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- All HBS Web (433)
- Faculty Publications (113)
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- June 2014
- Article
Acquirer-Target Social Ties and Merger Outcomes
By: Joy Ishii and Yuhai Xuan
This paper investigates the effect of social ties between acquirers and targets on merger performance. Using data on educational background and past employment, we construct a measure of the extent of cross-firm social connection between directors and senior executives... View Details
Keywords: Mergers; Acquisitions; Social Ties; Social Connections; Mergers and Acquisitions; Relationships; Outcome or Result
Ishii, Joy, and Yuhai Xuan. "Acquirer-Target Social Ties and Merger Outcomes." Journal of Financial Economics 112, no. 3 (June 2014): 344–363.
- September 16, 2022
- Article
A Causal Test of the Strength of Weak Ties
By: Karthik Rajkumar, Guillaume Saint-Jacques, Iavor I. Bojinov, Erik Brynjolfsson and Sinan Aral
The authors analyzed data from multiple large-scale randomized experiments on LinkedIn’s People You May Know algorithm, which recommends new connections to LinkedIn members, to test the extent to which weak ties increased job mobility in the world’s largest... View Details
Rajkumar, Karthik, Guillaume Saint-Jacques, Iavor I. Bojinov, Erik Brynjolfsson, and Sinan Aral. "A Causal Test of the Strength of Weak Ties." Science 377, no. 6612 (September 16, 2022).
Acquirer-Target Social Ties and Merger Outcomes
This paper investigates the effect of social ties between acquirers and targets on merger performance. We find that the extent of cross-firm social connection between directors and senior executives at the acquiring and the target firms has a significantly negative... View Details
- 2023
- Working Paper
The Value of Professional Ties in B2B Markets
By: Navid Mojir and Sriya Anbil
We study how a particular form of social ties (i.e., professional ties proxied by past employment) affects price and profitability in business-to-business (B2B) markets. While most of the work on social ties focuses on information diffusion in business-to-consumer... View Details
Keywords: Professional Ties; Social Ties; Business-to-business Marketing; B2B Marketing; Repo; Individual Connections; B2B Pricing; Pricing; Decision-making In Financial Markets; Marketing; Relationships; Price; Financial Markets; Decision Making
Mojir, Navid, and Sriya Anbil. "The Value of Professional Ties in B2B Markets." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 22-037, November 2021. (Revised September 2023.)
- May–June 2020
- Article
Interfirm Ties Between Ventures and Limited Partners of Venture Capital Funds: Performance Effects in Financial Markets
By: Umit Ozmel, M. Deniz Yavuz, Timothy E. Trombley and Ranjay Gulati
We argue that strong indirect ties are conducive to the transfer of private information, which provides an advantage in identifying profitable investment opportunities. In our context, a strong indirect tie is generated between an investor and a focal firm if the... View Details
Ozmel, Umit, M. Deniz Yavuz, Timothy E. Trombley, and Ranjay Gulati. "Interfirm Ties Between Ventures and Limited Partners of Venture Capital Funds: Performance Effects in Financial Markets." Organization Science 31, no. 3 (May–June 2020): 698–719.
- Article
Designing Social Networks: Joint Tasks and the Formation and Endurance of Network Ties
By: Sharique Hasan and Rembrand Koning
Can managers influence the formation of organizational networks? In this article, we evaluate the effect of joint tasks on the creation of network ties with data from a novel field experiment with 112 aspiring entrepreneurs. During the study, we randomized individuals... View Details
Keywords: Accelerators; Entrepreneur; Social Networks; Field Experiment; Entrepreneurship; Organizational Design; Networks; Social and Collaborative Networks; Social Media; Information Technology Industry; India
Hasan, Sharique, and Rembrand Koning. "Designing Social Networks: Joint Tasks and the Formation and Endurance of Network Ties." Art. 4. Journal of Organization Design 9 (2020).
- February 2011
- Article
It's the Recipient That Counts: Spending Money on Strong Social Ties Leads to Greater Happiness Than Spending on Weak Social Ties
By: Lara B. Aknin, Gillian M. Sandstrom, Elizabeth W. Dunn and Michael I. Norton
Previous research has shown that spending money on others (prosocial spending) increases happiness. But, do the happiness gains depend on who the money is spent on? Sociologists have distinguished between strong ties with close friends and family and weak... View Details
Aknin, Lara B., Gillian M. Sandstrom, Elizabeth W. Dunn, and Michael I. Norton. "It's the Recipient That Counts: Spending Money on Strong Social Ties Leads to Greater Happiness Than Spending on Weak Social Ties." PLoS ONE 6, no. 2 (February 2011): e17018.
- August 2010
- Article
Sell-Side School Ties
By: Lauren H. Cohen, Christopher J. Malloy and Andrea Frazzini
We study the impact of social networks on agents' ability to gather superior information about firms. Exploiting novel data on the educational backgrounds of sell-side equity analysts and senior officers of firms, we test the hypothesis that analysts' school ties to... View Details
Keywords: Investment Return; Investment Portfolio; Corporate Disclosure; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Knowledge Acquisition; Social and Collaborative Networks
Cohen, Lauren H., Christopher J. Malloy, and Andrea Frazzini. "Sell-Side School Ties." Journal of Finance 65, no. 4 (August 2010): 1409–1437. (Winner of Smith Breeden Prize for the Best Paper Published in the Journal of Finance in Asset Pricing (Distinguished Paper) 2010.)
