreements Environment; Environment; Singapore; ASEAN; United Nations; Negotiation; International Relations; Personal Development and Career; Trade; Conflict and Resolution; Singapore
Sebenius, James K., and Laurence A. Green. "Tommy Koh: Background and Major Accomplishments of the 'Great Negotiator, 2014'." Harvard Business School Case 914-021, February 2014.
- 2014
- Working Paper
Tommy Koh: Background and Major Accomplishments of the 'Great Negotiator, 2014'
By: James K. Sebenius and Laurence A. Green
Significant negotiation-related achievements from career of Ambassador Tommy Koh of Singapore are highlighted in brief form along with elements of his background and career. In light of these accomplishments, Koh was selected as the recipient of the 2014 Great... View Details
Keywords: Negotiation; International Relations; Personal Development and Career; United States; Singapore; Baltic Countries; Southeast Asia
Sebenius, James K., and Laurence A. Green. "Tommy Koh: Background and Major Accomplishments of the 'Great Negotiator, 2014'." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 14-049, December 2013. (Revised February 2014.)
- November 2012 (Revised July 2013)
- Case
Gerry Pasciucco at AIG Financial Products
By: Gautam Mukunda and Thomas J. DeLong
Gerry Pasciucco was appointed to lead American International Group's Financial Products (AIGFP) group after the government bailout of AIG in 2008 and charged with the task of shutting down the division while minimizing the government's losses. AIGFP's failed trades had... View Details
Keywords: Corporate Accountability; Ethics; Crisis Management; Financial Crisis; Management Teams; Business and Government Relations; Financial Services Industry; United States
Mukunda, Gautam, and Thomas J. DeLong. "Gerry Pasciucco at AIG Financial Products." Harvard Business School Case 413-059, November 2012. (Revised July 2013.)
- May 2011
- Article
Institutional Stock Trading on Loan Market Information
By: Victoria Ivashina and Zheng Sun
Over the past decade, one of the most important developments in the corporate loan market has been the increasing participation of institutional investors in lending syndicates. As lenders, institutional investors routinely receive private information about borrowers.... View Details
Ivashina, Victoria, and Zheng Sun. "Institutional Stock Trading on Loan Market Information." Journal of Financial Economics 100, no. 2 (May 2011): 284–303.