- 2009
- Other Unpublished Work
When Weak Ties and Social Alternatives Benefit Organizational Commitment: Evidence from Wikipedia
This study examines the social mechanisms reinforcing participant commitment to collaborative work. Previous literature largely fails to acknowledge the wider context of individual workplace commitments, or suggests that multiple concurrent work and life commitments... View Details
Keywords: Social and Collaborative Networks
- 2014
- Working Paper
Friends with Close Ties: Asset or Liability? Evidence from the Investment Decisions of Mutual Funds in China
By: Xinzi Gao, T.J. Wong, Lijun Xia and Gwen Yu
When fund managers have close ties to their investees, it can facilitate efficient information sharing but can also increase the possibility of favoritism. Using the investment choices of mutual funds in China, we test whether funds with close ties to their investees... View Details
Keywords: Social Ties; Conflict of Interests; Asset Management; Investment Portfolio; Networks; Financial Services Industry; China
Gao, Xinzi, T.J. Wong, Lijun Xia, and Gwen Yu. "Friends with Close Ties: Asset or Liability? Evidence from the Investment Decisions of Mutual Funds in China." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 14-086, March 2014.
- 20 Mar 2008
- Working Paper Summaries
Sell Side School Ties
- 2012
- Article
When Does the Glue of Social Ties Dissolve? Syndication Ties and Performance Cues in Withdrawals from Venture Capital Syndicates, 1985-2009
By: Pavel Zhelyazkov
The present study integrates the economic and social perspectives on the stability of collaboration by exploring how performance cues interact with interorganizational embeddedness in affecting firms' withdrawals from venture capital coinvestment syndicates. It finds... View Details
- Aug 2012
- Conference Presentation
When Does the Glue of Social Ties Dissolve: Syndication Ties and Performance Clues in Withdrawals from Venture Capital Syndicates
By: Pavel Ivanov Zhelyazkov
- 19 May 2008
- Research & Ideas
Connecting School Ties and Stock Recommendations
you? A: The fact that school ties seemed to be important in the data did not surprise us, but the magnitude of our results did. Q: Why does information transfer more easily in a social network based on... View Details
A Causal Test of the Strength of Weak Ties
The strength of weak ties is an influential social-scientific theory that stresses the importance of weak associations (e.g., acquaintance versus close friendship) in influencing the transmission of information through social networks. However, causal tests of... View Details
- April 2013
- Article
Overcoming Resistance to Organizational Change: Strong Ties and Affective Cooptation
By: Julie Battilana and Tiziana Casciaro
We propose a relational theory of how change agents in organizations use the strength of ties in their network to overcome resistance to change. We argue that strong ties to potentially influential organization members who are ambivalent about a change (fence-sitters)... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Change and Adaptation; Social and Collaborative Networks; Power and Influence; Health Industry; United Kingdom
Battilana, Julie, and Tiziana Casciaro. "Overcoming Resistance to Organizational Change: Strong Ties and Affective Cooptation." Management Science 59, no. 4 (April 2013): 819–836.
- 01 Dec 1996
- News
October Reunions Break Records, Strengthen Ties
Clark noted. "You make it possible for us to have a significant impact on the business world." He closed with a promise to give "every ounce of energy I have to making this a school to be proud of." Alumni and guests then proceeded to enjoy a movable feast of classes,... View Details
- 2018
- Article
Prior Ties and the Limits of Peer Effects on Startup Team Performance
By: Sharique Hasan and Rembrand Koning
We conduct a field experiment at an entrepreneurship bootcamp to investigate whether interaction with proximate peers shapes a nascent startup team's performance. We find that teams whose members lack prior ties to others at the bootcamp experience peer effects that... View Details
Keywords: Field Experiment; Peer Effects; Office Space; Knowledge Spillovers; Accelerators; Entrepreneurship; Knowledge Sharing; Performance; Technology Industry; India
Hasan, Sharique, and Rembrand Koning. "Prior Ties and the Limits of Peer Effects on Startup Team Performance." Strategic Management Journal 40, no. 9 (September 2019): 1394–1416.
- Article
Are They Useful? The Effects of Performance Incentives on the Prioritization of Work Versus Personal Ties
By: Julia Hur, Alice Lee-Yoon and Ashley V. Whillans
Most working adults report spending very little time with friends and family. The current research explores the aspects of work that encourage employees to spend less time with personal ties. We show that incentive systems play a critical role in shaping how people... View Details
Keywords: Rewards; Performance Incentives; Social Relationships; Instrumentality; Time Allocation; Performance; Motivation and Incentives; Relationships; Time Management
Hur, Julia, Alice Lee-Yoon, and Ashley V. Whillans. "Are They Useful? The Effects of Performance Incentives on the Prioritization of Work Versus Personal Ties." Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 165 (July 2021): 103–114. (Shared Authorship.)